


专业技术职务: 教授



学位: 博士

联系电话: 01062733613

电子邮箱: chenghe@cau.edu.cn


  • 部门: 动物医学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 主要研究方向:
  • 毕业院校: 中国农业大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 联系电话: 01062733613
  • 电子邮箱: chenghe@cau.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区圆明园西路2号
  • 邮编: 100193
  • 传真:


  • 学术学位导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型:
  • 从事学科1: 兽医学
  • 从事学科2: 兽医学
  • 从事专业1: 兽医生物工程
  • 从事专业2: 预防兽医学
  • 研究方向1: 人兽共患病感染与免疫 ;实验动物学;抗生素替代研究 ;中兽药添加剂 ;畜禽传染病诊断与防治新技术
  • 研究方向2: 畜禽抗病毒药物研制
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 兽医


  • 1998.01.01-2001.01.01,中国农业大学,动物生理学极细胞分子学
  • 1985.01.01-1990.01.01,北京农业大学,兽医
  • 2001.06.25,理学博士学位,中国农业大学,病理学





Xinyi Liu, Huilong Hu, Jiaqi Liu, Jiaqi Chen, Jun Chu,Cheng He. Physcion, a novel anthraquinone derivative against Chlamydia psittaci infection. Veterinary Microbiology.2023.109664.


Li XH, Zuo ZH, Wang YH, Hegemann JH, He C.Polymorphic membrane protein 17G of Chlamydia psittaci mediated the invasion of bacteria to host cells by binding EGFR. Front.Immunol.2022,12:818487.

Li Q, Chen Sy, Yan ZQ, Fang HX, Wang ZX, He C.A novel intranasal vaccine with PmpG+MOMP induces robust protections both in respiratory tract and genital system posting Chlamydia psittaci infection.Front Vet Sci.2022.9:855447.

Md.Aminul Islam,Tuhin Das,Md. Arifur Rahman,Foysal Hossen,Mahin Reza,Sumit Kumar Barral,Md. Atiqul Haque,Cheng He,Firoz Ahmed.A Review on Measures to Rejuvenate Immune System: Natural Mode of Protection Against Coronavirus Infection..Front. Immunol, 2022,13:837290.

Yi Chen, Guanggang Qu, Hongkun Quan,Yihui Wang, Changjiang Wang, Md Atiqul Haque, Cheng He.A novel cost-effective nanobody against Fumonisin B1 contaminations: efficacy test in dairy milk and chickens. Toxins,2022,14,821.

Wang F, Chen Y,Hu HL,Liu XY,Wang YH,M, Saleemi KM, He C, Haque MA. Protocatechuic acid: a novel detoxication agent of fumonisin B1 for poultry industry. Front Vet Sci.9:923238.


(1) Qiang Li, Xiaohui Li, Hongkun Quan, Yihui Wang, Guanggang Qu, Zhiqiang Shen, Cheng He.IL-10 -/- Enhances DCs Immunity Against Chlamydia psittaci Infection via OX40L/NLRP3 and IDO/Treg Pathways.Front Immunol. 2021,12:645653.

(2) Haque MA, Wang F,Chen Y, Firoz A, Siddique N, He C. Bacillus spp. contamination: a novel risk originated from animal feed to human food chains in South-Eastern Bangladesh. Front.Microbiol.2021,12:783103.

(3)Wang YH, Quan HQ, Li XH, Li Q, Haque MA, Shi Q, Fu Q, He C. Contamination with Fumonisin B and Deoxynivalenol is a threat to egg safety and contributes to gizzard ulcerations of newborn chickens. Frontiers in Microbiology.2021, 12:676671.

(4) Zuo Z, Zou Y, Li Q, Guo Y, Zhang T, Wu J, He C, Eko FO.Intranasal immunization with inactivated chlamydial elementary bodies formulated in VCG-chitosan nanoparticles induces robust immunity against intranasal Chlamydia psittaci challenge.Sci Rep. 2021,11(1):10389.

(5) Fang HuanxinQuan HongkunZhang YuhangLi QiangWang YihuiYuan Sheng,Huang Shujian,He Cheng.Co-infection of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Chlamydia psittaci contributes to salpingitis of laying layers and breeder ducks.Pathogens.2021.610:755.

