2019年,中国水利教育协会水利院校德育教育优秀成果一等奖 (第3完成人)
1. Liao, D.H., Niu, J.*, Du, T.S., Kang, S.Z., 2024. Improving subsurface soil moisture estimation using a 2‐dimensional data assimilation framework incorporated with a dual state‐parameter scheme. Water Resources Research. 60, e2023WR035771.
2. Liao, D.H., Niu, J.*, Ciais, P., Du, T.S., Zhang, B.Z., Kang, S. Z., 2024. Changing climate threatens irrigation benefits of maize gross primary productivity in China. Earth's Future. 12, e2022EF003474.
3. Zou, M.Z.,Kang, S.Z.*, Du, T.S., Fu, J., Niu, J., 2024. Accelerated integrated watershed management enhances agricultural carbon sequestration and water use efficiency in an endorheic basin. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 202, 107393.
4. Liu, Q., Niu, J.*, Du. T.S., Kang, S.Z., 2023. A full-scale optimization of crop spatial planting structure and its associated effects. Engineering.28, 139-152.
5. Weng, Z., Niu, J.*, Guan, H.D., Kang, S.Z., 2023.Three-dimensional linkage between meteorogical drought and vegetation drought across China. Science of the Total Environment. 859,160300
6. Song, S., Niu, J.*, Singh, S.K., Du, T.S., 2023. Projection of Net Primary Production under changing environment in Xinjiang using an improved wCASA model. Journal of Hydrology. 620(2023),129314.
7. Niu, J.*, Singh, S.K., Sivakumar, B., Argerich. A. 2023. Editorial: Hydrological processes in agricultural lands. Frontiers in Earth Science. 11: 1113184.
8. Shen, Q., Niu, J.*, Liu, Q., Liao, D.H., Du, T.S. 2022. A resilience-based approach for water resources management over a typical agricultural region in Northwest China under water-energy-food nexus. Ecological Indictors. 2022, 144, 109562.
9. Liu, Q., Niu, J.*, Wood, J.D., Kang, S.Z., 2022. Spatial optimization of cropping pattern in the upper-middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 264(4), 107479.
10. Dong, N.*, Wei, J., Yang, M., Yan, D., Yang, C., Gao, H., Arnault, J., Laux, P., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Niu, J., Wang, H., Wang, H., Kunstmann, H., Yu, Z.* 2022.Model estimates of China's terrestrial water storage variation due to reservoir operation. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031787.
11. Shen, Q., Niu, J.*, Sivakumar, B., Lu, N. 2022. Effects of mulching on maize yield and evapotranspiration in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 700.
12. Fu, J., Kang, S.Z.*, Zhang, L., Li, X.L., Gentine, P., Niu, J., 2022. Amplified warming induced by large-scale application of water-saving techniques. Environmental Research Letters, 17 (2022), 034018.
13. Lu, N., Niu, J.*, Kang, S.Z., Singh, S.K., Du, T.S., 2021. A hybrid PCA-SEM-ANN model for the prediction of water use efficiency. Ecological Modelling, 460(2021), 109754.
14. Liao, D.H., Niu, J.*, Lu, N., Shen, Q.X., 2021. Towards crop yield estimation at a finer spatial resolution using machine learning methods over agricultual lands. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 146, 1387-1401.
15. Weng, Z., Niu, J.*, Zhang, W.M., Sivakumar, B., Chen, J., Du, T.S., 2021. Towards a greater drought awareness for drought mitigation in China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, doi: 10.1007/s00477-021-02086-x.
16. Liao, D.H., Niu, J.*, Kang, S.Z., Singh, S.K., Du, T.S., 2021. Effects of elevated CO2 on the evapotranspiration over the agricultural land in Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 593(2021),125858.
17. Gao, L., Kang, S.Z.*, Bai, X.E., Li, S.E., Niu, J., Ding, R.S., 2021. Water-carbon relationships and variations from the canopy to ecosystem scale in a sparse vineyard in the northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126469
18. Liu, Q., Niu, J.*, Sivakumar, B., Ding, R.S., Li, S.E., 2021. Accessing future crop yield and crop water productivity over the Heihe River basin in Northwest China under a changing climate. Geoscience Letters, 8(2).
19. Dong, Y., Niu, J.*, Liu, Q., Sivakumar, B., Du, T.S., 2021. A hybrid prediction model for wind speed using support vector machine and genetic progarmming in conjuction with error compensation. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,35, 2411–2424.
