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个人简介高少培,博士,副教授,博士生导师。 2013年博士毕业于北京师范大学生物化学与分子生物学专业。2013年起在中国科学院遗传与发育学研究所生物学学科从事博士后研究。2019年8月入职中国农业大学农学院。目前主要研究方向为甘薯发育的分子调控机制及育种技术。利用基因组学、分子遗传学、系统进化生物学等分析方法,对影响甘薯重要农艺性状的网络调控系统进行解析,揭示调控的内在机制,并致力于培育高产优质新品种。近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在国际学术期刊Plant Cell、Molecular Plant、Plant Biotechnology Journal、New Phytologist、Plant Journal、Plant Physiology、Horticulture Research等发表论文。并在Nature Genetics、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、The Plant Journal、Plant, Cell & Environment、Theoretical and Applied Genetics、The Crop Journal等期刊合作发表论文20多篇。研究组所在的是农业农村部甘薯生物学与生物技术重点实验室。欢迎对甘薯研究感兴趣的同学联系。 代表性论文 1. Zhang W, Zuo Z, Zhu Y, Feng Y, Wang Y, Zhao H, Zhao N, Zhang H, He S, Liu Q, Xu R*, Zhai H*, and Gao S* (2023) Fast track to obtain heritable transgenic sweet potato inspired by its evolutionary history as a naturally transgenic plant. Plant Biotechnology Journal 21:671-673; 2. Xue L, Wang Y, Fan Y, Jiang Z, Wei Z, Zhai H, He S, Zhang H, Yang Y, Zhao N, Gao S*, Liu Q*. (2024) IbNF-YA1 is a key factor in the storage root development of sweet potato. Plant Journal. doi: 10.1111/tpj.16723. 3. Xing S, Li R, Zhao H, Zhai H, He S, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Zhao N, Gao S* and Liu Q* (2023) The transcription factor IbNAC29 positively regulates the carotenoid accumulation in sweet potato. Horticulture Research https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhad010 4. Gao S, Chu C* (2020) Gibberellin metabolism and signaling: targets for improving agronomic performance of crops. Plant & Cell Physiology 61:1902-1911. (Cover Story) 5. Gao S, Xiao Y, Xu F, Gao X, Cao S, Zhang F, Wang G, Sanders D, Chu C* (2019) Cytokinin-dependent regulatory module underlies the maintenance of zinc nutrition in rice. New Phytologist 224:202-215 6. Gao S, Chu C* (2018) Fine-tuning of Eui1: breaking the bottleneck in hybrid rice seed production. Molecular Plant 11:643-644. 7. Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W, Chu C* (2016) Rice HOX12 regulates panicle exsertion by directly modulating the expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1. Plant Cell 28: 680-695. 8. Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W, Sun X, Chu J, Cai B, Feng Y, Chu C* (2014) CYTOKININ OXIDASE/ DEHYDROGENASE4 integrates cytokinin and auxin signaling to control rice crown root formation. Plant Physiology 165:1035-1046. 课题成员 博士研究生: 左志丹,赵浩强,王娅,宋文鹏,朱奕璇 硕士研究生: 肖姚,马旭,曹新宇,郑钧瑶,刘弋嘉,吴晓艺 论文列表 2024年 Jiang Z, Wei Z, Zhang J, Zheng C, Zhu H, Zhai H, He S, Gao S, Zhao N, Zhang H, Liu Q. (2024) Source-sink synergy is the key unlocking sweet potato starch yield potential. Nat Commun. 15(1):7260. Xue L, Wang Y, Fan Y, Jiang Z, Wei Z, Zhai H, He S, Zhang H, Yang Y, Zhao N, Gao S*, Liu Q*. (2024) IbNF-YA1 is a key factor in the storage root development of sweet potato. Plant J. 118(6):1991-2002. Li X, Wang Z, Sun S, Dai Z, Zhang J, Wang W, Peng K, Geng W, Xia S, Liu Q, Zhai H, Gao S, Zhao N, Tian F, Zhang H, He S (2024) IbNIEL-mediated degradation of IbNAC087 regulates jasmonic acid-dependent salt and drought tolerance in sweet potato. J Integr Plant Biol. 66(2):176-195. Wang Z, Li X, Gao X, Dai Z, Peng K, Jia L, Wu Y, Liu Q, Zhai H, Gao S, Zhao N, He S, Zhang H (2024) IbMYB73 targets abscisic acid-responsive IbGER5 to regulate root growth and stress tolerance in sweet potato. Plant Physiol. 