个人简介王战辉,男,1979年6月出生,山东昌邑人。入选国家级科技创新领军人才计划,国家自然科学优秀青年科学基金获得者,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,担任中国农业大学动物医学院兽医药理与毒理学教研室主任,中华预防医学会食品卫生分会副主任委员,中国仪器仪表学会食品质量安全检测仪器与技术应用分会副秘书长,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理与毒理学分会常务理事,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医食品卫生学分会常务理事,动物源食品安全检测技术北京市重点实验室副主任,科技部食品药品安全领域专家组成员。 主要从事动物源食品安全快速检测技术与原理的教学和研究工作。研究方向包括小分子有害化合物半抗原设计和抗体制备、免疫分析检测原理与技术以及抗体分子识别机制研究。近10年主持和参与的科研项目30余项,包括国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、NSFC-广东联合项目,科技部国际科技合作专项,“十二五”科技支撑计划和北京市科委项目等。已在Anal Chem、Biosens Bioelectron、ACS Appl Mater Inter、中国农业科学、分析化学等国内外学术刊物上发表SCI收录论文150余篇,获授权国家发明专利50余项;指导硕士、博士研究生10余名;2015年获国家技术发明奖二等奖,2013年获中华农业科技奖一等奖。2009年获全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖,2008年获北京市优秀博士学位论文奖。担任Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (IF:3.154,农学一区)、Food Agricultural Immunology ,Biomolecules和Sensors杂志国际编委。 个人网站:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhanhui-Wang-2/research 2020
1. Chaochao Chen, Jiaxun Luo, Chenglong Li, Mingfang Ma, Wenbo Yu, Jianzhong Shen. Zhanhui Wang*. Molecularly imprinted polymer as an antibody substitution in pseudo-immunoassays for chemical contaminants in food and environmental samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66, 2561-2571. 2. Feifei Sun, Huiyan Zhang, Gerard Bryan Gonzales, Jinhui Zhou, Yi Li, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Zhanhui Wang, Yanshen Li, Xingyuan Cao, Suxia Zhang, and Shupeng Yang*. Unravelling the metabolic routes of retapamulin: insights into drug development of pleuromutilins.Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2018, doi:10.1128/AAC.02388-17. 3. Hongtao Mu, Zhenlin Xu, Yingju Liu, Yuanming Sun, Baoling Wang, Xiulan Sun, Zhanhui Wang, Sergei Eremin, Anatoly V. Zherdev, Boris B. Dzantiev, Hongtao Lei. Probing the stereoselective interaction of ofloxacin enantiomers with corresponding monoclonal antibodies by multiple spectrometry.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2018, 194, 83-91. 4. Xuezhi Yu, Xiya Zhang, Zhanhui Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Ziquan Lv, Jianzhong Shen, Guoliang Xia, Kai Wen*. Universal simultaneous multiplex ELISA of small molecules in milk based on dual luciferases. Analytical Chimica Acta, 2018, 1001, 125–133. 5. Zhaopeng Wang, Kai Wen, Xiya Zhang,Xiangmei Li, Zhanhui Wang, Jianzhong Shen,Shuangyang Ding*.New hapten synthesis, antibody production and indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for amantadine in chicken muscle. Food Analytical Methods, 2018, 11(1): 302–308. 6. Xiya Zhang, Qianqian Tang, Tiejun Mi,Kai Wen, Yuebin Ke, Liuchuan Guo, Jiafei Mi, Weimin Shi, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*..Dual-wavelength fluorescence polarization immunoassay to increase information content per screen: applications for simultaneous detection of the total aflatoxins and family zearalenones in maize. Food Control, 2018, 87, 100–108. 7. Hongfang Li, Shaoqin Ma, Xiya Zhang, Chenglong Li, Baolei Dong, Mari Ghulam Mujtaba, Yujie Wei, Xuezhi Yu, Kai Wen, Wenbo Yu, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. Generic haptens synthesis, broad-specific monoclonal antibodies preparation and ultrasensitive ELISA for the detection of five antibacterial synergist in chicken and milk.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66:10931–11196. Cover website: https://pubs.acs.org/toc/jafcau/current?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg 2017 1. Shupeng Yang, Huiyan Zhang, Feifei Sun, Karl De Ruyck, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Yanshen Li, Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang, Sarah De Saeger, Yi Li, Jinhui Zhou, MartheDe Boevre. Metabolic profile of zearalenone in liver microsomes from different species and its in vivo metabolism in rats and chickens using UHPLC-Q/TOF.