个人简介邵新庆,1969年生,博士,教授,博士生导师。草地学报编辑部主任,中国草学会副秘书长、农业部沽源草地生态系统试验站副站长。 教学工作:主讲本科生“植物生态学”和“恢复生态学”;主讲硕士研究生“草学概论”。 联系方式:办公电话:010-62733835;邮箱:shaoxinqing@163.com。 实验室概况: 草地生态恢复实验室属于草业科学与技术学院草地资源与生态系,实验室负责人为邵新庆教授。团队主要围绕青藏高原开展相关研究,主要研究方向为退化生态系统的恢复与重建、草地生态系统管理、气候变化与高寒草地生态系统物质循环等,开展了基于放牧的高寒草原植物功能性状及群落谱系构建研究,青藏高原地区披针叶黄华繁殖对策研究,高寒草甸优势植物叶片结构的空间分异,高寒草地植被、土壤和微生物对气候变化的适应策略研究,养分添加对高寒草地生态系统植被-微生物关系的影响,气候变化背景下高寒草甸温室气体排放调控机制,青藏高原丛枝菌根真菌与披碱草属植物协同诱导抗虫机制等方面的诸多研究。 目前团队成员主要有博士研究生7名,硕士研究生7名。团队成员多次获得国家奖学金、校长奖学金、王栋奖学金、学业奖学金等多项奖学金,还积极主动辅助学院完成了多项学生工作。 团队已连续多年赴青展开入户调研及野外试验工作,在拥有扎实理论基础、试验技能之余,培养出了较强的实践能力。 本团队科研氛围浓厚。团队成员已在Science of the Total Environment, Plant and Soil, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,草地学报等国内外知名期刊上发表文章70余篇。 团队近期发表的学术论文如下: [1] Han Bing, He Yicheng, Chen Ji, Wang Yufei, Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Wei Xiaoting, Zhang Wantong, Geng Yiyi, Shao Xinqing, Jia Shan-gang. Different microbial functional traits drive bulk and rhizosphere soil phosphorus mobilization in an alpine meadow after nitrogen input [2] Yao Zeying, Shi Lina, He Yicheng, Peng Cuoji, Lin Zhenrong, Hu Meng-ai, Yin Ning, Xu Hengkang, Zhang Degang, Shao Xinqing. Grazing intensity, duration, and grassland type determine the relationship between soil microbial diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality in Chinese grasslands: A meta-analysis. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 154:1470-160 [3] Peng Cuoji, Shi Lina, He Yicheng, Yao Zeying, Lin Zhenrong, Hu Meng-ai, Yin Ning, Xu Hengkang, Li Yikang, Zhou Huakun, Lu Xinmin, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Climate factors regulate the depth dependency of soil organic carbon under grazing exclusion in Chinese grasslands: A meta-analysis. Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 1-11 [4] Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Yao Zeying, Peng Cuoji, Hu Meng-ai, Yin Ning, Lu Xinmin, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Increased precipitation rather than warming increases ecosystem multifunctionality in an alpine meadow, 2024, Plant and Soil [5] Lin Zhenrong, Shi Lina, Wei Xiaoting, Han Bing, Peng Cuoji, Yao Zeying, He Yicheng, Xiao Qing, Lu Xinmin, Deng Yanfang, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Soil properties and fungal community jointly explain N2O emissions following N and P enrichment in an alpine meadow. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 344: 123344 [6] Han Bing, Zhang Wantong, Yu Lu, Wei Xiaoting, Geng Yiyi, Zhou Huakun, Lu Xinmin, Shao Xinqing. Different Response of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities in Roots and Rhizosphere Soil of Elymus nutans to Long-term Warming in an Alpine Meadow, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2024, 24:1149–1159 [7] Yu Lu, Zhang Hui, Zhang Wantong, Han Bing, Zhou Huakun, Lu Xinming, Deng Yanfang, Liu Kesi, Shao xinqing. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter the interaction effects between bacillus and rhizobium on root morphological traits of Medicago ruthenica L. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2023, 23:2868–2877 [8] Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Tang Shiming, Peng Cuoji, Yao Zeying, Xiao Qing, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Interactive effects of warming and managements on carbon fluxes in grasslands: A global meta-analysis, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2022, 340:108178 [9] Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Wei Xiaoting, Peng Cuoji, Yao Zeying, Han Bing, Xiao Qing, Zhou Huakun, Deng Yanfang, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Precipitation increase counteracts warming effects on plant and soil C:N:P stoichiometry in an alpine meadow. 2022, 13:1044173 [10] Lin Zhenrong, Shi Lina, Wei Xiaoting, Hanbing, Pengcuoji, Yao Zeying, Xiao Qing, Lu Xinmin, Deng Yanfang, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Soil properties rather than plant diversity mediate the response of soil bacterial community to N and P additions in an alpine meadow. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13:1036451 [11] Wei Xiaoting, Yu Lu, Han Bing, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing, Jia Shangang. Spatial variations of root-associated bacterial communities of alpine plants. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 839: 156086 [12] Zhang Wantong, Yu Lu, Han Bing, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Mycorrhizal inoculation enhances nutrient absorption and induces insect-resistant defense of Elymus nutans. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 898969 [13] Yu Lu, Zhang Wantong, Geng Yiyi, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Cooperation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increases plant nutrient uptake and improves defenses against insects. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10: 833389 [14] Yu Lu, Zhang Hui, Zhang Wantong, Liu Kesi, Liu Miao, Shao Xinqing. Cooperation between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting bacteria and their effects on plant growth and soil quality. PeerJ, 2022, 21;10:e13080. [15] Wei Xiaoting, Jiang Fengyan, Han Bing, Zhang Hui, Huang Ding, Shao Xinqing. New insight into the divergent responses of plants to warming in the context of root endophytic bacterial and fungal communities. PeerJ. 2021, 9:e11340. [16] Wei Xiaoting, Shi Yanan, Qin Fuwen, Zhou Huakun, Shao Xinqing. Effects of experimental warming, precipitation increase and their interaction on AM fungal community in an alpine grassland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, European Journal of Soil Biology, 2021, 102: 103272 此外,团队还定期积极参与了中国草学会、氮素生物地球化学循环等多个学术会议及论坛,期待与业界同仁广泛进行学术交流;不仅如此,团队还在创新创业比赛中取得了优异成绩。 团队成员在忙碌的科研工作之余,还能积极参加学院组织的各项活动,投身志愿服务工作:在疫情防控的一线阵地,用实际行动助力学校的疫情防控工作;在北京冬奥会中主动担当,竭尽全力做好本职工作,让自己的青春理想在冬奥志愿服务中闪光,诠释了当代大学生有责任、敢担当、能奉献的精神,充分展现出新青年的时代风采。 团队还会定期组织观看爱国电影、室外登山和参观红色基地等团建活动,促进各成员的沟通交流,关心每一位成员的身心发展。团队始终牢记身为草业学子的责任:不怕劳苦,勇于拼搏,致力于将论文写在青藏高原的广袤草原上,为草业科学的发展贡献自己的青春力量。 教学科研概况社会职务活动动态研究领域开授课程
招生信息欢迎具有草业科学、生态学、环境科学、自然地理等相关背景的本科生及研究生加入团队。 往期招生硕士
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