
Zhenbo Li

College of Information and Electrical Engineering


  • Department: College of Information and Electrical Engineering
  • Gender: male
  • Nationality: China
  • Post: Professor
  • Duties: Vice President
  • Research Label: Engineering
  • Graduate School: Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy
  • Degree: Doctor
  • Tel: 010-62738751
  • Email: lizb@cau.edu.cn
  • Office Location: CIEE / 761
  • Address: No 17 Qinghuadong Road,Haidian District, Beijing
  • PostCode: 100083
  • Fax: 010-62738751

Expert category

  • Academic degree supervisor type:
  • Professional Degree Graduate Supervisor Type:
  • Engaged in disciplines1:
  • Engaged in disciplines2:
  • Engaging in a profession1:
  • Engaging in a profession2:
  • Research direction 2:
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  • Name of professional degree field:


Zhenbo Li, male, professor, doctoral supervisor and master's supervisor, vice dean of College of Information and Electrical Engineering. He has presided over 8 national research projects such as National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Key Research and Development Program, 8 provincial and ministerial level research projects. He has published more than 80 high-level papers in domestic and international academic journals and ICCV and other top academic conferences of CCF-A, obtained more than 40 national invention patents, more than 60 software copyrights, and won 4 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. He has published one monograph, edited the monograph Human Motion Analysis and Tracking Technology, co-edited Introduction to Agricultural Internet of Things, Introduction to Agricultural Informatization, Research and Demonstration of Key Technologies for Rural Agricultural Informatization System Construction, China Rural Informatization Development Report 2010, Digital Image Understanding and Intelligent Technology - Based on MATLAB and VC++ Implementation, Internet+Agriculture, etc. In 2013, he won the Second Prize of Science and Technology of China Machinery Industry and Second Prize of China Agricultural Science and Technology. In 2015, he won the Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Jiangsu Province. In 2017, he won the First Prize of National Agricultural and Animal Husbandry and Fishery Harvest 2014-2016 and the Special Prize of Teaching Achievement of China Agricultural University. In 2020, he won the First Prize of Invention and Entrepreneurship Award of China Invention Association.

Teaching research

Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence 

Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications 

Professional English 

Linux Operating System Programming 

Programming Experiments

Social Position

Senior Member of Chinese Computer Society

Member of the Computer Graphics and Aided Design Committee

Senior Member of Chinese Agricultural Engineering Society

Member of Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society

Dynamic activity


Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Human-computer Interaction.

Open Course

Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence 

Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications 

Professional English 

Linux Operating System Programming 

Programming Experiments


Vertical Projects

1、2022.02.21-2024.11.01, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, Livestock and poultry disease wisdom cloud service platform computing architecture and system research application

2、2021.05.31-2021.12.31, Provincial, Municipal and Autonomous Region Science and Technology Projects, 2021 Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System Beijing Innovation Team Construction - Poultry Industry

3, 2021.05.06-2023.12.31, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Key technology of low power consumption and high precision sulfide sensing for food cold chain logistics traceability

4、2021.01.25-2022.12.31, National Key R&D Program, Integrated Demonstration of Eco-Intensive Intelligent Farming Model and Processing and Distribution of Seawater and Semi-saltwater Fish

5、2021.01.01-2022.11.30, Non-dependent project, Agricultural Information Processing (English) Journal Grant Project

6、2020.12.17-2021.08.30, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, Research on Science and Technology Innovation Strategy of Factory Aquaculture under the New Situation

7、2020.12.03-2023.03.19, Science and technology projects entrusted by enterprises and institutions, ecological engineering farming technology and model of seawater ponds

8、2020.11.06-2021.12.31, other research projects, research on emerging, foreword and interdisciplinary disciplines in agriculture for 2035 - Topic 3: guiding ideology, development goals, development strategies and key development areas for the layout of emerging, foreword and interdisciplinary disciplines in agriculture in China

9, 2020.05.25-2021.12.31, provincial, municipal and autonomous region science and technology projects, land and sea relay water quality precision monitoring, early warning and regulation of key technology research and development

10, 2019.12.29-2019.12.30, other departments of the State Council, agricultural research outstanding talents and their innovation team training

11, 2019.12.13-2019.12.31, Science and Technology Projects of Competent Departments, Technical Specification for Pond Farming Internet of Things Agricultural Industry Standard Development and Revision

12, 2019.11.28-2021.12.31, competent department science and technology projects, 2019 annual science and technology innovation base cultivation and development project special

13, 2019.11.16-2020.12.31, provincial, municipal and autonomous region science and technology projects, 2020 modern agricultural industry technology system Beijing innovation team construction project - poultry

14, 2019.06.24-2019.12.31, science and technology projects of competent departments, support services to carry out the development of agricultural and rural informatization

15, 2019.03.27-2021.03.08, other departments of the State Council, research on the development strategy of intelligent aquaculture industry

