



  • 部门: 农学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 毕业院校: 中国科学院大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: xyxue@cau.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 研学谷S1019
  • 通讯地址: 海南省三亚市崖州湾科技城研学谷
  • 邮编:
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  • 学术学位导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 从事学科1: 作物学
  • 从事学科2:
  • 从事专业1:
  • 从事专业2:
  • 研究方向1: 小麦高光效
  • 研究方向2: 小麦抗逆基因挖掘
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 农艺与种业


  • 2006.09.01-2013.07.01,理学博士学位,中国科学院大学,遗传学
  • 2002.09.01-2006.07.01,理学学士学位,山东农业大学,生物技术


薛学义,男,中国农业大学农学院教授(杰出人才引进),博士生导师。2013 年获中国科学院大学博士学位,遗传学专业。先后在美国罗格斯大学和伊利诺伊大学香槟分校从事博士后研究。20237月至今在中国农业大学农学院/三亚研究院工作。目前主要研究植物气孔发育调节,以及小麦高产抗逆性状的分子鉴定和遗传改良。以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在Current Biology, Annual Review of Plant Biology, New Phytologist, PLOS Genetics, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Science等权威期刊发表学术论文。

论文著作(*First author, #Corresponding author)

Xue, X.Y., # Wang, L., Huang, A.B., Liu, Z.H., Guo, X.Y., Sang, Y.Y., Zhu, J-K., Xue, H.L. and Dong, J. # Membrane-associated NRPM proteins are novel suppressors of stomatal production in Arabidopsis. Current Biology. doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.01.052 (2024)

Xue, X.Y., Beuchat, G., Wang J., Yu, Y-C., Moose, S., Chen, J., and Chen, L-Q. Sugar accumulation enhancement in sorghum stem is associated with reduced reproductive sink strength and increased phloem unloading activity. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14 (2023)

Xue, X.Y.,* Wang J.,* Shukla, D., Cheung, L., and Chen, L-Q. When SWEETs Turn Tweens: Updates and Perspectives. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 73:3.1–3.25 (2022)

Wang, J.,* Xue, X.Y.,* Zeng, H.Q., Li, J.K., Chen, L-Q. Sucrose rather than GA transported by AtSWEET13 and AtSWEET14 supports pollen fitness at late anther development stages. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.18368 (2022)

Cui, W.R.,* Chen, Z.W.,* Shangguan, X.X., Li, T.T., Wang, L.J., Xue, X.Y., # Cao, J.F.# TRY intron2 determined its expression in inflorescence activated by SPL9 and MADS-box genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Science. 321.111311 (2022)

Mou, Q.B., Xue, X.Y., Ma, Y., Banik, M., Garcia, W., Guo, W.J., Wang, J., Song, T.J., Chen, L-Q., # Lu, Y. # Efficient delivery of a DNA aptamer-based biosensor into plant cells for glucose sensing through thiol-mediated uptake. Science Advances. 8(26):eabo0902 (2022)

Yang, K.Z., Zuo, C.R., Leng, Y.J., Yue, J.L., Liu, H.C., Fan, Z.B., Xue, X.Y., Dong, J., Chen, L.Q., Le, J. The functional specificity of ERECTA-family receptors in Arabidopsis stomatal development is ensured by molecular chaperones in the endoplasmic reticulum. Development. 149(17):dev200892 (2022)

Xue, X.Y., Yu, Y-C., Wu, Y., Xue, H.L. and Chen, L-Q. Locally restricted glucose availability in the embryonic hypocotyl determines seed germination under abscisic acid treatment. New Phytologist. 231(5):1832–44 (2021)

Zhang, C., Li, Y., Wang, J., Xue, X.Y., Beuchat, G. and Chen, L-Q. Two evolutionarily duplicated domains individually and post-transcriptionally control SWEET expression for phloem transport. New Phytologist. 232(4):1793–807 (2021).

Beuchat, G.,* Xue, X.Y.* and Chen, L-Q. The Next Steps in Crop Improvement: Adoption of Emerging Strategies to Identify Bottlenecks in Sugar Flux. Plant Science. 301:110675 (2020).

Xue, X.Y.,* Bian, C.,* Guo, X.Y., Di, R. and Dong, J. The MAPK substrate MASS proteins regulate stomatal development in Arabidopsis. PLOS Genetics. 16(4):e1008706 (2020).

Chao, L.M., Liu, Y.Q., Chen, D.Y., Xue, X.Y., Mao Y.B., Chen, X.Y. Arabidopsis Transcription Factors SPL1 and SPL12 Confer Plant Thermotolerance at Reproductive Stage. Molecular Plant. 10(5):735-748 (2017).

Wang, Y.H., Xue, X.Y., Zhu, J.K. and Dong J. Demethylation of ERECTA receptor genes by IBM1 histone demethylase affects stomatal development. Development. 143(23):4452 (2016)

Xue, X.Y., Zhao, B., Chao, L.M., Chen, D.Y., Cui, W.R., Mao, Y.B., Wang, L.J. and Chen, X.Y. Interaction between Two Timing MicroRNAs Controls Trichome Distribution in Arabidopsis. PLOS Genetics. 10(4), e1004266 (2014).

Mao, Y.B., Xue, X.Y., Tao, X.Y., Yang, C.Q., Wang, L.J. and Chen, X.Y. Cysteine protease enhances plant-mediated bollworm RNA interference. Plant Molecular Biology. 83, 119-129 (2013).

Xue, X.Y., Mao, Y.B., Tao, X.Y., Huang, Y.P. and Chen, X.Y. New Approaches to Agricultural Insect Pest Control Based on RNA Interference. Advances in Insect Physiology. 42, 73-117 (2012).

Hong, G.J., Xue, X.Y., Mao, Y.B., Wang, L.J. and Chen, X.Y. Arabidopsis MYC2 interacts with DELLA proteins in regulating sesquiterpene synthase gene expression. The Plant Cell. 24, 2635-2648 (2012).

Tao, X.Y., Xue, X.Y., Huang, Y.P., Chen, X.Y. and Mao, Y.B. Gossypol-enhanced P450 gene pool contributes to cotton bollworm tolerance to a pyrethroid insecticide. Molecular Ecology. 21, 4371-4385 (2012).

Mao, Y.B., Tao, X.Y., Xue, X.Y., Wang, L.J. and Chen, X.Y. Cotton plants expressing CYP6AE14 double-stranded RNA show enhanced resistance to bollworms. Transgenic Research. 20, 665-673 (2011).

Mao, Y.B., Xue, X.Y. and Chen, X.Y. Are small RNAs a big help to plants? Science China-Life Sciences. 52(3):212-23 (2009)

Luo, B., Xue, X.Y., Hu, W.L., Wang, L.J. and Chen, X.Y. An ABC transporter gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, AtWBC11, is involved in cuticle development and prevention of organ fusion. Plant and Cell Physiology. 48, 1790-1802 (2007).















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专业技术职务: 教授


学位: 博士


电子邮箱: xyxue@cau.edu.cn

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