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邢界文专业技术职务: 副教授 行政职务: 主要研究方向: 小麦氮素利用 学位: 博士 联系电话: 电子邮箱: xing.jie.wen@163.com |
10 访问 |
个人简介主要围绕小麦氮素高效利用的分子机理解析以及小麦与微生物互作的机制开展工作,该研究方向以“绿色农业”为导向,以解决我国粮食作物施肥、产量和环境污染之间的矛盾问题为目标,以期能够通过其研究达到在减少化肥施用的同时能够保持粮食的稳产增产。近几年,围绕小麦氮素高效完成了几项研究工作,其科研成果以通讯作者(含共同)发表在Nature Communications、Advanced Science、New Phytol、Plant Cell &Environment、Plant Physiol、Plant J、J Exp Bot、Theor Appl Genet、J Integr Plant Biol 和 J Genet Genomics等国内外重要期刊上。“绿色农业”是目前农业发展的一大方向,也是当前实现乡村振兴的一项重要工作,而实现作物减肥增产是“绿色农业”中重要的一环,这说明了该研究方向的迫切性和重要性。 教学科研概况以第一或通讯作者(含共同)发表的文章: 2021-今 1. Bin Liu#, Weiya Xu#, Yanxiao Niu, Qiuyuan Li, Beilu Cao, Jingyi Qi, Yidi Zhao, Yilan Zhou, Long Song, Dongkai Cui, Zhenshan Liu, Mingming Xin, Yingyin Yao, Mingshan You, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Jiewen Xing*. (2025) TaTCP6 is required for efficient and balanced utilization of nitrate and phosphorus in wheat. Nature Communications 2. Dejie Du#, Zhaoju Li#, Zihao Jiang#, Jun Yuan, Huanhuan Zhao, Lulu Tian, Yunjie Liu, Renhan Li, Fei He, Xiongtao Li, Lingling Chai, Jie Liu, Mingming Xin, Yinyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Jiewen Xing*, Zhongfu Ni*. (2025) The transcription factor WFZP interacts with the chromatin remodeler TaSYD to regulate root architecture and nitrogen uptake efficiency in wheat. Advanced Science 3. Zhaoyan Chen#, Xuanshuang Li#, Fei He, Bin Liu, Weiya Xu, Lingling Chai, Xuejiao Cheng, Long Song, Weilong Guo, Zhaorong Hu, Zhenqi Su, Jie Liu, Mingming Xin, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Jiewen Xing*, Zhongfu Ni*. (2024) Positional cloning and characterization reveal the role of TaSRN-3D and TaBSR1 in the regulation of seminal root number in wheat. New Phytol 4. Xinhao Meng#, Hongyao Lou#, Shanshan Zhai, Runqi Zhang, Guoyu Liu, Weiya Xu, Jiazheng Yu, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Jiewen Xing*, Baoyun Li*. (2024) TaNAM-6A is essential for nitrogen remobilization and regulates grain protein content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Cell &Environment 5. Lingfeng Miao#, Weiya Xu#, Yanhong Liu, Xiangyi Huang, Zhe Chen, Huifang Wang, Zihao Wang, Yongming Chen, Qingxin Song, Jing Zhang, Fangpu Han, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Mingming Xin, Zhaorong Hu, Zhongfu Ni, Qixin Sun, Jiewen Xing*, Weilong Guo*. (2024) Reshaped DNA methylation cooperating with homoeolog-divergent expression promotes improved root traits in synthesized tetraploid wheat. New Phytol 6. Xu W, Chen Y, Liu B, Li Q, Zhou Y, Li X, Guo W, Hu Z, Liu Z, Xin M, Yao Y, You M, Peng H, Ni Z, Xing J. (2023) TaANR1-TaMADS25 module regulates lignin biosynthesis and root development in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J Genet Genomics 7. Ke W#, Xing J#, Chen Z, Zhao Y, Xu W, Tian L, Guo J, Xie X, Du D, Wang Z, Li Y, Xu J, Xin M, Guo W, Hu Z, Su Z, Liu J, Peng H, Yao Y, Sun Q, Ni Z. (2023) The TaTCP4/10-B1 cascade regulates awn elongation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Commun 8. Huang F*, Li X*, Du X, Li S, Li N, Lv Y, Zou S, Zhang Q, Wang L, Ni Z, Han Y, Xing J. (2023) SNP-based identification of QTLs for thousand-grain weight and related traits in wheat 8762/Keyi 5214 DH lines. J Integr Agr 9. Zhang M, Chen Y, Xing H, Ke W, Shi Y, Sui Z, Xu R, Gao L, Guo G, Li J, Xing J*, Zhang Y*. (2023) Positional cloning and characterization reveal the role of a miRNA precursor gene ZmLRT in the regulation of lateral root number and drought tolerance in maize. J Integr Plant Biol 10. Wang H, Han X, Fu X, Sun X, Chen H, Wei X, Cui S, Liu Y, Guo W, Li X, Xing J*, Zhang Y*. (2022) Overexpression of TaLBD16-4D alters plant architecture and heading date in transgenic wheat. Front Plant Sci 11. Feng Z, Song L, Song W, Qi Z, Yuan J, Li R, Han H, Wang H, Chen Z, Guo W, Xin M, Liu J, Hu Z, Peng H, Yao Y, Sun Q, Ni Z*, Xing J*. (2021) The decreased expression of GW2 homologous genes contributed to the increased grain width and thousand‑grain weight in wheat-Dasypyrum villosum 6VS·6DL translocation lines. Theor Appl Genet 12. Xu R, Li Y, Sui Z, Lan T, Song W, Zhang M, Zhang Y*, Xing J*. (2021) A C-terminal encoded peptide, ZmCEP1, is essential for kernel development in maize. J Exp Bot 13. Gao L, Yang G, Li Y, Sun Y, Xu R, Chen Y, Wang Z, Xing J*, Zhang Y*. (2021) A kelch-repeat superfamily gene, ZmNL4, controls leaf width in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant J 14. Li L, Zhang Z, Song W, Su Z, Zhang Y, You M, Ni Z, Xing J. (2021) The Essential Role of W5 in Wax Metabolism in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) J Plant Biology 2021年之前 1. Wang T#, Xing J#, Liu Z, Zheng M, Yao Y, Hu Z, Peng H, Xin M, Zhou D, Ni Z. (2019) Histone acetyltransferase GCN5-mediated regulation of long non-coding RNA At4 contributes to phosphate-starvation response in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot 2. Wang T#, Xing J#, Liu X, Liu Z, Yao Y, Hu Z, Peng H, Xin M, Zhou DX, Zhang Y, Ni Z. (2016). Histone acetyltransferase general control non‐repressed protein 5 (GCN5) affects the fatty acid composition of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds by acetylating fatty acid desaturase3 (FAD3). The Plant Journal 3. Xing J., Wang T., Liu Z., Xu, J., Yao, Y., Hu, Z., Peng, H., Xin, M., Yu, F., Zhou, D.-X., and Ni, Z. (2015). GCN5-mediated histone acetylation of FRD3 contributes to iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant physiology 4. Xing J., Wang T. and Ni Z. (2015) Epigenetic regulation of iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant signaling & behavior 5. Xing J., Sun Q. and Ni Z. (2015) Proteomic patterns associated with heterosis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 社会职务活动动态研究领域开授课程