个人简介周全 博士,2020年中国农业大学优秀人才引进加入工学院车辆工程系,香港理工大学机械工程系获得博士和硕士学位,在此期间,兼职担任院系研究助理及教学助理,主要研究领域涉及新能源与动力系统、清洁能源技术、传热传质、热管理等相关研究。曾获得香港理工大学全额博士奖学金,优秀学生奖学金、优秀毕业生(Graduated with Distinction),北京市优秀共青团员,中国农业大学优秀团干部等荣誉称号。参与多项由香港研究资助局(HK.RGC)资助科研项目和香港内地合作交流项目,并多次在国际会议作口头报告。
Zhou Q., Cheung C.S.*, Leung C.W., Li XT, Li XJ, Huang ZH. Effects of fuel composition and initial pressure on laminar flame speed of H2/CO/CH4 bio-syngas [J]. FUEL, 2019, 238: 149-158. Zhou Q., Cheung C.S.*, Leung C.W., Li XT, Huang ZH. Effects of diluents on laminar burning characteristics of bio-syngas at elevated pressure[J]. FUEL, 2019, 248: 8-15. Zhou Q*., Cheung C.S., Leung C.W., Li XT, Huang ZH. Explosion characteristics of bio-syngas at various fuel compositions and dilutions in confined vessel[J].FUEL, 2020, 259:116254. Chen, Y., Kahangamage, U., Zhou, Q., and Leung, C.W., “Can hydrogen enriched biogas be used as domestic fuel? Part 1: thermal characteristics of blended H2/biogas impinging flames”[J], HKIE Transactions: Theme Issue on Hydrogen Power,Volume 28, Number 2, June 2021. Kahangamage, U., Chen, Y., Zhou, Q., and Leung, C.W., “Can hydrogen enriched biogas be used as domestic fuel? Part 2: pollutants emission from combustion of biogas/H2/air fuel mixture”[J], HKIE Transactions: Theme Issue on Hydrogen Power,Volume 28, Number 2, June 2021. Yu, D., Z. Wang, G. Chi, Q. Zhang, J. Fu, M. Li, C. Liu, Q. Zhou, Z. Li, D. Chen, Z. Song, Z. He*. Hydraulic-driven adaptable morphing active-cooling elastomer with bioinspired bicontinuous phases. Nature Communications, 2024. 15(1). Xing, C.-X., Q.-B. Zhang, Z.-H. Wang, J.-X. Guo, M.-L. Li, D.-H. Yu, Y.-D. Wang, Q. Zhou, W. Tang, Z. Li, Z.-Z. He*. Soft-metal bonding-enabled recyclable and anti-interference flexible multilayer piezoelectric sensor for tractor tire strain monitoring. Nano Energy, 2024. 127. Zhang, R., Q. Zhou*, T. Yang, Z.Z. He*. Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal environment of the child trapped in a parked vehicle. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, 2024. 358. Zhou Q., Cheung C.S.*, Leung C.W., Huang ZH. Effect of fuel composition on OH distribution of bio-syngas/air inverse diffusion flame[C]. The 15th International Conference on Flow Dynamics.[5476],2018. 教学科研概况社会职务活动动态研究领域开授课程
荣誉及奖励招生信息研究生招生 欢迎对研究方向包括新能源与动力系统、氢能、能源使用安全与高效利用、微尺度燃烧、传热传质、热管理等感兴趣的优秀同学邮件联系! 本科生毕设及各类科研项目 指导本科生毕设及参加各类竞赛和科研项目,竞赛项目包括:国家级、北京市级及校级本科生创新创业项目(国创/北创/URP),鼓励大家提出创新想法! 硕士研究生
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