16, 2018.12.18-2019.12.31, Science and technology projects entrusted by enterprises and institutions, integration and demonstration of Internet of Things technology for quality and safety control of vegetables in facilities

17, 2018.12.12-2020.12.31, National Key Research and Development Program, development of quality management and prediction system for storage and transportation of livestock and poultry products such as refrigerated trucks and refrigerated shelves

18, 2018.06.17-2018.12.31, Science and technology projects of competent departments, monitoring and statistics of agricultural and rural resources and other projects

19, 2017.09.25-2019.12.31, provincial, municipal and autonomous region science and technology projects, research on environmental precision regulation model for facility vegetables

20, 2017.07.04-2017.12.31, Science and technology projects of competent departments, agricultural and rural resources and other monitoring and statistical projects

21, 2017.07.03-2018.10.01, provincial, municipal and autonomous region science and technology projects, integration and demonstration of key technologies for accurate control of seafood shellfish fry breeding

22, 2017.06.12-2019.10.31, Science and technology projects entrusted by enterprises and institutions, R&D and demonstration of intelligent regulation and control technology and equipment for large-scale freshwater fish healthy breeding

23, 2017.05.12-2019.04.30, provincial, municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects, integrated application of core information technology for early warning, diagnosis and prevention and control of vegetable diseases in facilities

24, 2017.01.01-2017.09.15, self-selected topic, modern facility agriculture environmental key technology and equipment research

25, 2016.06.23-2016.12.31, competent department science and technology projects, 2016 agricultural and rural resources and other monitoring and statistical funding (agricultural information technology) project

26, 2016.06.20-2018.12.31, National Natural Science Foundation of China Project, Research on non-linear combination prediction model of aquaculture water quality based on dynamic multi-scale analysis

27, 2015.09.20-2016.09.01, Science and Technology Projects Entrusted by Enterprises and Institutions, Key Technology Research and Demonstration Application of Remote Monitoring System of South American White Shrimp Healthy Nursery Environment Based on Internet of Things

28, 2015.08.27-2017.12.31, International Cooperation Project, China-Europe Cooperation on Sustainable Technology Research

29, 2015.07.08-2018.03.31, International Cooperation Project, Cooperative Research on Integrated Supervision Technology of Grassland-type Watersheds with Multiple Water Sources Based on Internet of Things

30, 2015.04.01-2018.03.31, National Science and Technology Support Program, Research on quality and safety traceability system of aquatic products based on wireless sensing, RFID and Internet of Things

31, 2014.03.31-2014.12.31, Application of key threshold model and knowledge base system for healthy aquaculture

32, 2014.02.18-2017.12.31, International cooperation project, Innovation and demonstration of hybrid system model for aquaculture based on resource conservation

33、2014.01.01-2014.12.31, Self-selected project, Agricultural big data program planning

34, 2014.01.01-2014.12.31, Other Departments of the State Council, Agricultural Internet of Things Terminology Standards

35, 2014.01.01-2014.12.31, Other departments of the State Council, Aquaculture IoT platform standards

36, 2013.08.22-2015.07.01, provincial, municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects, aquatic product safety production information technology key research

37, 2013.04.02-2016.04.03, International Cooperation Project, Agricultural Internet of Things Advanced Sensing and Intelligent Processing Key Technology Cooperation

38、2013.04.01-2017.12.31, 863 Program, Crop information sensing by star-land remote sensing

39、2013.04.01-2014.12.31, Provincial, Municipal and Autonomous Region Science and Technology Projects, Key Technology Research on Comprehensive Service Platform of Agricultural Information Technology

40、2013.02.27-2013.12.31, Self-selected project, 3D vision-based koi digital evaluation mechanism and method research

41、2012.11.30-2014.12.30, provincial, municipal and autonomous region science and technology projects, research on key technology of networking of things for facility vegetables

42, 2012.09.01-2014.12.31, National Natural Science Foundation of China Project, Research on online detection method of difficult impurities in cotton based on hyperspectral imaging

43, 2012.04.01-2014.04.30, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Cotton anisotropic fiber online detection metering equipment (Type II) pilot test and transformation

44、2012.01.01-2013.06.30, Cooperative research project with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Research on some problems of machine vision application in agriculture

45、2012.01.01-2014.12.31, National Science and Technology Support Program, Key Technology Integration Research on Aquaculture Object Behavior Monitoring Information Service System

46、2012.01.01-2012.12.31, International Cooperation Project, Collaborative Research on Key Technologies for Wireless Monitoring of Aquaculture

47、2011.09.01-2014.12.31, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on human motion tracking method based on stream shape learning in low-dimensional space without marker points

48、2011.06.01-2012.08.31, Provincial, Municipal and Autonomous Region Science and Technology Projects, Application Demonstration of Digital Integrated System for Aquaculture Intensive Farming

49、2011.01.01-2013.12.31, National Science and Technology Support Program, Research on Comprehensive Perception of Agricultural Field Information and Application of Key Technologies for Rural Information Technology Promotion

