
Chenggang Yin

Mechanical Design and Manufacture


  • Department: Mechanical Design and Manufacture
  • Gender: male
  • Nationality:
  • Post: Lecturer
  • Duties:
  • Graduate School: University of Leeds
  • Degree: PhD
  • Tel: (+86)13521193295
  • Email: cgyin@cau.edu.cn
  • Office Location: 546 COE Building
  • Address: 17 Qing Hua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing
  • PostCode: 100083
  • Fax: WeChat Add.: ycg19770721

Expert category

  • Academic degree supervisor type:
  • Professional Degree Graduate Supervisor Type:
  • Engaged in disciplines1:
  • Engaged in disciplines2:
  • Engaging in a profession1:
  • Engaging in a profession2:
  • Research direction 2:
  • Research direction 1:
  • Name of professional degree field:



2010.11 - 2014.10: PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

2000.09 - 2003.04: M.Eng., Mechanical Design and Theory, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

1996.09 - 2000.07: B.Eng., Mechanical Design and Manufacture, Shenyang Institute of Technology, Shenyang, China

Work Experience:

2017.09–Present: Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Design and Manufacture, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

2017.01-2017.07: Team Leader, H2020: RiserSure, London South Bank Innovation Centre (LSBIC), NSIRC, TWI Ltd., Cambridge, UK

2016.102017.07: Research Fellow, London South Bank University, London, UK

2014.08–2016.09: Project Engineer, InnoTecUK Ltd., Cambridge, UK

2009.06–2010.06: Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

2006.04–2009.06: Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Design and Manufacture, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

2003.04–2006.04: T.A., Department of Mechanical Design and Manufacture, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Teaching research

Social Position

2、2019.10-Present: Yantai Intelligent Manufacture Industrial Park, Consultancy Expert.

1、2004.03-Present: Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES), Senior Membership.

Dynamic activity


Research Fields:

New Product Development Process (NPDP);

Modelling and Simulation (M&S);

Complex Design System (CDS);

Prodcut Lifecycle Management (PLM).

Open Course

Undergraduates Course:

     1.《Product Design and Development》for Level-3 Industrial Design students;

     2.《Mechanical Engineering Basics》for Level-2 Food Engineering stdudents;

     3.《Industrial Design Introduction》for Level-1 Industrial Design students;

     4.《Industry 4.0 & Made in China2025》for Level-1 General Education.

Postgraduates Course:

     5.《Mechanical Manufacture & Automation》seminar for Year-1 Mechanical EngineeringM.Eng. candidates;

     6.《Mechanical Design and Manufacture》seminar for Year-1 Mechanical Engineering PhD candidates.



14. 2016.12 – 2018.11: H2020-RiserSure, Team Leader, London South Bank Innovation Centre (LSBIC), NSIRC, TWI Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

13. 2015.12 – 2017.11: H2020-TankRob, Research Fellow, London South Bank Innovation Centre (LSBIC), NSIRC, TWI Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

12. 2015.12 – 2017.11: H2020-Winspector, Research Fellow, London South Bank Innovation Centre (LSBIC), NSIRC, TWI Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

11. 2016.03 – 2018.02: MANTIS: the project is to develop an automated non-destructive inspection platform carrying out regular checking upon wind-turbine monopole, InnoTecUK Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

10. 2015.04 - 2018.03: AssureNet (AMSCI): the project is to develop an in-line automated non-destructive inspection system for metal additive manufactured components, InnoTecUK Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

09. 2015.03 - 2015.05: Simulation Platform (Test rig): the project is to build up a simulation environment for testing Hunter’s operation performance, InnoTecUK Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

08. 2014.09 - 2017.08: AutoWinSpec (FP7): the project is to develop a system to automatically estimate the condition and remaining lifespan of wind-turbine blades, by eliminating dangerous rope access and reducing downtime whilst increasing productivity, InnoTecUK Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

07. 2014.08 - 2017.07: Hunter (commercial product): the project is to develop an automation machine that carries out regular check on ship hulls in underwater environment, InnoTecUK Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

06. 2012.01 - 2012.07: Vicious circles business game simulation (HEIF): this project is to design and carry out a series of experiments, in order to simulate and understand vicious circles phenomenon in an international engineering company, Social-Technical Centre (STC), Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK.

05. 2010.11 - 2014.06: Simulating vicious circles in new product introduction systems (Relationship Building Scheme). It was co-sponsored by University of Leeds and Rolls-Royce, Leeds, UK.

