



  • 部门: 工学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 副教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 毕业院校: 中国农业大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: hxq12@cau.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 工学院743
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路17号中国农业大学工学院704
  • 邮编: 100083
  • 传真:


  • 学术学位导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型: 硕导
  • 从事学科1: 农业工程
  • 从事学科2:
  • 从事专业1: 农业工程
  • 从事专业2:
  • 研究方向1: 农业生物质资源化利用
  • 研究方向2:
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 资源与环境


  • 2016.09.01-2019.06.19,工学博士学位,中国农业大学,农业工程
  • 2010.09.01-2014.07.01,工学学士学位,中国农业大学,农业工程
  • 2010.09.01-2014.07.01,经济学学士学位,中国农业大学,金融学双学位




主要科研成果:(1)主持国家自然科学基金、国家农业重大科技农业子课题、博士后创新人才支持计划等各级各类科研项目7项。(2)在国内外学术期刊和学术会议累计发表研究论文34篇,其中SCI/EI收录论文32篇;以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/EI收录论文12篇,IF510IF102篇,包括在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Bioresource Technology、Waste Management等期刊发表研究论文。(3)获授权国家专利9件(发明专利6件),其中:第一发明人获授权国家专利2件(发明专利2件)。(4)制定国家行业标准1项,参编著作1部。(5)获准国家计算机软件著作权3项,其中以第一完成人获准3项。

主要讲授课程:《农业机械装备生产实习》、《工程软件训练》、《工程应用数学》、《Basis of Agricultural Engineering Practice Education》等本科生和研究生课程。








  • 肥料化智能装备:模块化精准配肥、液态有机肥还田的智能化装备与系统,聚焦轻量化、精准化与绿色化技术突破,加强产业链协同与政策落地,推动农业向高效可持续方向发展。

  • 堆肥化机理机制:好氧堆肥异质性结构表征、氧气传递效率、菌群效应、物质转化和新型污染物稳定性等,为优化好氧发酵工艺工程提供理论依据,推动粪污资源化利用技术的发展。

  • 粪污高值化利用:通过发酵等技术将畜禽粪便等有机废弃物转化为短链酸、腐殖酸或其他经济产物,为农业环保材料、污染治理提供技术支持,促进有机废弃物的全资源化利用,实现环境效益与经济价值的双赢。


  • 1、畜牧及加工机械,2024-2025,第二学期,星期一星期四,东校区
  • 2、工程软件训练,2024-2025,第一学期,星期五
  • 3、工程软件训练,2024-2025,第一学期,星期一,东校区
  • 4、工程软件训练,2022-2023,第一学期,星期五,东校区

  • 1、Basis of Agricultural Engineering Practice Education (outside school),2025-2026,第二学期,星期一
  • 2、Basis of Agricultural Engineering Practice Education (outside school),2024-2025,第二学期,星期一


  • 1、2022.09.22-2025.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,基于孔道网络和动力学模型的生物炭-猪粪/麦秸好氧堆肥固氮减排机理
  • 2、2021.11.16-2023.12.31,地市厅局(含县)项目,农林剩余物好氧堆肥技术研发及试验示范
  • 1、2023.10.20-2024.06.30,无依托项目,秸秆综合利用重点区—蔬菜废弃物产废系数与可收集系数研究
  • 2、2023.05.18-2023.12.31,无依托项目,政府购买服务合同-制定《畜禽粪污覆膜式好氧发酵技术规范》标准
  • 3、2022.11.01-2023.06.30,无依托项目,功能膜法好氧发酵装备技术标准化
  • 4、2022.06.23-2022.12.31,国际合作项目,澜湄国家饲料质量安全快速检测技术平台建设与网络化联合应用
  • 5、2022.04.01-2023.09.30,无依托项目,智能膜法好氧发酵生产技术升级研究
  • 6、2021.12.01-2026.12.31,无依托项目,功能膜法好氧发酵关键技术研发
  • 7、2021.09.01-2021.12.31,国际合作项目,澜湄国家饲料质量安全快速检测技术平台建设与网络化联合应用