Horizontal projects

1、2022.04.27-2023.02.28, Other Departments of the State Council, Agricultural Rural Information Development Support Services (2022)

2、2021.10.09-2021.12.30, No dependent project, Digital Intelligence Driving Rural Revitalization book

3、2021.06.11-2022.02.28, Other Departments of the State Council, Support Services for Agricultural and Rural Informatization Development

4、2020.06.05-2020.12.31, Agricultural and Rural Informatization Development Support Services

5、2020.06.03-2020.11.30, Langfang digital countryside development planning and digital countryside pilot assessment and acceptance service project

6, 2019.06.10-2020.06.09, Aerospace key materials gene database platform construction - data extraction

7, 2019.02.01-2019.03.31, preparation of the implementation rules for the construction of agricultural and rural big data in Tianjin

8、2017.04.25-2021.01.01, Development and demonstration of precise control system of facility hydroponic vegetable planting environment based on Internet of Things

9, 2011.12.28-2012.06.30, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, the application of Internet of Things in the farming industry demonstration project


[1] Wang  Y, Li Z B*,  Li  F,  Mi  Y , Yue  J. Fuzzy Discriminative Block Representation Learning for Image Feature Extraction. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2022, 31, 4994–5008.

[2] Wang  Y, Li Z B*., Li F, et al. Towards fusing fuzzy discriminative projection and representation learning for image classification. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 105137.

[3] Li W, Li F, Li Z B*. CMFTNet: Multiple fish tracking based on counterpoised JointNet[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 198: 107018.

[4] Li F, Li Z B* , et al.DRCNet: Dynamic Image Restoration Contrastive Network.2022.

[5] Li F, Wang Y, Li Y M, Li Z B*. Tied Bilateral Learning for Aquaculture Image Enhancement[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022.

[6] Yang  P, Liu  QH, Wang, BN, Li  WR, Li Z B*, An empirical study of fault diagnosis methods of a dissolved oxygen sensor based on ResNet-50. International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2022.

[7] Guo R, Niu D, Qu L, Li Z B*. Sotr: Segmenting objects with transformers[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021: 7157-7166.

[8] Guo R, Qu L, Niu D, Li Z B*et al. LeafMask: Towards Greater Accuracy on Leaf Segmentation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021: 1249-1258.8. 

[9] Peng F, Miao Z, Li F, Li Z B*. S-FPN: A shortcut feature pyramid network for sea cucumber detection in underwater images[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 182: 115306. 

[10] Li Z B*, Li Y, Yang Y, et al. A high-precision detection method of hydroponic lettuce seedlings status based on improved Faster RCNN[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021, 182: 106054. 

[11] Wu Y F, Guo H, Li Z B* , et al. Body Condition Score for Dairy Cows Method Based on Vision Transformer[C]// IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry,2021.

[12] Li Z B*,Guo R H, Li M, et al. A review of computer vision technologies for plant phenotyping. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020,176, 105672.

[13] Li Z B*, Yang Y, Li Y,et al. A solanaceae disease recognition model based on SE-Inception .Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020,178, 105792.

[14] Li Z B*, Li F, Zhu L, et al. Vegetable Recognition and Classification Based on Improved VGG Deep Learning Network Model[J]. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2020, 13(1):559.

[15] Guo H, Li Z B, Ma Q . A bilateral symmetry based pose normalization framework applied to livestock body measurement in point clouds[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2019, 160: 59-70. 

[16] Peng Y, Zhang L, Song Z, Li Z B* ,et al. A QR code based tracing method for fresh pork quality in cold chain[J]. Journal of food process engineering, 2018, 41(4): e12685.

[17] Li Z B*, Peng F, Niu B, et al. Water quality prediction model combining sparse auto-encoder and LSTM network[J]. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018, 51(17): 831-836.

[18] Li Z B*, Li G, Niu B, et al. Sea cucumber image dehazing method by fusion of retinex and dark channel[J]. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018, 51(17): 796-801.

[19] Wu J, Li Z B*, Zhu L, et al. Optimized BP neural network for dissolved oxygen prediction[J]. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018, 51(17): 596-601.

[20] Li Z B, Niu B, Peng F, et al. Classification of peanut images based on multi-features and SVM[J]. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018, 51(17): 726-731.

[21] Li C, Li Z B*, Wu J, et al. A hybrid model for dissolved oxygen prediction in aquaculture based on multi-scale features[J]. Information processing in agriculture, 2018, 5(1): 11-20.

[22] Zhu L, Li Z B*, Li C, et al. High performance vegetable classification from images based on alexnet deep learning model[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2018, 11(4): 217-223.

[23] Zhu H, Yue J, Li Z B, et al. Multi-kernel dictionary learning for classifying maize varieties[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2018, 11(3): 183-189.

[24] Zhang L, Li Z B*, Li Q Y, et al. Pig behavior analysis system based on video tracking technology[J]. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2016, 25(1): 133-146.

