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ResumeTeaching researchSocial PositionDynamic activityFieldResearch in Dr. Tan's lab is dedicated to understanding the genetic basis of important agronomic traits in rice. Through developing several sets of introgression lines, as a genome library of wild relatives of rice, using advanced backcross strategy, the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield- and domestication-related traits were detected based the phenotypic and genotypic data of introgression lines. And then the important QTLs / genes controlling yield- and domestication-related traits were identified by map-based cloning approach. Finally, this integrated strategy combined molecular genetics, molecular Biology, and genomics to understand the genetic regulation mechanism underlying complex traits in rice. The goal in Dr. Tan's program is to provide a basis for developing high-yield rice varieties through genome selection strategy in the future. Open Course2014 - Present Experiment Design and Biostatistics 2010 - 2013 Experiments of Trial Design and Biostatistics Project2018 - 2021 Identification and functional analysis of the SSH1gene regulating seed shattering in rice (Oryza sativa L.), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant: 31771742, PI 2015 - 2017 Characterization of genes controlling panicle development and yield and their genetic regulatory pathway, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant: 91435103, PI Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Grant: NCET-12-0517, PI National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant: 31222040, PI number from wild rice, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant: 31171522, PI ThesisSelected papers: 1. Jiang L, Ma X, Zhao S, Tang Y, Liu F, Gu Ping, Fu Y, Zhu Z, Cai H, Sun C, Tan L (Corresponding author). The APETALA2-like transcription factor SUPERNUMERARY BRACT controls rice seed shattering and seed size.The Plant Cell. 2019, doi:10.1105/tpc.18.00304. 2. Tang Y, Ma X, Zhao S, Xue W, Zheng X, Sun H, Gu P, Zhu Z, Sun C, Liu F, Tan L (Co-Corresponding author). Identification of an active miniature inverted-repeat transposable element mJing in rice. The Plant Journal. 2019, doi: 10.1111/tpj.14260. 3. Wu Y, Zhao S, Li X, Zhang B, Jiang L, Tang Y, Zhao J, Ma X, Cai H, Sun C, Tan L (Corresponding author). Deletions linked to PROG1 gene participate in plant architecture domestication in Asian and African rice. Nature Communications. 2018, 9: 4157. 4. Huo X, Wu S, Zhu Z, Liu F, Fu Y, Cai H, Sun X, Gu P, Xie D, Tan L (Co-Corresponding author), Sun C. NOG1 increases grain production in rice. Nature Communications. 2017, 8: 1497. 5. Zhao S, Zhao L, Liu F, Wu Y, Zhu Z, Sun C, Tan L (Corresponding author). NARROW AND ROLLED LEAF 2 regulates leaf shape, male fertility, and seed size in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2016, 58: 983–996. 6. Ma X, Fu Y, Zhao X, Jiang L, Zhu Z, Gu P, Xu W, Su Z, Sun C, Tan L (Corresponding author). Genomic structure analysis of a set of Oryza nivara introgression lines and identification of yield-associated QTLs using whole-genome resequencing. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6: 27425. 7. Wu Y, Fu Y, Zhao S, Gu P, Zhu Z, Sun C, Tan L (Corresponding author). CLUSTERED PRIMARY BRANCH 1, a new allele of DWARF11, controls panicle architecture and seed size in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2016, 14: 377–386. 8. Lin Y, Tan L, Zhao L, Sun X, Sun C. RLS3, a protein with AAA+ domain localized in chloroplast, sustains leaf longevity in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2016, 58: 971–982. 9. Jin J, Hua L, Zhu Z, Tan L, Zhao X, Zhang W, Liu F, Fu Y, Cai H, Sun X, Gu P, Xie D, Sun C. GAD1 encodes a secreted peptide that regulates grain number, grain length, and awn development in rice domestication. Plant Cell. 2016, 28: 2453–2463. 10. Hua L, Wang D R, Tan L, Fu Y, Liu F, Xiao L, Zhu Z, Fu Q, Sun X, Gu P, Cai H, McCouch S R, Sun C. LABA1, a domestication gene associated with long, barbed awns in wild rice. Plant Cell. 2015, 27: 1875–1888. 11. Zhao L, Tan L, Zhu Z, Xiao L, Xie D, Sun C. PAY1 improves plant architecture and enhances grain yield in rice. Plant Journal. 2015, 83: 528–536. 12. Zhang Y, Tan L, Zhu Z, Yuan L, Xie D, Sun C. TOND1 confers tolerance to nitrogen deficiency in rice. Plant Journal. 2015, 81: 367–376. 13. Zhang B, Sun C, Xie D, Tan L (Corresponding author). Global gene expression analysis of a rice high-tillering dwarf mutant. Genes & Genomics. 2014, 36: 485–496. 14. Zhu Z, Tan L, Fu Y, Liu F, Cai H, Xie D, Wu F, Wu J, Matsumoto T, Sun C. Genetic control of inflorescence architecture during rice domestication. Nature Communications. 2013, 4: 2200. 15. Liu F, Xu W, Song Q, Tan L, Liu J, Fu Y, Su Z, Sun C. Microarray assisted fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci for cold tolerance in rice. Molecular Plant. 2013, 6: 757–767. 16. Lei D, Tan L, Liu F, Chen L, Sun C. Identification of heat-sensitive QTL derived from common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.). Plant Science. 2013, 201–202:121–127. 17. Dai X, Ding Y, Tan L, Fu Y, Liu F, Zhu Z, Sun X, Sun X, Gu P, Cai H, Sun C. LHD1, an allele of DTH8/Ghd8 controls late heading date in common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2012, 54: 790–799. 18. Jiang J, Tan L, Zhu Z, Fu Y, Liu F, Cai H, Sun C. Molecular evolution of the TAC1 gene from rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2012, 39: 551–560. 19. Tian L, Tan L, Liu F, Cai H, Sun C. Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with salt tolerance at seedling stage from Oryza rufipogon. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2011, 38: 593–601. 20. Fu Q, Zhang P, Tan L, Zhu Z, Ma D, Fu Y, Zhan X, Cai H, Sun C. Analysis of QTLs for yield-related traits in Yuanjiang common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.). Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2010, 37(2): 147–157. 21. Li X, Tan L, Wang L, Hu S, Sun C. Isolation and characterization of conserved non-coding sequences among rice (Oryza sativa L.) paralogous regions. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2009, 281: 11–18. 22. Garcia-Oliveira A L, Tan L, Fu Y, Sun C. QTL mapping for mineral nutrients in rice grain using introgression lines population. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2009, 51: 84–92. 23. Tan L, Li X, Liu F, Sun X, Li C, Zhu Z, Fu Y, Cai H, Wang X, Xie D, Sun C. Control of a key transition from prostrate to erect growth in rice domestication. Nature Genetics. 2008, 40: 1360–1364. 24. Tan L, Zhang P, Liu F, Wang G, Ye S, Zhu Z, Fu Y, Cai H, Sun C. Quantitative trait loci underlying domestication- and yield-related traits in an Oryza rufipogon × Oryza sativa advanced backcross population. Genome. 2008, 51: 692–704. 25. Tan L, Liu F, Xue W, Wang G, Ye S, Zhu Z, Fu Y, Wang X, Sun C. Development of Oryza rufipogon and Oryza sativa introgression lines and assessment for yield-related quantitative trait loci. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2007, 49: 871–884. ThesisAchievements
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Honor2016 Excellent Teacher Award of China Agricultural University 2009 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Ministry of Education of PR China Enrollment
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