论文题目 刊物名称 收录类别 发表年月 第一作者或全部作者 第一作者单位 排名





[1] Xueqin He*, Zhihao Peng, Yuxiong Zhu, Yufeng Chen, Yuanping Huang, Jingpeng Xiong, Chen Fang, Shurong Du, Long Wang, Ling Zhou, Guangqun Huang, Lujia Han, Wheat straw biochar as an additive in swine manure composting: An in-depth analysis of mixed material particle characteristics and interface interactions [J]. Waste Management, 2024, 176, 41-51. (SCI IF=7.1, IF5year= 7.9) [Top 10%]

[2] He, Xiang, Li He, Feiyang Jiao, Kan Zhang, Xueqin He*. A study of the effect of biochar additive on the manure–compost–soil process and its bacterial succession [J]. Sustainability, 2024, 16, 7910. (SCI IF=3.3, IF5year= 3.6)

[3] 彭智昊,郭兴强,于双,黄光群,史苏安,何雪琴*.规模化好氧堆肥底部曝气系统管道内流场仿真与试验[J].农业工程学报,2024408):198-206(EI)

[4] Xueqin He, Jinpeng Xiong, Zengling Yang, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Exploring the impact of biochar on antibiotics and antibiotics resistance genes in pig manure aerobic composting through untargeted metabolomics and metagenomics[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 352:127118. (SCI IF=11.4, IF5year=10.6) [Top 10%]

[5] Xueqin He, Hongjie Yin, Chen Fang, Jinpeng Xiong, Lujia Han, Zengling Yang, Guangqun Huang*. Metagenomic and q-PCR analysis reveals the effect of powder bamboo biochar on nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions during aerobic composting[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 323: 124567. (SCI IF= 11.889, IF5year=11.139) [Top 10%]

[6] Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Analysis of regulative variables on greenhouse gas emissions and spatial pore gas concentrations with modeling during large-scale trough composting[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 277: 124066. (SCI/EI IF=9.297, IF5year=9.444) [Top 10%]

[7] Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Bao Fu, Shurong Du, Ye Liu, Guangqun Huang*. Effect and microbial reaction mechanism of rice straw biochar on pore methane production during mainstream large-scale aerobic composting in China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 215: 1223-1232. (SCI IF=7.246, IF5year=7.491) [Top 10%]

[8] Xueqin He, Hongjie Yin, Lujia Han, Ruxiu Cui, Chen Fang, Guangqun Huang*. Effects of biochar size and type on gaseous emissions during pig manure/wheat straw aerobic composting[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 271: 375-382. (SCI IF=7.539, IF5year=7.270) [Top 10-20%]

[9] Xueqin He, Hongjie Yin, Xiaoxi Sun, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Effect of different particle-size biochar on methane emissions during pig manure/wheat straw aerobic composting: Insights into pore characterization and microbial mechanisms[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 259: 633-637. (SCI IF=6.669, IF5year=6.589) [Top 10-20%]

[10] Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Jinyi Ge, Guangqun Huang*. Modelling for reactor-style aerobic composting based on coupling theory of mass-heat-momentum transport and Contois equation[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 253: 165-174. (SCI IF=6.669, IF5year=6.589) [Top 10-20%]

[11] Xueqin He, Longjian Chen, Lujia Han, Ning Liu, Ruxiu Cui, Hongjie Yin, Guangqun Huang*. Evaluation of biochar powder on oxygen supply efficiency and global warming potential during mainstream large-scale aerobic composting in China[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 245: 309-341. (SCI/EI IF=5.807, IF5year=5.978) [Top 10-20%]


[12] Xiaoxi Sun, Guangqun Huang, Yuanping Huang, Chen Fang, Xueqin He*, Yongjun Zheng*. Large Semi-Membrane Covered Composting System Improves the Spatial Homogeneity and Efficiency of Fermentation[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(23): 15503. (SCI)

