个人简介韩家骏,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要致力于环境有机污染物与健康风险的研究, 基于新兴的非靶标检测以及分子蛋白组学技术,围绕有机污染物的代谢与毒性机制以及人群暴露等环境科学问题开展了研究,并取得了一系列创新性研究成果。(1) 综合利用分子蛋白组学、生物报告系统和非靶标检测等方法研究了复杂污染物的组成并筛选出了其中主要毒性成分; (2) 利用非靶标检测研究不同类别有机污染物的代谢途径与机制,并阐明了代谢特征与毒性效应间的关系; (3) 阐述了部分污染物的人群暴露特征,以及与疾病的相关性。综合利用了实验室方法以及人群暴露监测对环境有机污染物的健康风险进行全方位的评估。在Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,Environ. Health Perspect., Environ. Sci. Technol.,Environ. Int. 等环境领域权威期刊上发表二十余篇论文,环境科学与生态学领域SCI期刊Water的客座编辑,入选第七届青年人才托举工程,国家青年海外高层次人才。 工作经历 2021.12-至今 中国农业大学 应用化学系 教授 2017.9-2021.5 多伦多大学 化学系 博士后 教育经历 2012.9-2017.7 中国农业大学 农药分析化学 理学博士 2015.3-2016.3 加州大学戴维斯分校 脂质组学 访问学者 2008.9-2012.7 中国农业大学 化学 理学学士 研究领域 1.农药等有机污染物的环境行为以及健康效应 2.筛选农药等有机污染物的蛋白靶标 3.非靶标监测筛选未知有机污染物. 4.蛋白与小分子的相互作用 科研项目 1.国家青年海外高层次人才,200万,2023.1-2026.1,主持 2.青年托举工程,中国科协,45万,2022.3-2025.3,主持 3.杰出人才项目,中国农业大学,300万,2021.12-2027.3,主持 4.农药代谢物在水生环境及水生生物中的生成机制及健康效应研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,300万,2014-2018,参与 5.氯氰菊酯在鸡体内的对映体选择性残留行为和代谢机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,26万,2014-2016,参与 发表论文 1. J Han; W Gu; H Barrett; D Yang; S Tang; J Sun; J Liu; H Krause; K Houck; H Peng; A Roadmap to the Structure-Related Metabolism Pathways of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Early Life Stages of Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Environ Health Persp,2021,129(7):77004 (IF: 9.031,中科院一区) 2. J Han, J Fu, J Sun, D Hall, D Yang, D Blatz, K Houck, C Ng, J Doering, C LaLone, H Peng. Quantitative Chemical Proteomics Reveals Interspecies Variations on Binding Schemes of L-FABP with Perfluorooctanesulfonate. Environ Sci Technol. 2021 Jul 6;55(13):9012-9023.(IF: 7.864,中科院一区) 3. D Chen, B Lv, Z Liu, J Han#, J Li#, Y Zhao, Y Wu. Nationwide biomonitoring of neonicotinoid insecticides in breast milk and health risk assessment to nursing infants in the Chinese population.J. Agric. Food Chem., 2020, 68(47):13906-13915 (IF: 3.610, 中科院一区) 4. J Han, S Wang, K Yeung, D Yang,W Gu, Z Ma, J Sun, X Wang, C Chow, A Chan, H Peng. Proteome-Wide Effects of Naphthalene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in BEAS-2B Cells Are Caused by Short-Lived Unsaturated Carbonyls.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2020 (IF: 9.412, 中科院一区) 5. J Han, D Yang, D Hall, J Liu, J Sun, W Gu, S Tang, H Alharbi, P Jones, H Krause, H Peng. Toxicokinetics of Brominated Azo Dyes in the Early Life Stages of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Is Prone to Aromatic Substituent Changes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2020, 54 (7), 4421-4431.(IF:7.864, 中科院一区) 6. D Chen, Y Zhang, B Lv, Z Liu,J Han*,J Li*,Y Zhao,Y Wu. Dietary exposure to neonicotinoid insecticides and health risks in the Chinese general population through two consecutive total diet studies. Environ. Int., 2020, 135, 105399. (IF: 8.170, 中科院一区) 7. J Han, L Zhou; M Luo, Y Liang,W Zhao, P Wang, Z Zhou, D Liu. Non-occupational exposure to pyrethroids and risk of coronary heart disease in the Chinese population. Environ.Sci.Technol.,2017, 51 (1), 664–670. (IF: 7.864, 中科院一区) 8. J Han, J Jiang, H Su, M Sun, P Wang, D Liu, Z Zhou, Bioactivity, toxicity and dissipation of hexaconazole enantiomers. Chemosphere, 2013, 93(10)2523-2527. (IF: 5.108, 中科院二区) 9. W Gong; H Barrett; Y Hu; J Han; F Wang; W Wang; S Zhou; H Qu;Application of biochar: An approach to attenuate the pollution of the chiral pesticide fipronil and its metabolites in leachate from activated sludge.Process Saf Environ, 2021, 149: 936-945. (IF: 4.966, 中科院二区) 10. Wang K, Huang R, Brüggemann M, Zhang Y, Yang L,Ni H, Guo J, Wang M, Han J, Bilde M, Glasius M, Hoffmann T. Urban organic aerosol composition in Eastern China