Expert category
ResumeMy research focuses on discovering genes and mechanisms that control assimilates allocation between and within plant cells and organs for improving growth, yield, resilience in response to ever-changing environment. The aims of my study include: · Sugar transport, metabolism and signaling for yield formation of crops. · Physiological responses to, and countermeasures against, abiotic stresses for crop production. · Molecular basis for stress-induced grain abortion in cereals. Teaching researchSocial PositionJunior Editor, Journal of Integrative Agriculture Review Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science Reviewers for The Plant Journal, Journal of Experimental Botany, Field Crop Research, etc. Dynamic activityField
Open CourseProjectNational Natural Science Foundation of China, 32272013, 1/2023– 12/2026 National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2022YFD2300803, 11/2022-12/2025 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31901435, 1/2020-12/2021 The Fund for Cooperation Among the World's Top Agricultural Universities, 1/2020-12/2020 ThesisY-H Lin; Y-N Zhou; X-G Liang; Y-K Jin; Z-D Xiao; Y-J Zhang; C Huang; B Hong; Z-Y Chen; S-L Zhou; S Shen*; Exogenous Methylglyoxal Alleviates Drought-Induced ‘Plant Diabetes’ and Leaf Senescence in Maize, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2024, 75 (7), 1982-1996. XY Yao, CH Wei, L Yang, YN Zhou, ZY Chen, SL Zhou, XM Chen*, S Shen*; Hindered Translocation of Sugars within Maize Ear Reduces Grain Weight under Drought Stress, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2024, 105900. Z-Y Cao; Z Chen; B Tang; Q Zeng; H-L Guo; W Huang; Y Luo; S Shen*; S-L Zhou*; The Effects of Sowing Date on Maize: Phenology, Morphology, and Yield Formation in a Hot Subtropical Monsoon Region, Field Crop Research, 2024, 309, 109309. Bi Li; X Chen; T Deng; X Zhao; F Li; B Zhang; X Wang; S Shen*; S-L Zhou*; Timing Effect of High Temperature Exposure on the Plasticity of Internode and Plant Architecture in Maize, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2024, 23(2): 551-565. Shen S, Ma S, Wu L, Zhou S-L, Ruan Y-L* (2023). Winners Take All: Competition for Carbon Resource Determines Grain Fate, Trends in Plant Science, in press. (Cell Press, 5-year IF: 23.116) Shen S, Ma S, Chen X, Yi F, Liang X-G, Liao S, Gao L, Zhou S-L*, Ruan Y-L (2022). A Transcriptional Landscape underlying Sugar Import for Grain Set in Maize, The Plant Journal, 110(1): 228-242. (高被引, 5-year IF: 8.028) Shen S, Liang X-G, Zhang L, Zhao X, Liu Y-P, Lin S, Gao Z, Wang P, Wang Z, Zhou S-L*(2020). Intervening in Sibling Competition for Assimilates by Controlled Pollination Prevents Seed Abortion under Postpollination Drought in Maize, Plant Cell and Environment, 43(4): 903~919. (5-year IF: 8.452) Shen S, Ma S, Liu Y, Liao S, Li J, Wu L, Kartika D, Mock H-P, Ruan Y-L*(2019). Cell Wall Invertase and Sugar Transporters Are Differentially Activated in Tomato Styles and Ovaries during Pollination and Fertilization, Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00506. (5-year IF: 7.255) Shen S, Zhou S-L*, Ruan Y-L*(2018). Pollination Time and Ear Region Are Early Determinants of Assimilate Partitioning and Selective Kernel Abortion in Maize, Asia-Oceania International Congress on Photosynthesis, Beijing, 2018.8.19-2018.8.2. Shen S, Zhang L, LiangX-G, Zhao X, Lin S, Qu L-H, Liu Y-P, Gao Z, RuanY-L, Zhou S-L* (2018). Delayed Pollination and Low Availability of Assimilates Are Major Factors Causing Maize Kernel Abortion,Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(7): 1599~1613. (5-year IF: 8.331) Shen S, Li B-B, Deng T, Xiao Z-D, Chen X-M, Hu H, Zhang B-C, Wu G, Li F, Zhao X, Liang X-G, Mi G-H, Zhou S-L*(2020). The Equilibrium between Sugars and Ethylene Is Involved in Shading and Drought-Induced Kernel Abortion in Maize, Plant Growth Regulation, 91: 101~111. (5-year IF: 3.607) Lin Y-H, Jin Y-K, Chen Z-Y, Xiao Z-D, Shen S*, Zhou S-L* (2022). Exogenous Methylglyoxal Ameliorates Source Strength and Retrieves Yield Loss Under Drought Stress During Grain Filling in Maize, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 179: 1-13. (5-year IF: 4.469) Chen X-M, Li F-Y, Dong S, Liu X-F, Li B-B, Xiao Z-D, Deng T, Wang Y-B*, Shen S*, Zhou S-L* (2022).Stubby or Slender? Ear Architecture Is Related to Drought Resistance in Maize, Frontiers in Plant Science,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.901186. (5-year IF: 7.255) ThesisAchievements
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HonorEnrollmentRecruitment of Master's and Ph.D. students passionate about crop science, eager to explore the unknown, and dedicated to agriculture! Our lab focuses on scientific questions and technical bottlenecks in the process of food production. Using innovative and advanced methods, we aim to deepen our understanding of crops and enhance production levels. We welcome you if you are:
The lab will provide you with a first-class research platform and team support, an encouraging training model, an innovative and open team atmosphere, and close international exchanges and cooperation. The lab not only supports your research, discoveries, and publication but also aims to enhance the cognition, vision, and comprehensive abilities for a better and further career. Please contact me at: shensi@cau.edu.cn. Team Display |