个人简介王向峰,男,1978 年生,博士生导师,中国农业大学教授。入选国家级人才计划。2002 年获中国农业大学生物科学学士学位;2007 年获北京大学生物信息学博士学位;2007 到2010 年先后在美国耶鲁大学、哈佛大学完成博士后阶段工作;2010 到2014 年期间,在美国亚利桑那大学,农业与生命科学学院,任终身制助理教授。主要研究方向为利用组学大数据从事玉米杂交育种理论、玉米杂种优势遗传互作机制、玉米基因组驯化、玉米适应性演化机制等方面的工作。应用人工智能与机器学习技术开发玉米智能设计育种决策模型、全基因组选择模型、基因型与环境互作模型;开发玉米育种信息管理系统、育种大数据分析软件;开发玉米多组学数据关联分析算法、种质资源挖掘工具、各类生物信息软件。在Genome Biology、Science Bulletin 、Plant Cell 、PNAS, Trends in Plant Science 、Molecular Plant、Plant Journal 等国际知名期刊发表论文60 余篇。 王向峰课题组招收我校“生物科学”与“生物育种”强基计划学生。辅修过我校信电学院的“数据科学与大数据技术(辅修)”专业的学生,可以被优先考虑进入实验室开展轮转课题,以及作为推免生提前开展硕博阶段的工作。强基计划学生可以在大一下学期考虑辅修“数据科学与大数据技术”相关课程,包括:Linux应用基础与实验、程序设计I与实验、数据库原理与实验、Web技术应用与实验、计算机系统基础与实验、程序设计I与实验、数据结构与算法实验、大数据统计方法与实验、大数据挖掘技术与实验、大数据存储处理技术与实验、大数据分析与可视化技术与实验、人工智能技术与实验。 教学科研概况社会职务活动动态研究领域王向峰教授以解决我国玉米商业化育种体系中的关键技术与重大需求为导向,致力于育种模型、理论与新方法的研究。近5年来,从基于多组学的种质资源挖掘工具、全基因组选择模型、智能设计育种决策模型、基因型与环境互作模型等方法学层面;到玉米杂种优势的利用、表型可塑性的环境响应等理论层面;到开发玉米育种信息管理系统、交互式数字育种平台等应用层面,开展系统性研究工作。代表性成果包括:1)开发多组学数据关联分析软件MODAS,并应用于玉米耐盐基因的挖掘与利用;2)开发基于机器学习算法的作物基因组设计育种工具包CropGBM与基因组优化虚拟设计育种模型GOVS;3)探索玉米杂种优势的利用规律与玉米表型可塑性对环境响应的生物学基础;4)集成自主研究成果,打造为我国种业服务的智能育种技术体系。申请人在国际期刊发表精准育种相关论文10余篇,相关成果为我国商业化育种体系的建设与现代种业的智能化升级提供技术支撑与理论指导。 育种模型、软件与数据库,以及生物信息工具 1. Wang Lab’s Smart Breeding team webpage (http://ibreeding.org/) 2. CropGBM: Genomic Breeding Machines for Crops (https://ibreeding.github.io/) 3. IP4GS: Integrated Platform 4 Genomic Selection (https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/ip4gs/) 4. G2P: Singularity platform-based Genotype-to-Phenotype prediction environment (https://g2p-env.github.io/) 5. MODAS: Multi-Omics Data Association Studies (https://modas-bio.github.io/) 6. GOVS: Genome Optimization by Virtual Simulation (https://govs-pack.github.io/) 7. SR4R database: SNP Ready for Rice (http://sr4r.ic4r.org/) 8. iFLAS: Integrative Full Length Alternative Splicing analysis (http://github.com/CrazyHsu/iFLAS_toolkit) 发表文章(# 通讯作者,* 第一作者) 1. Li T, Jiang S, Fu R, Wang X, Cheng Q and Jiang S (2023) IP4GS: Bringing genomic selection analysis to breeders. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1131493. 2. Fu R, Wang X#. Modeling the influence of phenotypic plasticity on maize hybrid performance. Plant Communications. 2023 Jan 11 online, (In press) 3. Yan J, Wang X#. Machine learning bridges omics sciences and plant breeding. Trends in Plant Sciences. 2022. S1360-1385(22)00224-2. 4. Yan J, Wang X#. Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning: the next frontier in machine learning for plant systems biology. ThePlant Journal. 2022. 111(6): 1527-1538. 5. Liu S, Xu F, Xu Y, Wang Q, Yan J, Wang J, Wang X, Wang X#. MODAS: exploring maize germplasm with multi-omics data association studies. Science Bulletin. 2022. 67(9), 903-906. 6. Cheng Q, Jiang S, Xu F, Wang Q, Xiao Y, Zhang R, Zhao J, Yan J, Ma C#, Wang X#. Genome Optimization via Virtual Simulation to Accelerate Maize Hybrid Breeding. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022 Jan 17;23(1): bbab447. 7. Yan J, Xu Y, Cheng Q, Jiang S, Wang Q, Xiao Y, Ma C, Yan J#, Wang X#. LightGBM: accelerated genomically designed crop breeding through ensemble learning. Genome Biology. 2021 Sep 20;22(1):271. 8. Liang X, Liu S, Wang T, Li F, Cheng J, Lai J, Qin F, Li Z#, Wang X#, Jiang C#. Metabolomics-driven gene mining and genetic improvement of tolerance to salt-induced osmotic stress in maize. New Phytologist. 2021;230 (6):2355-2370. 9. Xu Y, Laurie J, Wang X#. CropGBM: An ultra-efficient machine learning toolbox for genomic selection-assisted breeding in crops. 2021 Oct, In: Bilichak A., Laurie J.D. (eds) Accelerated Breeding of Cereal Crops. Springer Protocols Handbooks. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1526-3_5 10. McGowan M, Wang J, Dong H, Liu X, Jia Y, Wang X, Iwata H, Li Y, Lipka A.E, Zhang Z. Ideas in Genomic Selection with the Potential to Transform Plant Molecular Breeding: A Review. 2021. A chapter for the book Plant Breeding Reviews. Volume 45. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 11. Yang C, Yan J, Jiang S, Li X, Min H, Wang X#, Hao D#. Resequencing 250 soybean accessions: new insights into genes associated with agronomic traits and genetic networks. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2021. July 24; S1672- 0229 (21) 00160-1. 12. 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IbBBX24 Promotes the Jasmonic Acid Pathway and Enhances Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Sweet Potato. Plant Cell. 2020 Apr; 32(4):1102-1123. 22. Guo W, Zhu P, Pellegrini M, Zhang MQ, Wang X, Ni Z. CGmapTools improves the precision of heterozygous SNV calls and supports allele-specific methylation detection and visualization in bisulfite-sequencing data. Bioinformatics. 2018. 1;34(3):381-387 23. Liang P, Liu S, Xu F, Jiang S, Yan J, He Q, Liu W, Lin C, Zheng F, Wang X#, Miao W#. Powdery mildews are characterized by contracted carbohydrate metabolism and diverse effectors to adapt to obligate biotrophic lifestyle. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018. 18;9:3160. 24. Zhang SJ, Meng P, Zhang J, Jia P, Lin J, Wang X, Chen F#, Wei X#. Machine learning models for genetic risk assessment of infants with non-syndromic orofacial cleft. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2018. 16(5):354-364. 25. Zhan J, Li G, Ryu CH, Ma C, Zhang S, Lloyd A, Hunter BG, Larkins BA, Drews GN, Wang X, Yadegari R. 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