
Wei-Ping Zhang

College of Resources and Environmental Sciences


  • Department: College of Resources and Environmental Sciences
  • Gender: male
  • Nationality:
  • Post: Associate Professor
  • Duties:
  • Graduate School: Zhejiang University
  • Degree: Ph. D.
  • Tel: +86 10 6273 4684
  • Email: zhangwp@cau.edu.cn
  • Office Location: 2-310
  • Address: Yuanmingyuan Xilu No.2, Haidian District, Beijing
  • PostCode: 100193
  • Fax:

Expert category

  • Academic degree supervisor type:
  • Professional Degree Graduate Supervisor Type:
  • Engaged in disciplines1:
  • Engaged in disciplines2:
  • Engaging in a profession1:
  • Engaging in a profession2:
  • Research direction 2:
  • Research direction 1:
  • Name of professional degree field:


Teaching research

Undergraduate Students: Introduction to Biodiversity Science

Graduated Students: Biodiversity Science and Application


Social Position

Dynamic activity


²Research interests cover theoretical ecology, population ecology, community ecology, forest ecology, soil respiration and global change biology.


Open Course

Undergraduate Students: Introduction to Biodiversity Science

Graduated Students: Biodiversity Science and Application




1.Zhang, W. P., Liu, G. C., Sun, J. H., Fornara, D., Zhang, L. Z., Zhang, F. F., & Li, L. (2017). Temporal dynamics of nutrient uptake by neighboring plant species: evidence from intercropping. Functional Ecology, 31 , 469–479 (英国生态学会主办刊物,ESI学科Environment Ecology影响因子前10%, 5-Year IF=5.286)

2.Zhang, W. P., Liu, G. C., Sun, J. H., Zhang, L. Z., Weiner, J., & Li, L. (2015). Growth trajectories and interspecific competitive dynamics in wheat/maize and barley/maize intercropping. Plant and Soil, 397:227 – 238 (ESI 学科Agriculture Science影响因子前 10%, 5-Year IF=3.581)

3.Zhang, W. P., Morris, E. C., Jia, X., Pan, S., & Wang, G. X. (2015). Testing predictions of the energetic equivalence rule in forest communities. Basic and Applied Ecology. 16, 469–479 (5-Year IF= 2.707)

4.Zhang, W.P., Jia, X., Damgaard, C.,Morris E.C., Bai, Y.Y., Pan, S.,Wang, G.X., 2012. The interplay between above- and below-ground plant-plant interactions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layer zone-of-influence models. Oikos. 122, 1147-1156. (5-Year IF=3.604, Prof. Jacob Weiner of University of Copenhagen think highly of this work)

5.Zhang, W.P., Jia, X., Morris E.C., Bai, Y.Y., Wang, G.X., 2012. Stem, branch and leaf biomass-density relationships in forest communities. Ecological Research. 27, 819-825.(5-Year IF=1.705)

6.Zhang, W.P., Jia, X., Bai, Y.Y., Wang, G.X., 2011. The difference between above- and below-ground self-thinning lines in forest communities. Ecological Research. 26, 819-825. (5-Year IF=1.705)

7.Bai, Y.Y., Zhang, W.P., Jia, X., Wang, N., Xu, S.S., Wang, G.X., 2011. How lateral dimension of roots determines aboveground self-thinning. Ecological Complexity. 8, 310-312. (5-Year IF=1.853)

8.Bai, Y.Y., Zhang, W.P., Jia, X., Wang, N., Zhou, L., Xu, S.S., Wang, G.X., 2010. Variation in root:shoot ratios induced the differences between above and belowground mass-density relationships along an aridity gradient. Acta Oecologia. 36, 393-395.(5-Year IF=1.946)

9.Dai, X.F., Jia, X., Zhang, W.P., Bai, Y.Y., Zhang, J.Y., Wang, Y., Wang, G.X., 2009. Plant height–crown radius and canopy coverage–density relationships determine above-ground biomass–density relationship in stressful environments. Biology Letters. 5, 571-573. (5-Year IF=4.049)

10.Zhang, H., Wang, G.X., Zheng, K.F., Zhang, W.P., 2010. Mass-density relationship changes along salinity gradient in Suaeda salsa L. Acta Physiol. Plant. 32, 1031-1037. (5-Year IF=1.533)

11.Wang, N., Xu, S.S., Jia, X., Gao, J., Zhang, W.P., Qiu, Y.P., Wang, G.X., 2012. Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China – a meta-analysis. Plant Biology. doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2012.00605.x (5-Year IF=2.553)

12.Zhang, W.P., Wang, G.X., 2010. Positive interactions in plant communities. Acta Ecologica Sinica 30, 5371-5380 (in Chinese with English abstract).

13.Qiu, Y.P., Zhang, W.P., Wang, G.X., 2012. The advance of the paradox of enrichment. Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences. 24, 593-597 (in Chinese with English abstract).

14.Zhang, W.P., Huang, J.C., Li, X.B., 2007. Analysis of influencing factors of undergrowth biomass in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations. Journal of Fujian Forestry Sci. and Tech. 34, 97-99. (in Chinese with English abstract).

15.Huang, J.C., Zhang, W.P., Li, X.B., 2007a. Analysis of influencing factors of floor litter content of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation. Journal of Fujian Forestry Sci. and Tech. 34, 92-96. (in Chinese with English abstract).

16.Huang, J.C., Zhang, W.P., Li, X.B., 2007c. Summary of the reasons for the soil erosion of Hetian Township, Changting County of Fujian Province. Subtropical Soil and Water Conservation 19, 26-29. (in Chinese with English abstract).

17.Huang, J.C., Zhang, W.P., Li, X.B., 2007b. Factors affecting tree biomass of major plantations in subtropical zone. Forestry Prospect and Design 1, 146-150. (in Chinese).



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Enrollment in previous years Application intention

Team Display

Post: Associate Professor


Degree: Ph. D.

Tel: +86 10 6273 4684

Email: zhangwp@cau.edu.cn

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