
Weilong Guo

China Agricultural Univerisity



Degree: PhD

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Email: guoweilong@cau.edu.cn


  • Department: Crop Genomics and Bioinformatics
  • Gender: male
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  • Graduate School: Tsinghua University
  • Degree: PhD
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  • Email: guoweilong@cau.edu.cn
  • Office Location: NongXueLou 339
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See more information on page: https://guoweilong.github.io

Teaching research

See more on website : http://guoweilong.github.io

Social Position

Invited reviewer for Scientific Report, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, PLoS One, Quantitative Biology.

Dynamic activity


Open Course



All publications : (★ first-author/corresponding-author publications)

★42. Zihao Wang, Wenxi Wang, Xiaoming Xie,  Yongfa Wang, Zhengzhao Yang, Huiru Peng, Mingming Xin, Yingyin Yao,  Zhaorong Hu, Jie Liu, Zhenqi Su, Chaojie Xie, Baoyun Li, Zhongfu Ni,  Qixin Sun#, Weilong Guo#. (2022) Dispersed emergence and protracted  domestication of polyploid wheat uncovered by mosaic ancestral  haploblock inference, Nature Communications, 13:3891.

(# Joint Corresponding Author)

Software: IntroBlocker: https://wangzihell.github.io/IntroBlocker/ 

Behind The Paper: What makes wheat a successful major crop?

41.  Qian Chen, Changfeng Yang, Zhaoheng Zhang, Zihao Wang, Yongming Chen,  Vincenzo Rossi, Wei Chen, Mingming Xin, Zhenqi Su, Jinkun Du, Weilong  Guo, Zhaorong Hu, Jie Liu, Huiru Peng, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Yingyin  Yao. (2022) Unprocessed wheat γ-gliadin reduces gluten accumulation  associated with the endoplasmic reticulum stress and elevated cell  death, New Phytologist, https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18316

★40.  Zhengzhao Yang*, Zihao Wang*, Wenxi Wang*, Xiaoming Xie, Lingling Chai,  Xiaobo Wang, Xibo Feng, Jinghui Li, Huiru Peng, Zhenqi Su, Mingshan  You, Yingyin Yao, Mingming Xin, Zhaorong Hu, Jie Liu, Rongqi Liang,  Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Weilong Guo#. (2022) ggComp enables dissection of  germplasm resources and construction of a multiscale germplasm network  in wheat, Plant Physiology, 188(4):1950-1965.

(# Corresponding Author; * Joint First Authors)

Software: ggComp: https://zack-young.github.io/ggComp/ 

Database: WheatCompDB: http://wheat.cau.edu.cn/WheatCompDB/

39.  Lingling Chai, Mingming Xin, Chaoqun Dong, Zhaoyan Chen, Huijie Zhai,  Junhong Zhuang, Xuejiao Cheng, Naijiao Wang, Jia Geng, Xiaobo Wang,  Ruolin Bian, Yingyin Yao, Weilong Guo, Zhaorong Hu, Huiru Peng, Guihua  Bai, Qixin Sun, Zhenqi Su, Jie Liu, Zhongfu Ni. (2022) A natural  variation in Ribonuclease H-like gene underlies Rht8 to confer “Green  Revolution” trait in wheat, Molecular Plant, 15(3):377-380.

38.  Zhaoyan Chen, Wensheng Ke, Fei He, Lingling Chai, Xuejiao Cheng,  Huanwen Xu, Xiaobo Wang, Dejie Du, Yidi Zhao, Xiyong Chen, Jiewen Xing,  Mingming Xin, Weilong Guo, Zhaorong Hu, Zhenqi Su, Jie Liu, Huiru Peng,  Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Zhongfu Ni. (2022) A single nucleotide deletion  in the third exon of FT-D1 increases the spikelet number and delays  heading date in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Plant Biotechnology  Journal, 20(5):920-933.

37. Shengwei Ma,  Meng Wang, Jianhui Wu, Weilong Guo, Yongming Chen, Guangwei Li, Yanpeng  Wang, Weiming Shi, Guangmin Xia, Daolin Fu, Zhensheng Kang, Fei Ni.  (2021) WheatOmics: A platform combining multiple omics data to  accelerate functional genomics studies in wheat, Molecular Plant,  14(12):1965-1968.