[25] Guo C X, Li Z B*, Li C, et al. Design and implementation of monitoring system of agricultural prices based on Ice middleware[J]. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2016, 25(2): 159-170.

[26] Wang W, Li Z B*, Yue J, et al. Image segmentation incorporating double-mask via graph cuts[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2016, 54: 246-254.

[27] Zhang H, Qiao X, Li Z B, et al. Effective wavelengths selection of hyperspectral images of plastic films in cotton[C]//International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture. Springer, Cham, 2015: 519-527.

[28] Wang X, Yang W, Li Z B. A fast image segmentation algorithm for detection of pseudo-foreign fibers in lint cotton[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2015, 46: 500-510.

[29] Xu Y, Yang W, Li Z B. Soil Water Sensor Based on Standing Wave Ratio Method of Design and Development[C]//International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture. Springer, Cham, 2014: 720-730.

[30] Yue J, Li C, Li Z B*. An Improved Method for Image Retrieval Based on Color and Texture Features[C]//International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture. Springer, Cham, 2014: 739-752.

[31] Jiang Y, Li Z B, Fang J, et al. Automatic video tracking of Chinese mitten crabs based on the particle filter algorithm using a biologically constrained probe and resampling[J]. Computers and electronics in agriculture, 2014, 106: 111-119.

[32] Liu S, Xu L, Jiang Y, Jiang  Y, Li  DL,  Chen, YY, Li Z B. A hybrid WA–CPSO-LSSVR model for dissolved oxygen content prediction in crab culture[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014, 29: 114-124.

[33] Fang J, Jiang Y, Yue J, Wang ZC,  Li DL,  Li Z B*. A hybrid approach for efficient detection of plastic mulching films in cotton[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, 58(3-4): 834-841.

[34] Yue J, Liu L, Li Z B, et al. Improved quality analytical models for aquatic products at the transportation in the cold chain[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, 58(3-4): 474-479. 

[35] Fang J, Jiang Y, Yue J,   Wang Z,   Li DL,  Li Z B . A hybrid approach for efficient detection of plastic mulching films in cotton[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, 58(3-4): 834-841.

[36] Jiang Y, Fang J, Li Z B, et al. Automatic tracking of swimming koi using a particle filter with a center-surrounding cue[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, 58(3-4): 859-867. 

[37] Li Z B, Yue J, Zhang L, et al. Design and implementation of real-time monitoring and intelligent management system for intensive aquaculture[J]. Sensor Letters, 2012, 10(1-2): 309-316. 

[38] Li Z B, Yue J, Li H, et al. Individual Identification from 3D Captured Movement Data[J]. Sensor Letters, 2012, 10(1-2): 335-340.

[39] Li Z B, Yue J, Hu L, et al. Weighted least square fitting based abnormal aquaculture water quality perception data elimination[J]. Sensor Letters, 2012, 10(1-2): 529-534. 

[40] Yue J, Li Z B, Liu L, et al. An improved ant colony algorithm for agricultural knowledge storage scheduling under grid environment[J]. Sensor Letters, 2012, 10(1-2): 562-569. 

[41] Li Z B, Jiang Y, Yue J, et al. An improved gray model for aquaculture water quality prediction[J]. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2012, 18(5): 557-567.

[42] Ma D, Ding Q, Li Z B, et al. Prototype of an aquacultural information system based on internet of things E-Nose[J]. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2012, 18(5): 569-579.

[43] Li Z B, Jiang Y, Yue J, et al. A new hybrid PCNN for multi-objects image segmentation[C]//Proceedings of The 2012 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference. IEEE, 2012: 1-6.

[44] Li Q, Li D, Li Z B. Design of expert system for fault diagnosis of water quality monitoring devices[C]//International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011: 524-529.

[45] Li H, Wang J, Yang W, Liu  S,  Li Z B,   Li  DL. Feature selection for cotton foreign fiber objects based on PSO algorithm[C]//International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011: 446-452.

[46] Yue J, Li Z B, Liu L, et al. Content-based image retrieval using color and texture fused features[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011, 54(3-4): 1121-1127.

[47] 杨泳波,赵远洋, 李振波*,李晔.基于胶囊SE-Inception的茄科病害识别方法研究[J].图学学报,2022,43(01):28-35.

[48] 吴宇峰,李一鸣,赵远洋,杨普, 李振波*,郭浩.基于计算机视觉的奶牛体况评分研究综述[J].农业机械学报,2021,52(S1):268-275.

[49] 李振波*,李萌,吴宇峰,赵远洋,郭若皓,陈雅茹.基于优化SSD算法的冰鲜鲳鱼新鲜度评估方法研究[J].农业机械学报,2021,52(S1):472-481.

[50] 李振波*,赵远洋,杨普,吴宇峰,李一鸣,郭若皓.基于机器视觉的鱼体长度测量研究综述[J].农业机械学报,2021,52(S1):207-218.