(6) Cui L, Qu G, Chen Y, Wu Y, Wang C,Cheng H, Chen J. Polymorphic membrane protein 20G: A promising diagnostic biomarker for specific detection of Chlamydia psittaci infection.Microb Pathog. 2021,155:104882.


Xiaohui Li, Qiang Li, Yihui Wang , Zhenhai Han, Guanggang Qu, Zhiqiang Shen, Shujian Huang,Cheng He.Gastric Ulceration and Immune Suppression in Weaned Piglets Associated with Feed-Borne Bacillus cereus and Aspergillus fumigatus.Toxins,2020,12(11):203.

Chu J, Li XH, Qu GG, Wang YH, Li Q, Guo YX, Hou L, Liu J, Eko FO and He C.Chlamydia psittaci PmpD-N Exacerbated Chicken Macrophage Function by Triggering Th2 Polarization and the TLR2/MyD88/NF-κB Signaling Pathway. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2020,21,2003.

Zonghui Zuo, Qiang Li, Yongxia Guo, Xiaohui Li,Shujian Huang, Johannes H. Hegemann, Cheng He.Feed-borne Bacillus cereus exacerbates respiratory distress in birds infected with Chlamydia psittaci by inducing hemorrhagic pneumonia.Avian Pathology, 2020 Jan 17:1-31.

Qiang Zhang, Christopher Rosario, Lauren Sheehan, Syed Rizvi, Julie Brothwell, Cheng He, and Ming Tan. The repressor function of the Chlamydia late regulator EUO is enhanced by the plasmid-encoded protein Pgp4. Journal of Bacteriology. J Bacteriol. 2020, pii: JB.00793-19.

Md Atiqul Haque, Yihui Wang,Zhiqiang Shen, Muhammad Kashif Saleemi, Xiaohui Li, Cheng He.Mycotoxin Contamination and Control Strategy in Human, Domestic Animal and Poultry: A Review.Microbial Pathogenesis.2020.142.104095.

Jun Chu, Yongxia Guo, Guanlong Xu, Qiang Zhang, Zonghui Zuo Qiang Li,Yihui Wang ,Cheng He. Chlamydia psittaci triggers the invasion of H9N2 avian influenza virus by impairing the functions of chicken macrophages. Animals 2020, 10, 2-18.

Md Atiqul Haque, Hongkun Quan, Zonghui Zuo, Ahrar Khan, Naila Siddique,Cheng He.Pathogenicity of feed-borne Bacillus cereus and its implication on food safety.Agrobilogical Records, 2020,3:1-16.


Karama M, Kambuyi K, Cenci-Goga BT, Malahlela M, Jonker A, He C, Ombui J, Tshuma T, Etter E, Kalake A. Occurrence and Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, and Campylobacter upsaliensis in Beef Cattle on Cow-Calf Operations in South Africa.Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2020 Jan 14. doi: 10.1089/fpd.2019.2703

Qiang Zhang, Zuo Zonghui, Yongxia Guo, TianYuan Zhang, Zhenhai Han, Shujian Huang, Musafiri Karama, Muhammad Kashif Saleemi, Ahrar Khan, Cheng He Contaminated feed-borne Bacillus cereus aggravates respiratory distress post avian influenza virus H9N2 infection by inducing pneumonia.Scientific Reports,2019,9:7231.

Zhang TY, Huo Z, Ma JY, He C,Zhong GM.The plasmid-encoded pGP3 promotes Chlamydia evasion of acidic barriers in both  stomach and vagina.Infection and Immunity. Infect. Immun.2019,87(5).e00844-18. doi:10.1128/IAI.00844-18.

Mohsin M, Van Boeckel TP, Saleemi MK, Umair M, Naseem MN, He C, Khan A, Laxminarayan R. Excessive use of medically important antimicrobials in food animals in Pakistan: a five-year surveillance survey. Glob Health Action. 2019;12(sup1):1697541.

Saleemi KM, Ashraf K, Gul ST, Naseem MN, Sajid MS, Mohsin M, He C, Zubair M, Khan A. Toxicopathological effects of feeding aflatoxins B1 in broilers and its ameliosration with indigenous mycotoxin binder.Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2020 Jan 15;187:109712. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019


Zuo Zonghui, Zhang Tianyuan, Guo Yongxia, Chu Jun, Qu Guanggang,Miao Lizhong, Shen Zhiqiang, and He Cheng.Serosurvey of Avian metapneumovirus, Orithobacterium rhinotracheale, and Chlamydia psittaci and Their Potential Association with Avian Airsacculitis. Biomed Environ Sci, 2018; 31(5): 143-147

Yongxia Guo, Qiang Zhang, Zonghui Zuo, Yihui Wang, Qin Shi, M. Tariq Javed,Cheng He. Protocatechuic acid (PCA) induced a better antiviral effect by immune enhancement in SPF chickens. Microbial Pathogenesis.2018,114: 233–238.


