个人简介简介:杨晓琳,女,2015年获农学博士学位留校任教。现任中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院水利工程系副教授。主要从事节水种植制度、水-粮-能-碳系统优化等研究。2019年12月入选河北省农业节水专家指导组成员,2020年1月入选荷兰瓦赫宁根大学WIMEK青年学者,2022年12月赴丹麦奥胡斯大学农业生态系学术交流。 工作经历 2020.11-今 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院副教授 2018.12-2020.11 中国农业大学农学院副教授 2015.07-2018.12 中国农业大学农学院讲师(应届博士毕业留校) 学习经历 2024.10-12 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 青年学者 2022.12-2023.12 丹麦奥胡斯大学 访问学者 2020.01-2020.04 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 WIMEK青年学者 2017.07-2017.08 美国康奈尔大学生物与环境工程系 访问学者 2010.09-2015.06 中国农业大学作物栽培学与耕作学 硕博连读农学博士 2013.09-2014.09 美国康奈尔大学生物与环境工程系 联合培养博士 Cornell University Biological and Environmental Engineer, Joint Ph.D 2006.09-2010.07 山东农业大学园艺、英语双专业 农学学士、文学学士 研究方向 Ø多样化种植高效用水机理与调控; Ø适水种植结构调整与优化; Ø水-粮-能-碳系统耦合与模拟; Ø水足迹、碳足迹等足迹家族的方法与技术研究。 教学工作(主讲课程、主编教材、专著、主持教改项目等) 现主讲研究生国际英文课程《水-食物-能源研究热点与前沿进展》(由美国康奈尔大学、印度Tata大学、南农农业大学、中国农业大学共同开设)、《能源作物与生物质转化》、《植物环境生理学》、参讲《土壤物理与作物学基础》。主持校级研究生重点教改项目3项,参加校级研究生教材教改项目1项。 现主讲农水、水电专业本科生课程《作物生产技术与原理》,曾主讲本科生核心课程《农业生态学》、《农作物概论》、《农学专业试验I、Ⅲ》,选修课《世界农业概论II》、《能源作物概论》。主持校级本科生教改项目2项、院级1项,参加国家级本科生教改项目1项。 2024年《中国旱作节水农业典型技术模式》副主编; 2021年中国工程院《华北地区食物安全可持续发展战略研究》编委; 2021年《河北省农田节水技术模式》副主编; 2021年《农业节水关键技术百问百答》副主编; 2020年普通高等教育“十四五”规划教材《农学专业实验指导》编委; 2019年高等农林教育“十三五”规划教材《农业生态学》第三版编委; 课题项目 1)国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于稳定同位素的多样化轮作模式节水机理及对地下水位的响应机制”(2021-2024),主持 2)国家自然基金重点项目“旱区农业节水固碳减排机制与多要素协同调控”(2023-2027),子课题主持 3)“十四五”重点研发“西北绿洲农业精量灌溉水肥协同调控技术与设备”(2023-2025),子课题主持 4)“十四五”重点研发“农田智慧灌溉关键技术与装备”(2023-2025),子课题主持 5)河北省重点研发“地下水超采区主要粮油作物适水型绿色高效轮作制度研究”(2020-2022),子课题主持 6)中国工程院与自然基金委“中国农业领域工程科技未来20年发展战略研究综合组”(2021-2022),课题骨干 7)中国工程院“黄淮海流域农业需耗水变化与高水效农业发展战略研究”(2022-2023),课题骨干 8)中国工程院“黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地综合治理与生产效能绿色提升战略研究”(2022-2023),课题骨干 9)中国工程院“乡村振兴背景下的甘南农牧交错带生态农业可持续发展战略研究”(2022-2023),课题骨干 10)校企项目“Act活性水灌溉应用的提质增效机理研究”(2021-2023),课题骨干 11)甘肃武威绿洲农业高效用水国家野外科学观测研究站开放基金(2021-2023),主持 12)华北作物改良与调控国家重点实验室开放课题(2022-2023),主持 13)国土资源部“适应水土资源条件的农业种植发展布局方式”(2020-2021),课题骨干 14)荷兰瓦赫宁根大学WIMEK基金,基于SWAP model的华北节水种植结构研究,2020,主持, 15)农业部“绿色食品生态环境效应、经济效益、社会效应评价”(2019-2020),课题骨干 16)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“基于“节水-减排-经济”三维视角的华北平原不同种植模式分析研究”(2017-2019),主持 17)国家重点研发计划子课题“黄淮海冬小麦产量与效率层次差异形成机制与丰产增效途径”(2016-2020),参加(项目骨干) 18)华北平原水土资源约束下“大粮食”生产模式构建与实证研究(2017-2018),主持 19)中国工程院咨询项目“国际化绿色化背景下国家区域食物安全可持续发展战略研究”项目—华北地区食物安全可持续发展战略研究报告(2017-2018),参加 20)中国农业大学基本科研业务费(2017),主持 21)中国农业大学青年教师科研启动项目(2016-2018),主持 22)指导国家级大学生创新项目2项,北京市大学生创新项目3项,URP 8项 23)主持本科生教改项目3项,校级研究生教改项目2项;参加国家级本科生教改项目1项,校级研究生教改1项 学术兼职 Sustainable production and consumption:Early-Career Editoral Board; Plant and Soil: Section eidtor; 《中国农业生态学报》:青年编委 Sustainability: Special Issue guest editor; LDD:Special Issue editor. 美国农学会(ASA)会员、中国作物学会(CSSC)会员、担任国际SCI期刊Field Crops Research,Agronomy Journal, Agricultural Water Management, Environmental Science & Technology, GCB bioenergy,Journal of Cleaner Production等刊物审稿人。 期刊论文 [1]. Xiaolin Yang* , JinranXiong, Taisheng Du* , Xiaotang Ju* ,Yantai Gan *, Sien Li, Longlong Xia, Yanjun Shen, Steven Pacenka, Tammo S. Steenhuis, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Shaozhong Kang, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl. Diversifying crop rotation increases food production, reduces net greenhouse gas emissions and improves soil health. Nature Communications, 2024, 15:198. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-44464-9. IF:17 高被引论文+热点论文 [2]. XiaolinYang, Sien Li, Taisheng Du*, Shaozhong Kang, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Klaus Butterback-Bahl. Greenhouse gas emissions and crop-specific emission factors of eight upland crops based on a six-year field experiment in the North China Plain. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2024, 50, 416-430. IF:12 [3]. Mingming Zong, Xiaolin Yang*, Alberto Sanz-Cobena, Uffe Jorgensen, Klaus Butterback-Bahl, Diego Abalos. Reductions in nitrous oxide emissions in diverse crop rotations linked to changes in prokaryotic community structure. Agricultural and Forest Meterology, 2025, 362, 110370. IF: 6.424. [4]. Yifei Sun, Xiaolin Yang*, Lars Elsgaard, Taisheng Du, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Shaozhong Kang, Klaus Butterback-Bahl. Diversified crop rotations improve soil microbial communities and functions in a six-year field experiment. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 370, 122604. 5-year IF: 8 [5] Huiru Peng, Yang Zhang, Tiegui Nan, Xiaolin Yang*, Steven Pacenka, Tammo S. Steenhuis, Jun Niu. Climate change impacts on spatiotemporal variability of soybean water demands in North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2025, 310,109381.5-year IF: 7.234 [6].BoWang, Guiyan Wang, Jos van Dam, Xiaolin Yang*, Coen Ritsema, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Taisheng Du, Shaozhong Kang. Diversified crop rotations improve crop water use and subsequent cereal crop yield through soil moisture compensation. Agricultural Water Management, 2024, 294,108721. 5-year IF: 7.234 [8]. Bo Wang, Jos van Dam, Xiaolin Yang*, Coen Ritsema, et al. Reducing water productivity gap by optimizing irrigation regime for winter wheat-summer maize system in the North China Plain, Agricultural Water Management. 2023, 280: 108229. 5-year IF: 7.234 [9]. Shiquan Wang, Jinrang Xiong, Boyuan Yang, Xiaolin Yang*, et al. Diversified crop rotations reduce groundwater use and enhance system resilience. Agricultural Water Management. 2023, 276: 108067. 5-year IF: 7.234 [10] 杨晓琳, 王语萌, 石恒煜, 李庆祥, 王显国, 杜太生. 河北低平原适水粮饲模式构建及综合效益评价. 中国农业大学学报, 2024, 29(07):181-192. [11]. You, J.Q., Li, S.B., Chen, N.W., Yang, X.L., Kurambhatti, C., Cai, X.M., Singh, V., Phosphorus (P) recovery from corn biorefineries is promising for mitigating environmental impacts and promoting the P circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2023, 198, 107194. IF: 13.2 [12]. Bin Du, M.K. Shukla, Xiaolin Yang, et al. Enhanced fruit yield and quality of tomato by photosynthetic bacteria and CO2 enrichment under reduced irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 2023, 277: 108106. 5-year IF: 7.234 [13]. Peng, H.; Xiong, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhu, L.;Wang, G.; Pacenka, S.; Yang, X.* Water Requirements and Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of Diversified Crop Rotations in the Huang-Huai Plain. Sustainability. 2023, 15, 10229. 