[51] 杨普,赵远洋,李一鸣,吴宇峰,李蔚然, 李振波*.基于多源信息融合的农业空地一体化研究综述[J].农业机械学报,2021,52(S1):185-196.

[52] 李振波*, 李萌, 赵远洋等. 基于改进的VGG-19 卷积神经网络的冰鲜鲳鱼新鲜度评估方法[J].农业工程学报,,2021,37(22):286-294.

[53] 李振波*,钮冰姗,彭芳,李光耀.基于可见光谱的鱼苗体长估测方法研究[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2020,40(04):1243-1250.

[54] 朱华,岳峻,李振波,张志旺寇光杰.基于l_(2,1)范数原子选择的图像分块稀疏重构.计算机应用研究, 2019,36(05);1560-1563.

[55] 赵明,姜虹李振波,沈翠华,王庆.基于工程专业认证的《计算机图形学》课程大纲改革.教育教学论坛, 2019,(04):124-125.

[56] 杨慧慧,岳峻,贾世祥,李振波,李文升.物联网通信中间件的设计与实现.鲁东大学学报(自然科学版),2019,35(01);6-13.

[57] 李乔宇,尚明华,王风云,王璐,*.基于嵌入式设备的作物长势监测系统.山东农业科学,2019,51(02):143-149.

[58] 傅泽田,王大鹏,张国祥,李振波,VILAl R,李鑫星.冷藏车水产品堆栈方式对温度场的影响.农业机械学报,2019,50(09): 347-356.

[59] 李丹,张凯锋,李行健,陈一飞,李振波,蒲东.基于Mask R-CNN的猪只爬跨行为识别.农业机械学报,2019,50(S1):261-266+275.

[60] 李备备,岳峻,贾世祥,李振波,寇光杰,张志旺,杨照璐.融合Sobel-SIFT的花朵图像的特征提取方法.鲁东大学学报(自然科学版),2019,35(04):296-300+317.

[61] 李振波,杨晋琪,岳峻.基于协同回归模型的矩阵分解推荐.图学学报,2019,40(05): 983-990.

[62] 李振波,杨晋琪,盖国卫.设施园艺物联网技术与应用进展.农业工程技术,2018,38(25):33-38.

[63] 朱玲,李振波,杨照璐,李晨,吴静,岳峻.基于混合特征的互联网茄子图像检索方法与系统.农业工程学报,2017,33(S1):177-183.

[64] 牟梦媛,岳峻,曲海平,李振波.一种基于改进遗传算法的图像分割方法.鲁东大学学报(自然科学版),2017,33(4);302-308.

[65] 魏丽冉,岳峻,李振波,寇光杰,曲海平.基于核函数支持向量机的植物叶部病害多分类检测方法.农业机械学报,2017,S1:166-171.

[66] 吴静,李振波,朱玲李晨.融合ARIMA模型和GAWNN的溶解氧含量预测方法.农业机械学报,2017,S1:205-210+204.

[67] 张航,乔曦,李振波,李道亮.皮棉中地膜的高光谱图像分割方法.农业工程学报,2016,32(13):161-167.

[68] 杨卫中,徐银丽,乔曦,侥伟,李道亮,李振波.基于对比度受限直方图均衡化的水下海参图像增强方法.农业工程学报,2016,32(6): 197-203.

[69] 段延娥,李道亮,李振波,傅泽田.基于计算机视觉的水产动物视觉特征测量研究综述.农业工程学报,2015,31(15);1-11 .

[70] 王欣,李道亮,杨文柱,李振波.基于可见光机器视觉的棉花伪异性纤维识别方法.农业机械学报,2015,46(8):7-14.

[71] 郭传鑫,李振波,乔曦,李晨,岳峻.基于融合显著图与GrabCut算法的水下海参图像分割.农业机械学报, 2015,(S1):147-152.

[72] 李鑫星,王聪,李振波,陈英义,傅泽田,张领先.水体叶绿素a光学传感器信号调理电路设计与测试.农业机械学报,2015,46(9): 314-318.

[73] 李乔宇,阮怀军,王磊,李道亮,李振波.茶园病虫害智能监测系统设计.山东农业科学,2014,4:12-15.

[74] 刘双印,余龙琴,李振波.李道亮.基于PCA-MCAFA-LSSVM的养殖水质pH值预测模型.农业机械学报,2014,45(5):239-246.

