



  • 部门: 农学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 副教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 毕业院校: 中国农业大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: wilsonhuang23@cau.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 新楼4032
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区圆明园西路2号中国农业大学西校区
  • 邮编: 100193
  • 传真:


  • 学术学位导师类型: 硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型: 硕导
  • 从事学科1: 作物学
  • 从事学科2: 农艺与种业领域
  • 从事专业1: 作物遗传育种
  • 从事专业2: 农艺与种业
  • 研究方向1: 玉米功能基因组学
  • 研究方向2: 细胞遗传学
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 农艺与种业


  • 2010.09.01-2016.06.30,农学博士学位,中国农业大学,作物遗传育种
  • 2006.09.01-2010.07.01,农学学士学位,中国农业大学,农学(植物遗传育种)



    主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、重点研发计划子课题、三亚中国农业大学研究院引导资金项目。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Genome Biol, Plant Cell, New Phytol, J Exp Bot等国际著名学术期刊发表论文8篇,并以参与作者身份在Nat Genet,Nucleic Acids Res,Plant Physiol等杂志发表多篇论文。







  1. Pan L, Li Y, An X, Xin Z, Dong Z, Jin W, Huang W(2024). Maize Prolonged Prophase 1 is essential for meiotic progression in pollen mother cells. Crop J.   doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2024.12.001

  2. Xie L#, Huang Y#, Huang W#, Shang L#, Sun Y, Chen Q, Bi S, Suo M, Zhang S, Yang C, Zheng X, Jin W, Qian Q, Fan L*, Wu D* (2024) Genetic diversity and evolution of rice centromeres. bioRxiv:2024.2007.2028.605524. doi:10.1101/2024.07.28.605524.

  3. Chen J#, Wang Z#, Tan K, Huang W, Shi J, Li T, Hu J, Wang K, Wang C, Xin B, Zhao H, Song W, Hufford MB, Schnable JC, Jin W, Lai J* (2023). A complete telomere-to-telomere assembly of the maize genome. Nat Genet 55, 1221-1231.

  4. Xie S, Luo H, Huang W, Jin W, Dong Z* (2023). Striking a growth-defense balance: Stress regulators that function in maize development. J Integr Plant Biol, 66 (3):424-442.

  5. Wang X#, Ma X# *, Yan G#, Hua L#, Liu H, Huang W, Liang Z, Chao Q, Hibberd JM, Jiao Y*, Zhang M* (2023). Gene duplications facilitate C4-CAM compatibility in common purslane. Plant Physiol, 193, 2622-2639.

  6. Li Y, Huang Y, Sun H, Wang T, Ru W, Pan L, Zhao X, Dong Z, Huang W*, Jin W* (2022) Heat shock protein 101 contributes to the thermotolerance of male meiosis in maize. Plant Cell, 34(10):3702-3717.

  7. Huang W#, Li Y#, Du Y, Pan L, Huang Y, Liu H, Zhao Y, Shi Y, Ruan YL, Dong Z*, Jin W* (2022) Maize cytosolic invertase INVAN6 ensures faithful meiotic progression under heat stress. New Phytol, 236(6):2172-2188.

  8. Wang TY, Li YF, Huang YM, Zhao XM, Dong ZB, Jin WW*, Huang W* (2022) Amino acid permease 6 regulates grain protein content in maize. Crop J, 10(6):1536-1544.

  9. Meng D*, Luo H*, Dong Z, Huang W, Liu F, Li F, Chen S, Yu H, Jin W (2022) Overexpression of modified CENH3 in maize stock6-derived inducer lines can effectively improve maternal haploid induction rates. Front Plant Sci, 13:892055.

  10. Hu M#, Li Y#, Zhang X, Song W, Jin W, Huang W*, Zhao H* (2022) Maize sterility gene DRP1 encodes a desiccation-related protein that is critical for Ubisch bodies and pollen exine development. J Exp Bot, 73(19):6800-6815.

  11. Li Y, Huang Y, Pan L, Zhao Y, Huang W*, Jin W* (2021) Male sterile 28 encodes an ARGONAUTE family protein essential for male fertility in maize. Chromosome Res, 29(2):189-201.

  12. Huang Y#, Huang W#, Meng Z, Braz GT, Li Y, Wang K, Wang H, Lai J, Jiang J, Dong Z, Jin W (2021) Megabase-scale presence-absence variation with Tripsacum origin was under selection during maize domestication and adaptation. Genome Biol, 22(1):237.

