个人简介于菲菲,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国农业大学杰出人才,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,国家重点研发项目首席科学家。主要从事高粱等粮饲作物耐盐碱胁迫应答及品质性状调控机理的研究。在Science、Cell、Science Advances、Nature Plants、Trends in Plant Science、National Science Review、The Plant Cell、Molecular Plant等领域内代表性期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,授权/申请专利5项,参编著作3部。相关研究成果入选“2023年度中国科学十大进展”、2023年“央视国内/国际十大科技新闻进展”及2024年“中关村论坛发布会重大科技成果”。 Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Feifei-Yu-3 学习经历 2012—2016:中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,博士 2009—2012:山东农业大学,生命科学学院,硕士 2005—2009:曲阜师范大学,生命科学学院,学士
工作经历 2022—:中国农业大学,草业科学与技术学院,教授 2017—2021:中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,助理研究员,副研究员 近五年部分论文发表情况: (#These authors contributed equally to this work; *Corresponding author) 1. Shi J., Mei C., Ge F., Hu Q., Ban X., Xia R., Xin P., Cheng S., Zhang G., Nie J., Zhang S., Ma X., Wang Y., Chu J., Chen Y., Wang B., Wu W., Li J.*, Xie Q.*, and Yu F.* (2025). Resistance to Striga parasitism through reduction of strigolactone exudation. Cell 188: 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2025.01.022. 2. Liu C., Li Q., Shen Z., Xia R., Chen Q., Li X., Ding Y., Yang S., Serino G., Xie Q.*, Yu F.* (2025). The Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase DOA10A promotes localization of abscisic acid (ABA) receptors to the membrane through mono-ubiquitination in ABA signaling. New Phytologist 245(1):169-182. 3. Wang Y, Li S, Mokbel M, May AI, Liang Z, Zeng Y, Wang W, Zhang H, Yu F, Sporbeck K, Jiang L, Aland S, Agudo-Canalejo J, Knorr RL, Fang X. (2024). Biomolecular condensates mediate bending and scission of endosome membranes. Nature 634(8036):1204-1210. 4. Yu F.*, and Xie. Q. (2024). ER-associated ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme: a key regulator of grain yield and stress resistance in crops. Trends in Plant Science 29(3):286-289. 5. Zhang S., Hu N., and Yu F.* (2024). Insights into a functional model of key deubiquitinases UBP12/13 in plants. New Phytologist 242(2):424-430. 6. Dan Zhang, Xiaowei Ma, Qi Xie and Yu F*. (2024). Understanding and engineering of aroma compounds in crops. Seed Biology 2024, 3: e001 7. Eckardt NA, Avin-Wittenberg T, Bassham DC, Chen P, Chen Q, Fang J, ... Wei N, Xie Q, Yu F, Zhang H. The lowdown on breakdown: Open questions in plant proteolysis. (2024). The Plant Cell 36(9):2931-2975. 8. Zhang H.#, Yu F.#,*, Xie P.#, Sun S.#, Qiao X.#, Tang S., Chen C., Yang S., Mei C., Yang D., et al. (2023). A Gγ protein regulates alkaline sensitivity in crops. Science 379:eade8416. 9. Sun W.#, Zhang H.#, Yang S.#, Liu L.#, Xie P., Li J., Zhu Y., ... Xie Q.*, Zhang H.*, Yu F.* (2023). Genetic modification of Gγ subunit AT1 enhances salt-alkali tolerance in main graminaceous crops. National Science Review 10(6):nwad075. 10. Yu F*, Liu C, Zhang H, Xie Q.* (2023). A G protein γ subunit participates in crop alkaline sensitivity by modulating H2O2 transporter PIP2s. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology15(3):mjad020. 11. Liu G., Liang J., Lou L., Tian M., Zhang X., Liu L., Zhao Q., Xia R., Wu Y., Xie Q.*, and Yu F.* (2022). The deubiquitinases UBP12 and UBP13 integrate with the E3 ubiquitin ligase XBAT35.2 to modulate VPS23A stability in ABA signaling. Science Advances 8(14):eabl5765. 12. Zhang D.#, Tang S.#, Xie P., Yang D., Wu Y., Cheng S., Xin P., Chu J., Yu F.* and Xie Q.