5-year IF: 4.0 [14]. Jinran Xiong, Fangting Liang, Xiaolin Yang*, et al. Water footprint assessment of green and traditional cultivation of crops in the Huang-Huai-Hai Farming Region. Agronomy. 2022, 12: 2494. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12102494. IF: 4.117 [15]. Yan, X.F., Song, X.B., Wang, Y.B., Wang, W., Cheng, Q. *, Yang, X.L., et al., A pipeline robot system for monitoring soil water content distribution. Journal of Hydrology. 2023, 620, 129526. IF: 6.4 [16] Feng Huang, Xiaolin Yang, Yu Fang, Sufen Wang, Shaozhong Kang. Exploring water-and-land-adapted spatial layout of crop planting in North China. Strategic Stuady of CAE, 2022, 24(5): 089-096. [17]. 郭振宇,杨丹妮,杨晓琳*,李思恩,等. 不同灌溉方式对大豆耗水和水分利用效率的影响.灌溉排水学报,2023, 42(3):14-25. [18]. Zhang, M. Chen, X.J., Zhao, Y.J., Zhang, J.Q., Yang, X.L.*, et al. Quantification of Six Types of Cytokinins: Integration of an Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatographic-Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometric method with Antibody Based Immunoaffinity Columns Equally Recognizing Cytokinins in Free Base and Nucleoside Forms. Journal of Chromatography A. 2022, 1682: 463497. IF: 4.601 [19]. Zhuang, M.H., Caro, D., Qin, W., Wang, C., Yang, X.L, Liu, R., Zhang, L. Spatial Heterogeneity of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Cereal Crop Production Driven by Energy-Land-Water Nexus in China. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2022. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1734459/v1. IF: 13.615 [20]. Bin Du, Risheng Ding, Xiaolin Yang, Tiaheng Du. How are leaf carbon- and water-related traits coordinated adaption to elevated CO2 by its anatomy? A case study in tomato. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2022, 199: 104898. 5-year IF: 5.99 [21]. Xinjie Shi, Jinran Xiong, Xiaolin Yang*, Taisheng Du. Carbon footprint analysis of sweet sorghum-based bioethanol production in the potential saline-alkali land of northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 349: 131476. 5-year IF: 11.072 [22]. Xiaolin Yang, Guangya Wang, Steven Pacenka, Yuanquan Chen, Peng Sui, Steven Pacenka, Tammo S. Steenhuis, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Reduced groundwater use and increased grain production by optimized irrigation scheduling in winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system—A 16-year field study in North China Plain. Field Crops Research. 2022, 275: 108364. 5-year IF: 7.234 [23]. Xiaolin Yang*, Tammo S. Steenhuis, Kyle Frankel Davis, Wopke van der Werf, Coen J. Ritsema, Steven Pacenka, Fusuo Zhang, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Taisheng Du. Diversified crop rotations enhance groundwater and economic sustainability of food production. Food and Energy Security. 2021, 10(4): e311. 5-year IF: 8.33 [24]. Jeroen Groot, Xiaolin Yang*. Trade-offs in the design of sustainable cropping systems at the regional level-an analysis in the North China Plain. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 2022, 9(2): 295-308. https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021434.(约稿) [25]. 刘英博,周际,陈颖露,姚旭擎,杨晓琳*, 杜太生. 基于CiteSpace的华北冬小麦-夏玉米周年优化灌溉制度的节水潜力分析. 中国农业大学学报. 