个人简介周顺利,博士,中国农业大学农学院教授,博士生导师,长期从事作物栽培与生理的教学科研工作,国家玉米产业技术体系岗位科学家、农业农村部种植业防灾减灾专家指导组成员,《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》、《作物学报》、《作物杂志》、《玉米科学》等期刊编委。2004年10月到2006年9月在日本东京大学生物技术研究中心从事为期2年的博士后研究;2014年11月到2015年11月在西藏大学农牧学院挂职援藏。研究方向为作物栽培生理与抗逆高产高效技术,主要围绕黄淮海冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系抗逆高产与水肥高效利用、玉米逆境生理与调控、玉米籽粒建成机制与调控、玉米品种差异与评价、秸秆还田与土壤培肥等理论与技术开展工作。先后主持多项国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、河北省重大科技成果转化项目、中德合作IRTG子项目(中方PI)等项目,在The Plant Journal、Plant Cell & Environment、Journal of Experimental Botany、Field Crops Research、中国农业科学、作物学报等期刊发表论文130多篇,主编或参编著作5部,获得专利15项、软件著作权2项,起草地方标准6项,获省部级奖励3项、中国作物学会创新团队奖1项。入选2010年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。 教学科研概况1. 教学工作 [1] 主讲本科生课程:作物生产系统工程;作物生理学;作物科学研究方法 [2] 主讲研究生课程:作物科学研究过程与方法;作物栽培学与耕作学Seminar II;作物分子生理专题 2. 近5年发表的论文(*,通讯作者) [1] Yi-Hsuan Lin, Yu-Ka Jin, Zhen-Yuan Chen, Zu-Dong Xiao, Si Shen*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Exogenous methylglyoxal ameliorates source strength and retrieves yield loss under drought stress during grain filling in maize. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10862-4. [2] Jun Ling, Jie Zhou, Gong Wu, De-Qiang Zhao, Zhi-Tong Wang, Yuan Wen*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Deep-injected straw incorporation enhances subsoil quality and wheat productivity. Plant and Soil, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05660-6. [3] Gong Wu, Jun Ling, De-Qiang Zhao, Yi-Ping Xu, Zi-Xi Liu, Yuan Wen*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Deep-injected straw incorporation improves subsoil fertility and crop productivity in a wheat-maize rotation system in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research, 2022, 286: 108612. [4] Xian-Min Chen, Feng-Yuan Li, Shuai Dong, Xin-Fang Liu, Bin-Bin Li, Zu-Dong Xiao, Tao Deng, Yan-Bo Wang*, Si Shen*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Stubby or slender? Ear architecture is related to drought resistance in maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 901186. [5] Gong Wu, Jun Ling, Yi-Ping Xu, De-Qiang Zhao, Zi-Xi Liu, Yuan Wen*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Effects of soil warming and straw return on soil organic matter and greenhouse gas fluxes in winter wheat seasons in the North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 356: 131810. [6] Gong Wu, Jun Ling, Zi-Xi Liu, Yi-Ping Xu, Xian-Min Chen, Yuan Wen*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Soil warming and straw return impacts on winter wheat phenology, photosynthesis, root growth, and grain yield in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research, 2022, 283: 108545. [7] Si Shen, Si Ma, Xian-Min Chen, Fei Yi, Bin-Bin Li, Xiao-Gui Liang, Sheng-Jin Liao, Li-Hong Gao, Shun-Li Zhou* and Yong-Ling Ruan. A transcriptional landscape underlying sugar import for grain set in maize. The Plant Journal, 2022, 110(1): 228-242. [8] Xiao-Gui Liang, Zhen Gao, Si Shen, Xue Zhao, Li Zhang, Shun-Li Zhou*. Cob color, an indicator of grain dehydration and agronomic traits in maize hybrids. The Crop Journal, 2022, 10(2): 582-586. [9] 赵雪, 周顺利*. 玉米抗茎倒伏能力相关性状与评价研究进展. 作物学报, 2022, 48(1): 15-26. [10]Zhen Gao, Han-Yu Feng, Xiao-Gui Liang, Shan Lin, Xue Zhao, Si Shen, Xiong Du, Yan-Hong Cui, Shun-Li Zhou*. Adjusting the sowing date of spring maize did not mitigate against heat stress in the North China Plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 298-299: 108274. [11]高震, 梁效贵, 张莉, 赵雪, 杜雄, 崔彦宏, 周顺利*. 不同时期灌溉对华北平原春玉米穗粒数的影响. 作物学报, 2021, 47(7): 1324-1331. [12]Xin Wang, Fang Li, Zhenyuan Chen, Bingxian Yang, Setsuko Komatsu, Shun-Li Zhou*. Proteomic analysis reveals the effects of melatonin on soybean root tips under flooding stress. Journal of Proteomics, 2021, (230): 103999. [13]Xin Wang, Han Hu, Fang Li, Bingxian Yang, Setsuko Komatsu, Shun-Li Zhou*. Quantitative proteomics reveals dual effects of calcium on radicle protrusion in soybean. Journal of Proteomics, 2021, (230): 103999. [14]Xiao-Gui Liang, Si Shen, Zhen Gao, Li Zhang, Xue Zhao, Shun-Li Zhou*. Variations of carbon partitioning in newly expanded maize leaves and plant adaptive growth under extended darkness. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2021, 20(9): 2360-2371. [15]Xiao-Gui Liang, Zhen Gao, Si Shen, Matthew J. Paul, Li Zhang, Xue Zhao, Shan Lin, Gong Wu, Xian-Min Chen, Shun-Li Zhou*. Differential ear growth of two maize varieties to shading in the field environment: Effects on whole plant carbon allocation and sugar starvation response. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2020, (251): 153194. [16]Gong Wu, Xian-Min Chen, Jun Ling, Fang Li, Feng-Yuan Li, Leanne Peixoto, Yuan Wen*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Effects of soil warming and increased precipitation on greenhouse gas fluxes in spring maize seasons in the North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 734: 139269. [17]林珊, 赵雪, 陈先敏, 吴巩, 高震, 申思, 梁效贵, 周顺利*. 正常生长条件下推迟授粉对玉米子粒生长的影响. 玉米科学, 2020, 28(1): 98-103, 110. [18]林珊, 张莉,吴巩,陈先敏,赵雪,申思,梁效贵, 周顺利*. 增密对玉米花丝授精结实能力及衰老进程的影响. 华北农学报, 2020, 35(1): 89-95. [19]Si Shen, Bin-Bin Li, Tao Deng, Zu-Dong Xiao, Xian-Min Chen, Han Hu, Bing-Chao Zhang, Gong Wu, Fang Li, Xue Zhao, Xiao-Gui Liang, Guo-Hua Mi, Shun-Li Zhou*. The equilibrium between sugars and ethylene is involved in shading- and drought-induced kernel abortion in maize. Plant Growth Regulation, 2020, 91(1): 101-111. [20]Si Shen, Xiao-Gui Liang, Li Zhang, Xue Zhao, Yun-Peng Liu, Shan Lin, Zhen Gao, Pu Wang, Zhi-Min Wang, Shun-Li Zhou*. Intervening in sibling competition for assimilates by controlled pollination prevents seed abortion under postpollination drought in maize. Plant Cell & Environment, 2020, 43(4): 903-919. [21]Zhen Gao, Lu Sun, Jian-Hong Ren, Xiao-Gui Liang, Si Shen, Shan Lin, Xue Zhao, Xian-Min Chen, Gong Wu, Shun-Li Zhou*. Detasseling increases kernel number in maize under shade stress. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 280: 107811. [22]林珊, 陈先敏, 吴巩, 赵雪, 申思, 梁效贵, 高震, 周顺利*. 同步授粉对玉米穗粒数和籽粒早期生长的影响. 中国农业大学学报, 2019, 24(11): 1-7. [23]Xiao-Gui Liang, Zhen Gao, Li Zhang, Si Shen, Xue Zhao, Yun-Peng Liu, Li-Li Zhou, Matthew J. Paul*, Shun-Li Zhou*. Seasonal and diurnal patterns of non-structural carbohydrates in source and sink tissues in field maize. BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19(1): 508. [24] Li-Li Zhou, Shu-Hua Liao, Zhi-Min Wang, Pu Wang, Hai-Jun Yan, Ying-Hua Zhang, Li Zhang, Xue Zhao, Shan Lin, and Shun-Li Zhou*. Simulation of soil water content for irrigation management based on on-field and CERES-Wheat simulated data in winter wheat in North China Plain. Irrigation and Drainage, 2019, 68(4): 753-764. [25]梁效贵, 赵雪, 吴巩, 陈先敏, 高震, 申思, 林珊, 周顺利*. 推迟收获对华北夏玉米籽粒脱水和力学特性的影响及其品种差异. 中国农业大学学报, 2019, 24(5): 1-9. [26]梁效贵, 赵雪, 高震, 张莉, 王佳慧, 吕新月, 周顺利*. 自然光温和控制光温下玉米苗期叶片NSC比较及根系糖代谢日变化. 玉米科学, 2018, 26 (6): 57-62. [27]陈先敏, 梁效贵, 赵雪, 高震, 吴巩, 申思, 林珊, 周丽丽, 周顺利*. 历年国审玉米品种产量和品质性状变化趋势分析. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(21): 4020-4029. [28]Zhen Gao, Han-Yu Feng, Xiao-Gui Liang, Li Zhang, Shan Lin, Xue Zhao, Si Shen, Li-Li Zhou, Shun-Li Zhou*. Limits to maize productivity in the North China Plain: A comparison analysis for spring and summer maize. Field Crops Research, 2018, 228: 39-47. [29]Li Zhang, Xiao-Gui Liang, Si Shen, Hua Yin, Li-Li Zhou, Zhen Gao, Xin-Yue Lv, Shun-Li Zhou*. Increasing the abscisic acid level in maize grains induces precocious maturation by accelerating grain filling and dehydration. Plant Growth Regulation, 2018, 86(1): 65-79. [30]Xiao-Gui Liang, Zuo-Lin Zhang, Li-Li Zhou, Si Shen, Zhen Gao, Li Zhang, Shan Lin, Yu-Qiang Pan and Shun-Li Zhou*. Localization of maize critical N curve and estimation of NNI by chlorophyll. International Journal of Plant Production-IJPP, 2018, 12(2): 85-94. [31]Li-Li Zhou, Shu-Hua Liao, Zhi-Min Wang, Pu Wang, Ying-Hua Zhang, Hai-Jun Yan*, Zhen Gao, Si Shen, Xiao-Gui Liang, Jia-Hui Wang, Shun-Li Zhou*. A simulation of winter wheat crop responses to irrigation management using CERES-Wheat model in North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(5): 1181-1193. [32]Si Shen, Li Zhang, Xiao-Gui Liang, Xue Zhao, Shan Lin, Ling-Hua Qu, Yun-Peng Liu, Zhen Gao, Yong-Ling Ruan*, and Shun-Li Zhou*. Delayed pollination and low availability of assimilates are major factors causing maize kernel abortion. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, 69(7): 1599-1613. 社会职务活动动态研究领域1. 黄淮海冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系抗逆高产与水氮高效利用 2. 玉米籽粒建成机制与调控 3. 玉米逆境生理与调控 4. 玉米品种差异与评价 5. 秸秆还田与土壤培肥 开授课程
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