



  • 部门: 资源与环境学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 主要研究方向: 植物营养生理与施肥
  • 毕业院校:
  • 学位: 博士
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  • 学术学位导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型: 硕导
  • 从事学科1: 农业资源与环境
  • 从事学科2:
  • 从事专业1: 植物营养学
  • 从事专业2:
  • 研究方向1: 植物营养生理与遗传
  • 研究方向2: 根系生长与调控
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 资源利用与植物保护


  • 1992.01.01-1995.07.01,博士,东北农业大学,营养生理
  • 1985.01.01-1988.01.01,农学硕士学位,北京农业大学
  • 1981.01.01-1985.01.01,农学学士学位,河北农业大学,农学
  • 1979.01.01-1981.01.01,河北万全中学



发表学术论文250余篇,其中以通讯作者在Global Change Biology》、《Advances in Agronomy》、《Plant Cell Environment》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《Field Crops Research》、《Biology and Fertility of Soils》、《Soil and Tillage Research》、《Geoderma》等国际主流农学杂志发表文章80余篇,合作发表《Nature》论文2篇。出版专著《作物养分高效的生理基础与遗传改良》、《玉米化肥农药减施增效绿色生产技术》。授权发明专利5件、实用新型专利2件。获国家教学成果特等奖1次、国家教学成果二等奖1次、北京市教学成果一等奖1次、全国创新争先奖牌1次、吉林省科学技术二等奖1次。




1998.07-1998.10 德国Hohenheim大学植物营养研究所, 访问学者.

2000.02-200.04  香港浸会大学生物系,访问学者


2004.07-2004.08 加拿大UBC大学植物系,访问学者

2006.07-2006.09 Institute of Plant Science. ETH, Switzerland (P. StampM.Liedgens).

2006.10-2007.08 美国Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, USA. (Dr. D. Schachtman).

2011.01-2011.02 英国Lancaster大学环境中心(Bill David 教授)

2014.10-2015.04 英国James Hutton Institute高级访问学者









  • 1、植物与环境,2023-2024,第二学期,星期一星期二星期五,西校区
  • 2、植物与环境,2022-2023,第二学期,星期一星期二星期五,西校区
  • 3、植物与环境,2021-2022,第二学期,星期一星期二星期三星期五,西校区
  • 4、植物与环境,2020-2021,第二学期,星期一星期二星期五,西校区
  • 5、植物与环境,2019-2020,第二学期,星期一星期二星期五,西校区
  • 6、植物与环境,2018-2019,第二学期,星期一星期二星期五,西校区
  • 7、植物与环境,2017-2018,第二学期,星期一星期三星期四,西校区

  • 1、根系生物学,2024-2025,第一学期,星期三
  • 2、根系生物学,2023-2024,第一学期,星期三
  • 3、根系生物学,2022-2023,第一学期,星期三
  • 4、根系生物学,2021-2022,第一学期,星期五
  • 5、根系生物学,2020-2021,第一学期,星期五
  • 6、根系生物学,2019-2020,第一学期,星期四
  • 7、根系生物学,2018-2019,第一学期,星期二
  • 8、根系生物学,2017-2018,第一学期,星期二
  • 9、根系生物学,2016-2017,第一学期,星期三
  • 10、根系生物学,2015-2016,第一学期,星期三
  • 11、根系生物学,2014-2015,第一学期,星期三
  • 12、根系生物学,2013-2014,第二学期,星期三
  • 13、根系生物学,2013-2014,第一学期,星期二
  • 14、根系生物学,2012-2013,第二学期,星期二
  • 15、资源环境生物技术Seminar,2012-2013,第一学期
  • 16、根系生物学,2011-2012,第二学期,星期三
  • 17、资源环境生物技术Seminar,2011-2012,第一学期,星期三
  • 18、根系生物学,2010-2011,第二学期,星期三
  • 19、资源环境生物技术Seminar,2010-2011,第一学期,星期三