194(2):787-804. Hu Y, Zhao H, Xue L, Nie N, Zhang H, Zhao N, He S, Liu Q, Gao S*, Zhai H* (2024) IbMYC2 contributes to salt and drought stress tolerance via modulating anthocyanin accumulation and ROS-scavenging system in sweet potato. Int J Mol Sci. 25(4):2096. 2023年 Xing S, Li R, Zhao H, Zhai H, He S, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Zhao N, Gao S, Liu Q (2023) The transcription factor IbNAC29 positively regulates the carotenoid accumulation in sweet potato. Hortic Res. 10(3):uhad010. Gao X, Zhang H, Li X, Bai Y, Peng K, Wang Z, Dai ZR, Bian X, Zhang Q, Jia L, Li Y, Liu Q, Zhai H, Gao S, Zhao N, He S (2023) The B-box transcription factor IbBBX29 regulates leaf development and flavonoid biosynthesis in sweet potato. Plant Physiol. 191(1):496-514. Zhang W, Zuo Z, Zhu Y, Feng Y, Wang Y, Zhao H, Zhao N, Zhang H, He S, Liu Q, Xu R, Zhai H, Gao S (2023) Fast track to obtain heritable transgenic sweet potato inspired by its evolutionary history as a naturally transgenic plant. Plant Biotechnol J. 21(4):671-673. Wang Z, Li X, Gao X, Dai Z, Peng K, Jia L, Wu Y, Liu Q, Zhai H, Gao S, Zhao N, He S, Zhang H (2023). IbMYB73 targets abscisic acid-responsive IbGER5 to regulate root growth and stress tolerance in sweet potato. Plant Physiol. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiad532. Liu C, Zhao N, Li R, Jiang Z, Zhang H, Zhai H, He S, Gao S, Liu Q (2023) Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in sweetpotato using SSR markers. J Integr Agr. 22(11): 3408–3415 Nie N, Huo J, Sun S, Zuo Z, Chen Y, Liu Q, He S, Gao S, Zhang H, Zhao N, Zhai H (2023) Genome-Wide Characterization of the PIFs Family in Sweet Potato and Functional Identification of IbPIF3.1 under Drought and Fusarium Wilt Stresses. Int J Mol Sci. 24(4):4092. Zheng C, Jiang Z, Meng Y, Yu J, Yang X, Zhang H, Zhao N, He S, Gao S, Zhai H, Liu Q (2023). Construction of a high-density SSR genetic linkage map and identification of QTL for storage-root yield and dry-matter content in sweetpotato. The Crop Journal, 11(3), 963-967. Sun S, Li X, Nie N, Chen Y, Gao S, Zhang H, He S, Liu Q, Zhai H (2023) Sweet potato NAC transcription factor NAC43 negatively regulates plant growth by causing leaf curling and reducing photosynthetic efficiency. Front Plant Sci. 2023 14:1095977. Jiang Z, Zhang H, Gao S, Zhai H, He S, Zhao N, Liu Q (2023) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the sucrose synthase gene family in sweet potato and its two diploid relatives.Int J Mol Sci. 24(15):12493. 2022年 Xu F, Tang J, Wang S, Cheng X, Wang H, Ou S, Gao S, Li B, Qian Y, Gao C, Chu C (2022) Antagonistic control of seed dormancy in rice by two bHLH transcription factors. Nat Genet. 54(12):1972-1982. Xiao Y, Zhu M, Gao S (2022) Genetic and Genomic Research on Sweet Potato for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. Genes. 13(10):1833. Zhao H, Wang X, Gao S (2022) Progress on the functional role of oleosin gene family in plants. Yi Chuan. 