论文题目 |
刊物名称 |
收录类别 |
发表年月 |
第一作者或全部作者 |
第一作者单位 |
排名 |
Pyrolytic and hydrothermal carbonization affect the transformation of phosphorus fractions in the biochar and hydrochar derived from organic materials: A meta-analysis study |
Science of the Total Environment |
2023 |
China Agricultural University |
Inducing Inorganic Carbon Accrual in Subsoil through Biochar Application on Calcareous Topsoil |
Environmental Science and Technology |
2023 |
China Agricultural University |
Insights into the driving factors of vertical distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in long-term fertilized soils |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
2023 |
China Agricultural University |
Effect of biochar application on rice, wheat, and corn seedlings in hydroponic culture |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
2023 |
China Agricultural University |
Safe Production Strategies for Soil-Covered Cultivation of Morel in Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soils |
Journal of Fungi |
2023 |
Zunyi Medical University |
Metal oxide modified biochars for fertile soil management: Effects on soil phosphorus transformation, enzyme activity, microbe community, and plant growth |
Environmental Research |
2023 |
Sun Yat-sen University |
Soil microbial communities as potential regulators of N2O sources in highly acidic soils |
Soil Ecology Letters |
2023 |
China Agricultural University |
Understanding the relative contributions of fungi and bacteria led nitrous oxide emissions in an acidic soil amended with industrial waste |
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
2023 |
China Agricultural University |
施肥模式对设施土壤抗生素及抗性基因的影响 |
中国环境科学 |
中文核心 |
2023 |
中国农业大学 |
水氮调控对设施土壤剖面无机氮分布和番茄产量的影响 |
天津农业科学 |
2023 |
中国农业大学 |
Recent Advances in the Bioconversion of Waste Straw Biomass with Steam Explosion Technique: A Comprehensive Review |
Processes |
2022 |
Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Synergistic effects of microorganisms and passivation materials on the growth and Cd uptake of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Cd-contaminated soils |
Rhizosphere |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Supplying amendments alleviates aluminum toxicity and regulates cadmium accumulation by spinach in strongly acidic soils |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Incorporation of calcium cyanamide and straw reduces phosphorus leaching in a flooded agricultural soil |
Geoderma |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers Decrease Nitrate Movement While Maintaining Yield in Sugarcane Production System |
Soil Use and Management |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
The role of the biogas slurry microbial communities in suppressing fusarium wilt of cucumber |
Waste Management |
2022 |
Northeast Agricultural University |
The distinctive role of nano-hydroxyapatite modified biochar for alleviation of cadmium and arsenic toxicity in both water and soil systems |
Journal of Water Process Engineering |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Influence of dissolved organic matter, kaolinite, and iron oxides on aggregation and transport of biochar colloids in aqueous and soil environments |
Chemosphere |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Optimizing nitrogen management reduces mineral nitrogen leaching loss mainly by decreasing water leakage in vegetable fields under plastic-shed greenhouse |
Environmental Pollution |
2022 |
Qingdao Agricultural University |
Performance of coagulant-aided biomass filtration to protect ultrafiltration from membrane fouling in biogas slurry concentration |
Environmental Technology & Innovation |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Different crop rotation patterns vary heavy metals behavior in soils under plastic sheds: Evidence from field research |
Process Safety and Environmental Protection |
2022 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Effects of phosphorus-containing material application on soil cadmium bioavailability: a meta-analysis |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Comprehensive understanding of guest compound intercalated layered double hydroxides: Design and applications in removal of potentially toxic elements |
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Magnesium Fertilizer Application and Soil Warming Increases Tomato Yield by Increasing Magnesium Uptake under PE-Film Covered Greenhouse |
Agronomy-Basel |
2022 |
Qingdao Agricultural University |
A meta-analysis of arable soil phosphorus pools response to manure application as influenced by manure types, soil properties, and climate |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Biogeochemical Fe(II) generators as a new strategy for limiting Cd uptake by rice and its implication for agricultural sustainability |