Database: WheatOmics: http://wheatomics.sdau.edu.cn/

36.  Zhiyu Feng, Long Song, Wanjun Song, Zhongqi Qi, Jun Yuan, Run Li,  Haiming Han, Huifang Wang, Zhaoyan Chen, Weilong Guo, Mingming Xin, Jie  Liu, Zhaorong Hu, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Zhongfu Ni, Jiewen  Xing. (2021) The decreased expression of GW2 homologous genes  contributed to the increased grain width and thousand‑grain weight in  wheat-Dasypyrum villosum 6VS·6DL translocation lines, Theoretical and  Applied Genetics, 134(12):3873-3894.

35.  Xiang Gao, Weipeng Mo, Junpeng Shi, Ning Song, Pei Liang, Jian Chen,  Yiting Shi, Weilong Guo, Xinchen Li, Xiaohong Yang, Beibei Xin, Haiming  Zhao, Weibin Song, Jinsheng Lai. (2021) HITAC-seq enables  high-throughput cost-effective sequencing of plasmids and DNA fragments  with identity-tracked, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 48(8):671-680.

34.  Qiang Zhang, Wenxin Wei, Xiangxi Zuansun, Shengnan Zhang, Chen Wang,  Nannan Liu, Lina Qiu, Weidong Wang, Weilong Guo, Jun Ma, Huiru Peng,  Zhaorong Hu, Qixin Sun, Chaojie Xie. (2021) Fine Mapping of the Leaf  Rust Resistance Gene Lr65 in Spelt Wheat ‘Altgold’, Frontiers in Plant  Science, 12:666921.

33. Lina Qiu, Nannan  Liu, Huifang Wang, Xiaohan Shi, Feng Li, Qiang Zhang, Weidong Wang,  Weilong Guo, Zhaorong Hu, Hongjie Li, Jun Ma, Qixin Sun, Chaojie Xie.  (2021) Fine mapping of a powdery mildew resistance gene MlIW39 derived  from wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), Theoretical  and Applied Genetics, 134(8):2469-2479.

32.  Jing Liu, Zhaoyan Chen, Zhihui Wang, Zhaoheng Zhang, Xiaoming Xie,  Zihao Wang, Lingling Chai, Long Song, Xuejiao Cheng, Man Feng, Xiaobo  Wang, Yanhong Liu, Zhaorong Hu, Jiewen Xing, Zhenqi Su, Huiru Peng,  Mingming Xin, Yingyin Yao, Weilong Guo, Qixin Sun, Jie Liu, Zhongfu Ni.  (2021) Ectopic expression of VRT-A2 underlies the origin of Triticum  polonicum and Triticum petropavlovskyi with long outer glumes and  grains, Molecular Plant, 14(9):1472-1488.

31.  Dejie Du, Dongxue Zhang, Jun Yuan, Man Feng, Zhaoju Li, Zihao Wang,  Zhaoheng Zhang, Xiongtao Li, Wensheng Ke, Renhan Li, Zhaoyan Chen,  Lingling Chai, Zhaorong Hu, Weilong Guo, Jiewen Xing, Zhenqi Su, Huiru  Peng, Mingming Xin, Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Jie Liu, Zhongfu Ni. (2021)  FRIZZY PANICLE defines a regulatory hub for simultaneously controlling  spikelet formation and awn elongation in bread wheat, New Phytologist,  231(2):814-833.

30. Linghong Li,  Lingling Chai, Huanwen Xu, Huijie Zhai, Tianya Wang, Mingyi Zhang,  Mingshan You, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Zhaorong Hu, Mingming Xin,  Weilong Guo, Qixin Sun, Xiyong Chen, Zhongfu Ni. (2021) Phenotypic  characterization of the glossy1 mutant and fine mapping of GLOSSY1 in  common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134(3):835-847.

29. Yujiao Gao, Kexin  An, Weiwei Guo, Yongming Chen, Ruijie Zhang, Xue Zhang, Siyuan Chang,  Vincenzo Rossi, Fangming Jin, Xinyou Cao, Mingming Xin, Huiru Peng,  Zhaorong Hu, Weilong Guo, Jinkun Du, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Yingyin Yao.  (2021) The endosperm-specific transcription factor TaNAC019 regulates  glutenin and starch accumulation and its elite allele improves wheat  grain quality, The Plant Cell. 33(3):603-622.