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65 (51): 11292–11303. 2. Shupeng Yang, Christof Van Poucke, Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang, Sarah De Saeger, Marthe De Boevre*. Metabolic profile of the masked mycotoxin T-2 toxin-3-glucoside in rats (in vitro and in vivo) and humans (in vitro). World Mycotoxin Journal, 2017,10 (4): 349–362. 3. Jiefang Sun, Cheng Wang, Bing Shao*, Zhanhui Wang, Dingshuai Xue, Yanhong Liu, YuminNiu. Fast on-site visual detection of active ricin using a combination of high efficient dual-recognition affinity magnetic enrichment and a specific AuNP probe. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89 (22), 12209–12216. 4. Maksim A Burkin*, Rinat I Nuriev, Xiya Zhang, Chenglong Li, Inna A Galvidis, Zhanhui Wang. Development of sandwich double-competitive ELISA for sulfonamides. Comparative analytical characteristics and matrix effect resistance.Food Analytical Methods, 2017, 6, 1–12. 5. Huiyan Zhang, Shupeng Yang, Ross C. Beier, Natalia V. Beloglazova, Hongtao Lei, Xiulan Sun, Yuebin Ke, Suxia Zhang, Zhanhui Wang*. Simple, high efficiency detection of microcystins and nodularin-R in water by fluorescence polarization immunoassay. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 992, 119–127. 6. Shupeng Yang, Marthe De Boevre, Huiyan Zhang, Karl De Ruyck, FeifeiSun, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Yanshen Li, Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang, Jinhui Zhou, Yi Li, Sarah De Saeger. Metabolism of T-2 toxin in farm animals and human in vitro and in chickens in Vivo using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry along with online hydrogen/deuterium exchange technique.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65, 7217–7227. 6. Yu Bai, Jingyan Hu, Suzhen Liu, Weiyi Zhang, Jing Zhang, Jie He, Peide Li, Xiuhong Li, Yiqiang Tu, Junjie Jin*, Zhanhui Wang. Production of antibodies and development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for 17β-estradiol in milk. Food and Agricultural immunology, 2017, 28(6): 1519–1529. 7. Xiya Zhang, Kai Wen, Xuezhi Yu, Chenglong Li, Haiyang Jiang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*.Multiplex lateral flow immunoassay based on amorphous carbon nanoparticles based multiplex lateral flow immunoassay for simultaneous detection of three mycotoxins Fusantium mycotoxins in maize. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65 (36), 8063–8071. 7. Xiya Zhang, Xiaoyun Dong, Sijun Zhao,Yuebin Ke, Kai Wen, Suxia Zhang,Zhanhui Wang, Jianzhong Shen*. Synthesis of haptens and production of antibodies to bisphenol A. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2017,4(3):366–372. 8. Yaqiong Zhang, Lanteng Wang, Xing Shen, Xiaoqun Wei, Xinan Huang, Yingju Liu, Xiulan Sun, Zhanhui Wang, Yuanming Sun, Zhenlin Xu, Sergei Alexandrovich Eremin, Hongtao Lei*.Broad-specificity immunoassay for highly sensitive simultaneous detection of ochratoxin A, B and C. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65 (23), 4830–4838. 9. Jiahong Chen, Lanteng Wang, Lanlan Lu, Xing Shen, Xinan Huang*, Yingju Liu, Xiulan Sun, Zhanhui Wang, Sergei A. Eremin, Yuanming Sun, Zhenlin Xu*, Hongtao Lei. Four specific hapten conformations dominating antibody specificity: quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis for quinolone immunoassay, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89 (12), 6740–6748. 