Science of the Total Environment |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Enhanced phosphorus mobility in a calcareous soil with organic amendments additions: Insights from a long term study with equal phosphorus input |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Synergistic effects of ball-milled biochar-supported exfoliated LDHs on phosphate adsorption: insights into role of fine biochar support |
Environmental Pollution |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Catch crop planting and residue incorporation to reduce nitrogen leaching in intensive vegetable greenhouse field |
Journal of Environmental Quality |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
Investigation of differential levels of phosphorus fixation in dolomite and calcium carbonate amended red soil |
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
金属氧化物改性生物炭对镉污染土壤菠菜生长和镉积累的影响 |
农业环境科学学报 |
中文核心 |
2022 |
中国农业大学 |
芽孢杆菌活化土壤残留磷的机制及影响因素 |
磷肥与复肥 |
中文核心 |
2022 |
中国农业大学 |
施肥对农田土壤碳氮磷化学计量特征及相关酶活变化的影响 |
华北农学报 |
中文核心 |
2022 |
中国农业大学 |
The short-lived inhibitory effect of Brachiaria humidicola on nitrous oxide emissions following sheep urine application in a highly nitrifying soil |
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
Dynamics of Diversity and Abundance of Sulfonamide Resistant Bacteria in a Silt Loam Soil Fertilized by Compost |
Antibiotics |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
Pretreatment by composting increased the utilization proportion of pig manure biogas digestate and improved the seedling substrate quality |
Waste Management |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
New insights into ball milling effects on MgAl-LDHs exfoliation on biochar support: A case study for cadmium adsorption |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
Alum split applications strengthened phosphorus fixation and phosphate sorption in high legacy phosphorus calcareous soil |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
Fe/Al (hydr)oxides engineered biochar for reducing phosphorus leaching from a fertile calcareous soil |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
A meta-analysis of heavy metal bioavailability response to biochar aging: Importance of soil and biochar properties |
Science of the Total Environment |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
Effect of microbial transformation induced by metallic compound additives and temperature variations during composting on suppression of soil-borne pathogens |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
Composting with biochar or woody peat addition reduces phosphorus bioavailability |
Science of The Total Environment |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
Identification of spatial patterns and sources of heavy metals in greenhouse soils using geostatistical and positive matrix factorization (PMF) methods |
Land Degradation & Development |
2021 |
China Agricultural University |
基于专利文献计量来看我国土壤调理剂发展趋势 |
中国农业大学学报 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
中国农业大学 |
贝壳类废弃物用于钝化土壤重金属的研究进展 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
中国农业大学 |
采用堆肥工艺钝化粪肥中重金属及其在土壤施用中变化的研究进展 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
中国农业大学 |
适用于设施土壤镉钝化的材料选择与施用 |
中国蔬菜 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
中国农业大学 |
液体水溶性肥料中微生物活性保存技术 |
磷肥与复肥 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
中国农业大学 |
蚯蚓粪和活性污泥浸提液对马铃薯致病菌的抑制作用 |
农业工程学报 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
中国农业大学 |
脲酶/硝化抑制剂减少农田土壤氮素损失的作用特征 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
金正大生态工程集团股份有限公司 |
玉米生长对石灰性土壤无机碳与有机碳释放的根际效应 |
土壤学报 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
潍坊学院 |
秸秆与氮肥配比对农田土壤内外源碳释放的影响 |
环境科学 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
潍坊学院 |
Acidification and anaerobic digestion change the phosphorus forms and distribution in particle fractions of cattle slurry and phosphorus dynamics in soil after application |
Biosystems Engineering |
2020 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Design and fabrication of exfoliated Mg/Al layered double hydroxides on biochar support |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Effects of carbon-based additives and ventilation rate on nitrogen loss and microbial community during chicken manure composting |
Plos One |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Mitigation of arsenic accumulation in arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) using Fe/Al/Zn impregnated biochar composites |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
