Expert category
ResumeTeaching researchSocial PositionDynamic activityFieldOpen CourseProjectThesisPublications in international journals (1) Zhao, Jianyu; Yang, Kaijing; Wang, Fengxin. The use of small emitter flow rate favored the transfer of N2O production to deeper soil to reduce yield-scaled emissions in drip-irrigated potato fields. Field Crops Research. 2024, 291: 108637(SCI,Corresponding author,IF=5.8,10%<ESI<20%) (2) Zhao Jianyu, Yang Kaijing, Shock Clinton C., Yang Bin, Dai Jialu, Wang Fengxin. Small soil wetted proportion and emitter flow rate of drip irrigation enhance potato yield by improving soil water and aeration in the sandy loam in arid Northwest China. Field Crops Research. 2024, 316: 109498. (SCI,Corresponding author,IF=5.8,10%<ESI<20%) (3) Yang Bin,Fengxin Wang, JiandongWang, ChuanjuanWang, Xuefeng Qiu. Numerical simulation and optimisation of the inlet structure of dentiform emitters in drip-irrigation systems. Biosystems Engineering. 2024, 246:183-190. (SCI,Corresponding author,IF=5.1,10%<ESI<20%) (4) Zhang Youliang, Tang Yongqi, Wang Zhaohui, Feng Shaoyuan, Wang Fengxin, Hu Yingjie. Optimizing nitrogen and irrigation application for drip irrigated sweet potato with plastic film mulching in eastern China. Agricultural Water Management. 2024, 302:108997. (SCI&EI,Corresponding author,IF=6.7,ESI<10%) (5) Zhao Jianyu; Chaobiao Meng, KaijingYang, Clinton C.Shock, Ning Wang, Fengxin Wang. The use of small emitter flow rate in drip irrigation favored methane uptake in arid potato fields. Agricultural Water Management. 2024, 291: 108637. (SCI&EI,Corresponding author,IF=6.7,ESI<10%) (6) Huang Zejun,Fengxin Wang,Bin Li,Yonglei Pang, Zhiyong Du. Appropriate Nitrogen Form and Application Rate Can Improve Yield and Quality of Autumn Tea with Drip Irrigation. AGRONOMY-BASEL, 2023, 13(5): 1303. (SCI,Corresponding author,IF=3.70,20%<ESI<30%) (7) Zhang YouliangTang, Yongqi Tang, Weicheng Kong, Shaoyuan Feng, Fengxin Wang. Can Drip Irrigation without Film Mulching Be Favorable for Potato Growth in Eastern China? AGRONOMY-BASEL. 2023, 13(6): 1661. (SCI) (8) Youliang Zhang, Yongqi Tang,Yingjie Hu, Shaoyuan Feng, Fengxin Wang, Zhaohui Wang. Effects of film mulching and soil wetted percentage of drip irrigation on soil hydrothermal conditions and sweet potato growth. European Journal of Agronomy. 2023, 151: 126979. (SCI) (9) Wang Ning, Fengxin Wang, Clinton C. Shock, Chaobiao Meng, Lei Gao. Evaluating quinoa stem lodging susceptibility by a mathematical model and the finite element method under different agronomic practices. Field Crops Research, 2022, 323: 109084.(SCI,Corresponding author,IF=6.15,ESI<10%) (10) Wang Ning, Fengxin Wang, Clinton Shock, Felix B Fritschi, Lei Gao, Zejun Huang, Jianyu Zhao. Optimizing quinoa height to counter stem lodging risks in the three main production regions of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2022, 323: 109084. (SCI,Corresponding author,IF=6.42,ESI<10%) (11) Meng CB, Zhao JY, Wang N, Yang KJ, Wang FX. Black Plastic Film Mulching Increases Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Arid Potato Fields. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(23): 16030. (SCI,Corresponding author,IF=4.61, 20%<ESI<30%) (12) Zhang, Youliang; Feng, Shaoyuan; Wang, Fengxin; Feng, Ren; Nie, Wei. Effects of drip discharge flux and soil wetted percentage on drip irrigated potato growth with film mulch. Agricultural Water Management. 