[75] 方晶晶,李振波,姜宇.人体肤色区域的自适应模型分割方法.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2013,25(2):229-234

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The software works

1, Fry counting system based on computer vision Fish Fry Little Assistant, 2022, 2022SR0959712, software copyright registration

2, YOLO v3-based Tile Ripple Defect Detection System, 2022, 2022SR0538290, Software copyright registration

3, Underwater fish detection system based on PyQT, 2022, 2022SR0428171, Software copyright registration

4, Freshness detection system of aquatic products based on VUE, 2022, 2022SR0428170, Software copyright registration

5, Fish tracking system based on joint detection and tracking paradigm, 2022, 2022SR0326379, software copyright registration

6, Fish tracking system based on deep learning technology, 2022, 2022SR0321307, Software copyright registration

7, Dissolved oxygen fault diagnosis system based on BP neural network, 2022, 2022SR0180149, software copyright registration

8, Online vegetable distribution management system, 2017, 2017SRBJ0842, software copyright registration

9, Agricultural products sales management system, 2017, 2017SRBJ0841, software copyright registration

10, Android-based agricultural products management system, 2017, 2017SRBJ0840, software copyright registration

11, Sensor status query system, 2017, 2017SRBJ0839, software copyright registration

12, Eggplant image retrieval method and system based on hybrid features, 2017, 2017SRBJ0114, software copyright registration

13, Speech recognition system based on semantic human, 2017, 2017SRBJ0113, software copyright registration

14, Underwater sea cucumber image target detection and segmentation system, 2016, 2016SRBJ0872, software copyright registration

15, Face detection system based on Kinect camera, 2016, 2016SRBJ0871, software copyright registration

16, JSP-based tourism management system, 2016, 2016SRBJ0869, software copyright registration

17, JSP-based underwater world management system, 2016, 2016SRBJ0868, software copyright registration

18, Oracle database monitoring system, 2016, 2016SRBJ0866, software copyright registration

19, Intelligent Information Processing Platform System for Agricultural Internet of Things, 2016, 2016SRBJ0100, software copyright registration

20, Agricultural IOT intelligent equipment operation and maintenance management system, 2016, 2016SRBJ0095, software copyright registration

21, Agricultural Internet of Things Application Platform System, 2016, 2016 SRBJ0094, software copyright registration

22, Screen digital OCR software, 2016, 2016SRBJ0072, software copyright registration

23, Content-based image retrieval system, 2016, 2016SRBJ0071, software copyright registration

24, Ice middleware-based price monitoring system for agricultural products, 2015, 2015SRBJ0419, software copyright registration

25, Camshift-based koi tracking system, 2015, 2015SRBJ0418, Software copyright registration

26, Disease remote diagnosis system for algae farming, 2015, 2015SRBJ0413, Software copyright registration

27, Disease remote diagnosis system for fish culture, 2015, 2015SRBJ0412, software copyright registration

28, Disease remote diagnosis system for shellfish culture, 2015, 2015SRBJ0411, software copyright registration

29, Aquaculture information management system for aquaculture, 2015, 2015SRBJ0288, software copyright registration

30, Full quality management system for aquaculture, 2015, 2015SRBJ0287, software copyright registration

31, Intelligent mobile end adult abalone breeding management system, 2015, 2015SRBJ0286, software copyright registration

32, Intelligent mobile terminal abalone seed genetic breeding management system, 2015, 2015SRBJ0285, software copyright registration

33, Intelligent mobile terminal seed abalone maturation promotion management system, 2015, 2015SRBJ0284, software copyright registration

34, Intelligent mobile end abalone seedling breeding management system, 2015, 2015SRBJ0283, software copyright registration

35, Markerless human target segmentation system in low-dimensional space, 2015, 2015SRBJ0037, Software copyright registration

36, Vision-based human motion recognition system, 2015, 2015SRBJ0036, Software copyright registration

37, Human motion tracking system based on sparse representation, 2015, 2015SRBJ0035, Software copyright registration

38, Intelligent Tracking System for Aquaculture IoT Movement Behavior, 2014, 2014SRBJ0902, Software copyright registration

39, Aquaculture knowledge base intelligent grasping system, 2014, 2014SRBJ0585, software copyright registration

40, Automatic Generation System for Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation Report of Small Hydropower Substitute Fuel Project, 2014, 2014SRBJ0584, software copyright registration

41, Comprehensive Management and Benefit Evaluation System for Small Hydropower Substitute Fuel Project, 2014, 2014SRBJ0583, Software copyright registration

42, Intelligent environmental control management system for tomato planting in greenhouse trellis, 2014, 2014SRBJ0582, software copyright registration

43, Intelligent terminal monitoring management system for facility horticulture, 2014, 2014SRBJ0581, software copyright registration

44, Intelligent control based vegetable planting management system, 2014, 2014SRBJ0580, software copyright registration

45, Intelligent grasping system for pig breeding knowledge base, 2014, 2014SRBJ0579, software copyright registration

46, Intelligent grasping system for knowledge base of cash crops, 2014, 2014SRBJ0578, Software copyright registration

47, GPRS wireless transmission based koi breeding behavior monitoring system, 2014, 2014SRBJ0575, software copyright registration

48, Sensing-based intelligent classification system for river crab farming movement behavior, 2014, 2014SRBJ0574, Software copyright registration

49, Automatic monitoring system for koi breeding behavior, 2014, 2014SRBJ0573, Software copyright registration

