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Education2008-2012: Ph.D, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Advisor: Professor Yong-Guan Zhu, Major: Environmental Sciences. Topics: Stable Isotopic Probing and PAHs biodegration. 2005-2008. Master. China Agricultural University. Advisor: Professor Yahai Lu. Major: Environmental Microbiology. Topics: Anaerobic methanogens in paddy soil. ResumeEditor mSystems; ISME Communications; Soil Ecology Letters Membership American Society for Microbiology, the ISME Journal (2022), Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Soil Society, Biological Agriculture Branch of the Chinese Society of Bioengineering. Reviewer The ISME Journal, Microbiome, Global Change Biology, mSystems, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, ISME Communication, Applied Soil Ecology, Frontiers in Microbiology,Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Environmental International, etc. https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=jeqLPTgAAAAJ Teaching researchSocial PositionDynamic activityField1. Soil microbiome are essential for soil health. In Peng’s lab, we investigate the ecological and functional roles of the anaerobic methanogenic foodweb in paddy soil, in particular, microbial responses to microplastics and warming. 2. To identify the functional microbes and their roles in biogeochemical cycling in the dryland soil. 3. We use multiple methods, including tools from molecular methods (genome-resolved metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metabolomics), analytical chemistry, and environmental science. Open CourseProject1. “Microbial mechanisms of methane emission mediated by microplastic in paddy soil” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 2. “Structural and functional organization of the methanogen microbiome in rice field soil of the cold climate” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 3. “Mechanism and technical system of rhizosphere synbiotics targeted reduction of soil biological barriers” supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China ThesisThesisAchievements
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