04. 2009.06 - 2010.06: Parametric feature constraint modelling and mapping in product development (CSC), the project is to apply parametric feature constraint design method to a case study of traditional gear box design, in order to examine impact of such design methods on new product development, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

03. 2006 - 2009: Two-tier bicycle parking device, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.

02. 2006 - 2008: Drinking trough for duck, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.

01. 2006 - 2008: "Mechanical Mechanism" curriculum reform project, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.


Academic Papers:

21. Yin C.-G. & McKay A., Simulating vicious circles problems in new product introduction systems, Journal of Engineering Technology and Management (In Manuscript). (SCI/SSCI, 5-Year IF:3.291)

20. Yin C.-G. & Ma Y.-S., Parametric feature constraint modeling and mapping in product development. Advanced Engineering Informatics (ADVEI), 26(3): 539-552. DOI:10.1016/j.aei.2012.02.010. (SCI/EI, 5-Year IF: 4.040)

19. Yin C.-G., Simulating vicious circles in new product introduction systems. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, Oct. 13, 2014. (PhD Thesis)

18. Yin C.-G. & Hou S.-L., Application design for manufacture and assembly to improving product design and development performance. ASABE 2019 Annual International Meeting (DOI:10.13031/aim.201900289), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-10, 2019. (EI)

17. Yin C.-G., Hong R.-L. & Jian J.-M., Socio-technical features and performance impact factors in new product development processes. ASABE 2019 Annual International Meeting (DOI:10.13031/aim.201900290), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-10, 2019. (EI)

16. Yin C.-G., Wang Y.-Y. & Wang H.-Q., Survey design in supporting of product design and development: a case study. ASABE 2019 Annual International Meeting (DOI:10.13031/aim.201900291), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-10, 2019. (EI)

15. Yin C.-G.& McKay A., Model verification & validation strategies and methods: an application case study. the 8th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, Tengzhou, Shandong, China.Nov.2-6, 2018. (EI)

14. Yin C.-G.& McKay A., Introduction to modelling and simulation techniques. the 8th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, Tengzhou, Shandong, China. Nov.2-6, 2018. (EI)

13. Yin C.-G. & McKay A., Agent-based simulation new product development processes. the 8th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, Tengzhou, Shandong, China. Nov.2-6, 2018(EI)

12. Yin C.-G. & McKay A., Modelling and simulating vicious circles problems. the 8th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, Tengzhou, Shandong, China. Nov.2-6, 2018. (EI)

11. Liu T.-T., Hou S.-L., Yin X.-J., Yin C.-G. & Wang Q.-F., Computer aided analysis of planting mechanism of the seedling trans-planter. International Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation Conference, Zhangjiajie, China, (3):38-41, 2009. (EI)

10. Yin C.-G. & Garcia A., Non-destructive testing robot products (Demonstration). the 18thInternational Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Hangzhou, China, Sep. 6-9, 2015.

9. K.I. Cichomska, Yin C.-G., C.W. Clegg, A. Kumar, M.A. Robinson, A. McKay & D. Knott, Simulating vicious circles in a new product introduction system (Presentation). the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, USA, July 26-30, 2015.

8. Yin C.-G., Coyle S., McKay A. & Clegg C.,Modelling and understanding vicious circles (Presentation). Asia Simulation Conference 2012, Shanghai, China, Oct. 27-30, 2012.

7. Yin C.-G., Incorporation of design or emerging technologies into the undergraduate program (Poster). 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Education Conference, Beijing, China. April 1-4, 2006.

6. 王超、殷成刚,新产品开发流程“设计迭代”行为仿真实验指导书。审定:殷成刚,中国农业大学,2019

5. 殷成刚,“机械基础”章节,《机电基础》教材。主编:张淑敏教授,中国农业出版社,2011。

4. 张云文,李海涛,姚海蓉,殷成刚机械原理教学设计中引论和课程设计环节的重要性。第三届机械类课程报告论坛2008文集,机械类课程报告论坛组委会编,第1版:25-28,高等教育出版社,2008。

3. 殷成刚,《平面设计》实验指导书(油印本)。审定:张淑敏教授,中国农业大学出版社,2005。 

2. 张云文、李海涛、姚海蓉、殷成刚,机械原理教学设计与学生能力培养。2005年全国《机械原理》课程教学经验交流会论文集,第一版:47-52,合肥工业大学出版社,2005。