10. Zhanhui Wang. Ross C. Beier, Jianzhong Shen*. Immunoassays for detection of macrocyclic lactonesin food matrices — A review.Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 2017, 92, 42–61. 11. Xiya Zhang, Meirong Song, Xuezhi Yu, Zhanhui Wang, Yuebin Ke, Haiyang Jiang, Jiancheng Li,Jianzhong Shen, Kai Wen*. Development of a broad-specificity monoclonal antibody with uniform cross-reactions and magnetic beads-enzymatic immunoassay for aflatoxins in maize. Food Control, 2017, 79, 309–316. 12. Xiya Zhang, Sergei A. Eremin, Kai Wen, Xuezhi Yu, Chenglong Li, Yuebin Ke, Haiyang Jiang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*.Fluorescence polarization immunoassay based on a new monoclonal antibody for the detection of the zearalenone class of mycotoxins in maize.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(10), 2240–2247. 13. Feifei Sun, Shupeng Yang, Huiyan Zhang, Jinhui Zhou, Yi Li, Jinzhen Zhang,Yue Jin, Zhanhui Wang, Yanshen Li, Jianzhong Shen, Suxia Zhang*, Xingyuan Cao*. Comprehensive analysis of tiamulin metabolites in various species of farm animals using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole/time-of-flight. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65, 199–207. 14. Cheng Wang, Xiangmei Li, Tao Peng, Zhanhui Wang, Kai Wen, Haiyang Jiang*.Latex bead and colloidal gold applied in a multiplex immunochromatographic assay for high-throughput detection of three classes of antibiotic residues in milk. Food Control, 2017, 77, 1–7. 15. Yongfang Li, Yuanming Sun, Ross Beier, Hongtao Lei*, Shirley Gee, Bruce Hammock, Hong wang, Zhanhui Wang, Yudong Shen, Xiulan Sun, Jinyi Yang, Zhenlin Xu*. Immunochemical techniques for multianalyte analysis of chemical residues in food and the environment: A review. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 88, 25–40. 1. Huijuan Yang, Rui Dai, Huiyan Zhang, Chenglong Li, Xiya Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Kai Wen, Zhanhui Wang*.Production of monoclonal antibodies with broad specificity and development of an immunoassay for microcystins and nodularin in water. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408, 6037–6044. 2. Mingfang Ma, Chenglong Li, Xuezhi Yu, Kai Wen, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. Chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer competitive immunoassay employing hapten-functionalized quantum dots for the detection of sulfamethazine. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 17745−17750. 3. Xuezhi Yu, Kai Wen, Zhanhui Wang, Xiya Zhang, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen*. General bioluminescence resonance energy transfer homogeneous immunoassay for small molecules based on quantum dots. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88(7):3512–3520. 4. Chenglong Li, Kai Wen, Tiejun Mi, Xiya Zhang, Huiyan Zhang, Suxia Zhang, Zhanhui Wang*. Jianzhong Shen. A universal multi-wavelength fluorescence polarization immunoassay for multiplexed detection of mycotoxins in maize. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2016, 79, 258–265. 5. Xiya Zhang , Chao Wu , Kai Wen , Haiyang Jiang , Jianzhong Shen , Suxia Zhang , Zhanhui Wang*. Comparison of fluorescent microspheres and colloidal gold as labels in lateral flow immunochromatographic assays for the detection of T-2 toxin. Molecules, 2016, 21(1), 27. 6. Xiya Zhang, Kai Wen, Zhanhui Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Jianzhong Shen*. An ultra-sensitive monoclonal antibody-based a novel fluorescent microsphere immunochromatography test strip for detecting aflatoxin M1 in milk. Food Control, 2016, 60, 588–595. 