
Xinqing Shao

College of Grassland Science and Technology


  • Department: College of Grassland Science and Technology
  • Gender: male
  • Nationality: China
  • Post:
  • Duties:
  • Research Label: Grassland Ecology, Restoration Ecology
  • Graduate School: China Agricultural University
  • Degree: Professor
  • Tel: 010-62733835
  • Email: shaoxinqing@163.com
  • Office Location: Animal Science Building of the wast campus
  • Address: China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
  • PostCode: 100193
  • Fax:

Expert category

  • Academic degree supervisor type:
  • Professional Degree Graduate Supervisor Type:
  • Engaged in disciplines1:
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The Grassland Ecological Restoration Laboratory belongs to the College of Grassland Science and Technology, and the laboratory leader is Professor Shao Xinqing. 

The research team mainly focuses on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the main research directions are the restoration and reconstruction of degraded ecosystems, grassland ecosystem management, climate change and material cycling of alpine grassland ecosystems, etc., and has carried out research on the construction of plant functional traits and community genealogy based on grazing, research on the propagation countermeasures of Xanthophyllum lanceophyllum in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, spatial differentiation of leaf structure of dominant plants in alpine meadows, and research on the adaptation strategies of vegetation, soil and microorganisms to climate change in alpine grassland. The effects of nutrient addition on the vegetation-microbial relationship in alpine grassland ecosystems, the regulation mechanism of greenhouse gas emissions in alpine meadows under the background of climate change, and the mechanism of synergistic induction of insect resistance between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Pyrrhiza plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

At present, the team members mainly include 7 doctoral students and 7 graduate students. The team members have gained many scholarships such as the National Scholarship, the President's Scholarship, the Wang Dong Scholarship, and the Academic Scholarship, and have also actively assisted the college in completing a number of student work.

The team has been going to Qinghai province for many years to carry out household research and field experiments, and has cultivated strong practical ability in addition to a solid theoretical foundation and experimental skills.

The team has a strong scientific research atmosphere. The team members have published more than 70 articles in well-known journals at China and abroad, such as Science of the Total Environment, Plant and Soil, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, and Acta Grassland Sinica.

The team's recent academic papers are as follows:

[1] Han Bing, He Yicheng, Chen Ji, Wang Yufei, Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Wei Xiaoting, Zhang Wantong, Geng Yiyi, Shao Xinqing, Jia Shan-gang. Different microbial functional traits drive bulk and rhizosphere soil phosphorus mobilization in an alpine meadow after nitrogen input

[2] Yao Zeying, Shi Lina, He Yicheng, Peng Cuoji, Lin Zhenrong, Hu Meng-ai, Yin Ning, Xu Hengkang, Zhang Degang, Shao Xinqing. Grazing intensity, duration, and grassland type determine the relationship between soil microbial diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality in Chinese grasslands: A meta-analysis. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 154:1470-160.

[3] Peng Cuoji, Shi Lina, He Yicheng, Yao Zeying, Lin Zhenrong, Hu Meng-ai, Yin Ning, Xu Hengkang, Li Yikang, Zhou Huakun, Lu Xinmin, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Climate factors regulate the depth dependency of soil organic carbon under grazing exclusion in Chinese grasslands: A meta-analysis. Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 1-11.

[4] Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Yao Zeying, Peng Cuoji, Hu Meng-ai, Yin Ning, Lu Xinmin, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Increased precipitation rather than warming increases ecosystem multifunctionality in an alpine meadow, 2024, Plant and Soil

[5] Lin Zhenrong, Shi Lina, Wei Xiaoting, Han Bing, Peng Cuoji, Yao Zeying, He Yicheng, Xiao Qing, Lu Xinmin, Deng Yanfang, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Soil properties and fungal community jointly explain N2O emissions following N and P enrichment in an alpine meadow. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 344: 123344.

[6] Han Bing, Zhang Wantong, Yu Lu, Wei Xiaoting, Geng Yiyi, Zhou Huakun, Lu Xinmin, Shao Xinqing. Different Response of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities in Roots and Rhizosphere Soil of Elymus nutans to Long-term Warming in an Alpine Meadow, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2024, 24:1149–1159.

[7] Yu Lu, Zhang Hui, Zhang Wantong, Han Bing, Zhou Huakun, Lu Xinming, Deng Yanfang, Liu Kesi, Shao xinqing. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter the interaction effects between bacillus and rhizobium on root morphological traits of Medicago ruthenica L. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2023, 23:2868–2877.

[8] Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Tang Shiming, Peng Cuoji, Yao Zeying, Xiao Qing, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Interactive effects of warming and managements on carbon fluxes in grasslands: A global meta-analysis, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2022, 340:108178.