1. 殷成刚、丁洪生、张同庄,应用吴方法求解平面四杆机构四点轨迹综合的探讨。《机械设计与制造》核心期刊,34(06):76-78, 2002。


1. 殷成刚、侯书林、汤修映,用于曲面无损检测的气压弹簧空间三自由度自适应机构。国家知识产权局,发明专利:201810575568.4,2018。(发明专利/公开)

2. 殷成刚侯书林,无损检测装置探头安装平台的万向节自适应调节机构。国家知识产权局,发明专利:201810573242.8,2018。(发明专利/公开)

3. 殷成刚侯书林,双层自行车停放装置。实用新型专利号:ZL-2011-20383899.1,国家知识产权局,2012。

4. 袁建敏、王波、殷成刚,鸭用饮水器。实用新型专利号:ZL-2009-20278337.3,国家知识产权局,2009。

5. 殷成刚、侯书林,轮式爬壁机器人超强永磁吸附结构。科研院编号:201804005,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

6. 殷成刚、侯书林,凌刚,无损检测平台带传动螺旋副张紧锁死机构。科研院编号:201804003,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

7. 殷成刚、侯书林,无损检测平台球铰链自适应支撑机构。科研院编号:201804004,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

8. 殷成刚、侯书林,无损检测探平台探头夹持的真空吸附装置。科研院编号:201804006,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

9. 殷成刚、侯书林、汤修映,用于铁质结构无损检测的电磁永磁吸附装置。科研院编号:201804007,2018。(发明专利/预申请)








The software works

Software Copyrights:






1. 殷成刚、侯书林、汤修映,用于曲面无损检测的气压弹簧空间三自由度自适应机构。国家知识产权局,发明专利:201810575568.4,2018。(发明专利/公开)

2. 殷成刚侯书林,无损检测装置探头安装平台的万向节自适应调节机构。国家知识产权局,发明专利:201810573242.8,2018。(发明专利/公开)

3. 殷成刚侯书林,双层自行车停放装置。实用新型专利号:ZL-2011-20383899.1,国家知识产权局,2012。

4. 袁建敏、王波、殷成刚,鸭用饮水器。实用新型专利号:ZL-2009-20278337.3,国家知识产权局,2009。

5. 殷成刚、侯书林,轮式爬壁机器人超强永磁吸附结构。科研院编号:201804005,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

6. 殷成刚、侯书林,凌刚,无损检测平台带传动螺旋副张紧锁死机构。科研院编号:201804003,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

7. 殷成刚、侯书林,无损检测平台球铰链自适应支撑机构。科研院编号:201804004,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

8. 殷成刚、侯书林,无损检测探平台探头夹持的真空吸附装置。科研院编号:201804006,2018。(发明专利/预申请)

9. 殷成刚、侯书林、汤修映,用于铁质结构无损检测的电磁永磁吸附装置。科研院编号:201804007,2018。(发明专利/预申请)



Teaching Awards:

7. 2018.12:《机械工程基础》,教学质量评估优秀;

6. 2008.08:《国家留学基金委》,入选“青年骨干教师海外研修计划”;

5. 2008.06:《机械原理》,中国农业大学精品课程;

4. 2007.12:《机械设计基础》,教学质量评估优秀;

3. 2006.06:《机械原理》,院级精品课程;

2. 2005.10:《工学院青年教师基本功比赛》三等奖;

1. 2005.06:《机械设计基础》,教学质量评估优秀。

Working Awards:

2. 2020.01:工学院工会,先进个人;

1. 2019.10:工学院机械181班,优秀班主任。


Research Introduction

Research FieldsNew Product Development Process(NPDP)、Modelling and Simulation(M&S)、Complex Design System(CDS)、Product Lifecycle Management(PLM)

Research Interests运用建模仿真技术组织行为实验方法,探究新产品开发流程社会-技术”典型特征及其关键影响因素,探索中国社会文化背景下复杂设计系统的科学管理方案,奠定智能制造产品生命周期管理理论基础。

Master Students Recruitment in Following Topics

1.Application Process Modelling & Simulation Techniques to Understanding and Modelling Vicious Circles in New Product Development Processes.


2.Application Orgnisational Behaviour Experimental Method to Examining "Socio-Technical" Features in New Product Development processes.


3.Integration Advanced Film & Television Techniques into Visualising and Simulating New Product Development Processes.


4.Application Process Modelling & Simulation Techniques to Supporting Product Lifecycle Management.


Contact:Dr. Chenggang Yin



WeChat Address:ycg19770721

Enrollment in previous years Application intention

Team Display

Post: Lecturer


Degree: PhD

Tel: (+86)13521193295

Email: cgyin@cau.edu.cn

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