2015 1. Chenglong Li, Jingya Li, Wenxiao Jiang, Jianzhong Shen, Kai Wen*, Zhanhui Wang. Development and application of a gel-based immunoassay for rapid screening of salbutamol and ractopamine residues in pork.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63, 10556–10561. 2. Shupeng Yang, Ying Wang, Ross C. Beier, Huiyan Zhang, Feifei Sun, Xingyuan Cao, Jianzhong Shen, Suxia Zhang*, Zhanhui Wang. Simultaneous determination of type A and B trichothecenes and their main metabolites in food animal tissues by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63, 8592–8600. 3. Shupeng Yang, Marthe De Boevre, Huiyan Zhang, Feifei Sun, Zhanhui Wang, Xingyuan Cao, Jianzhong Shen, Sarah De Saeger, Suxia Zhang*. Unraveling in vitro and in vivo metabolism of diacetoxyscirpenol in various animal species and human using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 407, 8571–8583. 4. Xuezhi Yu, Xiaoqi Tao, Suxia Zhang, Xingyuan Cao, Min Chen, Wenjun Wang, Jianzhong Shen, Wang Zhanhui, Kai Wen*. One-step chemiluminescent immunoassay for 20 fluoroquinolone residues in fish and shrimp based on a single chain Fv-alkaline phosphatase fusion protein. Analytical methods, 2015, 7, 9032–9039. 5. Huiyan Zhang, Tiejun Mi, Oleg Yu Khan, Yajie Sheng, Sergei A. Eremin, Ross C. Beier, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. Fluorescence polarization immunoassay using IgY antibody for the detection of valnemulin in pork. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015,407, 7843–7848. 6. Chenglong Li, Tiejun Mi, Gea Oliveri Conti, Qing Yu, Kai Wen, Jianzhong Shen, Margherita Ferrante, Zhanhui Wang*. Development of a screening fluorescence polarization immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of fumonisins B₁ and B₂ in maize. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63, 4940–4946. 7. Min Chen, S. Ding, Kai Wen, Sanlei Xie, Qi Wang, Xingyao Pei, Jie Xie, Zhanhui Wang, Haiyang Jiang*. Development of a fluorescence-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Avermectins using a fluorescent single-domain antibody, Analytical Method, 2015, 7, 3728–3734. 8. Shupeng Yang, Huiyan Zhang, Sarah De Saeger, Marthe De Boevre, Feifei Sun, Suxia Zhang, Xingyuan Cao, Zhanhui Wang*. In Vitro and in Vivo metabolism of ochratoxin A: a comparative study using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 407(13):3579–3589. 9. 宋晓丽, 刘梅轩, 罗湘蜀, 李成龙, 杨术鹏,王战辉, 张素霞*.猪肉和鸡肉中脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇和T-2毒素酶联免疫吸附检测方法的建立. 中国畜牧兽医.2015, 423:525-530. Xiaoli Song, Meixuan Liu, Xiangshu Luo, Chenglong Li, Shupeng Yang, Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of deoxynivalenol and T-2 toxin in pork and chicken. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. 2015, 43(3):366–370. In Chinese 10. 李永翰,温凯,于雪芝,李成龙,王战辉*. 磺胺类药物单链抗体的制备及其与磺胺噻唑相互作用研究. 分析化学,2015,43(3):366–370. Yonghan Li, Kai Wen, Xuezhi Li, Chenglong Li, Zhanhui Wang*. Construction of a single chain variable fragment antibody against sulfonamides and its interaction with sulfathiazole. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 43(3):366–370. 11. Zhanhui Wang, Meixuan Liu, Weimin Shi, Chenglong Li, Suxia Zhang*, Jianzhong Shen. New haptens and antibodies for ractopamine. Food Chemistry, 2015, 183, 111–114. 12. ShupengYang,HuiyanZhang,RossC.Beier,FeifeiSun,XingyuanCao, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang*. Identification of lappaconitine metabolites in vitro and in vivo using ultraperformance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2015,110, 1–11. 13. Zhanhui Wang, Xiao Liang, Suxia Zhang, Kai Wen, Chenglong Li, Jianzhong Shen*. A highly sensitive and class-specific fluorescence polarisation assay for sulphonamides based on dihydropteroate synthase,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015, 70, 1–4. 