[13] Chen Fang, Huiwen Qu, Sanwei Yang, Guandi He, Ya Su, Xueqin He, Guangqun Huang*. Micro-positive pressure significantly decreases greenhouse gas emissions by regulating archaeal community during industrial-scale dairy manure composting[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 360: 121163. (SCI IF=8.0, IF5year=7.9) [Top 10%]

[14] Hongjie Yin, Jianfei Zeng, Chen Fang, Xueqin He, Ya Su, Jinpeng Xiong, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Succession of bacteria communities during production and application of dairy bedding by membrane-covered aerobic fermentation[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2024, 17(1): 232-240. (SCI IF=2.2)

[15] Jinpeng Xiong, Qianting Zhuo, Zhuolin Shi, Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Multivariate and multiscale investigation of ammonia production and emission mechanisms during membrane-covered cattle manure/wheat straw aerobic composting. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 478, 147511. (SCI IF=13.3, IF5year=13.2) [Top 10%]

[16] Jinpeng Xiong, Qianting Zhuo, Ya Su, Huiwen Qu, Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Nitrogen evolution during membrane-covered aerobic composting: interconversion between nitrogen forms and migration pathways[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 345: 118727. (SCI IF=8.7, IF5year=8.4) [Top 10%-20%]

[17] Chen Fang, Ya Su, Qianting Zhuo, Xiaoli Wang, Shuangshuang Ma, Muqing Zhan, Xueqin He, Guangqun Huang*. Responses of greenhouse gas emissions to aeration coupled with functional membrane during industrial-scale composting of dairy manure: Insights into bacterial community composition and function[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2024, 393, 130079. (SCI IF=9.7, IF5year=9.4) [Top 10%]

[18] Ya Su, Jinpeng Xiong, Chen Fang, Huiwen Qu, Lujia Han, Xueqin He, Guangqun Huang *. Combined effects of amoxicillin and copper on nitrogen transformation and the microbial mechanisms during aerobic composting of cow manure[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 455: 131569. (SCI IF=13.6, IF5year=12.7) [Top 10%]

[19] Hongjie Yin, Chen Fang, Xueqin He, Hao Yu, Yuying Liang, LujiaHan, Guangqun Huang*. Safety production and application of dairy bedding by membrane-covered aerobic fermentation: Insight into the evolution of mastitis pathogens and harmful gas emissions[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(3): 110002. (SCI IF=7.7, IF5year=7.3) [Top 10-20%]

[20] Jinpeng Xiong, Ya Su, Xueqin He, LujiaHan, GuangqunHuang*. Effects of functional membrane coverings on carbon and nitrogen evolution during aerobic composting: Insight into the succession of bacterial and fungal communities[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 369: 128463. (SCI IF=11.4, IF5year=10.6) [Top 10%]

[21] Jinpeng Xiong, Ya Su, Huiwen Qu, Lujia Han, Xueqin He, JianbinGuo, GuangqunHuang*. Effects of micro-positive pressure environment on nitrogen conservation and humification enhancement during functional membrane-covered aerobic composting[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 864: 161065. (SCI IF=9.8, IF5year=9.6) [Top 10%]

[22] Jinpeng Xiong, Ya Su, Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Jianbin Guo, Wei Qiao, Guangqun Huang*.Effects of functional-membrane covering technique on nitrogen succession during aerobic composting: Metabolic pathways, functional enzymes, and functional genes[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 354: 127205. (SCI IF=11.4, IF5year=10.6) [Top 10%]

[23] Chen Fang, Ya Su, Yuying Liang, Lujia Han, Xueqin He, Guangqun Huang*. Exploring the microbial mechanism of reducing methanogenesis during dairy manure membrane-covered aerobic composting at industrial scale[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 354: 127214. (SCI IF=11.4, IF5year=10.6) [Top 10%]

[24] Zhendong Yang, Min Tong, Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Jianbin Guo, Tianjun Jing, Guangqun Huang, Changming Shi. Cu (II) and ammonium adsorption from dairy cattle breeding sewage by phosphorus-modified dairy cow manure hydrochar[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2022, 15(5): 78-84. (SCI IF=2.2)