  13. Xie S#, Luo H#, Huang Y, Wang Y, Ru W, Shi Y, Huang W, Wang H, Dong Z, Jin W* (2020) A missense mutation in a large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase confers temperature-gated tassel formation. Plant Physiol, 184(4):1979-1997.

  14. Liu H#, Shi J#, Cai Z#, Huang Y#, Lv M, Du H, Gao Q, Zuo Y, Dong Z, Huang W, Qin R, Liang C, Lai J*, Jin W* (2020) Evolution and domestication footprints uncovered from the genomes of Coix. Mol Plant, 13(2):295-308.

  15. Deng H, Cai Z, Xiang S, Guo Q, Huang W*, Liang G* (2019) Karyotype analysis of diploid and spontaneously occurring tetraploid blood orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] using multicolor FISH with repetitive dna sequences as probes. Front Plant Sci, 10(331):331.

  16. Zhang L#, Luo H#, Zhao Y#, Chen X, Huang Y, Yan S, Li S, Liu M, Huang W, Zhang X, Jin W* (2018) Maize male sterile 33 encodes a putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase that mediates anther cuticle formation and microspore development. BMC Plant Biol, 18(1):318.

  17. Dong Z#, Yu J#, Li H, Huang W, Xu L, Zhao Y, Zhang T, Xu W, Jiang J, Su Z*, Jin W* (2018) Transcriptional and epigenetic adaptation of maize chromosomes in Oat-Maize addition lines. Nucleic Acids Res, 46(10):5012-5028.

  18. Huang W, Du Y, Zhao X, Jin W* (2016) B chromosome contains active genes and impacts the transcription of A chromosomes in maize (Zea mays L.). BMC Plant Biol, 16:88.




  • 玉米减数分裂和雄性不育关键基因的克隆与功能分析:通过正向遗传学或反向遗传学手段,克隆调控玉米减数分裂进程和雄配子发育的关键基因,并结合细胞学、分子生物学、组学等技术解析基因功能,进一步丰富配子发育的分子调控网络,为利用相关基因进行生物育种提供理论支撑和基因资源。

  • 玉米生殖发育与非生物胁迫互作的分子机理:随着全球温度上升,极端高温天气出现的频次增加,严重威胁作物生产。作物生殖发育阶段对环境尤为敏感。玉米虽然是较为耐高温的作物,但我们过去的研究发现,有一系列基因保障其雄穗发育、雄性减数分裂对高温的抗性。我们将在此基础上,通过正向和反向遗传学手段进一步解析玉米生殖发育与非生物胁迫互作的分子机理,以培育耐高温玉米新品种,保障玉米的增产稳产。

  • 玉米生物育种技术开发:我们将以课题组已克隆的雄性不育基因为基础,结合基因编辑、转基因等生物育种技术,开发适用于玉米杂交种生产的核雄性不育系。


  • 1、显微摄影技术,2024-2025,第二学期,星期二,西校区
  • 2、分子生物学导论,2024-2025,第一学期,星期三,西校区
  • 3、分子生物学实验,2024-2025,第一学期,星期一,西校区
  • 4、显微摄影技术,2023-2024,第二学期,星期一,西校区
  • 5、显微摄影技术,2023-2024,第二学期,星期五,西校区
  • 6、分子生物学导论,2023-2024,第一学期,星期三,西校区
  • 7、分子生物学实验,2023-2024,第一学期,星期一,西校区

  • 1、分子细胞遗传学,2024-2025,第一学期,星期五
  • 2、分子细胞遗传学,2023-2024,第一学期,星期五


  • 1、2024.07.16-2024.12.31,国家部委其他科技项目,西北西部抗病虫高产基础种源创新与应用
  • 2、2024.01.01-2024.12.31,国家部委其他科技项目,2024-国家现代农业产业技术体系-玉米-单倍体育种
  • 3、2023.07.20-2023.12.31,国家部委其他科技项目,2023 现代农业产业技术体系-玉米-单倍体育种
  • 4、2019.10.08-2023.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,一个新的玉米显性花器官发育缺陷基因克隆与功能分析
  • 5、2018.09.01-2021.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,玉米雄性不育基因SA1的克隆和功能研究
  • 6、2017.10.17-2019.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,玉米hzms1 突变体杂合雄性不育的分子机理研究
  • 7、2017.05.08-2018.06.01,教育部项目,玉米杂合雄性不育基因MS2011 的克隆和功能分析
  • 8、2010.12.10-2015.08.31,973计划,同源染色体联会与交换的分子机理
  • 9、2010.08.16-2014.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,作物基因组学
  • 1、2018.08.31-2019.08.31,基于CRIPSR产生精核片段化介导的单倍体诱导研究