28.  Kuohai Yu, Man Feng, Guanghui Yang, Lv Sun, Zhen Qin, Jie Cao, Jingjing  Wen, Haoran Li, Yan Zhou, Xiangping Chen, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao,  Zhaorong Hu, Weilong Guo, Qixin Sun, Zhongfu Ni, Keith Adams, Mingming  Xin. (2020) Changes in Alternative Splicing in Response to Domestication  and Polyploidization in Wheat, Plant Physiology, 184(4):1955-1968.

★27.  Yongming Chen, Wanjun Song, Xiaoming Xie, Zihao Wang, Panfeng Guan,  Huiru Peng, Yuannian Jiao, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Weilong Guo#. (2020) A  Collinearity-incorporating Homology Inference Strategy for Connecting  Emerging Assemblies in Triticeae Tribe as a Pilot Practice in the Plant  Pangenomic Era, Molecular Plant, 13(12):1694-1708.

(# Corresponding Author)

Software: GeneTribe: https://chenym1.github.io/genetribe/ 

Database: Triticeae-GeneTribe (TGT): http://wheat.cau.edu.cn/TGT/

★26.  Weilong Guo*, Mingming Xin *, Zihao Wang *, Yingyin Yao, Zhaorong Hu,  Wanjun Song, Kuohai Yu, Yongming Chen, Xiaobo Wang, Panfeng Guan, Rudi  Appels, Huiru Peng#, Zhongfu Ni#, Qixin Sun#. (2020) Origin and  adaptation to high altitude of Tibetan semi-wild wheat, Nature  Communications, 11:5085.

(# Corresponding Authors; * Joint First Authors)


SnpHub-NC20: http://wheat.cau.edu.cn/Wheat_SnpHub_Portal/balancer/?appname=snphub_NC20

★25. Wenxi Wang*, Zihao  Wang*, Xintong Li, Zhongfu Ni, Zhaorong Hu, Mingming Xin, Huiru Peng,  Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Weilong Guo#. (2020) SnpHub: an easy-to-set-up  web server framework for exploring large-scale genomic variation data in  the post-genomic era with applications in wheat, GigaScience,  9(6):giaa060.

(# corresponding author; * Joint First Authors)

Software: SnpHub, http://guoweilong.github.io/SnpHub/

Database: Wheat-SnpHub-Portal, http://wheat.cau.edu.cn/Wheat_SnpHub_Portal/

24.  Lina Qiu, Huifang Wang, Yinghui Li, Weidong Wang, Yujia Liu, Junyi Mu,  Miaomiao Geng, Weilong Guo, Zhaorong Hu, Jun Ma, Qixin Sun, Chaojie Xie.  (2020) Fine Mapping of the Wheat Leaf Rust Resistance Gene  LrLC10 (Lr13) and Validation of Its Co-segregation Markers, Frontiers in  Plant Science, 11:470.

23. Feng Huang,  Zhaoyan Chen, Dejie Du, Panfeng Guan, Lingling Chai, Weilong Guo,  Zhaorong Hu, Mingming Xin, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Zhongfu Ni. (2020)  Genome-wide linkage mapping of QTL for root hair length in a Chinese  common wheat population, The Crop Journal, 8(6):1049-1056.

22.  Jinghui Li, Shaozhe Wen, Chaofeng Fan, Minghu Zhang, Shuai Tian,  Wenjing Kang, Wenxin Zhao, Chan Bi, Qiuyan Wang, Shuang Lu, Weilong Guo,  Zhongfu Ni, Chaojie Xie, Qixin Sun, Mingshan You. (2020)  Characterization of a major quantitative trait locus on the short arm of  chromosome 4B for spike number per unit area in common wheat (Triticum  aestivum L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133(7):2259-2269.

21.  Xuejiao Cheng, Mingming Xin, Ruibin Xu, Zhaoyan Chen, Wenlong Cai,  Lingling Chai, Huanwen Xu, Lin Jia, Zhiyu Feng, Zihao Wang, Huiru Peng,  Yingyin Yao, Zhaorong Hu, Weilong Guo , Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun. (2020) A  Single Amino Acid Substitution in STKc_GSK3 Kinase Conferring  Semispherical Grains and Its Implications for the Origin of Triticum  sphaerococcum , The Plant Cell, 133(6):1825–1838.

