论文题目 |
刊物名称 |
收录类别 |
发表年月 |
第一作者或全部作者 |
第一作者单位 |
排名 |
Hybrid path planning methods for complete coverage in harvesting operation scenarios |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2025 |
Wang, Ning; Jin, Zhiwen; Wang, Tianhai; Xiao, Jianxing; Zhang, Zhao; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
Low–carbon regulation method for greenhouse light environment based on multi–objective optimization |
Expert Systems with Applications |
2024 |
Niu, Yuanyi; Han, Yuxiao; Li, Yida; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
融合改进头脑风暴与 Powell 算法的马铃薯多模态图像配准. |
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering |
EI |
2024 |
李易达; 王雨欣; 李晨曦; 赵冀; 马恢; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
基于 3D 激光雷达的鸡舍通道中心线检测方法. |
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering |
EI |
2024 |
韩雨晓; 李帅; 王宁; 安娅军; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
Collaborative path planning and task allocation for multiple agricultural machines |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2023 |
Wang, Ning; Yang, Xi; Wang, Tianhai; Xiao, Jianxing; Zhang, Man; Wang, Hao; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
Vision based fruit recognition and positioning technology for harvesting robots |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2023 |
Yang, Yingyan; Han, Yuxiao; Li, Shuai; Yang, Yuanda; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
Detection of Laodelphax striatellus (small brown planthopper) based on improved YOLOv5 |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2023 |
Huang, Wenxuan; Huo, Yan; Yang, Shaochen; Liu, Mingjia; Li, Han; Zhang, Man; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
Extraction of 3D distribution of potato plant CWSI based on thermal infrared image and binocular stereovision system |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
2023 |
Wang, Liuyang; Miao, Yanlong; Han, Yuxiao; Li, Han; Zhang, Man; Peng, Cheng; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
基于 ROS 系统的作物图像自主采集系统 |
智能化农业装备学报 (中英文) |
无 |
2023 |
李易达; 汪刘洋; 韩雨晓; 李帅; 李寒; 张漫; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
农业机器人全覆盖作业规划研究进展 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2022 |
王宁; 韩雨晓; 王雅萱; 王天海; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
基于三维点云的番茄植株茎叶分割与表型特征提取. |
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering |
EI |
2022 |
彭程; 李帅; 苗艳龙; 张振乾; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
Prediction of leaf water content in maize seedlings based on hyperspectral information |
IFAC-PapersOnLine |
EI |
2019 |
Gao, Yang; Qiu, Junwei; Miao, Yanlong; Qiu, Ruicheng; Li, Han; Zhang, Man; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
基于几何形态学与迭代随机圆的番茄识别方法 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2019 |
孙建桐; 孙意凡; 赵然; 季宇寒; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
果实采摘机器人设计与导航系统性能分析 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2019 |
孙意凡; 孙建桐; 赵然; 李世超; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
温室绿熟番茄机器视觉检测方法. |
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering |
EI |
2017 |
李寒; 张漫; 高宇; 李民赞; 季宇寒; |
中国农业大学 |
通信作者 |
Immature green citrus fruit detection and counting based on fast normalized cross correlation (FNCC) using natural outdoor colour images |
Precision Agriculture |
2016 |
Li, Han; Lee, Won Suk; Wang, Ku; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
基于 SOM-K-means 算法的番茄果实识别与定位方法 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2021 |
李寒; 陶涵虓; 崔立昊; 刘大为; 孙建桐; 张漫; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
‘Extended spectral angle mapping (ESAM)’for citrus greening disease detection using airborne hyperspectral imaging |
Precision Agriculture |
2014 |
Li, Han; Lee, Won Suk; Wang, Ku; Ehsani, Reza; Yang, Chenghai; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
Identifying blueberry fruit of different growth stages using natural outdoor color images |
Computers and electronics in agriculture |
2014 |
Li, Han; Lee, Won Suk; Wang, Ku; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
Spectral angle mapper (SAM) based citrus greening disease detection using airborne hyperspectral imaging |
Proc. 11th Intl Conf. on Precision Agriculture. Monticello, Ill.: International Society of Precision Agriculture |
无 |
2012 |
Li, H; Lee, WS; Wang, R; Ehsani, R; Yang, Chenghai; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
