
Chao Ma



Degree: Ph.D.

Tel: +86(10)62733603

Email: mac@cau.edu.cn

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  • Department: Ornamental Horticulture
  • Gender: male
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  • Duties:
  • Graduate School:
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Tel: +86(10)62733603
  • Email: mac@cau.edu.cn
  • Office Location: Horticulture building
  • Address: No. 2 Yuanmingyuan west road
  • PostCode: 100193
  • Fax:

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  • Academic degree supervisor type:
  • Professional Degree Graduate Supervisor Type:
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    Dr. Ma received a BS degree in Landscape Architecture from Northeast Forestry University in China. He received Ph.D. in Ornamental Horticulture at China Agricultural University in China. After graduation Dr. Ma joined the Departments of Plant Sciences, University of California at Davis as a post-doctoral research associate where he conducted studies of regulation of flower organ abscission. In 2015, Dr. Ma took the present job as associate professor in department of ornamental horticulture at China Agricultural University in China. Since then, His studies focus on: 1) molecular regulatory mechanisms of flowering in plants of the composite family; 2) molecular regulatory mechanisms and genetic manipulation of flower abscission, especially in rose. 

Teaching research

Social Position

Associate editor of  Ornamental Plant Research

Associate editor of  Horticulturae

Review editor of Frontiers in Plant Science

Dynamic activity


1. Molecular regulatory mechanisms and genetic manipulation of flower abscission, especially in rose.

2. Molecular regulatory mechanisms of flowering in plants of the composite family. 

Open Course


1. Dissecting role of auxin response factor ARF in rose petal abscission zone differentiation, Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (2017-2020).

2. Funding for introduction of talents, China Agricultural University (2015-2018).


First author or corresponding author:

1. Chao Ma, Cai-Zhong Jiang, Junping Gao. 2021, Regulatory mechanisms underlying activation of organ abscission. Annual Plant Reviews, 4: 1-29.

2. Yue Liang, Chuyan Jiang, Yang Liu, Yuerong Gao, Jingyun Lu, Palinuer Aiwaili, Zhangjun Fei, Cai-Zhong Jiang, Bo Hong, Chao Ma#, Junping Gao#. 2020, Auxin regulates sucrose transport to repress petal abscission in rose (Rosa hybrida). Plant Cell, 32: 3485-3499.

3. Jingyun Lu*, Yanjie Xu*, Youwei Fan, Yaru Wang, Guifang Zhang, Yue Liang, Chuyan Jiang, Bo Hong, Junping Gao, Chao Ma#. 2019, Proteome and Ubiquitome Changes during Rose Petal Senescence. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20:6108.

4. Yuerong Gao*, Yang Liu*, Yue Liang, Jingyun Lu, Chuyan Jiang, Zhangjun Fei, Cai-Zhong Jiang, Chao Ma#, Junping Gao#. 2019, Rosa hybrida RhERF1 and RhERF4 mediate ethylene and auxin-regulated petal abscission by influencing pectin degradation. Plant Journal, 99:1159-1171

5. Qian Wei*, Chao Ma*, Yanjie Xu, Tianle Wang, Yiyu Chen, Jing Lü, Lili Zhang, Cai-Zhong Jiang, Bo Hong#, Junping Gao#. 2017, Control of chrysanthemum flowering through integration with an aging pathway. Nature Communications, 8:829

6. Lin Wu*, Nan Ma*, Yangchao Jia, Yi Zhang, Ming Feng, Cai-Zhong Jiang, Chao Ma#, Junping Gao#. 2017, An ethylene-induced regulatory module delays flower senescence by regulating cytokinin content. Plant Physiology, 173:853-862

7. Yuerong Gao*, Chun Liu*, Xiaodong Li, Haiqian Xu, Yue Liang, Nan Ma, Zhangjun Fei, Junping Gao, Cai-zhong Jiang#, Chao Ma#. 2016, Transcriptome profiling of petal abscission zone and functional analysis of an Aux/IAA family gene RhIAA16 involved in petal shedding in rose. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1375

8. Chao Ma, Shimon Meir, Langtao Xiao, Jianhua Tong, Qing Liu, Michael S. Reid#, Cai-Zhong Jiang#. 2015, A KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEOBOX protein, KD1, regulates abscission in tomato by modulating the auxin pathway. Plant Physiology, 167:844-853

9. Chao Ma*, Hong Wang*, Andrew J. Macnish, Alejandro C. Estrada-Melo, Jin Lin, Youhong Chang, Michael S. Reid, Cai-Zhong Jiang. 2015, Transcriptomic analysis reveals numerous diverse protein kinases and transcription factors involved in desiccation tolerance in the resurrection plant Myrothamnus flabellifolia. Horticulture Research, 2:15034

10. Chao Ma, Bo Hong, Ting Wang, Yingjie Yang, Zheng Tong, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, Junping Gao. 2010, DREB1A regulon expression in rd29A:AtDREB1A transgenic chrysanthemum under low temperature or dehydration stress. The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 85 (6): 503-510

11. Bo Hong*, Chao Ma*, Yingjie Yang, Ting Wang, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, Junping Gao. 2009, Over-expression of AtDREB1A in chrysanthemum enhances tolerance to heat stress. Plant Molecular Biology, 70: 231-240


1. Yanjie Xu*, Xin Zhao*, Palinuer Aiwaili, Xianying Mu, Meng Zhao, Jian Zhao, Lina Cheng, Chao Ma, Junping Gao, Bo Hong#. 2020, A zinc finger protein BBX19 interacts with ABF3 to negatively affect drought tolerance in chrysanthemum. Plant Journal, 103: 1783-1795.

2. Allah Jurio Khaskheli*, Waqas Ahmed*, Chao Ma, Shuai Zhang, Yanyan Liu, Yuqi Li, Xiaofeng Zhou#, Junping Gao. 2018, RhERF113 Functions in Ethylene-Induced Petal Senescence by Modulating Cytokinin Content in Rose. Plant & Cell Physiology, 59: 2442-2451.

3. Nan Ma, Chao Ma, Yang Liu, Muhammad Shahid, Chengpeng Wang, Junping Gao. 2018, Petal Senescence: a hormone view. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69:719-732.

4. Srivignesh Sundaresan, Sonia Philosoph-Hadas, Chao Ma, Cai-Zhong Jiang, Joseph Riov, Raja Mugasimangalam, Betina Kochanek, Shoshana Salim, and Michael Reid Shimon Meir. 2018, The Tomato Hybrid Proline-Rich Protein regulates the abscission zone competence to respond to ethylene signals. Horticulture research, 5:28.

5. Alejandro C. Estrada-Melo, Chao Ma, Michael S. Reid, Cai-Zhong Jiang. 2015, Overexpression of an ABA biosynthesis gene using a stress-inducible promoter enhances drought resistance in petunia. Horticulture Research, 2: 15013.

6. Yingjie Yang, Chao Ma, Yanjie Xu, Qian Wei, Muhammad Imtiaz, Haibo Lan, Shan Gao, Lina Cheng, Meiyan Wang, Zhangjun Fei, Bo Hong, Junping Gao. 2014, A Zinc Finger Protein Regulates Flowering Time and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Chrysanthemum by Modulating Gibberellin Biosynthesis. Plant Cell, 26:2038-2054.

7. Zheng Tong, Bo Hong, Yingjie Yang, Quihua Li, Nan Ma, Chao Ma, Junping Gao. 2009, Overexpression of two chrysanthemum DgDREB1 group genes causing delayed flowering or warfism in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology, 71: 115-129.



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