2022, 272: 107847 (SCI,Corresponding author,IF=6.61,ESI<10%) (13) Wang Ning,Feng-Xin Wang ,Clinton C. Shock, Chaobiao Meng, Zejun Huang, Lei Gao, Jianyu Zhao. Evaluating quinoa stem lodging susceptibility by a mathematical model and the finite element method under different agronomic practices. Field Crops Research. 2021,271:108241.(SCI,Corresponding author) (14) Zhang You-Liang, Feng-Xin Wang,Clinton C. Shock, Shao-Yuan Feng. Modeling the Interaction of Plastic Film Mulch and Potato Canopy Growth with Soil Heat Transport in a Semiarid Area. Agronomy-BASEL, 2020(SCI,Corresponding author) (15) Wang Ning,Fengxin Wang ,Clinton C. Shock,Chaobiao Meng ,Lifang Qiao. Effects of Management Practices on Quinoa Growth,Seed Yield, and Quality. Agronomy-BASEL,2020,10(3):445. (SCI,Corresponding author) (16) Meng Chaobiaoa,Wang Fengxin,Yang Kaijing, Clinton C. Shock, Bernard A. Engel, Zhang Youliang,Tao Lijia, Gu Xiaoxiao. Small wetted proportion of drip irrigation and non-mulched treatment with manure application enhanced methane uptake in upland field. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020,文献号:107821. (SCI,Corresponding author) (17) Feng Ren, Fengxin Wang,,Yunyun Ban, Chao Chen. Method for estimating overland flow velocity on sandified slopes from measured solute transport process with bias errors. Journal of Hydrology, 2020,589: 125116.(SCI,Corresponding author) (18) Zhang YL, R Feng; W Nie, FX Wang,SY Feng. Plastic Film Mulch Performed Better in Improving Heat Conditions and Drip Irrigated Potato Growth in Northwest China than in Eastern China. Water, 2020, 12(10):2906.(SCI,Corresponding author) (19) Niu JP, XL Su; ZJ Tang, KW Lu, GX Zhang, FX Wang, J. Wang .Comprehensive Evaluation on Soil Properties and Artemisia ordosica Growth under Combined Application of Fly Ash and Polyacrylamide in North China. Entropy, 2020, 22(2):148.(SCI) (20) Chaobiao Meng, Fengxin Wang, Bernard A. Engel , Kaijing Yang ,Youliang Zhang. Is Cattle Manure Application with Plastic-Film Mulch a Good Choice for Potato Production?Agronomy–BASEL , 2019, 9(9): 534.(SCI,Corresponding author) (21) Xue Jingyuan, Zailin Huo, Quanzhong Huang, Fengxin Wang, Jan Boll, Guanhua Huang, Zhongyi Qu. Assessing sustainability of agricultural water saving in an aridarea with shallow groundwater. Irrigation and Drainage, 2019, 68(2):205-217. (SCI) (22) Zhang,You-Liang, Feng Shao-Yuan, Wang Feng-Xin,Binley Andrew. Simulation of soil waterflow and heat transport in drip irrigated potato field with raised beds andfull plastic-film mulch in a semiarid area. Agricultural Water Management.2018, 209:178-187. (SCI& EI,Corresponding author) (23) Xue J., Huo Z.*, Wang F.*, et al., Untangling the effects of shallow groundwater and deficit irrigation on irrigation water productivity in arid region: New conceptual model.Science of the Total Environments, 2018, 619: 1170-1182. (SCI,Corresponding author) (24) Xue J., Guan H., Huo Z.*, Wang F.*, et al., Water saving practices enhance regional efficiency of water consumption and water productivity in an arid agricultural area with shallow groundwater.Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 194:78-89. (SCI & EI,Corresponding author) (25) ZhangYou-Liang, Feng-Xin Wang, Clinton CleonShock, Kai-Jing Yang,Shao-Zhong Kang, Jing-Tao Qin, Si-En Li. Effects of plastic mulch on the radiative and thermal conditions and potato growth underdrip irrigation in arid Northwest China.Soil & Tillage Research.2017, 172:1–11.