基于机器视觉的番茄多目标提取与匹配 |
农业工程学报 |
EI |
2012 |
李寒; 王库; 曹倩; 殷晶晶; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
基于灰度冗余和 SURF 算法的电气设备红外和可见光图像配准 |
电力系统保护与控制 |
EI |
2011 |
李寒; 王库; 刘韶军; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
Cotton leaf image edge detection using Mean-shift algorithm and lifting wavelet transform |
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering |
EI |
2010 |
Li, Han; Wang, Ku; Bian, Haoyi; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
基于 Mean-shift 和提升小波变换的棉花叶片边缘的图像检测 |
农业工程学报 |
EI |
2010 |
李寒; 王库; 边昊一; |
中国农业大学 |
第一作者 |
Intelligent scheduling method for multi-machine cooperative operation based on NSGA-III and improved ant colony algorithm |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2023 |
Li, Shichao; Zhang, Man; Wang, Ning; Cao, Ruyue; Zhang, Zhenqian; Ji, Yuhan; Li, Han; Wang, Hao; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(7) |
Multiple object tracking in farmland based on fusion point cloud data |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2022 |
Ji, Yuhan; Peng, Cheng; Li, Shichao; Chen, Bin; Miao, Yanlong; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(7) |
Global path conflict detection algorithm of multiple agricultural machinery cooperation based on topographic map and time window |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2023 |
Cao, Ruyue; Guo, Yanan; Zhang, Zhenqian; Li, Shichao; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; Li, Minzan; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(6) |
One-shot domain adaptive real-time 3D obstacle detection in farmland based on semantic-geometry-intensity fusion strategy |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2023 |
Wang, Tianhai; Wang, Ning; Xiao, Jianxing; Miao, Yanlong; Sun, Yifan; Li, Han; Zhang, Man; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(6) |
日光温室作物冠层夏季光照强度与空气温湿度 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2023 |
吕欢欢; 牛源艺; 韩雨晓; 李顺达; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(6) |
Design of feed rate monitoring system and estimation method for yield distribution information on combine harvester |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2022 |
Sun, Yifan; Liu, Renjie; Zhang, Man; Li, Minzan; Zhang, Zhenqian; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(6) |
Decision method for greenhouse tomato light regulation based on the concavity of photosynthesis response |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2024 |
Niu, Yuanyi; Li, Yida; Han, Yuxiao; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(5) |
Photosynthesis prediction and light spectra optimization of greenhouse tomato based on response of red–blue ratio |
Scientia Horticulturae |
2023 |
Niu, Yuanyi; Lyu, Huanhuan; Liu, Xinying; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(5) |
基于 GWO-MPC 的联合收获机喂入量控制方法与仿真实验 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2023 |
孙意凡; 刘仁杰; 李世超; 张漫; 李寒; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(5) |
Effects of supplemental lighting duration and matrix moisture on net photosynthetic rate of tomato plants under solar greenhouse in winter |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2022 |
Niu, Yuanyi; Lyu, Huanhuan; Liu, Xinying; Zhang, Man; Li, Han; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(5) |
Measurement method of maize morphological parameters based on point cloud image conversion |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2022 |
Miao, Yanlong; Peng, Cheng; Wang, Liuyang; Qiu, Ruicheng; Li, Han; Zhang, Man; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(5) |
A single plant segmentation method of maize point cloud based on Euclidean clustering and K-means clustering |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2023 |
Miao, Yanlong; Li, Shuai; Wang, Liuyang; Li, Han; Qiu, Ruicheng; Zhang, Man; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(4) |
Applications of machine vision in agricultural robot navigation: A review |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2022 |
Wang, Tianhai; Chen, Bin; Zhang, Zhenqian; Li, Han; Zhang, Man; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(4) |
RTMR-LOAM: Real-time maize 3D reconstruction based on lidar odometry and mapping |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2025 |
Li, Shuai; Miao, Yanlong; Li, Han; Qiu, Ruicheng; Zhang, Man; |
中国农业大学 |
合作作者(3) |