44(12):1128-1140. Xue L, Wei Z, Zhai H, Xing S, Wang Y, He S, Gao S, Zhao N, Zhang H, Liu Q (2022) The IbPYL8-IbbHLH66-IbbHLH118 complex mediates the abscisic acid-dependent drought response in sweet potato. New Phytol. 236(6):2151-2171. Xing S, Zhu H, Zhou Y, Xue L, Wei Z, Wang Y, He S, Zhang H, Gao S, Zhao N, Zhai H, Liu Q (2022) A cytochrome P450 superfamily gene, IbCYP82D47, increases carotenoid contents in transgenic sweet potato. Plant Sci. 318:111233. Sun S, Li X, Gao S, Nie N, Zhang H, Yang Y, He S, Liu Q, Zhai H (2022) A novel WRKY transcription factor from Ipomoea trifida, ItfWRKY70, confers drought tolerance in sweet potato. Int J Mol Sci. 23(2):686. Zhou Y, Zhai H, Xing S, Wei Z, He S, Zhang H, Gao S, Zhao N, Liu Q (2022) A novel small open reading frame gene, IbEGF, enhances drought tolerance in transgenic sweet potato. Front Plant Sci. 13:965069. Zhao H, Zhao H, Hu Y, Zhang S, He S, Zhang H, Zhao N, Liu Q, Gao S, Zhai H (2022) Expression of the sweet potato MYB transcription factor IbMYB48 confers salt and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Genes. 13(10):1883. Li X, Zhao L, Zhang H, Liu Q, Zhai H, Zhao N, Gao S, He S (2022) Genome-wide identification and characterization of CDPK family reveal their involvements in growth and development and abiotic stress in sweet potato and its two diploid relatives. Int J Mol Sci. 23(6):3088. Dai Z, Yan P, He S, Jia L, Wang Y, Liu Q, Zhai H, Zhao N, Gao S, Zhang H (2022) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of SWEET family genes in sweet potato and its two diploid relatives. Int J Mol Sci. 23(24):15848. Jia L, Yang Y, Zhai H, He S, Xin G, Zhao N, Zhang H, Gao S, Liu Q (2022) Production and characterization of a novel interspecific somatic hybrid combining drought tolerance and high quality of sweet potato and Ipomoea triloba L. Plant Cell Rep. 41(11):2159-2171. 2021年 Zhang H, Wang Z, Li X, Gao X, Dai Z, Cui Y, Zhi Y, Liu Q, Zhai H, Gao S, Zhao N, He S (2021) The IbBBX24-IbTOE3-IbPRX17 module enhances abiotic stress tolerance by scavenging reactive oxygen species in sweet potato. New Phytol. 233(3):1133-1152. Huang Z, Wang Z, Li X, He S, Liu Q, Zhai H, Zhao N, Gao S, Zhang H (2021) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of JAZ family involved in hormone and abiotic stress in sweet potato and its two diploid relatives. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Sep 10;22(18):9786. 2020年 Gao S, Chu C (2020) Gibberellin metabolism and signaling: Targets for improving agronomic performance of crops. Plant Cell Physiol. 61(11):1902-1911. Zhang Z, Gao S, Chu C (2020) Improvement of nutrient use efficiency in rice: current toolbox and future perspectives. Theor Appl Genet. 133(5):1365-1384. Zhou Y, Zhai H, He S, Zhu H, Gao S, Xing S, Wei Z, Zhao N, Liu Q (2020) The Sweetpotato BTB-TAZ Protein Gene, IbBT4, Enhances Drought Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci. 11:877. Zhang H, Zhang Q, Zhai H, Gao S, Yang L, Wang Z, Xu Y, Huo J, Ren Z, Zhao N, Wang X, Li J, Liu Q, He S (2020) IbBBX24 Promotes the Jasmonic Acid Pathway and Enhances Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Sweet Potato. Plant Cell. 32(4):1102-1123. 