个人简介温媛,生态学博士,现为中国农业大学农学院副教授,博士生导师。2017年博士毕业于德国哥廷根大学(University of Goettingen),之后在英国班戈大学(Bangor University)从事博士后工作。2019年以优秀人才引入中国农业大学农学院作物生理与栽培学系。主要研究方向为农田生态系统固碳减排,土壤碳氮循环和作物-土壤-微生物互作系统。近五年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Resources Conversation & Recylcing、Journal of Cleaner Production、Science of the Total Environment, Geoderma等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。主持国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,国家自然基金等国家与省部级项目3项。受邀担任Frontier in Agronomy杂志编委,参与Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Biogeosciences, Science of the Total Environment等期刊审稿。 学习和工作经历: 2019.4-今:中国农业大学,优秀人才引进,副教授 2017.8-2019.1 英国班戈大学,博士后 2013.10-2017.5 德国哥廷根大学,生态学博士 2010.9-2013.7 北京师范大学,理学硕士 2006.9-2010.7 内蒙古农业大学,农学学士 教学科研概况教学工作 本科生课程:作物科学研究方法 (参讲) 研究生课程:农业科技与政策(主讲)、英文《作物学研究方法》(参讲)
科研项目 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目“玉米秸秆机械化富集深层直注还田技术模式创建及土壤培肥机理研究”(2021.12-2026.11;项目负责人) 国家自然科学青年基金项目“冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系秸秆深还田的固碳减排效应 及其机制研究”(2020.1-2022.12;项目负责人) 河北省科技重大专项项目“玉米秸秆机械化高效集中还田技术研究与产业化示范”(2019.05-2021.12;课题负责人) 中国农业大学基本科研业务费专项资金项目《土壤增温与秸秆还田对冬小麦-夏玉米轮作系作物生产和固碳减排的影响》(2019.1.1-2019.11.15;负责人) 中国农业大学基本科研业务费专项资金项目《秸秆深还田配施氮肥对作物产量与土壤肥力的影响》(2020.1.1-2020.11.15;负责人) 中国农业大学研究生教改研究项目“《农业科技与政策》课程建设与实践探索”(2020.10-2022.11;负责人) 中国农业大学研究生专业课程思政建设项目“《农业科技与政策》课程中思政育人的探索”(2019-2020;负责人)
研究论文 2024年 Zhao, D., Liu, Z., Xu, Y., Wang, Z., Li, Z., Ling, J., Wu, G., Wen, Y. *, 2024. SubsoilSOC increased by high C:N ratio straw application with optimized nitrogen supplementation. Soil Use and Management, 40 (1), e13020DOI: 10.1111/sum.13020 王治统,凌俊,刘子熙,赵德强,李泽学,周顺利,袁兴茂,李霄鹤,温媛*, 2024. 秸秆还田方式对土壤理化性质和玉米产量的影响. 中国生态农业学报(中英文),32 (0):1-12 DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20230517 2023年 Zhou, J. #, Wen, Y.#, Rillig, M.C., Shi, L., Dippold, M., Zeng, Z., Kuzyakov Y., Zang, H., Jones, D., Blagodatskaya, E., 2023. Restricted power: Can microorganism maintain soil organic matter stability under warming exceeding 2 degrees? Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32 (6), 919-930 Wu, G., Ling, J., Zhao, D., Liu, Z., Xu, Y., Kuzyakov, Y., Marsden, K., Wen, Y. *, Zhou, S.L. *, 2023. Straw return conteracts the negative effects of warming on microbial community and soil multifunctionality. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 352, 108508. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2023.108508 Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Liu, C., Blagodatskaya, E., Kuzyakov, Y., Zeng, Z., Jones, D.L., Zang, H. *, 2023. Applied Soil Ecology, 195(6001), 105234 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2023.105234 Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Razavi, B.S., Loeppmann, S., Marshall, M.R., Zang, H. *, Kuzyakov, Y., Zeng, Z., Dippold, M.A., Blagodatskaya, E., 2023. Labile substrate input weakens the memory effect of soil microbial functions under global warming. Catena, 132, 107381 刘子熙,王治统,赵德强,吴巩,凌俊,周顺利,温媛*, 2023. 土壤增温和秸秆还田对土壤养分和胞外酶活性的影响.生态学报,43(23)DOI:10.5846/stxb202211193352 饶越悦, 周顺利, 黄毅, 窦森, 代红翠, 温媛*,2023. 秸秆富集深层还田对农田土壤质量影响的研究进展.中国生态农业学报(中英文), DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20230145 2022年 Zhao, D., Ling, J., Wu., G., Liu, Z., Zhou, S., Wen, Y. *, Beule, L., 2022. The incorporation of straw into the subsoil increases C, N, and P enzyme activities and nutrient, Land Degradation & Development, 34(5), 1297-1310.https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4533 Wu, G., Ling, J., Xu, Y., Zhao, D., Liu, Z., Wen, Y. *, Zhou, S.L. *,2022. Effects of soil warming and straw return on soil organic matter and greenhouse gas fluxes in winter wheat seasons in the North China Plain, Journal of Cleaner Production, 131810. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131810 Wu, G., Ling, J., Liu, Z., Xu, Y., Chen, X., Wen, Y. *, Zhou, S.L. *,2022. Soil warming and straw return impacts on winter wheat phenology, photosynthesis, root growth, and grain yield in the North China Plain, Field Crops Research, 283, 108545.DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2022.108545 Wu, G., Ling, J., Zhao, D., Xu, Y., Liu, Z., Wen, Y. *, Zhou, S.L. *,2022. Deep-injected straw incorporation improves subsoil fertility and crop productivity in a wheat-maize rotation system in the North China Plain, Field Crops Research, 286 (21),108612.DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2022.108612 Ling, J., Zhou, J., Wu, G., Zhao, D., Wang, Z., Wen, Y. *, Zhou, S.L. *, 2022. Deep-injected straw incorporation improves subsoil quality and wheat productivity, Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05660-6 Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Cheng, H., Zang, H.