14. Qing Yu, Heng Li, Chenglong Li, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. Gold nanoparticles-based lateral flow immunoassay with silver staining for simultaneous detection of fumonisin B1 and deoxynivalenol in maize. Food Control, 2015, 54, 347–352. 15. Wenxiao Jiang, Natalia V. Beloglazova, Zhanhui Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Kai Wen, Sarah de Saeger, Pengjie Luo, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen*.Development of a multiplex flow-through immunoaffinity chromatography test for the on-site screening of 14 sulfonamide and 13 quinolone residues in milk. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015,66,124–128. 16. Zhanhui Wang, Tiejun Mi, Huiyan Zhang, Yajie Sheng, Weimin Shi, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen*. Hapten synthesis, monoclonal antibody production, and development of a competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbnent assay for erythromycin in milk. Food Chemistry, 2015, 171, 98–107. 17. Gea Oliveri Conti, Chiara Copat, Zhanhui Wang, Placido D'Agati, Antonio Cristaldi, Margherita Ferrante*. Determination of illegal antimicrobials in aquaculture feed and fish: an ELISA study. Food Control. 2015, 50, 937–941. 18. Yajie Sheng, Huiyan Zhang, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. Production of chicken yolk IgY to sulfamethazine: in comparison with rabbit antiserum IgG. Food Agricultural Immunology, 2015, 26(3): 305–3016. 2014 1. 栗静雅, 王战辉, 王文珺, 江海洋, 沈建忠*. 饲料中沙丁胺醇酶联免疫前处理方法的探究. 中国畜牧兽医. 2014, 41(11): 179–183 Jingya Li, Zhanhui Wang, Wenjun Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Jianzhong Shen*. Study on preparation treatment for salbutamol in feed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine, 2014, 41(11): 179–183. in chinese. 2. 李向梅,王战辉,肖希龙,王照鹏,温凯,吴小平,夏曦,武晋孝,江海洋*. 同时检测牛奶中喹诺酮类和庆大霉素残留的胶体金免疫层析方法研究. 中国农业科学. 2014,47(19):3883–3889 Xiangmei Li, Zhanhui Wang, Xilong Xiao, Zhaopeng Wang, Kai Wen, Xiaoping Wu, Xi Xia, Jinxiao Wu, Haiyang Jiang*.Development of a colloidal gold immunochromatographic technique for simultaneous detection of quinolones and gentamicin in milk. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(19):3883–3889. in Chinese 3. Jie Zhou, Kui Zhu, Fei Xu, Wenjun Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Zhanhui Wang, Shuangyang Ding*. Development a microsphere-based fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for monitoring lincomycin in milk, honey, beef and swine urine. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, 2014, 62(49):12061–2066. 4. Shupeng Yang, Weimin Shi, Dingfei Hu, Suxia Zhang, Huiyan Zhang, Zhanhui Wang, Linli Cheng, Feifei Sun, Jianzhong Shen, Xingyuan Cao*. In vitro and In vivo metabolite profiling of valnemulin using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, 2014, 62, 9201–9210. 5. Zhanhui Wang, Yajie Sheng, Duan Hongxia, Qing Yu, Weimin Shi,Suxia Zhang*. Hapten synthesis and polyclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent immunoassay for tetracycline in milk.RSC advance, 2014, 4, 53788–53794. 6. Xiao Liang, Hengjia Ni,Ross C. Beier, Yanni Dong, Jingya Li, Xiangshu Luo, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. Highly broad-specific and sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for screening of the sulfonamides: Assay optimization and application to milk samples.Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 7, 1992–2002. 7. Hengjia Ni, Xinghua Ding, Tiejun Mi,Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang*. Determination of enrofloxacin in bovine milk by a novel single-strand DNA aptamer. Analytical letter, 2014, 47: 2844–2856. 