张洪超专业技术职务: 副教授 行政职务: 学位: 博士 联系电话: 电子邮箱: hzhang18@cau.edu.cn |
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社会职务1.北京食品学会未来食品分会副秘书长 2.中国食品学会果蔬分会、非热加工分会委员 3.美国食品技术协会包装分部委员 4.国际期刊Applied Food Research编委 5.国际期刊Sustainability 客座编辑 教育经历
个人简介张洪超,中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院副教授,长期致力于食品加工新技术、果蔬微生物安全、预制菜品质和货架期等研究。主持或参加了美国农业部、国家重点研发计划等多项重大项目,研究成果已发表在Comprehensive Review in Food Science and Food Safety(IF=14.8)、Ultrasonics Sonochemistry(IF=8.4)、Food Research International(IF=8.1)等国际高水平期刊,累计论文20余篇,英文章节2部。兼任北京食品学会未来食品分会副秘书长,中国食品学会果蔬分会、非热加工分会委员,也曾任美国食品技术协会包装分部委员、国际期刊Sustainability 客座编辑; 联系方式: hzhang18@cau.edu.cn(科研相关) hzhang_cau@163.com(教学相关) 教学科研概况社会职务1.北京食品学会未来食品分会副秘书长 2.中国食品学会果蔬分会、非热加工分会委员 3.美国食品技术协会包装分部委员 4.国际期刊Applied Food Research编委 5.国际期刊Sustainability 客座编辑 活动动态研究领域1.非热、柔性和协同的新型果蔬杀菌技术研究 2.基于模型化、数字化和智能化的食品加工工程技术与装备研究 3.预制中式菜肴、果蔬和其他食品的包装与货架期研究 部分发表论文: 1. Hongchao Zhang, Abraham M. Montemayor, Stratton T. Wimsatt, Rohan V. Tikekar. Effect of combination of UV-A light and chitosan-gallic acid coating on microbial safety and quality of fresh strawberries. 2022. Food Control. 140, 109106. 2. Hongchao Zhang, Rohan V. Tikekar. Air microbubble assisted washing of fresh produce: effect on microbial detachment and inactivation. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 2021, 181, 111687. 3. Hongchao Zhang*, Shyam S. Sablani. Recent development in food packaging reinforced with fruit and vegetable waste and processing by products. 2021. Current Opinion in Food Science. 742. 4. Armando Quintanilla, Hongchao Zhang, Joseph Powers, Shyam S. Sablani. Developing Baking-Stable Red Raspberries with Improved Mechanical Properties and Reduced Syneresis. 2021. Food Bioprocess Technol. 14, 804–816. 5. Peihua Ma, Zhi Zhang, Shawn Tsai, Hongchao Zhang, Yuan Li, Fang Yuan, Qin Wang. Curcumin-loaded pickering emulsion formed by ultrasound and stabilized by metal organic framework optimization. 2021. Foods 10. 6. Hongchao Zhang, Shawn Tsai, Rohan V. Tikekar. Inactivation of Listeria innocua on blueberries by novel ultrasound washing processes and its impact on quality during storage. 2020. Food Control. 121, 107580 7. Hongchao Zhang*, Qiao Ding, Andrea Gilbert, Sttraton Wimsatt, Rohan V. Tikekar. Inactivation of foodborne pathogens by the synergistic combinations of food processing technologies and food grade compounds. 2020.Comprehensive Review in Food Science and Food Safety, 19, 2110-2138. 8. Hongchao Zhang, Siyuan Wang, Kasey Goon, Andrea Gilbert, Cuong Nguyen Huu, Martin Walsh, Nitin Nitin, Steven Wrenn, Rohan V. Tikekar. Inactivation of foodborne pathogen based on synergistic effects of ultrasound and natural compounds during fresh produce washing. 2020. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 64, 104983. 9. Hongchao Zhang, Heather Leigh Dolan, Qiao Ding, Siyuan Wang, Rohan V. Tikekar. Antimicrobial action of octanoic acid against Escherichia coli O157: H7 during washing of baby spinach and grape tomatoes. 2019. Food Research International, 125, 108523. 10. Juhi Patel, Saleh Al-Ghamdi, Hongchao Zhang, Renata Queiroz, Juming Tang, Tom Yang, Shyam S. Sablani. Shelf life study of ready-to-eat macaroni and cheese in oxygen scavenger and high barrier packaging sterilized via microwave-assisted thermal sterilization. 2019. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 12(9), 1516-1526. 11. Hongchao Zhang, Juhi Patel, Kanishka Bhunia, Saleh Al-Ghamdi, Chandrashekhar R. Sonar, Carolyn Ross, Juming Tang, Shyam S. Sablani. Color, vitamin C, β-carotene and sensory quality retention in microwave-assisted thermally sterilized sweet potato puree: Effects of polymeric pouches gas barrier during storage. 2019. Food Packging and Shelf Life, 21, 100324. 12. Hongchao Zhang, Kanishka Bhunia, Nydia Munoz, Li Li, Juming Tang, Barbara Rasco, Shyam S. Sablani. Linking morphology changes to barrier properties of multi-layer films utilized for microwave-assisted thermal sterilized food. 2017. Journal of Applied PolymerScience, 45481. 13. Nydia Munoz, Kanishka Bhunia, Hongchao Zhang, Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas, Juming Tang, Shyam Sablani. Investigating oxygen as a hurdle to improve the safety of in-pack pasteurized food during storage at different temperatures. 2017. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 253, 29-35. 14. Hongchao Zhang, Juming Tang, Barbara Rasco, Zhongwei Tang, Shyam S. Sablani. Shelf life modeling of microwave-assisted thermal sterilized mashed potato. 2016. Journal of Food Engineering.183, 65-73. 15. Hongchao Zhang, Bhunia Kanishka, Pengqun Kuang, Juming Tang, Barbara Rasco, Mattinson Denise Scott, Shyam S. Sablani.Effects of oxygen and water vapor transmission rates of polymeric pouches on oxidative changes of microwave-sterilized mashed potato. 2016. Journal of Food and Bioprocess Technology. 9(2), 341-351. 16. Bhunia Kanishka, Hongchao Zhang, Barbara Rasco, Juming Tang, Shyam S. Sablani. Morphological changes in multilayer polymeric films induced after microwave-assisted pasteurization. 2016. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 38,124-130. 开授课程 本科生课程:近十年课程数据
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