论文题目 刊物名称 收录类别 发表年月 第一作者或全部作者 第一作者单位 排名
Maize cytosolic invertase INVAN6 ensures faithful meiotic progression under heat stress NEW PHYTOLOGIST SCI DEC 2022 Huang, W.#, Li, Y.#, Du, Y., Pan, L., Huang, Y., Liu, H., Zhao, Y., Shi, Y., Ruan, Y.L., Dong, Z.*, and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 1/11
Amino acid permease 6 regulates grain protein content in maize CROP JOURNAL SCI DEC 2022 Wang T., Li Y., Huang Y., Zhao X., Dong Z., Jin W.*, and Huang W*. China Agr Univ 7/7
Maize sterility gene DRP1 encodes a desiccation-related protein that is critical for Ubisch bodies and pollen exine development JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY SCI NOV 2022 Hu, M.#, Li, Y.#, Zhang, X., Song, W., Jin, W., Huang, W.*, and Zhao, H.* China Agr Univ 6/7
Heat shock protein 101 contributes to the thermotolerance of male meiosis in maize PLANT CELL SCI SEP 2022 Li, Y., Huang, Y., Sun, H., Wang, T., Ru, W., Pan, L., Zhao, X., Dong, Z., Huang, W.*, and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 9/10
Overexpression of Modified CENH3 in Maize Stock6-Derived Inducer Lines Can Effectively Improve Maternal Haploid Induction Rates FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE SCI APR 2022 Meng, D.#, Luo, H.#, Dong, Z., Huang, W., Liu, F., Li, F., Chen, S., Yu, H.*, and Jin, W.* Shenyang Agr Univ 4/9
Megabase-scale presence-absence variation with Tripsacum origin was under selection during maize domestication and adaptation GENOME BIOLOGY SCI AUG 2021 Huang, Y.#, Huang, W.#, Meng, Z., Braz, G.T., Li, Y., Wang, K., Wang, H., Lai, J., Jiang, J., Dong, Z.*, and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 2/11
Male sterile 28 encodes an ARGONAUTE family protein essential for male fertility in maize CHROMOSOME RESEARCH SCI JUN 2021 Li, Y., Huang, Y., Pan, L., Zhao, Y., Huang, W.*, and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 5/6
A Missense Mutation in a Large Subunit of Ribonucleotide Reductase Confers Temperature-Gated Tassel Formation PLANT PHYSIOLOGY SCI DEC 2020 Xie, S.#, Luo, H.#, Huang, Y., Wang, Y., Ru, W., Shi, Y., Huang, W., Wang, H., Dong, Z., and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 7/10
Evolution and Domestication Footprints Uncovered from the Genomes of Coix MOLECULAR PLANT SCI FEB 2020 Liu, H.#, Shi, J.#, Cai, Z.#, Huang, Y.#, Lv, M., Du, H., Gao, Q., Zuo, Y., Dong, Z., Huang, W., Qin, R., Liang, C., Lai, J.*, and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 10/14
Karyotype Analysis of Diploid and Spontaneously Occurring Tetraploid Blood Orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] Using Multicolor FISH With Repetitive DNA Sequences as Probes FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE SCI MAR 2019 Deng, H., Cai, Z., Xiang, S., Guo, Q., Huang, W.*, and Liang, G.* Southwest Univ 5/6
Maize male sterile 33 encodes a putative glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase that mediates anther cuticle formation and microspore development. BMC PLANT BIOLOGY SCI DEC 2018 Zhang, L.#, Luo, H.#, Zhao, Y.#, Chen, X., Huang, Y., Yan, S., Li, S., Liu, M., Huang, W., Zhang, X., and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 9/11
Transcriptional and epigenetic adaptation of maize chromosomes in Oat-Maize addition lines NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH SCI JUN 2018 Dong, Z.#, Yu, J.#, Li, H., Huang, W., Xu, L., Zhao, Y., Zhang, T., Xu, W., Jiang, J., Su, Z.*, and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 4/11
B chromosome contains active genes and impacts the transcription of A chromosomes in maize (Zea mays L.) BMC PLANT BIOLOGY SCI APR 2016 Huang, W., Du, Y., Zhao, X., and Jin, W.* China Agr Univ 1/4



  • 1、调控玉米花粉育性和花粉耐热性的方法,2022,202210180293.0




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专业技术职务: 副教授


学位: 博士


电子邮箱: wilsonhuang23@cau.edu.cn

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