50, Forestry and flower knowledge base intelligent capture system, 2014, 2014SRBJ0565, software copyright registration

51, Self-diagnosis system of bass culture disease, 2014, 2014SRBJ0009, software copyright registration

52, Intelligent monitoring management system for grass carp breeding based on Internet of Things, 2013, 2013SRBJ0872, software copyright registration

53, Intelligent monitoring and management system for dairy farming based on Internet of Things, 2013, 2013SRBJ0871, software copyright registration

54, Integrated management system of facility vegetable Internet of Things, 2013, 2013SRBJ0870, software copyright registration

55, Intelligent monitoring management system for greenhouse greenhouse, 2013, 2013SRBJ0869, software copyright registration

56, Intelligent monitoring management system for mushroom planting based on Internet of Things, 2013, 2013SRBJ0867, software copyright registration

57, Sea cucumber quality and safety traceability information system, 2013, 2013SRBJ0866, software copyright registration

58, River shrimp quality and safety traceability information system, 2013, 2013SRBJ0865, software copyright registration

59, Carp culture disease self-diagnosis system, 2013, 2013SRBJ0864, software copyright registration

60, Shrimp culture disease self-diagnosis system, 2013, 2013SRBJ0863, software copyright registration

61, Freshwater blackfish aquaculture feed feeding expert system, 2013, 2013SRBJ0862, software copyright registration

62, Freshwater river shrimp culture feed feeding expert system, 2013, 2013SRBJ0861, software copyright registration

63, Feed feeding expert system for freshwater grass carp culture, 2013, 2013SRBJ0860, software copyright registration

64, Cotton anisotropic fiber image vector machine template training system, 2013, 2013SRBJ0455, software copyright registration

65, Marine biological detection system, Software copyright registration

66, SVM-based dissolved oxygen sensor fault diagnosis system, Software copyright registration

67, Steel surface defect detection system based on YOLOv5s, Software copyright registration

68, High-precision segmentation system of common plants based on 3D point cloud, software copyright registration

69, SDE fish tracking system based on One-Stage detection, software copyright registration

70, Fish multi-target tracking system based on Transformer, software copyright registration


1. A domain adaptive underwater image enhancement method. 2021. 202110555993.9

2. A leaf segmentation method based on multi-scale dual attention mechanism and full convolutional neural network. 2021. 202110230518.4

3. A method for freshness assessment and visual interpretation of chilled pomfret with improved VGG19. 2021. 202103113

4. A flexible passive ammonia sensor and preparation method. 2020. 2020112967.4

5. A method for detecting ripple-like defects in magnetic tile materials based on YOLOv3. 2019. 201911314751.X

6. Method and apparatus for verifying temperature field of refrigerated trucks based on stack height of stored goods. 2019. 201910772539.1

7. A shellfish target detection method incorporating attention mechanism. 2019. 201910450044.7

8. A chilled meat freshness monitoring device and method. 2018. 201811475872.8

9. A fry length measurement method and system. 2018. 201811076314.4

10. A method and system for underwater sea cucumber identification. 2018. 201811044429.5

11. A method and system for underwater image target detection. 2018. 201810965772.7

12. A method. system and apparatus for classifying fish fry. 2018. 201810724989.9

13. Water quality prediction method and system. 2018. 201810531233.2

14. Crop yield prediction method and system. 2018. 201810460935.6

15. A method and system for underwater sea cucumber image defogging enhancement. 2018. 201810456335.2

16. A method and system for removing weeds from agricultural fields. 2018. 201810360478.3

17. A peanut variety identification method and system. 2018. 201810349090.3

18. A method and system for classification and recognition of vegetable images. 2018. 201810179084.8

19. A method and device for identifying the number of peanut kernels. 2018. 201810172583.4

20. A method for identifying dangerous behavior in a home environment. 2018. 201810110693.8

21. A method and system for fruit and vegetable image classification and recognition based on model fusion. 2017. 201711444688.2

22. A river water quality prediction method. 2017. 201711174475.2

23. Method and device for fruit and vegetable classification based on AlexNet network model. 2017. 2017710943377.4

24. A water quality prediction method and device. 2017. 201710712632.4

25. Aquaculture dissolved oxygen prediction method and device. 2017. 201710409845.X

26. Aquaculture dissolved oxygen prediction method and device. 2017. 201710409841.1

27. Water quality prediction method and system. 2017. 201710233920.1

28. A method and apparatus for retrieving eggplant class images based on deep learning. 2017. 201710233256.0

29. A method and apparatus for predicting dissolved oxygen in water bodies. 2017. 201710214305.6

30. A seed classification method and device. 2016. 201611250010.6

31. A method and device for predicting dissolved oxygen in aquaculture. 2016. 201611124640.9

32. An image defogging method and device. 2016. 201610290289.4

33. A method and system for underwater biological detection. 2016. 201610289792.8

34. Water quality regulation optimization system and method in aquatic life culture environment. 2015. 201510945646.1

35. Method. device and system for early warning of fighting behavior of river crab. 2015. 201510945517.2

36. Method and system for early warning of aquatic life survival environment state. 2015. 201510883559.8

37. A grassland drought monitoring system and method based on computer vision and internet of things. 2015. 201510732348.4