  • 1、2023.02.24-2025.12.31,国家重点研发计划,耐瘠高产作物品种精准鉴定与综合利用
  • 2、2023.02.06-2025.12.31,国家重点研发计划,中低产田作物耐瘠抗逆品种精准鉴定与综合利用
  • 3、2022.09.23-2026.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,低氮胁迫下玉米幼穗氮素分配与幼穗发育的生理调节机制
  • 4、2020.04.01-2024.03.31,国际合作项目,东北玉米化肥利用效率评价
  • 5、2019.12.10-2023.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,吉林黑土区主要种植模式下玉米养分水分高效利用机制
  • 6、2017.12.06-2020.12.31,国家重点研发计划,北方玉米养分需求特征与化肥减施关键技术创新与优化
  • 1、2012.09.06-2015.05.01,玉米肥料研究
  • 2、2012.05.29-2012.11.15,2012年农技推广与体系建设专项旱作节水项目国外水肥一体化专题调研


论文题目 刊物名称 收录类别 发表年月 第一作者或全部作者 第一作者单位 排名
The physiological mechanism underlying root elongation in response to nitrogen deficiency in crop plants 2020-01-01 米国华 资源与环境学院
Nutrient accumulation and remobilization in relation to yield formation at high planting density in maize hybrids with different senescent characters 米国华 资源与环境学院
The impact of high plant density on dry matter remobilization and stalk lodging in maize genotypes with a different stay-green degree 米国华 资源与环境学院
Nitrogen responsiveness of leaf growth, radiation use efficiency and grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in Northeast China Field Crops Research. 2023 Zheng Liu, Jia Gao, Siyu Zhao, Ye Sha, Yiwen Huang, Zhanhong Hao, Lihua Ke, Fanjun Chen, Lixing Yuan, Guohua Mi
High responsiveness to nitrogen supply in modern maize cultivars is contributed to gibberellin-dependent leaf elongation. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2023 Liu Z, Gao J, Sha Y, Hao Z, Ke L, Huang Y, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G
Impacts of maize hybrids with different nitrogen use efficiency on root-associated microbiota based on distinct rhizosphere soil metabolites Environ Microbiol. 2023 Keke Li, La Chen, Wenjun Shi, Conghui Hu, Ye Sha,Guozhong Feng, Entao Wang, Wenxin Chen, Xinhua Sui, Guohua Mi
Regulation of maize growth, nutrient accumulation and remobilization in relation to yield formation under strip-till system. ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE 2023 Sha Y, Hao Z, Liu Z, Huang Y, Feng G, Chen F, Mi G.
Genome-wide dissection of changes in maize root system architecture during modern breeding Nature 2022 Ren W, Longfei Zhao, Jiaxing Liang, Lifeng Wang, Limei Chen, Pengcheng Li, Zhigang Liu, Xiaojie Li, Zhihai Zhang, Jieping Li, Kunhui He, Zheng Zhao, Farhan Ali, Guohua Mi, Jianbing Yan, Fusuo Zhang, Fanjun Chen, Lixing Yuan, Qingchun Pan
Efficient nitrogen allocation and reallocation into the ear in relation to the superior vascular system in low-nitrogen tolerant maize hybrid Field Crops Research 2022 Liu Z. Sha Y, Huang Y, Hao Z, Guo W, Ke L, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G
High responsiveness of maize grain yield to nitrogen supply is explained by high ear growth rate and efficient ear nitrogen allocation Field Crops Research 2022 Liu Z, Hao Z, Sha Y, Huang Y, Guo W, Ke L, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G.
Barriers to the Development of Agricultural Mechanization in the North and Northeast China Plains: A Farmer Survey Agriculture 2022 Huo Y, Ye S, Wu Z, Zhang F, Mi G.
Grain dehydration rate is related to post-silking thermal time and the ear characters in different maize hybrids Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022 Shi W, Shao H, Sha Y, Shi R, Shi D, Chen Y, Ban X, Mi G
Plasticity of root anatomy during domestication of a maize-teosinte derived population Journal of Experimental Botany 2022 Chen Z, Sun J, Li D, Pengcheng Li P, He K, Ali F, Mi G, Chen F, Yuan L, Pan Q
Breeding for high-yield and nitrogen use efficiency in maize: Lessons from comparison between Chinese and US cultivars Advance in Agronomy 2021 Chen F, Liu J, Liu J, Chen J, Ren W, Gong X, Wang L, Cai H, Pan Q, Yuan L, Zhang F, Mi G
Nitrogen allocation and remobilization contributing to low-nitrogen tolerance in stay-green maize Field Crops Research 2021 Liu Z, Hu C, Wang Y, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G
Evaluation of maize root growth and genome-wide association studies of root traits in response to low nitrogen supply at seedling emergence. Crop Journal 2021 Sun X, Ren W, Wang P, Chen F, Yuan L, Pan Q, Mi G.
Negative impacts of excessive nitrogen fertilization on the abundance and diversity of diazotrophs in black soil under maize monocropping Geoderma 2021 Chen L, Li K, Shi W, Wang X, Wang E, Liu J, Sui X, Mi G, Tian C, Chen W
Plant growth–promoting bacteria improve maize growth through reshaping the rhizobacterial community in low‑nitrogen and low‑phosphorus soil Biology and Fertility of Soils 2021 Chen L, Li K, Shang J, Yue Wu Y, Chen T, Wanyan Y, Wang E, Tian C, Chen W, Chen W, Guohua Mi G, Sui X
Effects of growth-promoting rhizobacteria on maize growth and rhizosphere microbial community under conservation tillage in Northeast China Microbial Biotechnology 2021 Chen L, Hao Z, Li L, Sha Y, Wang E, Sui X, Mi G, Tian C, Chen W.