[9] Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong, Wei Xiaoting, Peng Cuoji, Yao Zeying, Han Bing, Xiao Qing, Zhou Huakun, Deng Yanfang, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Precipitation increase counteracts warming effects on plant and soil C:N:P stoichiometry in an alpine meadow. 2022, 13:1044173.

[10] Lin Zhenrong, Shi Lina, Wei Xiaoting, Hanbing, Pengcuoji, Yao Zeying, Xiao Qing, Lu Xinmin, Deng Yanfang, Zhou Huakun, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Soil properties rather than plant diversity mediate the response of soil bacterial community to N and P additions in an alpine meadow. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13:1036451.

[11] Wei Xiaoting, Yu Lu, Han Bing, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing, Jia Shangang. Spatial variations of root-associated bacterial communities of alpine plants. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 839: 156086.

[12] Zhang Wantong, Yu Lu, Han Bing, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Mycorrhizal inoculation enhances nutrient absorption and induces insect-resistant defense of Elymus nutans. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 898969.

[13] Yu Lu, Zhang Wantong, Geng Yiyi, Liu Kesi, Shao Xinqing. Cooperation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increases plant nutrient uptake and improves defenses against insects. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10: 833389.

[14] Yu Lu, Zhang Hui, Zhang Wantong, Liu Kesi, Liu Miao, Shao Xinqing. Cooperation between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting bacteria and their effects on plant growth and soil quality. PeerJ, 2022, 21;10:e13080.

[15] Wei Xiaoting, Jiang Fengyan, Han Bing, Zhang Hui, Huang Ding, Shao Xinqing. New insight into the divergent responses of plants to warming in the context of root endophytic bacterial and fungal communities. PeerJ. 2021, 9:e11340.

[16] Wei Xiaoting, Shi Yanan, Qin Fuwen, Zhou Huakun, Shao Xinqing. Effects of experimental warming, precipitation increase and their interaction on AM fungal community in an alpine grassland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, European Journal of Soil Biology, 2021, 102: 103272.

The team also focuses on applying theory to practice. Recent patents include:

[17] Shao Xinqing, Lin Zhenrong, Shi Lina, Xiao Qing. A kind of greenhouse gas collection device. (ZL 2022 2 3087909.4)

[18] Shao Xinqing, Lin Zhenrong, Shi Lina, Xiao Qing. A kind of soil bulk density sample collection device. (ZL 2022 2 3042472.2)

[19] Shao Xinqing, Shi Lina, Lin Zhenrong. A kind of static gas box. (ZL2022 2 3086348.6) 

In addition, the team has also actively participated in a number of academic conferences and forums such as the Chinese Grass Society and the Nitrogen Biogeochemical Cycle, and is looking forward to extensive academic exchanges with colleagues in the industry. Not only that, the team also achieved excellent results in the innovation and entrepreneurship competition.

In addition to their busy scientific research work, team members can also actively participate in various activities organized by the college and devote themselves to volunteer service: in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, they helped the school's epidemic prevention and control work with practical actions; In the Beijing Winter Olympics, they took the initiative to offer volunteer service, which interpreted the spirit of responsibility, courage and dedication of contemporary college students, and fully demonstrated the style of the new youth.

The team will also regularly organize team building activities such as watching patriotic movies, outdoor mountaineering and visiting the red base to promote communication and care for the physical and mental development of each member. The team always keeps in mind the responsibility of being a student of the grass industry: not afraid of hard work, brave in hard work, committed to writing papers on the vast grassland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and contributing their youth to the development of grass science.

Teaching research

Social Position

Dynamic activity


Open Course


Recent national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects are as follows,

(1) National Key R&D Project of China, 2016YFC0501902, Technology and Demonstration of Restoration and Ecological Function Improvement of Degraded Alpine Grassland, 2016.07-2020.12, PI, completed.

(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31971746, Study on the Mechanism of Synergistic Induction of Insect Resistance between Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Pyrophyllum on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, 2020.01-2023.12, PI, completed.

(3) National Natural Science Foundation of China, 32171685, Greenhouse Gas Emission Dynamics and Microbial Regulation Mechanism of Alpine Meadow under Climate Change, 2022.01-2025.12, PI, under research.

(4) National Key R&D Project, 2022YFD1300804, Research and Demonstration of High-yield Cultivation and Efficient Utilization Technology of High-quality Forage and Seeds in Northern Irrigation Area, 2023.03-2026.11, PI, under research.



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Enrollment in previous years Application intention

Team Display



Research Label: Grassland Ecology, Restoration Ecology

Degree: Professor

Tel: 010-62733835

Email: shaoxinqing@163.com

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