*, Jones D. 2022. Simazine degradation in agroecosystems: Will it be affected by the type and amount of microplastic pollution? Land Degradation & Development, 33(7), 1128-1136 https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4243 Zhou J, Guillaume T, Wen Y, Blagodatskaya E, Shahbaz M, Zeng Z, Peixoto L, Zang H*, Kuzyakov Y. 2022. Frequent carbon input primes decomposition of decadal soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 175: 108850.DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108850 Freeman, B., Evans, C.D., Musarika, S., Morrison, R, Newman, T.R., Page, S.E., Wiggs, G., Bell, N., Styles, D., Wen, Y., Chadwick, D., Jones, D., 2022. Responsible agriculture must adapt to the wetland character of mid-latitude peatlands, Global Change Biology 28(12), 3795-3811.DOI:doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16152 2021年 Wen, Y. *, Freeman, B., Hunt, D., Musarika, S., Zang, H., Marsden, K.A., Evans, C.D., Chadwick, D.R., Jones, D.J., 2021. Live-stock induced N2O emissions may limit the benefits of converting cropland to grazed grassland as a greenhouse gas mitigation strategy for agricultural peatlands. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 174:105764. Ma, Q., Kuzyakov, Y., Pan, W., Tang, S., Chadwick, D.R., Hill, P.W., Wen, Y., Macdonald, A., Ge, T., Si, L., Wu, L.*, Jones, D.L., 2021.Substrate control of sulphur utilisation and microbial stoichiometry in soil: Results of 13C, 15N, 14C, and 35S quad labelling. The ISME Journal, 15: 3148-3158. cdoi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-00999-7 Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Marshall, M., Zhao, J., Gui, H., Yang, Y., Zeng, Z., Jones, D.L., Zang, H.*, 2021. Microplastics as an emerging threat to plant and soil health in agroecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 787: 147444. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147444 Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Shi, L., Marshall, M., Kuzyakov, Y., Blagodatskaya, E., Zang, H.*, 2021.Strong priming of soil organic matter induced by frequent input of labile carbon. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 152: 108069. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108069 Zhou, J., Gui, H., Banfield, C., Wen, Y., Zang, H.*, Dippold, M., Charlton, A., Jones, D.L., 2021 The microplastisphere: Biodegradable microplastics addition alters soil microbial community structure and function.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 156: 108211. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108211 2020年 Wen, Y., Freeman, B., Ma, Q., Chadwick, D.R., Evans, C.D., Zang H., Jones, D.L., 2020.Raising the groundwater table in the non-growing season can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain crop productivity in cultivated fen peats. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262: 121179. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121179 Wen, Y.*, Zang H., Ma, Q., Freeman, B., Chadwick, D.R., Evans, C.D., Jones, D.L., 2020. Impact of water table levels and winter cover crops on greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated peat soils. Science of the Total Environment, 719: 135130.DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135130 Zang, H., Zhou, J., Marshall, M., Chadwick, D.R., Wen, Y.*, Jones, D.L., 2020. Microplastics in the agroecosystem: Are they an emerging threat to the plant-soil system? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 148: 107926. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107926 Wu, G., Chen, X.M., Ling, J., Li, F., Li, F.Y., Peixoto, L., Wen, Y.*, Zhou, S.L.*, 2020. Science of The Total Environment, 734: 139269. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139269 Ma, Q., Wen, Y., Wang, D., Sun, X., Hill, P.W., Macdonald, A., Chadwick, D.R., Wu, L.*, Jones, D.L., 2020. Farmyard manure applications stimulate soil carbon and nitrogen cycling by boosting microbial biomass rather than changing its community composition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 144: 107760.DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107760 Ma, Q., Wen, Y., Ma, J., Macdonald, A., Hill, P.W., Chadwick, D.R., Wu, L.*, Jones, D.L., 2020. Long-term farmyard manure application affects soil organic phosphorus cycling: A combined metagenomic and 33P/14C labelling approach. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 149: 107959. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107959 Ma, Q., Wen, Y., Pan, W., Macdonald, A., Hill, P.W., Chadwick, D.R., Wu, L.*, Jones, D.L., 2020. Soil carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur status affects the metabolism of organic S but not its uptake by microorganisms. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 149: 107943. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107943 Zang H.*, Blagodatskaya, E., Wen, Y., Shi, L., Chen, H.Q., Zhao, B.Q., Zhang, F.S., Fan, M.S., Kuzyakov, L., 2020. Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter mineralization decreases with long-term N fertilization: Evidence from four Q10 estimation approaches. Land Degradation & Development, 31 (6). DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3496 Ma, Q., Luo, Y., Wen, Y., Hill, P.W., Chadwick, D.R., Wu, L.*, Jones, D.L., 2020.Carbon and sulphur tracing from soil organic sulphur in plants and soil microorganisms. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 150: 107971.DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107971 2019年 Wen, Y., Zang H.*, Freeman, B., Musarika, S., Evans, C.D., Chadwick, D.R., Jones, D.L., 2019. Microbial utilization of low molecular weight organic carbon substrates in cultivated peats in response to warming and soil degradation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 139: 107629. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107629 Wen, Y.*, Zang, H., Freeman, B., Ma, Q, Chadwick, D.R., Jones, D.L., 2019. Rye cover crop incorporation and high water table mitigation greenhouse gas emissions in cultivated peatland. Land Degradation & Development, 30: 1928–1938.DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3390 Wen, Y.*, Zang, H., Ma, Q., Evans, C.D., Chadwick, D.R., Jones, D.L., 2019. Is the ‘enzyme latch’ or ‘iron gate’ the key to protecting soil organic carbon in peatlands. Geoderma, 349: 107-113. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.04. 023 2018年 Shi, L.L.#, Wen, Y.#, Yang, Z.J., Zang, H.D., Gui, H., Zou, X.M., Mortimer, P.*, 2018. Dominant tree species identity effects on soil fungi are context dependent. Mycosphere, 9(4): 790-802. DOI: 10.5943/mycosphere/9/4/7 Zang, H., Qian, X., Wen, Y., Hu, Y., Ren, C., Zeng, Z.*, Guo, L., Wang, C., 2018. Contrasting carbon and nitrogen rhizodeposition patterns of soya bean (Glycine max L.) and oat (Avena nuda L.) European Journal of Soil Science, 55: 423-434. DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12556 2017年 Wen, Y.*,Corre, M.D., Rachow, C., Chen, L., Veldkamp, E., 2017. Nitrous oxide emissions from stems of alder, beech and spruce in a temperate forest. Plant and Soil, 420: 423-434. DOI:10.1007/s11104-017-3416-5 Wen, Y.*, Corre, M.D., Schrell, W., Veldkamp, E., 2017. Gross N2O emission and gross N2O uptake in soils under temperate spruce and beech forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 112: 228-236. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.05.011 Zang, H.*, Blagodatskaya, E., Wen, Y., Xu, X., Dyckmans, J., Kuzyakov, Y., 2017. Carbon sequestration and turnover in soil under the energy crop Miscanthus: repeated 13C natural abundance approach and literature synthesis. GCB Bioenergy, 10: 262-271. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12485 2016年 Wen, Y.#, Chen, Z.#, Dannenmann, M., Carminati, A., Willibald, G., Kiese, R., Wolf, B., Veldkamp, E., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Corre, M.D.*, 2016. Disentangling gross N2O production and consumption in soil. Scientific Reports, 6: 36517.DOI: 10.1038/srep36517 Wen, Y., Schuler, J.L., Liu, S.*, Mou, P., Wang, H., Yu, H., Wang, J., 2016. Soil carbon dynamics in a Pinus massoniana plantation following clear-cutting and slash removal. Journal of Plant Ecology, 9: 20-29. DOI:10.1093/jpe/rtv030 Wang, H., Liu, S.*, Chang, S.X., Wang, J., Shi, Z., Huang, X., Wen, Y., Lu, L., Cai, D., 2015. Soil microbial community composition rather than litter quality is linked with soil organic carbon chemical composition in plantations in subtropical China. Journal of Soils Sediments, 15: 1094-1103. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-015-1118-2 详细信息见:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuan_Wen11
社会职务活动动态研究领域作物-土壤-微生物互作系统 农田高效栽培管理模式构建 农田生态系统固碳减排研究 农田碳氮循环研究 开授课程
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