The Availability and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Soils Associated with Intensive Fertilizer Application |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
2020 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Combining application of chemical fertilizer with manure significantly increased potassium availability in an alkaline soil |
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Understanding phosphate sorption characteristics of mineral amendments in relation to stabilising high legacy P calcareous soil |
Environmental Pollution |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
A Selective and Reversible Fluorescent Probe for Zn2+ Detection in Living Cells |
ChemistrySelect |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Arsenic adsorption on layered double hydroxides biochars and their amended red and calcareous soils |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Long-term effects of intensive application of manure on heavy metal pollution risk in protected-field vegetable production |
Environmental Pollution |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Impact of P inputs on source-sink P dynamics of sediment along an agricultural ditch network |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2020 |
National University of Ireland |
氮肥种类和用量对滴灌枣园红枣光合特性及产量影响 |
农业工程学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
我国畜禽粪便重金属含量特征及土壤累积风险分析 |
环境科学 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
乙二胺四乙酸和柠檬酸活化石灰性土壤磷素的潜力评估 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
我国设施菜田土壤重金属含量特征与影响因素 |
农业环境科学学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
哈茨木霉VT9-3r和枯草芽孢杆菌VT4-1x对3株马铃薯致病菌的抑制作用效果 |
中国农业大学学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
化肥氮对冬小麦氮素吸收的贡献和土壤氮库的补偿 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
施用土壤调理剂对酸性土壤中芝麻菜吸收砷的影响 |
中国蔬菜 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
腐植酸钾与磷肥施用方式对土壤磷素移动性的影响 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
生物活性物质提高玉米种子萌发及抗盐能力 |
中国农业大学学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
碱性土壤改良剂对盆栽黄瓜生长及枯萎病的防治效果 |
中国蔬菜 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
接种外源微生物对堆肥中重金属铜锌铅形态变化的影响 |
中国农业大学学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
稀土螯合物抑制土传病原菌的效果及其形态毒理机制 |
中国稀土学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
利用富镉基质栽培快速比较不同叶菜镉累积能力差异 |
应用生态学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业科学院 |
畜禽粪便中铜和锌污染现状及风险分析 |
农业环境科学学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
基于改进物元可拓模型评价设施菜地土壤重金属污染风险 |
农业环境科学学报 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
黄淮海与环渤海设施蔬菜产区重金属累积特征和环境质量评价 |
中国蔬菜 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
新疆广播电视大学 |
Acidification and anaerobic digestion change the phosphorus forms and distribution in particle fractions of cattle slurry and phosphorus dynamics in soil after application |
Biosystems Engineering |
2020 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Design and fabrication of exfoliated Mg/Al layered double hydroxides on biochar support |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Effects of carbon-based additives and ventilation rate on nitrogen loss and microbial community during chicken manure composting |
Plos One |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Mitigation of arsenic accumulation in arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) using Fe/Al/Zn impregnated biochar composites |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
The Availability and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Soils Associated with Intensive Fertilizer Application |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
2020 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Combining application of chemical fertilizer with manure significantly increased potassium availability in an alkaline soil |
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Understanding phosphate sorption characteristics of mineral amendments in relation to stabilising high legacy P calcareous soil |
Environmental Pollution |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
A Selective and Reversible Fluorescent Probe for Zn2+ Detection in Living Cells |
ChemistrySelect |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Arsenic adsorption on layered double hydroxides biochars and their amended red and calcareous soils |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Long-term effects of intensive application of manure on heavy metal pollution risk in protected-field vegetable production |
Environmental Pollution |
2020 |
China Agricultural University |