20.  Zhaoyan Chen, Xuejiao Cheng, Lingling Chai, Zihao Wang, Dejie Du,  Zhihui Wang, Ruolin Bian, Aiju Zhao, Mingming Xin, Weilong Guo, Zhaorong  Hu, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Zhongfu Ni . (2020) Pleiotropic  QTL influencing spikelet number and heading date in common wheat  (Triticum aestivum L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics,  133(6):1825–1838.

19. Linghong Li,  Zhongqi Qi, Lingling Chai, Zhaoyan Chen, Tianya Wang, Mingyi Zhang,  Mingshan You, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Zhaorong Hu, Mingming Xin,  Weilong Guo, Qixin Sun, Zhongfu Ni . (2020) The semidominant mutation w5  impairs epicuticular wax deposition in common wheat (Triticum aestivum  L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133(4):1213–1225.

18.  Zhaoyan Chen, Xuejiao Cheng, Lingling Chai, Zhihui Wang, Ruolin Bian,  Jiang Li, Aiju Zhao, Mingming Xin, Weilong Guo, Zhaorong Hu, Huiru Peng,  Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Zhongfu Ni. (2019) Dissection of genetic  factors underlying grain size and fine mapping of QTgw.cau‐7D in common  wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, pp 1–14.

17.  Kaiye Liu, Jie Cao, Kuohai Yu, Xinye Liu, Yujiao Gao, Qian Chen, Wenjia  Zhang, Huiru Peng, Jinkun Du, Mingming Xin, Zhaorong Hu, Weilong Guo,  Vincenzo Rossi, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, and Yingyin Yao. (2019) Wheat  TaSPL8 Modulates Leaf Angle Through Auxin and Brassinosteroid Signaling,  Plant Physiology, pp.00248.2019.

16.  Ning Zhang, Jing Xu, Xinye Liu, Wenxing Liang, Mingming Xin, Jinkun Du,  Zhaorong Hu, Huiru Peng, Weilong Guo, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Yingyin Yao. (2019) Identification of HSP90C as a substrate of E3 ligase TaSAP5  through ubiquitylome profiling, Plant Science, 287, 110170.

15.  Panfeng Guan, Na Di, Qing Mu, Xueyi Shen, Yongfa Wang, Xiaobo Wang,  Kuohai Yu, Wanjun Song, Yongming Chen, Mingming Xin, Zhaorong Hu,  Weilong Guo, Yingyin Yao, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Huiru Peng. (2019) Use  of near-isogenic lines to precisely map and validate a major QTL for  grain weight on chromosome 4AL in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),  Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132, 2367–2379.

14.  Peng Wu, Yan Gao, Weilong Guo, Ping Zhu. (2019) Using Local Alignment  to Enhance Single Cell Bisulfite Sequencing Data Efficiency,  Bioinformatics, 35(18):3273–3278.

Software: scBS-map, https://github.com/wupengomics/scBS-map

13.  Haichuan Zhu, Liuzhen Zhang, Yilin Wu, Bingjie Dong, Weilong Guo, Mei  Wang, Lu Yang, Xiaoying Fan, Yuliang Tang, Ningshu Liu, Xiaoguang Lei,  Hong Wu. (2018) T-ALL leukemia stem cell 'stemness' is epigenetically  controlled by the master regulator SPI1, eLife, 7:e38314.

12.  Lingling Chai, Zhaoyan Chen, Ruolin Bian, Huijie Zhai, Xuejiao Cheng,  Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Zhaorong Hu, Mingming Xin, Weilong Guo, Qixin  Sun, Aiju Zhao, Zhongfu Ni. (2018) Dissection of two quantitative trait  loci with pleiotropic effects on plant height and spike length linked in  coupling phase on the short arm of chromosome 2D of common wheat  (Triticum aestivum L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics,  131(12):2621–2637.

11. Yongkang Zou, Zhi  Qi, Weilong Guo, Liuzhen Zhang, Marcus Ruscetti, Tanu Shenoy, Ningshu  Liu, Hong Wu. (2018) Cotargeting the Cell-Intrinsic and Microenvironment  Pathways of Prostate Cancer by PI3Kα/β/δ Inhibitor BAY1082439,  Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 17(10):2091-2099.

★10.  Weilong Guo*#, Ping Zhu*, Matteo Pellegrini, Michael Zhang, Xiangfeng  Wang, Zhongfu Ni. (2018) CGmapTools improves the precision of  heterozygous SNV calls and supports allele-specific methylation  detection and visualization in bisulfite-sequencing data,  Bioinformatics, 34:381–387.