Nutrient accumulation and remobilization in relation to yield formation at high planting density in maize hybrids with different senescent characters Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2021 Shao H, Shi D, Shi W, Ban X, Chen Y, Ren W, Chen F, Mi G.
The impact of high plant density on dry matter remobilization and stalk lodging in maize genotypes with a different stay-green degree Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 2021 Shao H. Shi D, Shi W, Ban X, Chen Y, Ren W, Chen F, Mi G
Machine learning-based in-season nitrogen status diagnosis and side-dress nitrogen recommendation for corn European Journal of Agronomy 2021 Wang X, Miao Y, Dong R, Zha H, T Xia T, Chen Z, Kusnierek K, Guohua Mi G, Sun H, Li M.
Converting maize production with low emergy cost and high economic return for sustainable development Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021 Wang X, Tan W, Zhou S, Xu Y, Cui T, Gao H, Chen M, Dong X, Sun H, Yang J, Wu Y, Kong F, Zhan M, Pan J, Wang Y, Wang X, Luo N, Huang S, Mi G, Zhang D, Yuan J, Chen X, Meng Q, Wang P.
The physiological mechanism underlying root elongation in response to nitrogen deficiency in crop plants Planta 2020 Sun X, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G.
Low nitrogen induces root elongation via auxin-induced acid growth and auxin-regulated target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway in maize Journal of Plant Physiology 2020 Sun X, Chen H, Wang P, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G.
Grain Mineral Accumulation Changes in Chinese Maize Cultivars Released in Different Decades and the Responses to Nitrogen Fertilizer Front. Plant Sci. 2020 Guo S, Chen Y, Chen X, Chen Y, Yang L, Wang L, Qin Y, Li M, Chen F, Mi G, Gu R and Yuan L
Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rate Variability of Maize in Response to Soil and Weather Conditions: Implications for Site-Specific Nitrogen Management Agronomy 2020 Wang X, Miao Y, Dong R, Chen Z, Kusnierek K, Mi G, Mulla DJ
Combined physiological, transcriptome, and genetic analysis reveals a molecular network of nitrogen remobilization in maize Journal of Experimental Botany 2020 Gong X, Liu X, Pan Q, Mi G, Chen F, Yuan L.
Involvement of a truncated MADS-box transcription factor ZmTMM1 in root nitrate foraging. Journal of Experimental Botany 2020 Liu Y, Jia Z, Li X, Wang Z, Chen F, Mi G, Forde B, Takahashi H, Yuan L
Synergistic Regulation of Nitrogen and Sulfur on Redox Balance of Maize Leaves and Amino Acids Balance of Grains Front. Plant Sci. 2020 Liu S, Cui S, Zhang X, Wang Y, Mi G and Gao Q
Increased biomass accumulation in maize grown in mixed nitrogen supply is mediated by auxin synthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2019 Wang P, Wang Z, Pan Q, Sun X, Chen H, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G.
Interaction effect of nitrogen form and planting density on plant growth and nutrient uptake in maize seedlings Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019 Wang P. Wang Z, Sun X, Mu X,Chen H, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G
Root growth and root systemarchitecture of field-grown maize in response to high planting density Plant Soil 2019 Shao H., Xia T., Wu D., Chen F., Mi G
Effect of different drip fertigation methods on maize yield, nutrient and water productivity in two-soils in Northeast China Agricultural Water Management 2019 Wu D, Xu X, Yanling Chen Y, Shao H, Sokolowski E, Mi G
Effect of limiting vertical root growth on maize yield and nitrate migration in clay and sandy soils in Northeast China Soil & Tillage Research 2019 Feng G.Z., He X.L., Coulter Jeffrey A, Chen Y,Gao Q, M G.H.
Gibberellins synthesis is involved in the reduction of cell flux and elemental growth rate in maize leaf under low nitrogen supply Environmental and Experimental Botany 2018 Mu X, Chen Q, Wu X, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G.
Dynamic remobilization of leaf nitrogen components in relation to photosynthetic rate during grain filling in maize lant Physiology and Biochemistry 2018 Mu X, Chen Q, Wu X, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G
Pursuing sustainable productivity with millions of smallholder farmers Nature 2018 Cui ZL, Zhang HY, Chen XP, Zhang CC, Ma WQ, Huang CD, ZhangWF, Mi GH,……, Zhang FS
Phylogenetic, expression and functional characterizations of the maize NLP transcription factor family reveal a role in nitrate assimilation and signaling. Physiologia Plantarum 2018 Wang Z, Zhang L, Sun C, Gu,R, Mi G, Yuan L.
Physiological mechanisms underlying post-silking nitrogen use efficiency of high-yielding maize hybrids differing in nitrogen remobilization efficiency J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2018 Chen Y. Mi G.