8. Zhanhui Wang, Qi Liang, Kai Wen, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen*. Antibody purification using affinity chromatography: A case study with a monoclonal antibody to ractopamine.Journal of Chmatography B, 2014, 971, 10–13. 9. Zhanhui Wang, Heng Li, Chenglong Li, Qing Yu, JianzhongShen*, Sarah De Saeger.Development and application of a quantitative fluorescence-based immunochromatographic assay for fumonisin B1 in maize.Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, 2014, 62(27): 6294–6298. 10. Beloglazova N.V., Speranskaya E.S., Wu A, Wang Zhanhui, Sanders M, Goftman V., Zhang D. Goryacheva I.Yu., De Saeger S. Novel multiplex fluorescent immunoassays based on quantum dot nanolabels for mycotoxins determination . Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 62, 59-65. 11. Tiejun Mi, Suxia Zhang a, Jianzhong Shen, Sergei A. Eremin, Zhanhui Wang*. Development and optimization of fluorescence polarization immunoassay for orbifloxacin in milk. Analytical methods, 2014, 6 (11), 3849 - 3857. 12. Yajie Sheng, Sergei A Eremin, Tiejun Mi, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. The development of a fluorescence polarization immunoassay for aflatoxin detection. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2014, 27(2): 126-129. 13. Zhanhui Wang, Huiyan Zhang, Hengjia Ni, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen*. Development of a highly sensitive and specific immunoassay for enrofloxacin based on heterologous coating haptens. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2014, 820(11): 152–158. 14. Yanshen Li, Xiangshu Luo, Shupeng Yang, Xingyuan Cao, Zhanhui Wang, Weimin Shi, Suxia Zhang*.High specific monoclonal production and developed an ELISA method for monitoring T-2 toxin in rice. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, 2014, 62(7): 1492–1497 15. Jing Zhang, Zhanhui Wang, Tiejun Mi, Lequn Wenren, Kai Wen*. A homogeneous fluorescence polarization immunoassay for the determination of cephalexin and cefadroxil in milk. Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 7(4): 879–886. 16. Hui Meng, Zhanhui Wang, Sarah Saeger, Ying Wang, Kai Wen, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen*. Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and feeds by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry with immunoaffinity column clean-up.Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 7(4): 854–864 17. Xiaoqi Tao, Xuezhi Yu, Weimin Shi, Haiyang Jiang, Xia Wang, Zhanhui Wang, Lanlan Niu, Xiaoping Wu, Xi Xia, Jianzhong Shen*. Development of a rapid chemiluminescent ciELISA for simultaneous determination of florfenicol and its metabolite florfenicol amine in animal meat products.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2014, 94(2): 301–307 18. Elena S Speranskaya, Natalia V Beloglazova, Pieterjan Lenain, Sarah De Saeger, Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang, Zeger Hens, Dietmar Knopp, Reinhard Niessner, Dmitry V Potapkin, Irina Yu Goryacheva. Polymer-coated fluorescent CdSe-based quantum dots for application in immunoassay. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, 53(15): 225–231. 19. Xiaoqi Tao, Haiyang Jiang, Jinghui Zhu, Xia Wang, Zhanhui Wang, Lanlan Niu, Xiaoping Wu, Weimin Shi, Jianzhong Shen*. An ultrasensitive chemiluminescent ELISA for determination of chloramphenicol in milk, milk powder, honey, eggs and chicken muscle. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2014, 25(1): 137–148. 