(# corresponding author; * Joint First Authors)

Software: CGmapTools, https://cgmaptools.github.io

09.  Shenoy TR, Boysen G, Wang MY, Xu QZ, Guo W, Koh FM, Wang C, Zhang LZ,  Wang Y, Gil V, et al., Aziz S, Christova R, Rodrigues DN, Crespo M,  Rescigno P, Tunariu N, Riisnaes R, Zafeiriou Z, Flohr P, Yuan W, Knight  E, Swain A, Ramalho-Santos M, Xu DY, de Bono J, Wu H. (2017) CHD1 loss  sensitizes prostate cancer to DNA damaging therapy by promoting  error-prone double-strand break repair, Annals of Oncology, April.

★08.  Weilong Guo#, Michael Zhang, Hong Wu#. (2016) Mammalian non-CG  methylations are conserved and cell-type specific and may have been  involved in the evolution of transposon elements, Scientific Reports,  6:32207.

(# corresponding authors)

07.  Qingying Meng, Zhe Ying, Emily Noble, Yuqi Zhao, Rahul Agrawal, Andrew  Mikhail, Yumei Zhuang, Ethika Tyagi, Qing Zhang, Jae-Hyung Lee, Marco  Morselli, Luz Orozco, Weilong Guo, Tina M. Kilts, Jun Zhu, Bin Zhang,  Matteo Pellegrini, Xinshu Xiao, Marian F. Young, Fernando Gomez-Pinilla,  Xia Yang. (2016) Systems Nutrigenomics Reveals Brain Gene Networks  Linking Metabolic and Brain Disorders, EBioMedicine, May(7):157-66.

06.  Marcus Ruscetti, Eman L. Dadashian, Weilong Guo, Bill Quach, David J.  Mulholland, Juw W. Park, Linh M. Tran, Naoko Kobayashi, Daniella  Bianchi-Frias, Peter S. Nelson, Yi Xing, and Hong Wu. (2015) HDAC  Inhibition Impedes HMGA2-controlled Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity  and Suppresses Metastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer,  Oncogene, (August),1-15.

05. Luz D  Orozco, Marco Morselli, Liudmilla Rubbi, Weilong Guo, James Go, Huwenbo  Shi, David Lopez, Nicholas A Furlotte, Brian J Bennett, Charles R  Farber, Anatole Ghazalpour, Michael Q Zhang, Renata Bahous, Rima Rozen,  Aldons J Lusis, Matteo Pellegrini. (2015) Epigenome-wide association of  liver methylation patterns and complex metabolic traits in mice, Cell  Metabolism, 21(6):905-917.

04. Yun Li,  Jason A. Chen, Renee L. Sears, Fuying Gao, Eric D. Klein, Anna Karydas,  Michael D. Geschwind, Howard J. Rosen, Adam L. Boxer, Weilong Guo,  Matteo Pellegrini, Steve Horvath, Bruce L. Miller, Daniel H. Geschwind,  Giovanni Coppol. (2014) An Epigenetic Signature in Peripheral Blood  Associated with the Haplotype on 17q21.31, a Risk Factor for  Neurodegenerative Tauopathy, PLoS Genetics, 10(3).

★03.  Weilong Guo, Wen-Yu Chung, Minping Qian, Matteo Pellegrini, Michael Q.  Zhang. (2014) Characterizing the strand-specific distribution of non-CpG  methylation in human pluripotent cells, Nucleic Acids Research, 42(5):  3009-3016.

★02. Weilong Guo, Petko  Fiziev, Weihong Yan, Shawn Cokus, Xueguang Sun, Michael Q. Zhang,  Pao-Yang Chen, Matteo Pellegrini. (2013) BS-Seeker2: a versatile  aligning pipeline for bisulfite sequencing data. BMC Genomics, 14(1),  774.

Software: BS-Seeker2, http://pellegrini.mcdb.ucla.edu/BS_Seeker2/

01.  Ruijuan Li, Weilong Guo, Jin Gu, Michael Q. Zhang, Xiaowo Wang. (2012)  Chromatin state and microRNA determine different gene expression  dynamics responsive to TNF stimulation, Genomics, 100(5):297-302.

See more on website : http://guoweilong.github.io



The software works

- BS-Seeker2:  http://pellegrini-legacy.mcdb.ucla.edu/bs_seeker2/

- CGmapTools: https://cgmaptools.github.io




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