2019年 Xu F, Tang J, Gao S, Cheng X, Du L, Chu C (2019) Control of rice pre-harvest sprouting by glutaredoxin-mediated abscisic acid signaling. Plant J. 100(5):1036-1051. Gao S, Xiao Y, Xu F, Gao X, Cao S, Zhang F, Wang G, Sanders D, Chu C (2019) Cytokinin-dependent regulatory module underlies the maintenance of zinc nutrition in rice. New Phytol. 224(1):202-215. Zhang L, Hu B, Deng K, Gao X, Sun G, Zhang Z, Li P, Wang W, Li H, Zhang Z, Fu Z, Yang J, Gao S, Li L, Yu F, Li Y, Ling H, Chu C (2019) NRT1.1B improves selenium concentrations in rice grains by facilitating selenomethinone translocation. Plant Biotechnol J. 17(6):1058-1068. Xiao Y, Liu D, Zhang G, Gao S, Liu L, Xu F, Che R, Wang Y, Tong H, Chu C(2019) Big Grain3, encoding a purine permease, regulates grain size via modulating cytokinin transport in rice. J Integr Plant Biol. 61(5):581-597. 2018年 Gao S, Chu C(2018) Fine-Tuning of Eui1: Breaking the Bottleneck in Hybrid Rice Seed Production. Mol Plant.11(5):643-644. Pan J, Huang D, Guo Z, Kuang Z, Zhang H, Xie X, Ma Z, Gao S, Lerdau MT, Chu C, Li L(2018) Overexpression of microRNA408 enhances photosynthesis, growth, and seed yield in diverse plants. J Integr Plant Biol. 2018 Apr;60(4):323-340. Xiao Y, Liu D, Zhang G, Gao S, Liu L, Xu F, Che R, Wang Y, Tong H, Chu C(2018) Big Grain3, encoding a purine permease, regulates grain size via modulating cytokinin transport in rice. J Integr Plant Biol. 2019 May;61(5):581-597. Du L, Xu F, Fang J, Gao S, Tang J, Fang S, Wang H, Tong H, Zhang F, Chu J, Wang G, Chu C(2018) Endosperm sugar accumulation caused by mutation of PHS8/ISA1 leads to pre-harvest sprouting in rice. Plant J. 95(3):545-556. 2018年以前 Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W, Chu C (2016) Rice HOX12 regulates panicle exsertion by directly modulating the expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1. Plant Cell. 28(3):680-95. Xu F, Fang J, Ou S, Gao S, Zhang F, Du L, Xiao Y, Wang H, Sun X, Chu J, Wang G, Chu C (2015) Variations in CYP78A13 coding region influence grain size and yield in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 38(4):800-11. Tong H, Xiao Y, Liu D, Gao S, Liu L, Yin Y, Jin Y, Qian Q, Chu C (2014) Brassinosteroid regulates cell elongation by modulating gibberellin metabolism in rice. Plant Cell. 26(11):4376-93. Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W, Sun X, Chu J, Cai B, Feng Y, Chu C (2014) CYTOKININ OXIDASE/DEHYDROGENASE4 integrates cytokinin and auxin signaling to control rice crown root formation. Plant Physiol. 2014 Jul;165(3):1035-1046. Niu X, Luo D, Gao S, Ren G, Chang L, Zhou Y, Luo X, Li Y, Hou P, Tang W, Lu BR, Liu Y (2010) A conserved unusual posttranscriptional processing mediated by short, direct repeated (SDR) sequences in plants. J Genet Genomics. 37(1):85-99. 教学科研概况本科生课程,植物生物技术实验 社会职务《Genes》, Special Issue "Sweet Potato Genetics and Genomics", Guest Editor 《Genes》,Special Issue "Genetics and Genomics of Sweet Potato",Guest Editor 《Frontiers in Plant Science》, Special Issue "Development, Stress Response and Metabolism of Sweet Potato", Guest Editor 活动动态研究领域1. 分子育种技术研究 2. 植物重要农艺性状形成的分子机制与品种设计 开授课程
招生信息欢迎对植物分子生物学与生物技术感兴趣的同学报考本研究室的硕士和博士研究生。 作物遗传育种 学术型硕士和博士 农艺与种业 专硕 本科URP、毕业设计:每年1-2名 硕士研究生
团队展示博士生: 左志丹、赵浩强、王娅、宋文鹏、朱奕璇 硕士生: 肖姚、马旭、曹新宇、郑钧瑶、刘弋嘉 |