20. Xiaoqi Tao, Wenjun Wang,Zhanhui Wang, Xin gyuan Cao, Jinghui Zhu, Lanlan Niu, Xiaoping Wu, Haiyang Jiang, Jianzhong Shen*. Development of a highly sensitive chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay using enhanced luminol as substrate. Luminescence, 2014, 29(4):301-306. 2013 1. Wenxiao Jiang, Huiyan Zhang, Xiangmei Li, Xinxin Zhang, Suxia Zhang, Jianzhong, Shen, Zhanhui Wang*. Monoclonal antibody production and the development of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for screening spiramycin in milk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61 (46), 10925–10931 2. Rui Chen, Heng Li, Han Zhang, Suxia Zhang,Weimin Shi, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang*Development of a lateral flow fluorescent microsphere immunoassay for the determination of sulfamethazine in milk.Analytical Bianalytical Chemistry, 2013, 405(21): 6783–6789. 3. Zhanhui Wang, Yonghan Li, Xiao Liang, Suxia Zhang, Weimin Shi, Jianzhong Shen. Forcing immunoassay for sulfonamides to higher sensitivity and broader detection spectrum by site heterologous hapten inducing affinity improvement.Analytical Methods, 2013,5, 6990–7000. 4. Xiao Liang#, Zhanhui Wang#, Chunmei Wang, Kai Wen, Tiejun Mi, Jing Zhang, Suxia Zhang.* A proof-of-concept receptor-based assay for sulfonamides.Analytical Biochemistry, 2013,438, 110-116. 5. Wenxiao Jiang#, Zhanhui Wang#, Greta Nölke, Jing Zhang, Lanlan Niu and Jianzhong Shen*. Simultaneous determination of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin M1 in food matrices by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Food Analytical Methods, 2013, 6:767–774. 6. Zhanhui Wang, Ross C. Beier, Yajie Sheng, Suxia Zhang, Wenxiao Jiang, Zhaopeng Wang, Jin Wang,Jianzhong Shen*. Monoclonal antibodies with group-specificity toward sulfonamides: selection of hapten and antibody selectivity.Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2013, 405(12):4027–4037. 7. Zhanhui Wang, Na Li, Suxia Zhang, Shuangyang Ding, Jianzhong Shen*. Production of antibodies and development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for valnemulin in porcine liver. Food Additives and Contaminants, 2013, 30(2):244–252. 8. Jing Zhang, Zhanhui Wang, Kai Wen, Xiao Liang, Jianzhong Shen*. Penicillin-binding protein 3 of Streptococcus pneumonia and its application in screening of β-lactams in milk, Analytical Biochemistry, 2013, 442(2), 158–165. 9. Shupeng Yang, Yanshen Li, Xingyuan Cao, Dingfei Hu, Zhanhui Wang, Ying Wang, Jianzhong Shen, Suxia Zhang*.Metabolic pathways of T-2 Toxin in in vivo and in vitro systems of wistar rats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61 (40), 9734–9743. 10. Wenxiao Jiang, Ross C Beier,Zhanhui Wang, Yongning Wu, and JianzhongShen*. Simultaneous screening analysis of 3-methyl-quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid and quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid residuesin edible animal tissues by a competitive indirectimmunoassay. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61 (42), 10018–10025. 11. Tiejun Mi, Zhanhui Wang, Sergei A. Eremin, Jianzhong Shen, Suxia Zhang*. Simultaneous determination of multiple (Fluoro) quinolone antibiotics in food samples by A one-step fluorescence polarization immunoassay. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61 (39), 9347–9355. 12. Linli Cheng, Jianzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang, Qidi Zhang, Xiaoyun Dong, Cao Wu, Suxia Zhang*. Rapid screening of quinoxaline antimicrobial growth promoters and their metabolites in swine liver by indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Food Analytical Methods, 2013, 6: 1583–1591. 