38. An automatic pH monitoring system. 2015. 201510567397.7

39. an aquatic animal behavior monitoring sensor. 2015. 201510366944.5

40. a method and system for underwater sea cucumber image processing based on wavelet transform algorithm. 2015. 201510291065.0

41. A method of underwater sea cucumber image processing based on restricted contrast histogram equalization. 2015. 201510290987.X

42. A method and system for obtaining disease diagnosis results of aquatic animals. 2015. 201510267262.9

43. An aquatic seawater nursery dissolved oxygen automatic control device and method. 2015. 201510264196.X

44. An aquaculture water quality parameter sensing device. 2015. 201510263112.0

45. A computer vision-based method for monitoring and warning the attack behavior of red fin oriental triggerfish. 2015. 201510252761.0

46. Automatic behavior analysis system and method for fattening pigs based on computer vision. 2014. 201410191838.3

47. Short-term prediction method of dissolved oxygen in aquaculture based on multi-scale analysis. 2014. 201410049122.X

48. A video monitoring device for preventing eutrophication of South American white shrimp aquaculture water. 2013. 201320103662.2

49. A dust removal device for cotton delivery pipeline. 2013. 201310565348.0

50. Lint wind speed detection and regulation system. 2012. 201220031135.0

51. Method and device for monitoring corn plant height in field environment. 2012. 201210500342.0

52. Online segmentation method and system for cotton anisotropic fiber images under wind transmission conditions. 2012. 201210452260.3

53. A cotton anisotropic fiber image acquisition environment temperature regulation system. 2012. 201210452259.0

54. A single target behavior analysis method for river crab. 2012. 201210161163.9

55. Aquatic animal behavior monitoring device based on 3D vision and wireless sensing technology. 2012. 201210122102.1

56. A method and system for online segmentation of cotton heterogeneous fiber images. 2012. 201210049200.7

57. Lint pretreatment device. 2012. 201210022044.5

58. A particle swarm optimization algorithm based cotton anisotropic fiber feature selection method. 2012. 201210006210.2

59. Fault diagnosis method for wireless sensor network. 2011. 201110342475.5

60. A water body dissolved oxygen prediction method for aquaponics system

61. A water quality prediction method. system and device for water bodies

62. A shellfish target detection method incorporating attention mechanism

63. A method for detecting the overall ripeness of red grapes in a field based on deep learning and parallel line sampling

64. A lightweight method for identification of eggplant diseases based on SE-Inception

65. An improved Faster RCNN hydroponic vegetable seedling state detection method

66. A MU-SVM-based freshness assessment method for chilled pomfret

67. A Mask R-CNN based freshness grading method for chilled pomfret

68. A method of leaf image segmentation based on dual attention mechanism full convolutional network. invention patent

69. A method and device for gas regulation of microenvironment of aquatic product packaging

70. An unmanned refrigerated cold storage mobile pickup sterilization or disinfection inspection device and method

71. A kind of embedded device for fish fry counting based on deep learning density map regression. patent of invention

72. A deep learning density map regression based fish fry counting embedded device

73. A noise-resistant eggplant disease identification method based on capsule SE-Inception

74. A Grid RCNN-based method for detecting the state of hydroponic lettuce seedlings

75. A Grid RCNN-based method for detecting the state of hydroponic lettuce seedlings

76. A lightweight SE-ResNet-based method for egg shape identification of seed eggs

77. A method for detecting defects in hot rolled steel strip by improving Faster R-CNN

78. An air-ground integrated mariculture water quality monitoring method and system

79. A multi-scale underwater fish detection method based on attention module

80. A multiscale underwater fish detection method based on attention module

81. A multiscale Transformer model for underwater image enhancement

82. A multi-target tracking method for fish based on equilibrium

83. A method for underwater fish orthogonal pose recognition based on single-stage detection algorithm

84. A fish fry population counting device for stocking and releasing

85. A reversible underwater image enhancement network

86. A method of underwater image enhancement based on conditional generation adversarial network


2013 China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Second Prize,

2013 China Agriculture Science and Technology Second Prize

2013 Science and Technology Progress Second Prize

2015 Scientific and Technological Progress of Jiangsu Province Second Prize  

2017 2014-2016 National Agricultural, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Harvest First Prize

2017 Teaching Achievements of China Agricultural University Special Prize 


Ph.D. and academic master's degree in the direction of computer science and technology. Professional master's degree in the direction of computer technology.

Enrollment in previous years Application intention

Team Display

Post: Professor

Duties: Vice President

Research Label: Engineering

Degree: Doctor

Tel: 010-62738751

Email: lizb@cau.edu.cn

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