2016-2017   河北大午集团家禽事业部兽医顾问

2019-2021 温氏集团家禽事业部禽病荣誉顾问


1.2018-2022, Pakistan Veterinary Journal ,SCI 期刊,Board member;
2.2017-2020, Microbila Pathogenesis, SCI 期刊,特约审稿人;
3. 220-2025, Frontier Veterinary Science, SCI 期刊,Board member;
4.2020-2025, Animals, SCI 期刊,Board member;



8.2017-2020, 中国人兽共患病学会特殊病原体学术组,副组长



本课题组主要聚焦于以下研究内容:(1) 人兽共患病感染与免疫机制以及防治产品:(2)畜禽抗病毒天然药物的挖掘和利用;(3)畜禽胃溃疡、腹泻和肺炎综合症机制研究。


  • 1、动物福利和动物保护,2024-2025,第一学期,星期二,东校区
  • 2、实验动物学,2023-2024,第二学期,星期一
  • 3、实验动物学,2023-2024,第二学期,星期三星期四,西校区
  • 4、动物福利和动物保护,2023-2024,第一学期,星期二,东校区
  • 5、实验动物学,2022-2023,第二学期,星期一
  • 6、实验动物学,2022-2023,第二学期,星期三星期四,西校区
  • 7、动物福利和动物保护,2022-2023,第一学期,星期二,东校区
  • 8、实验动物学,2021-2022,第二学期,星期一
  • 9、实验动物学,2021-2022,第二学期,星期三星期四,西校区
  • 10、动物福利和动物保护,2021-2022,第一学期,星期二,东校区
  • 11、实验动物学,2020-2021,第二学期,星期一星期三
  • 12、实验动物学,2020-2021,第二学期,星期一星期三,西校区
  • 13、动物福利和动物保护,2020-2021,第一学期,星期二,东校区
  • 14、实验动物学,2019-2020,第二学期,星期一星期四,西校区
  • 15、动物福利和动物保护,2019-2020,第一学期,星期三,东校区
  • 16、动物福利和动物保护,2018-2019,第一学期,星期三,东校区
  • 17、实验动物学II,2017-2018,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 18、实验动物学II,2016-2017,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 19、家禽疾病诊断技术与实践,2016-2017,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 20、实验动物学II,2015-2016,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 21、实验动物学II,2014-2015,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 22、家禽疾病诊断技术与实践,2014-2015,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 23、实验动物学II,2011-2012,第二学期,星期一,西校区
  • 24、家禽疾病诊断技术与实践,2011-2012,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 25、家禽疾病诊断技术与实践,2011-2012,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 26、家禽疾病诊断技术与实践,2010-2011,第二学期,星期六,西校区
  • 27、家禽疾病诊断技术与实践,2010-2011,第二学期,星期六,西校区

  • 1、高级实验动物学,2022-2023,第一学期,星期五
  • 2、高级实验动物学,2021-2022,第一学期,星期五
  • 3、高级动物实验技术,2017-2018,第一学期,星期一
  • 4、高级动物实验技术,2016-2017,第一学期,星期一
  • 5、高级动物实验技术,2015-2016,第一学期,星期一
  • 6、高级动物实验技术,2014-2015,第一学期,星期六
  • 7、高级动物实验技术,2013-2014,第一学期
  • 8、高级动物实验技术,2012-2013,第一学期,星期五
  • 9、高级动物实验技术,2011-2012,第一学期,星期四
  • 10、高级动物实验技术,2010-2011,第一学期,星期五