  • 1、一株溶磷、促生、适应性强的玉米根际促生菌及其应用,2020,202010150886.3
  • 2、一株抗逆性强的适合东北地区的高效固氮花生根瘤菌及其应用,2019,201910771579.4
  • 3、一株能减少氮磷肥施用的玉米高效促生菌及其应用,2019,201910150243.6
  • 4、一种高地隙追肥机,2016,201620509092.0
  • 5、一种植物根组织活体组织切片的荧光染色技术及其应用,2013,201310478787.8
  • 6、一个来源于玉米的转录因子及其编码基因的新用途,2012,201210478768.0
  • 7、一种氮高效玉米的杂交制种方法,2010,201010597888.3
  • 8、与植物根系发育相关的蛋白ZmNR1及其编码基因,2010,201010564204.X
  • 9、一种玉米条耕机
  • 10、基于玉米品种特性进行硝铵配比施肥增产增效的方法
  • 11、一种耐密氮高效玉米的鉴定方法及应用
  • 12、一种利用生长调节剂提高玉米幼苗耐低温能力的方法
  • 13、玉米硝酸盐转运体基因ZmNRT1.5基因编辑靶点及其应用
  • 14、冬小麦-夏玉米周年浅埋滴灌“4比1”条带种植技术模式
  • 15、一种基于反射光谱特征的绿色作物识别方法
  • 16、一种基于“最优氮肥偏生产力经验系数”推荐作物氮肥用量的简易方法
  • 17、一种鉴定氮高效高产作物品种的评价指标及评价方法
  • 18、一种利用生长调节剂提高玉米幼苗耐低温能力的方法
  • 19、一种玉米氮效率评估高通量表型平台构建方法
  • 20、基于无人机遥感的冬小麦分蘖数监测方法


  • 1、2023,面向农业绿色发展的知农爱农新型人才培养体系构建与实践
  • 2、2023,中国农业大学科技小院团队
  • 3、2021,玉米养分高效利用机理与高产高效技术模式创新及应用
  • 4、2014,依托“科技小院”培养农科应用型研究生的模式改革与实践
  • 5、2013,农科硕士应用型创新人才培养模式改革与实践


  • 序号
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专业技术职务: 教授


主要研究方向: 植物营养生理与施肥

学位: 博士



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