differs from North to South:Molecular insight from a liquid chromatography-Orbitrap mass spectrometry study. Atmos.Chem.Phys.2021,21,9089-9104. (IF:6.133,中科院二区) 11. Qu H, Barrett H, Wang B,Han J,Wang F, Gong W, Wu J, Wang W, Yu G. Co-occurrence of antiseptic triclocarban and chiral anti-inflammatory ibuprofen in environment:Association between biological effect in sediment and risk to human health. J Hazard Mater.2021,407:124871(IF: 9.038, 中科院一区) 12. W Wang, W Gong, S Zhou, J Han, D Qi, H Qu. β-cyclodextrin improve the tolerant of freshwater algal Spiny scenedesmus to chiral drugs venlafaxine and its metabolite. J Hazard Mater., 2020, 123076. (IF: 9.038, 中科院一区) 13. D Yang, J Han, D Hall, J Sun, J Fu, S Kutarna, K Houck, C LaLone, J Doering, C Ng, H Peng. Nontarget Screening of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Binding to Human Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2020, 54 (9),5676-5686. (IF: 7.864, 中科院一区) 14. Y Liang, D Liu, J Zhan, M Luo, J Han, P Wang, Z Zhou. New insight into the mechanism of POP-induced obesity: Evidence from DDE-altered microbiota. Chemosphere, 2020, 244, 125123.(IF:5.108, 中科院二区) 15. H Qu, R Ma, H Barrett, B Wang, J Han,F Wang, P Chen, W Wang, G Peng, G Yu. How microplastics affect chiral illicit drug methamphetamine in aquatic food chain? From green alga (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) to freshwater snail (Cipangopaludian cathayensis). Environ.Int., 2020, 136, 105480.(IF:8.170,中科院一区) 16. J Gao, F Wang, W Jiang, J Han, P Wang, D Liu, Z Zhou.Biodegradation of Chiral Flufiprole in Chlorella pyrenoidosa: Kinetics,Transformation Products, and Toxicity Evaluation. J.Agric. Food Chem., 2020, 68 (7), 1966-1973. (IF: 3.610, 中科院一区) 17. J Gao, F Wang, W Jiang, J Han, D Liu, Z Zhou, P Wang.Tissue Distribution, Accumulation, and Metabolism of Chiral Flufiprole in Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus).J.Agric.Food Chem., 2019, 67 (51),14019-14026. (IF: 3.610, 中科院一区) 18. S Di, J Diao, X Wang, P Qi, Z Wang, H Xu,H Zhang, X Wang, J Han. Bioaccumulation of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in carp in a water/sediment microcosm: important role of sediment particulate matter and bioturbation. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.,2019,26(10),9500–9507. (IF:3.306,中科院三区) 19. Y Liang, J Zhan, D Liu, M Luo, J Han, X Liu, C Liu, Z Cheng,Z Zhou, P Wang. Organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos intake promotes obesity and insulin resistance through impacting gut and gut microbiota.2019, Microbiome,7(1),19.(IF: 10.350, 中科院一区) 20. M Luo, Y Hua, Y Liang, J Han, D Liu, W Zhao, P Wang.Synthesis of novel β-cyclodextrin functionalized S, N codoped carbon dots for selective detection of testosterone. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 98, 195-201. (IF: 9.520,中科院一区) 21. Y Liang, P Wang, D Liu, J Zhan, M Luo, J Han, X Jing, G Yao and Z Zhou, The enantioselective metabolic mechanism of quizalofop-ethyl and quizalofop-acid enantiomers in animal: protein binding, intestinal absorption, and in vitro metabolism in plasma and the microsome. RSC Adv.2016,6,99003-99009. (IF:3.070,中科院三区) 22. M luo, D Liu, L Zhao, J Han, P Wang. A novel magnicionic liquid modified carbon nanotube for the simultaneous determination of aryloxyphenoxy-propionate herbicides and their metabolites in water. Anal.Chim. Acta., 2014, 852, 88–96. (IF: 5.310, 中科院二区) 教学科研概况社会职务活动动态研究领域1.农药等有机污染物的环境行为以及健康效应 2.筛选农药等有机污染物的蛋白靶标 3.非靶标监测筛选未知有机污染物. 4.蛋白与小分子的相互作用 开授课程科研项目
招生信息1.博士后 本团队常年招收环境化学、毒理学、分子生物学等领域的优秀毕业生 2.硕博研究生 欢迎对环境化学以及分子生物学感兴趣的同学报考,每年1-2个名额 3.本科生 欢迎优秀在读本科生加入本团队进行科研锻炼,表现优异者有机会开展独立课题,不限年级 硕士研究生
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