20. Liu, S.N., Shi, H.Y.*, Niu, J., Chen, J., Kuang, X.X., 2020. Assessing future socioeconomic drought events under a changing climate over the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 30, 100700.
21. Chen, Y.Q., Niu, J.*, Sun, Y.Q., Liu, Q., Li, S.E., Li, P., Sun, L.Q., Li, Q.L., 2020. Study on streamflow response to land use change over the upper reaches of Zhanghe Reservoir in the Yangtze River basin. Geoscience Letters, 2020, 7(6).
22. Yue. Q., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Niu, J., Guo, P.*, Li, P. 2020. Type-2 fuzzy mixed-integer bi-level programming approach for multi-source multi-user water allocation under future climate change. Journal of Hydrology, 591(2020), 125332
23. Yang, D., Li, S.E.*, Kang, S.Z., Du, T.S., Guo, P., Mao, X.M., Tong, L., Hao, X.M., Ding R.S., Niu, J. 2020. Effect of drip irrigation on wheat evapotranspiration, soil evaporation and transpiration in Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 232(2020), 106001
24. Zou, M.Z.,Kang, S.Z.*, Niu, J., Lu, H.L., 2019. Untangling the effects of future climate change and human activity on evapotranspiration in the Heihe agricultural region, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 585(2–4), 124323.
25. Niu, J.*, Zhu, X., Parry, M.A.J., Kang, S.Z.*, Du, T.S., Tong, L., Ding, R.S., 2019. Environmental burdens of groundwater extraction for irrigation over an inland river basin in Northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 222(2019), 182–192.
26. Fu, J., Niu, J.*, Kang, S.Z., Adeloye, A.J., Du, T.S., 2019. Crop production in the Hexi Corridor challenged by future climate change. Journal of Hydrology, 579(2019), 124197.
27. Sun, Y.Q., Niu, J.*, Sivakumar, B., 2019. A comparative study of models for short-term streamflow forcasting with emphasis on wavelet-based approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 1875-1891.
28. Zou, M.Z., Kang, S.Z.*, Niu, J., Lu, H.L., 2019.Untangling the effects of future climate change and human activity on evapotranspiration in the Heihe agricultural region, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 124323, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124323.
29. Li, X. J., Kang, S.Z. *, Niu, J., Huo, Z.L., Liu, J.Z., 2019. Improving the representation of stomatal responses to CO2within the Penman–Monteith model to better estimate evapotranspiration responses to climate change. Journal of Hydrology, 572(2019), 692-705.
30. Niu, J., Kang, S.Z.*, Zhang, X.T., Fu, J., 2019. Vunlnerability analysis based on drought and vegetation dynamics. Ecological Indicators, 105(2019), 329-336.
31. Niu, J.*, Liu, Q., Kang, S.Z., Zhang, X.T., 2018. The response of crop water productivity to climatic variation in the upper-middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 563(2018),909–926.
32. Chen, Y.Y., Niu, J.*, Kang, S.Z., Zhang, X.T., 2018. Effects of irrigation on water and energy balances in the Heihe River basin using VIC model under different irrigation scenarios. Science of The Total Environment, 645(2018), 1183–1193.
33. Fu, J., Niu, J.*, Sivakumar, B., 2018. Prediction of vegetation anomalies over an inland river basin in Northwestern China. Hydrological Processes, 32, 1814–1827.
34. Zou, M.Z., Kang, S.Z.*, Niu, J.,Lu, H.L., 2018. A new technique to estimate regional irrigation water demand and driving factor effects using an iproved SWAT model with LMDI factor decoposition in an arid basin. Journal of Cleaner Proudction, 185, 814–828.
35. Shi, H.Y., Chen, J.*, Wang, K.Y., Niu, J., 2018. A new method and a new index for identifying socioeconomic drought events under climate change : A case study of the East River basin in China. Science of The Total Environment, 616-617, 363–375.
36. Niu, J.*, Chen, J.*, Sun, L.Q., Sivakumar, B., 2018. Time-lag effects of vegetation responses to soil mositure evolution : a case study in the Xijiang basin in South China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, 2423-2432.
37. Li, X.J., Kang, S.Z.*, Niu, J., Du, T.S., Tong, L., Li, S.E., Ding, R.S., 2017. Applying uncertain programming model to improve regional farming economic benefits and water productivity. Agricultural Water Management, 179, 352–365.
38. Niu, J.*, Chen, J.*, Wang, K.Y., Sivakumar, B., 2017. Multi-scale streamflow variability responses to precipitation over the headwater catchments in southern China. Journal of Hydrology, 551, 14-28.