Impact of P inputs on source-sink P dynamics of sediment along an agricultural ditch network |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2020 |
National University of Ireland |
氮肥种类和用量对滴灌枣园红枣光合特性及产量影响 |
农业工程学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
我国畜禽粪便重金属含量特征及土壤累积风险分析 |
环境科学 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
乙二胺四乙酸和柠檬酸活化石灰性土壤磷素的潜力评估 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
我国设施菜田土壤重金属含量特征与影响因素 |
农业环境科学学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
哈茨木霉VT9-3r和枯草芽孢杆菌VT4-1x对3株马铃薯致病菌的抑制作用效果 |
中国农业大学学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
化肥氮对冬小麦氮素吸收的贡献和土壤氮库的补偿 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
施用土壤调理剂对酸性土壤中芝麻菜吸收砷的影响 |
中国蔬菜 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
腐植酸钾与磷肥施用方式对土壤磷素移动性的影响 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
生物活性物质提高玉米种子萌发及抗盐能力 |
中国农业大学学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
碱性土壤改良剂对盆栽黄瓜生长及枯萎病的防治效果 |
中国蔬菜 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
接种外源微生物对堆肥中重金属铜锌铅形态变化的影响 |
中国农业大学学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
稀土螯合物抑制土传病原菌的效果及其形态毒理机制 |
中国稀土学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
利用富镉基质栽培快速比较不同叶菜镉累积能力差异 |
应用生态学报 |
2020 |
中国农业科学院 |
畜禽粪便中铜和锌污染现状及风险分析 |
农业环境科学学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
基于改进物元可拓模型评价设施菜地土壤重金属污染风险 |
农业环境科学学报 |
2020 |
中国农业大学 |
黄淮海与环渤海设施蔬菜产区重金属累积特征和环境质量评价 |
中国蔬菜 |
2020 |
新疆广播电视大学 |
Influences of the thermophilic period on biodegradation and nitrogen loss in stimulated vegetable waste composting |
Global Ecology and Conservation |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Optimizing the synthesis of Fe/Al (Hydr)oxides-Biochars to maximize phosphate removal via response surface model |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
New switch on fluorescent probe with AIE characteristics for selective and reversible detection of mercury ion in aqueous solution |
Analytical Biochemistry |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Differences in main processes to transform phosphorus influenced by ammonium nitrogen in intensive agricultural and steppe soils |
Chemosphere |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Contribution and Driving Mechanism of N2O Emission Bursts in a Chinese Vegetable Greenhouse after Manure Application and Irrigation |
Sustainability |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Strategic differences in phosphorus stabilization by alum and dolomite amendments in calcareous and red soils |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Modeling dissolved organic nitrogen dynamics under different N management practices for intensive greenhouse production using an improved WHCNS_veg model |
Geoderma |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Effects of composting and carbon based materials on carbon and nitrogen loss in the arable land utilization of cow manure and corn stalks |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
A major pathway for carbon and nitrogen losses-Gas emissions during storage of solid pig manure in China |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Slurry acidification and anaerobic digestion affects the speciation and vertical movement of particulate and nanoparticulate phosphorus in soil after cattle slurry application |
Bangor University |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Comparing the effects of three in situ methods on nitrogen loss control, temperature dynamics and maturity during composting of agricultural wastes with a stage of temperatures over 70 oC |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
Effect of initial material bulk density and easily-degraded organic matter content on temperature changes during composting of cucumber stalk |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
2019 |
China Agricultural University |
根区孔下滴灌施肥对新疆红枣产量品质和氮磷钾利用影响 |
农业工程学报 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |
Enhanced phosphorus mobility in a calcareous soil with organic amendments additions: Insights from a long term study with equal phosphorus input. |
Journal of Environmental Management |
2022 |
China Agricultural University |
化学和黏土矿物钝化剂对牛粪秸秆堆肥磷形态转化的影响 |
农业工程学报 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |
施用草炭及褐煤提高酸性土壤磷素有效性研究 |
磷肥与复肥 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |
农田土壤 N2O 排放的关键过程及影响因素 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |
配位型钯离子荧光探针的研究进展 |
化学通报 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |
京郊设施滴灌生菜氮素利用的季节性差异 |
北方园艺 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |
果树水肥一体化高效利用技术研究进展 |
果树学报 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |
穴施球肥对甘蓝生长及氮素利用的影响 |
天津农业科学 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
中国农业大学 |