(SCI,Corresponding author) (26) Zhang You-Liang, Feng-Xin Wang, Clinton Cleon Shock,Kai-Jing Yang,Shao-Zhong Kang, Jing-Tao Qin, Si-En Li. Influence of different plastic film mulches and wetted soil percentages on potato grown under drip irrigation.AgriculturalWater Management. 2017,180:160–171. (SCI & EI,Corresponding author) (27) YangKaijing, Fengxin Wang, Clinton C.Shock, Shaozhong Kang, Zailin Huo,Na Song, Dan Ma. Potato performance asinfluenced by the proportion of wetted soil volume and nitrogen under drip irrigation with plastic mulch.Agricultural Water Management 2017,179: 260–270. (SCI & EI,Corresponding author) (28) Liu Zhongyi,Hang Chen, Zailin Huo, Fengxin Wang,Clinton C Shock. Analysis of the contribution of groundwater to evapotranspiration in an arid irrigation district with shallow water table. Agricultural Water Management. 2016, 171: 131-141. (SCI & EI) (29) Jiang J, Huo ZL, Feng SY, Kang SZ, Wang FX, Zhang CB. Effects of deficit irrigation with saline water on spring wheat growth and yield in arid Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land. 2013, 5(2): 143-154.(SCI) (30) HuoZailin, Feng Shaoyuan, Kang Shaozhong, Huang Guanhua, Wang Fengxin, Guo P. Integrated neural networks for monthly river flow estimation in arid inland basin of Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology.2012, 420: 159-170. (SCI & EI) (31) Wang FX, Wu XX,Shock CC, Chu LY, Gu XX, Xue X. The effects of drip irrigation regimes and plastic mulch on potato tuber yield and quality in an arid area of Northwestern China. Field Crops Research. 2011, 122(1): 78–84. (SCI) (32) Clinton C Shock, Feng-Xin Wang.Soil water tension, a powerful measurement for productivity and stewardship.Hortscience. 2011, 46(2): 178-185. (Corresponding author, SCI) (33) Huo Zailin, Shaoyuan Feng, Shaozhong Kang, Xiaomin Mao and Fengxin Wang. Numerically modelling groundwater in an arid area with ANN-generated dynamic boundary conditions. Hydrological Processes. 2011, 25(5):705-713. (SCI &EI) (34) Shaoyuan Feng, Zailin Huo, Shaozhong Kang, Zejun Tang, Fengxin Wang. Groundwater simulation using a numerical model under different water resources management scenarios in an arid region of China. Environ Earth Sci. 2011, 62(5):961-971. (SCI & EI) (35) Hou Xiao-Yan, Feng-Xin Wang,Jiang-Jiang Han, Shao-Zhong Kang, Shao-Yuan Feng. 2010. Duration of plastic mulch for potato growth under drip irrigation in an arid region of Northwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 150:115–121. (Corresponding author,SCI). (36) Wang F.X., Feng S.Y., Hou X.Y. Kang S.Z., Han J.J. 2009. Potato growth with and without plastic mulch in two typical regions of northern China. Field Crops Research. 110 (2):123–129. (SCI) (37) Hou Lizhu, Feng Shaoyuan, Ding Yueyuan, Wang Fengxin. 2008. Rainfall-runoff relations for porous pavements under artificial rainfall. Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in the Asian Developing World. 319: 134-142.(EI) (38) Wang Feng-Xin, Yaohu Kang, Shi-Ping Liu, Xiao-Yan Hou. 2007. Effects of soil matric potential on potato growth under drip irrigation in the North China Plain.Agricultural Water Management. 88: 34-42. (SCI & EI) (39) Wang Feng-xin, Yaohu Kang and Shi-Ping Liu.2006. Effects of drip irrigation frequency on soil wetting pattern and potato growth in North China Plain. AgriculturalWater Management. 79(3): 248-264.(SCI & EI) (40) Kang Yaohu, Feng-Xin Wang,Hai-Jun Liu and Bao-Zhong Yuan.2004. Potato evapotranspiration and yield under different drip irrigation regimes. Irrigation Science. 23(3): 133-143. (SCI& EI)
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