[25] Chen Fang, Xiangru Yuan, Keke Liao, Huiwen Qu, Lujia Han, Xueqin He, Guangqun Huang*. Micro-aerobic conditions based on membrane-covered improves the quality of compost products: Insights into fungal community evolution and dissolved organic matter characteristics[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 362:127849. (SCI IF=11.4, IF5year=10.6) [Top 10%]

[26] Chen Fang, Ya Su, Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Huiwen Qu, Ling Zhou, Guangqun Huang*. Membrane-covered composting significantly decreases methane emissions and microbial pathogens: Insight into the succession of bacterial and fungal communities[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 845:157343. (SCI IF=9.8, IF5year=9.6) [Top 10%]

[27] Chen Fang, Hongjie Yin, Lujia Han, Shuangshuang Ma, Xueqin He, Guangqun Huang*. Effects of semi-permeable membrane covering coupled with intermittent aeration on gas emissions during aerobic composting from the solid fraction of dairy manure at industrial scale[J]. Waste Management, 2021, 131: 1-9. (SCI IF=8.816, IF5year=9.410). [Top 10%]

[28] Jinpeng Xiong, Shuangshuang Ma, Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Nitrogen Transformation and Dynamic Changes in Related Functional Genes during Functional-membrane Covered Aerobic Composting[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 332: 125087. (SCI IF= 11.889, IF5year=11.139) [Top 10%]

[29] Shuangshuang Ma, Chen Fang, Xiaoxi Sun, Lujia Han, Xueqin He, Guangqun Huang*. Bacterial community succession during pig manure and wheat straw aerobic composting covered with a semi-permeable membrane under slight positive pressure[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 259: 221-227 (SCI IF=6.669, IF5year=6.589) [Top 10-20%]

[30] Shuangshuang Ma, Xiaoxi Sun, Chen Fang, Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Exploring the mechanisms of decreased methane during pig manure and wheat straw aerobic composting covered with a semi-permeable membrane [J]. Waste Management, 2018, 78: 393-400 (SCI IF=5.431, IF5year=5.993) [Top 10%]

[31] Xin Tong, Xueqin He, Hongwei Duan, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. Evaluation of controlled release urea on the dynamics of nitrate, ammonium, and its nitrogen release in black soils of Northeast China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(1): 119-131. (SCI IF=2.468, IF5year=2.948)

[32] Longjian Chen, Aiwei Li, Xueqin He, Lujia Han*, A multi-scale biomechanical model based on the physiological structure and lignocellulose components of wheat straw[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 133, 135-143. (SCI IF=4.219, IF5year=4.689) [Top 10-20%]


[33] Xueqin He, Lujia Han, Guangqun Huang*. The effect of different particle sizes of biochar on ammonia mitigation during pig manure/wheat straw aerobic composting process. 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 1801042, St. Joseph, MI. (EI)


[34] 何雪琴,陈龙健,韩鲁佳,黄光群*. 好氧堆肥动力学数学模型研究进展. 中国农业工程学会2017年学术年会(CSAE 2017)论文集[C]. 淄博:2017


  • 1、有机肥套餐配肥机控制系统,2024,2024SR0918445,软件著作权登记
  • 2、粮食类作物有机肥套餐化复配软件,2023,2023SR1312255,软件著作权登记
  • 1、基于动量传递机制模拟规模化好氧发酵通风系统的建模方法,2022,202210101354.X


  • 1、2019,中国农业大学校级优秀博士毕业论文
  • 2、2019,中国农业大学优秀博士毕业生
  • 3、2018,国家博士研究生奖学金





本科生指导:欢迎相关专业的本科生同学前来实验室参观学习交流,鼓励有创新想法或者科研爱好的同学积极报名参加各项科研项目和各类学科竞赛,包括:国家级、北京市级及校级本科生创新创业项目(国创/北创/URP); “挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛、“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛、中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛等。


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  • 年级


专业技术职务: 副教授


学位: 博士


电子邮箱: hxq12@cau.edu.cn

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