13. Yahui Wang, Zhanhui Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Xi Xia, Jianzhong Shen, Shuangyang Ding*. Development of a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the analysis of diclazuril in chicken tissues. Food Analytical Methods, 2013,6, 1685–1692 14. Xiaoqi Tao, Min Chen, Haiyang Jiang, Jianzhong Shen,Zhanhui Wang, Xia Wang, Xiaoping Wu, Kai Wen*. Chemiluminescence competitive indirect enzyme immunoassay for 20 fluoroquinolone residues in fish and shrimp based on a single-chain variable fragment. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2013,405(23): 7477–7484 15. Wenxiao Jiang, Zhanhui Wang, Beier, R. C., Jiang, Haiyang, Wu, Yongning. Shen, Jianzhong*. Simultaneous determination of 13 fluoroquinolone and 22 sulfonamide residues in milk by a dual-colorimetric enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85 (4), 1995–1999. 16. Jianzhong Shen, Wenjun Wang, Xi Xia, Jinghui Zhu, Xiaoping Wu, Shien Wang, Lanlan Niu, Shuangyang Ding, Zhanhui Wang, Zhaopeng Wang, Xiaowei Li, Haiyang Jiang*.Determination of four nitrofuran metabolites and chloramphenicolin biological samples using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Analytical letter, 2013, 46(9): 1404–1418. 17. Linli Cheng, Jiangzhong Shen, Zhanhui Wang,Wenxiao Jiang,Suxia Zhang*. A sensitive and specific ELISA for determining the marker residue of three quinoxaline antibiotics in swine liver. Analytical Bianalytical Chemistry, 2013, 405(8):2653–2659. 18. Jia Wang, Zhanhui Wang, Jing Liu, Hao Li, Qing X. Li, Ji Li, Ting Xu*. Nanocolloidal gold-based immuno-dip strip assay for rapid detection of Sudan red I in food samples. Food Chemistry, 2013,136: 1478–1483. 19. Jiao Wu, Fei Xu, Kui Zhu, Zhanhui Wang, Yahui Wang, Kunxia Zhao, Xiaowei Li, Haiyang Jiang, Shuangyang Ding*. 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2008 1. Zhanhui Wang, Xingyuan Cao, Zhenpeng Kai, Ross C. Beier, Congming Wu, Haiyang Jiang, Linli Cheng, Jianzhong Shen*, Xinling Yang. Three dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships of sulfonamides binding monoclonal antibody by comparative molecular field analysis. 2008, Nature Precedings (2008). 2. Cun Li#,Zhanhui Wang#, Xingyuan Cao, Ross C. Beier, Suxia Zhang, Shuangyang Ding, Xiaowei Li, and Jianzhong Shen*. Development of an immunoaffinity column method using broad-specificity monoclonal antibodies for simultaneous extraction and cleanup of fluoroquinolone and sulfonamide antibiotics in animal muscle tissues. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008, 1209(1-2), 1–9. 3. Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang, Nailya R. Murtazina, Sergei A. Eremin, Jianzhong Shen*.Determination of the veterinary drug maduramicin in food by Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2008, 43, 114–122. 4. Zhanhui Wang, Suxia. 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Zhanhui Wang#, Yan Zhu#, Shuangyang Ding, Fangyang He, Ross C.Beier, Jiancheng Li, Haiyang Jiang, Caiwei Feng, Yuping Wan, Suxia Zhang, Zhenpeng Kai, Xinling Yang, Jianzhong Shen*. Development of a monoclonal antibody-based broad-specificity ELISA for fluoroquinolone antibiotics in foods and molecular modeling studies of cross-reactive compounds. Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 79 (12): 4471–4478. 5. Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang, Irina S. Nesterenkob, Sergei A. Eremin, Jianzhong Shen*. Monoclonal antibody-based fluorescence polarization immunoassay for sulfamethoxypyridazine and sulfachloropyridazine. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2007, 55(17): 6871–6878. 6. Suxia Zhang, Zhanhui Wang, Irina S. Nesterenko, Sergei A. Eremin, Jianzhong Shen*. 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