  • 1、2023.04.18-2025.11.30,国家重点研发计划,快速、高通量可视化试剂盒的研制和注册
  • 2、2023.03.08-2024.11.30,国家科技部项目,巴基斯坦牛羊重要疫病防控关键技术示范和推广
  • 3、2023.01.20-2025.11.30,国家重点研发计划,重要人畜共患病监测预警与一体化防控技术
  • 4、2022.01.10-2022.12.31,国家重点研发计划,密切接触人群的鸟类感染衣原体调查:流行病学分析及其对中国-乌克兰人群健康威胁的评价
  • 5、2021.01.21-2021.12.31,国家部委其他科技项目,第五届中国-东盟农业合作论坛活动
  • 6、2020.10.13-2020.12.31,省、自治区、直辖市科技项目,衡水河牧牧业农业创新驿站建设
  • 7、2020.08.25-2020.12.31,国际合作项目,澜沧江-湄公河兽药疫苗产业联盟和动物疫病防控技术中心建设
  • 8、2017.06.15-2019.12.31,国家重点研发计划,重要人兽共患病快速分子诊断技术研究与产品研制
  • 9、2016.12.14-2020.12.31,国家重点研发计划,牛支原体抗体适体检测技术与试剂盒的研制
  • 1、2023.10.13-2026.10.13,无依托项目,广西动物疫病预防控制中心教授工作站
  • 2、2023.07.17-2023.12.31,国家部委其他科技项目,巴基斯坦、阿富汗牛羊重要疫病防控技术示范推广
  • 3、2023.06.16-2023.12.31,国际合作项目,中国-新西兰动物疫病防控与兽医交流合作
  • 4、2022.10.30-2024.11.30,省、自治区、直辖市科技项目,香河新恒昌农业创新驿站建设
  • 5、2022.06.24-2022.12.31,地市厅局(含县)项目,2021北京良种蛋鸡产业集群产业服务能力提升项目---蛋鸡场消毒效果评价
  • 6、2022.06.23-2022.12.30,地市厅局(含县)项目,2021年北京良种蛋鸡产业集群产业服务能力提升项目---蛋鸡场消毒效果评价
  • 7、2022.04.15-2022.12.31,国际合作项目,中国—新西兰动物疫病防控与兽医交流合作
  • 8、2019.12.06-2021.11.30,番鸭鹦鹉热衣原体疫苗研制与推广应
  • 9、2016.12.10-2018.12.30,美客多肉鸡健康养殖关键技术和推广应用
  • 10、2016.09.18-2017.08.25,黄芪生脉颗粒新兽药临床试验
  • 11、2016.08.24-2016.12.30,绵马贯众素及其衍生物抗高致病性禽流感H5N1病毒活性的定量构效关系及免疫机制研究
  • 12、2016.03.22-2016.12.31,贯叶金丝桃散临床试验补充合同
  • 13、2015.06.01-2016.05.30,贯叶金丝桃散临床试验
  • 14、2015.03.16-2017.12.30,原儿茶酸新兽药研制协议书
  • 15、2015.01.05-2017.12.30,联合申报原儿茶酸新兽药协议
  • 16、2014.07.11-2015.12.29,乌梅酸枣仁口服液三类新兽药合作开发协议
  • 17、2013.11.09-2028.12.31,一种酸枣仁提取物的应用
  • 18、2013.09.05-2014.08.30,扶正解毒颗粒临床试验
  • 19、2013.08.10-2016.12.31,绵马贯众新兽药(三类)开发合作协议书
  • 20、2013.02.28-2013.12.30,费氏弧菌规模化生产和质量控制技术2
  • 21、2011.12.15-2013.12.15,费氏弧菌标准化生产工艺和质量标准的建立
  • 22、2010.09.03-2015.09.18,现代新型畜禽抗畜禽病毒中兽药研制
  • 23、2009.09.25-2010.10.20,特禽养殖场中几种消毒药物效果的测定和消毒程序的试验
  • 24、2009.03.16-2010.12.30,鸽子主要疫病防控技术的试验示范与推广
  • 25、2008.05.07-2008.11.30,利好防治腹泻、瘫痪综合症试验委托试验协议
  • 26、2008.04.20-2008.12.30,金丝桃素对临床人工感染鸡法氏囊病、传染性喉气管炎防治试验
  • 27、2007.10.08-2008.06.08,羊衣原体基因工程亚单位疫苗临床试验
  • 28、2006.12.28-2010.12.30,穿菊解毒颗粒新兽药开发研制
  • 29、2005.11.10-2006.12.30,中药SHY-A试验
  • 30、2003.11.17-2006.12.20,天然中草药新制剂防治家禽霉形体、病毒病的开发研究