2022, 27(6): 1-20. [26]. Bin Du, M.K. Shukla, Risheng Ding, Xiaolin Yang, Tiasheng Du. Biofertilization with photosynthetic bacteria as a new strategy for mitigating photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 on cherry tomato. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2022, 194: 104758. 5-year IF:5.99 [27]. Tammo S. Steenhuis, Xiaolin Yang*. Groundwater depletion in the North China Plain: the Agrohydrological perspective. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 2021, 8(4): 594-598. https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021407(约稿) [28]. Yajie Zhao, Mian Wang, Man Zhang, Xiaolin Yang, et al. Development of a direct competitive enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay for quantitation of sodium saccharin residue in food. Journal of Food Science. 2021, 86(8): 3720-3729. 5-year IF: 3.377 [29]. Liuyang Yu, Xining Zhao*, Xiaodong Gao, Ruhao Jia, Menghao Yang, Xiaolin Yang, et al. Effect of natural factors and management practices on agricultural water use efficiency under drought: A meta-analysis of global drylands. Journal of Hydrology. 2021, 594: 125977. 5-year IF: 6.033 [30]. Xiaolin Yang, Xinnan Jin, Qingquan Chu*, et al. Impact of climate variation from 1965 to 2016 on cotton water requirements in North China Plain.Agricultural Water Management. 2021, 243: 106502. 5-year IF: 7.234 [31]. 杨晓琳, 梁芳婷, 闫菊萍, 等. 冀中南多样化种植模式的适水效应分析.中国农业大学学报. 2021, 26(4): 1-17. [32]. 孟建,姚旭擎,杨晓琳*,等. 地下水超采区农业种植结构与作物耗水时空演变研究. 农业机械学报. 2020, 51(11): 302-312.(EI, 通讯) [33]. Xiaolin Yang, Steven Pacenka, Tammo S. Steenhuis*, et al. Managing food and bioenergy crops with declining groundwater levels in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research, 2019, 234: 1-14. 5-year IF: 7.234 [34]. Xiaolin Yang, Beibei Sun, et al. Carbon footprints of grain-, forage- and energy-based cropping systems in the North China Plain. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2019, 24(3): 371-385. 5-year IF: 5.553 [35]. Chaochen Tang, Xiaolin Yang*, et al. Establishing sustainable sweet sorghum-based cropping systems for forage and bioenergy feedstock in North China Plain. Field Crops Research. 2018, 227: 144-154. 5-year IF: 7.234 [36]. Xiaolin Yang, Meng Li1, Huihui Liu, et al. Technical feasibility and comprehensive sustainability assessment of sweet sorghum for bioethanol production in China. Sustainability. 2018, 10(3): 731. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10030731. 5-year IF: 3.473 [37]. Chaochen Tang, Xiaolin Yang*, Xu Chen, et al. Sorghum biomass and quality and soil nitrogen balance response to nitrogen rate on semiarid marginal land. Field Crops Research. 2018, 215: 12-22. 5-year IF: 7.234 [38]. Xiaolin Yang, Tammo S. Steenhuis, Steven Pacenka, et al. Mitigating groundwater depletion in North China Plain with cropping system that alternate deep and shallow rooted crops. Frontiers in plant science. 2017, 8: 980. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00980. 5-year IF: 6.612 [39]. Feng Chen, Asif Ameen, Chaochen Tang, Fu Du, Xiaolin Yang*, et al. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on soil nitrogen for energy sorghum on marginal land in China. Agronomy Journal. 2017, 109: 636-645. 