* (2022). Creation of fragrant sorghum by CRISPR/Cas9. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 64(5):961-96 13. Xie P., Tang S., Chen C., Zhang H., Yu F., Li C., Wei H., Sui Y., Wu C., Diao X., Wu Y.*, and Xie Q.* (2022) Natural variation in Glume Coverage 1 causes naked grains in sorghum. Nature Communications 13(1):1068. 14. Chen Q., Wu Y., Yu F., and Xie Q. (2022). Coordinative regulation of ERAD and selective autophagy in plants. Essays in Biochemistry66(2):179-188. 15. Song Z., Chen X., Luo L., Yu F., Liu J., and Han J. (2022). UBA domain protein SUF1 interacts with NatA-complex subunit NAA15 to regulate thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 64(7):1297-1302. 16. Chen C., Shang X., Sun M., Tang S., Khan A., Zhang D., Yan H., Jiang Y., Yu F., Wu Y. and Xie Q.*(2022) Comparative transcriptome analysis of two sweet sorghum genotypes with different salt tolerance abilities to reveal the mechanism of salt tolerance. International Journal of Molecular Science 23:2272. 17. Hao D., Jin L., Wen X., Yu F., Xie Q., and Guo H. (2021). The RING E3 ligase SDIR1 destabilizes EBF1/EBF2 and modulates the ethylene response to ambient temperature fluctuations in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S.A 118(6):e2024592118. 18. Chen Q., Liu R., Wu Y., Wei S., Wang Q., Zheng Y., Xia R., Shang X., Yu F., Yang X., et al. (2021). ERAD-related E2 and E3 enzymes modulate the drought response by regulating the stability of PIP2 aquaporins. The Plant Cell 33(8):2883-2898. 19. Yu F.#,*, Cao X.#, Liu G., Wang Q., Xia R., Zhang X., and Xie Q.* (2020). ESCRT-I Component VPS23A is targeted by E3 ubiquitin ligase XBAT35 for proteasome-mediated degradation in modulating ABA signaling. Molecular Plant 13(11):1556-1569. 20. Lou L.#, Yu F.#,*, TianM., Liu G., Wu Y., Wu Y., XiaR., PardoJ., Guo Y. and Xie Q.*(2020). ESCRT-I component VPS23A sustains salt tolerance by strengthening the SOS module in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 13(8):1134-1148. 21. Chen Q., Yu F.* and Xie Q.* (2020). Insights into endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation in plants. New Phytologist 226(2):345-350. 22. Wang Q., Yu F.* and Xie Q.* (2020). Balancing growth and adaptation to stress: Crosstalk between brassinosteroid and abscisic acid signaling. Plant Cell & Environment 43(10):2325-2335. 23. Zhang H., Xie P., Xu X., Xie Q.* and Yu F.* (2020). Heterotrimeric G protein signalling in plant biotic and abiotic stress response. Plant Biology 23(S1):20-30. 参编书籍: [1] 于菲菲,谢旗,赵庆臻,刘利静. 2020.《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬:第十章植物蛋白质的泛素化修饰》, 邱小波等主编, 科学出版社 [2] Yu F. and Xie Q. (2019) Phytochromes: Chapter 6 Approaches to identify protein ubiquitination sites in plants. Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9612-4. (Book chapter) [3] Wu Y., Yu F. and Xie Q. (2014) Abscisic acid: metabolism, transport and signaling: Chapter 9 Protein ubiquitination and sumoylation in ABA signaling. Springer, DOI: 1007/978-94-017-9424-4. (Book chapter) 专利: [1] ZL 202111157797.2,谢旗 于菲菲 张会丽,高粱耐盐碱相关基因AT1及其在作物耐盐碱方面的应用。[2] ZL201610973639.7,谢旗 于菲菲,植物耐旱相关蛋白VPS23A及其编码基因与应用。 教学科研概况社会职务中国草业学会生物技术委员会副理事长; 中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会植物碳汇与生物质专业委员会委员; Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志编委; iMeta 杂志青年编委; ABT 杂志青年编委。 活动动态研究领域研究兴趣及方向 1. 甜高粱等饲草经济作物的耐逆性和品质改良的分子设计育种 2. 泛素相关途径参与的非生物逆境分子机制解析 开授课程
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