论文题目 刊物名称 收录类别 发表年月 第一作者或全部作者 第一作者单位 排名
The repressor function of the Chlamydia late regulator EUO is enhanced by the plasmid-encoded protein Pgp4 Journal of Bacteriology SCI 2020.1.27 Qiang Zhang. 中国农业大学 6
Feed-borne Bacillus cereus exacerbates respiratory distress in birds infected with Chlamydia psittaci by inducing hemorrhagic pneumonia Avian Pathology SCI 2020.1.17 Zuo ZH 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Toxicopathological effects of feeding aflatoxins B1 in broilers and its ameliosration with indigenous mycotoxin binder Ecotoxicol Environ Safety SCI 2020.1.15 Saleemi MK University of Agriculture Faisalabad, 6
Occurrence and Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, and Campylobacter upsaliensis in Beef Cattle on Cow-Calf Operations in South Africa Foodborne Pathog Dis SCI 2020.1.14 Karama M University of Pretoria,SA 6
Contaminated feed-borne Bacillus cereus aggravates respiratory distress post avian influenza virus H9N2 infection by inducing pneumonia Scientific Reports SCI 2020 Qiang Zhang 中国农业大学 通讯作者
The plasmid-encoded pGP3 promotes Chlamydia evasion of acidic barriers in both stomach and vagina Infection and Immunity SCI 2019.4.23 Zhang TY 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Excessive use of medically important antimicrobials in food animals in Pakistan: a five-year surveillance survey. Glob Health Action SCI 2019 Mohsin M University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 6
Serosurvey of Avian metapneumovirus, Orithobacterium rhinotracheale, and Chlamydia psittaci and Their Potential Association with Avian Airsacculitis. Biomed Environ Sci SCI 2018.5.31 Zuo Zonghui 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Protocatechuic acid (PCA) induced a better antiviral effect by immune enhancement in SPF chickens. Microbial Pathogenesis. SCI 2018 Yongxia Guo 中国农业大学 通讯作者
The genital tract virulence factor pGP3 is essential for Chlamydia muridarum colonization in the gastrointestinal tract. Infect Immun SCI 2017.12.19 Shao L 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Chlamydia abortus Pmp18.1 Induces IL-1β secretion by TLR4 activation through the MyD88, NF-κB, and Caspase-1 signaling pathways. Front.Cell.Infect.Microbiol SCI 2017.12.18 Pan Q 中国农业大学 通讯作者
A more effective recombinant HVT vaccine expressing PmpD-N of Chlamydia psittaci based on EF-1α promoter Frontiers in Veterinary Medicine SCI 2017.12.14 Liu SS 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Co-infection of Chlamydia psittaci with H9N2, ORT and Aspergillus fumigatus contributes to severe pneumonia and high mortality in SPF chickens. Scientific Reports SCI 2017.10.25 Jun Chu 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Does distillery yeast sludge ameliorate moldy feed toxic effects in White Leghorn hens? Toxin Reviews SCI 2017 Ahrar Khan 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Corrigendum: Dryocrassin ABBA, a novel active substance for use against amantadine-resistant H5N1 avian influenza virus. Front Microbiol. SCI 2016.9.15 Ou Changbo 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Chlamydia psittaci infection increases mortality of avian influenza virus H9N2 by suppressing host immune response. Scientific Reports SCI 2016.7.11 Jun chu 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Development of a Novel PmpD-N ELISA for Chlamydia psittaci Infection. Biomed Environ Sci. SCI 2016.5 Liu SS 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Immunosuppressive effects of arsenic in broiler chicks exposed to Newcastle disease virus. J Immunotoxicol SCI 2016.11.13 Sattar A University of Agriculture , Faisalabad 4
Development of a Novel PmpD-N ELISA for Chlamydia psittaci Infection. Biomed Environ Sci. SCI 2016 Liu SS 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Reproductive Disorders of Large Animals in Asia. Pakistan Vet Journal. SCI 2016 Zuo ZH 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Comparative evaluation of the protective efficacy of two formulations of a recombinant Chlamydia abortus subunit candidate vaccine in a mouse model. Vaccine. SCI 2015.4.8 Pan Qing 中国农业大学 3
Construction of recombinant HVT expressing PmpD, and immunological evaluation against Chlamydia psittaci and Marek’s disease virus. PLoS One SCI 2015.4.20 Liu SS 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Experimental investigation on Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale and Enterococcus faecalis co-infection in chickens. Pakistian Veterinary Journal. SCI 2015 Zhao P 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Development of novel serological assay for diagnosis of avian Chlamydiosis using PmpD-N as an antigen candidate. Pakistan Veterinary Journal. SCI 2015 Zhang TY 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Whole genome sequences of Chlamydia psittaci strain HJ isolated from meat pigeons with severe respiratory distress and high mortality. GenomeA 2015 Zhang Qiang 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Epidemiology of Chlamydia psittaci Infection in racing pigeons and pigeon fanciers in Beijing. China. Zoonoses and Public Health SCI 2014 Ling Y 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Vibrio cholerae ghosts (VCG) exert immunomodulatory effect on dendritic cells for enhanced antigen presentation and induction of protective immunity. BMC Immunit SCI 2014 Eko FO Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta 6