5-year IF: 2.829 [40]. Asif Ameen, Xiaolin Yang, Feng Chen, et al. Biomass yield and nutrient uptake of energy sorghum in response to nitrogen fertilizer rate on marginal land in a semi-arid region. BioEnergy Research. 2017, 10: 363-376 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12155-016-9804-5. 5-year IF: 30.052 [41]. 王艺鹏, 杨晓琳*, 等. 1995-2014年中国农作物秸秆沼气化碳足迹分析. 中国农业大学学报. 2017, 22(5): 25-38. [42]. Xiaolin Yang, Steven Pacenka, Tammo S. Steenhuis, et al. Effect of diversified crop rotations on groundwater levels and crop water productivity in the North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology. 2015. 522: 428–438. 5-year IF: 6.731. [43]. Xiaolin Yang, Min Zhang, et al. Reducing agricultural carbon footprint through diversified crop rotation systems in the North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2014, 76: 131-139. 5-year IF: 11.016. [44]. Xiaolin Yang, Quanhong Shi, et al. Impact of climate change on the water requirement of summer maize in the Huang-Huai-Hai farming region. Agricultural water management. 2013, 124: 20-27. 5-year IF: 6.547. [45]. Xiaolin Yang, Min Zhang, Tammo S. Steenhuis, et al. Recharge and groundwater use in the North China Plain for six irrigated crops for an eleven period. Plos One. 2015, 10(1): e0115269. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0115269. 5-year IF: 3.788. [46]. Xiaolin Yang, et al. The spatial and temporal variation of water requirement of winter wheat during 1960-2009 based GIS and SIMETAW model in Huang-Huai-Hai Farming Region. Sensor letters. 2013, 11: 1-7. 5-year IF: 0.58. [47]. Xiaolin Yang, et al. Life cycle assessment of different crop rotation systems in the North China Plain. The 4th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design. 2013, 141-142. 优秀国际会议论文. [48] 杨晓琳,陈源泉,高旺盛,隋鹏. 不同轮作制度对华北平原地下水可持续利用的影响.中国农作制度研究进展. 2013 [49]. 杨晓琳, 宋振伟, 王宏, 等. 黄淮海农作区冬小麦需水量时空变化特征及气候影响因素分析. 中国生态农业学报. 2012, 20(3): 356-362. 本论文被评选为中国科学技术信息研究所的2014年“中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文”(即:领跑者5000,F5000). [50]. 杨晓琳, 等. 黄淮海农作区玉米需水量时空变化特征比较研究. 中国农业大学学报. 2011, 16(5): 26-31. [51]. 杨晓琳, 崔思远, 石全红, 等. 基于ArcGIS的气候变化对黄淮海农作区麦玉两熟作物需水量的影响研究. 中国农作制度研究进展. 2012, 578-585. [52]. 杨晓琳, 等.不同轮作制度对华北平原地下水可持续利用的影响. 2014. 中国农学会耕作制度分会2014年学术年会会议论文. [53]. 韩玉, 杨晓琳, 等. 基于水足迹的河北省水资源安全评价. 中国生态农业学报.2013, 21(8): 1031-1038. [54]. 刘巽浩, 徐文修, 李增嘉,杨晓琳, 等. 农田生态系统碳足迹法:误区、改进与应用-------兼析中国集约农作碳效率(上).中国农业资源与区划. 2013, 34(6): 1-11. [55]. 刘巽浩, 徐文修, 李增嘉, 杨晓琳, 等. 农田生态系统碳足迹法:误区、改进与应用-------兼析中国集约农作碳效率(下). 中国农业资源与区划. 2014, 35(1): 1-7. 专利 1. 国家发明专利:杨晓琳*, 刘英博, 熊晋冉, 杜太生. 大豆小麦玉米轮作种植方法. 2023 2. 国家实用新型专利:杨晓琳*, 李思恩, 杜太生. 一种农业种植用水肥一体化设备. 2024 3. 国家实用新型专利:杨晓琳*, 李思恩, 王素芬, 杜太生. 一种农业种植用大豆种粒筛选装置. 2024 4. 国家发明专利:杨晓琳*,王素芬,黄兴法,杜太生. 滴灌灌水器、滴灌装置及滴灌控制方法. 2025 教学荣誉 2023年,指导硕士研究生获得国家奖学金; 2022年,指导本科生小队“兴农杯”大赛获院级一等奖,校级三等奖,北京市三等奖; 2021年,担任中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院“本科生指导员”; 2018年,获中国农业大学第十一届校级青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖(11/36); 2017年,合作指导研究生获得校级优秀毕业论文 2015-2020,担任作物生理与栽培学系党支部组织委员、“灯塔工程”小组负责人,连续3年担任精准扶贫实践队的指导教师。 教学科研概况社会职务2019年12月入选河北省农业节水专家指导组成员; 2020年1月入选荷兰瓦赫宁根大学WIMEK青年学者; 2020年11月当选中国农业技术推广协会第三届节水农业技术专业委员会副秘书长; 2021年1月当选Frontiers in Agronomy: Review editor 活动动态研究领域Ø农业高效用水机理与调控; Ø适水结构调整与多目标优化; Ø水-粮-能-碳系统耦合与模拟; Ø气候变化与水资源; 开授课程
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