39. Li, X.L., Tong, L.*, Niu, J., Kang, S.Z., Du, T.S., Li, S.E., Ding, R.S., 2017. Spatio-temporal distribution of irrigation water productivity and its driving factors for cereal crops in Hexi Corridor, Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 179, 55–63.
40. Niu, J.*, Chen, J.*, Wang, K.Y., Sivakumar, B., 2017. Coherent modes in multi-scale variability of precipitation over the headwater catchments in the Pearl River basin, South China. Hydrological Processes, 31, 948–955.
41. Niu, J.*, Chen, J.*, 2016. A wavelet perspective on variabilities of hydrological processes in conjunction with geomorphic analysis over the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 542(2016), 392-409.
42. Wang, F., Niu, J.*, 2016. The implication of climate signal for precipitation in the Heihe River basin, Northwest China. Advances in Meteorology, 2016(4), 1078617, 1-9.
43. Zhu, X.-G., Parry, M., Lu, Y., Heard, M., Ying, G., Vaughan, S., Shen, J., Jenkins, A., Wang, Y., Lacorte, S., Ouyang, T., Salcedo, F.P., Niu, J., Quinton, J., Luo, C., Zhang, F., Zhang, G., Davies, W., Jones, K., Tyfield, D. 2016. Building the new international science of the agriculture–food–water–environment Nexus in China and the world. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2(11), e01249.
44. Niu, J., Chen, J.*, Sun, L.Q., 2015. Exploration of drought evolution using numerical simulations over the Xijiang (West River) basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 526, 68-77.
45. Niu, J., Chen, J.*, Sivakumar, B., 2014. Teleconnection analysis of runoff and soil moisture over the Pearl River basin in southern China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 1475-1492.
46. Chen, J.*, Niu, J., Sivakumar, B., 2014. Daily anomalous high flow (DAHF) of a headwater catchment over the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 284-294.
47. Niu, J.*, Sivakumar, B., 2014. Study of runoff response to land use change in the East River basin in South China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28(4), 857-865.
48. Niu, J.*, Chen, J., 2014. Terrestrial hydrological responses to precipitation variability in Southwest China with emphasis on drought. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(2), 325-335.
49. Niu, J., Sivakumar, B., Chen, J.*, 2013. Impacts of increased CO2 on the hydrologic response over the Xijiang (West River) basin, South China. Journal of Hydrology, 505, 218-227.
50. Niu, J.*, Sivakumar, B., 2013. Scale-dependent synthetic streamflow generation using a continuous wavelet transform. Journal of Hydrology, 496, 71-78.
51. Niu, J.*, 2013. Precipitation in the Pearl River basin, South China: Scaling, regional patterns, and influence of large-scale climate anomalies. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(5), 1253-1268.
52. Chen, J.*, Li, Q.L., Niu,J.,Sun, L.Q., 2011. Regional climate change and local urbanization effects on weather variables in Southeast China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25, 555-565.
53. Niu, J., Chen, J.*, 2010. Terrestrial hydrological features of the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 4, 279-288.
54. 孙立群, 李晴岚, 陈骥, 牛俊. 欧亚大陆不同生态区植被生长对降水响应的季节变化规律. 生态学报, 2018,38(22):8051-8059.
55. 卢娜,牛俊.南疆植被总初级生产力对区域降水的响应规律.中国农业大学学报, 2020,25(07):103-110.
56. 康绍忠, 杜太生, 李思恩, 佟玲, 丁日升, 牛俊, 毛晓敏, 郝新梅, 黄兴法, 王凤新. 基于“五链环”野外综合实训平台的“四融合”人才培养模式探索与实践. 学位与研究生教育, 2020(10):1-6.
57. 宋姝,牛俊.风力提水在南疆灌溉农业发展中的潜力评估.农业工程学报, 2021,37(02):123-129.
58. 卢娜,牛俊.新疆和田植被水分利用效率的SEM-ANN模型构建.水力发电学报, 2021,40(07):47-60.
59. 李云开, 杜太生, 康绍忠, 王福军, 杨培岭, 黄冠华, 霍再林, 肖若富, 牛俊, 刘浏. 突出农工交融的高等农业院校水利工程卓越人才培养体系创建与实践. 高等农业教育, 2021(03):35-41.
60. 毛文静,牛俊.渭河流域气象干旱向农业干旱的传播研究.中国农业大学学报, 2023,25(07):103-110.
61. 王楚凡, 牛俊. 西北地区主要粮食作物种植的水、碳足迹及布局优化. 中国农业科学, 2024, 57(6): 1137-1152.