Microneedle delivery of an M2e-TLR5 ligand fusion protein to skin confers broadly cross-protective influenza immunity. Journal of Controlled Release SCI 2014 Wang BZ Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, 3
Whole-genome sequences of low-virulence strain CB3 and mild strain CB7 of Chlamydia psittaci. GenomeA 2014 Chu Jun 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Therapeutic efficacy of the combined extract of herbal medicine against Infectious Bursal Disease in chickens. Pakistan Veterinary Journal SCI 2013 Ou Changbo 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Evaluation of an ompA-based phage-mediated DNA vaccine against Chlamydia abortus in piglets. International Immunopharmacology SCI 2013 Ou Changbo 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Occurrence of non-tuberculous mycobacteria species in livestock from northern China and first isolation of Mycobacterium caprae. Epidemiology and Infection SCI 2013 Wenshu Zeng 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Co-infection of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale with Streptococcus zooepidemicus in Chickens. Avian Diseases SCI 2012 Qing Pan 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Hepericum perfatum extract therapy for Chickens experimentally infected with infectious bursal disease virus and its influence on immunity. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research SCI 2012 Shang Ruofenga 中国科学院兰州畜牧兽医研究所 2
Protocatechuic acid, a new active substance against the challenge of avian Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. Poultry Science SCI 2012 Ou CP 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Effect of 4-Hydroxycinnamic Acid on Chickens Infected with Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances SCI 2011 Ou CB 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Protection of mice against Chlamydophila abortus infection with a bacteriophage-mediated DNA vaccine expressing the major outer membrane protein . Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology SCI 2011 Yong Ling 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Isolation and characterization of peacock Chlamydophila psittaci infection in China. Avian Diseases SCI 2011 Junjing Yang 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Co-administration of the polysaccharide of Lycium barbarum with DNA vaccine of Chlamydophila abortus augments protection. Immunological Investigations SCI 2010 Yong Ling 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Reduced egg production in hens associated with avian influenza vaccines and formalin levels. Avian Diseases SCI 2009 Di Meng 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Induction of a protective immune response against swine Chlamydophila abortus infection in mice following co-vaccination of Omp-1 DNA with recombinant MOMP. Zoonose and Public Health SCI 2009 Faming Zhang 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Isolation and characterization of Chlamydophila psittaci isolated from laying hens with cystic oviducts. Avian Disease SCI 2008 Faming Zhang 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Evaluation of two delivery systems for DNA immunization with the major outer-membrane protein-encoding gene of Chlamydopyhila abortus in mice. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy SCI 2008 Shaowen Li 中国农业大学 通讯作者
Induction of a protective immune response against Chlamydophila psittaci SPF chickens following vaccination with omp-1 and CpG oligonucleotides as an adjuvant. Bulletin of Veterinary Institute in Pulawy SCI 2007 Cheng He 中国农业大学 1
Diffuse alveolar lesion in BALB/C mice induced with human reovirus BYD1 strain and its potential relation with SARS. Experimental Animals SCI 2006 He C 中国农业大学 1
Development of a rapid real-time PCR assay for detection andquantification of four familiar species of Chlamydiaceae. Journal of Clinical Virology SCI 2006 Jianming Yang 中国农业大学 4
Experimental Infection of Human Reovirus BYD1 Strain in Macaques: an animal model for the study of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. DNA and Cell Biology SCI 2005 He C 中国农业大学 1
Pathology of guinea pigs experimentally infected with novel reovirus and coronavirus isolated from SARS Patients. DNA and Cell Biology SCI 2005 He. C 中国农业大学 通讯作者


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