易飞,中国农业大学农学院副教授,博士生导师。2019年作为优秀人才引进,入选2024年中国农业大学青年新星A类人才计划。主要研究方向是作物抗逆高效化学调控的分子机制,目前正在开展以玉米为材料揭示籽粒发育、节间伸长、抗逆性等调控机制的研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在Plant Cell、Plant Physiology,Plant Journal和Journal of Experimental Botany等国际主流期刊发表论文十余篇,入选 ESI 高被引论文一篇,获授权专利两项,其中一项获中国专利银奖(排名第四)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目,十四五重点研发计划青年科学家项目和国家重点研发计划子课题等项目。 已发表论文: 第一作者或通讯作者文章 1. Yi Fei#, Gu Wei#, Chen Jian, Song Ning, Gao Xiang, Zhang Xiangbo, Zhou Yinsi, Ma Xuxu, Song Weibing, Zhao Haiming,Eddi Esteban, Asher Pasha, Nicholas J. Provart, and Lai Jinsheng*: High-temporal-resolution Transcriptome Landscape of Early Maize Seed Development. The Plant Cell 2019, 31, 974-992. 2. Yi Fei, Gu Wei, Li Jianfang, Chen Jian, Hu Li, Cui Yang, Zhao Haiming, Guo Yan, Lai Jinsheng, and Song Weibing*: Miniature Seed6, encoding an endoplasmic reticulum signal peptidase, is critical in seed development. Plant Physiology 2021, 185, 985-1001. 3.Ren Zhaobin#, Wang Xing#, Tao Qun#, Guo Qing, Zhou Yuyi, Yi Fei*, Huang Guanmin, Li Yanxia, Zhang Mingcai, Li Zhaohu and Duan Liusheng*: Transcriptome dynamic landscape underlying the improvement of maize lodging resistance under coronatine treatment. BMC plant biology 2021.21(1), 1-18. 4. Yi Fei#, Huo Mingyue#, Li Jianrui, Yu Jingjuan: Time-Series Transcriptomics Reveals a Drought-Responsive Temporal Network and Crosstalk between Drought Stress and the Circadian Clock in Foxtail Millet, The Plant Journal 2022, 110(4): 1213-1228 5. Li Xinchen#, Wu Jian#, Yi Fei#, Lai Jinsheng, Chen Jian*: High temporal-resolution transcriptome landscapes of maize embryo sac and ovule during early seed development, Plant Molecular Biology 2022, 111: 233-248 6. Wang Wei, Ren Zhaobin, Li Lu, Du Yiping, Zhou Yuyi, Zhang Mingcai, Li Zhaohu, Yi Fei*, Duan Liusheng: Meta-QTL analysis explores the key genes, especially hormone related genes,involved in the regulation of grain water content and grain dehydration rate in maize, BMC Plant Biology 2022, 22: 346 7. Ren Zhaobin#, Liu Yingru#, Li Lu, Wang Xing, Zhou Yuyi, Zhang Mingcai, Li Zhaohu, Yi Fei*, Duan Liusheng*:Deciphering transcriptional mechanisms of maize internodal elongation by regulatory network analysis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2023, 74 (15): 4503-4519. 8. Lou Yuxuan, Jin Xiaoxiao, Jia Zhiguo, Sun Yuqi, Xu Yiming, Liu Zihan, Tan Shuqian*, Yi Fei*, Duan Liusheng: Coronatine-Based gene expression changes impart partial resistance to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in seedling maize, Genes 2023, 14: 735 (第一作者为本科生) 9. Jie Yaqi#, Wang Wei#, Wu Zishan#, Ren Zhaobin, Li Lu, Zhou Yuyi, Zhang Mingcai, Li Zhaohu, Yi Fei*, Duan Liusheng*. Deciphering physiological and transcriptional mechanisms of maize seed germination[J].Plant Mol Biol,2024,114(5):94. 10. Yi Fei, Chen Jian, Yu Jingjuan*: Global analysis of uncapped mRNA changes under drought stress and microRNA-dependent endonucleolytic cleavages in foxtail millet. BMC Plant Biology 2015, 15(1):241. 11. Yi Fei#, Xie Shaojun#, Liu Yuwei, Qi Xin, Yu Jingjuan*: Genome-wide characterization of microRNA in foxtail millet (Setaria italica). BMC Plant Biology 2013;13:212. 其他参与文章 12. Yang Doudou, Li Fangjun, Yi Fei, Eneji A. Egrinya, Tian Xiaoli*, Li Zhaohu: Transcriptome Analysis Unravels Key Factors Involved in Response to Potassium Deficiency and Feedback Regulation of K+ Uptake in Cotton Roots. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021.22, 3133 13. Chen Jian, Zhang, Xiangbo, Yi Fei, Gao Xiang, Song Weibin, Zhao Haiming, Lai Jinsheng, MP3RNA-seq: Massively parallel 3' end RNA sequencing for high-throughput gene expression profiling and genotyping.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2021.63: 1227–1239 14. Qi Xin, Xie Shaojun, Liu Yuwei, Yi Fei, Yu Jinjuan*: Genome-wide annotation of genes and noncoding RNAs of foxtail millet in response to simulated drought stress by deep sequencing. Plant Molecular Biology2013;83 (4–5):459–73 15. Shen Si, Ma Si, Chen Xianmin, Yi Fei, Li Binbin, Liang Xiaogui, Liao Shengjin, Gao Lihong, Zhou Shunli, Ruan Yongling: A transcriptional landscape underlying sugar import for grain set in maize. The Plant Journal 2022, doi: 10.1111/tpj.15668
已发表专利: 1. 赖锦盛,周英思,朱金洁,易飞,张湘博,赵海铭,宋伟彬:新型CRISPR/Cas12f酶和系统(中国专利银奖) 2. 赖锦盛,朱金洁,易飞,王莹莹,张继红,李英男,吕梦璐,周英思,赵海铭,宋伟彬:CRISPR-Cas12a酶和系统 3. 于静娟,易飞,张艺帆,肖童:谷子SimiR396d基因及其在提高作物抗旱中的应用
教学科研概况社会职务活动动态研究领域1.玉米抗逆高效化学调控的生理和分子机制研究 2. 玉米籽粒脱水的分子机理研究 开授课程
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