



  • 部门: 资源与环境学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 副教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 主要研究方向:
  • 毕业院校: 中国农业大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 联系电话: xxx
  • 电子邮箱: dzl@cau.edu.cn, duzlsd@163.com
  • 办公地址: 资环楼I区206室
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区圆明园西路2号
  • 邮编: 100193
  • 传真:


  • 学术学位导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型:
  • 从事学科1: 生态学
  • 从事学科2: 农业资源与环境
  • 从事专业1: 生态学
  • 从事专业2: 土壤学
  • 研究方向1: 农业生态学;土壤碳氮循环、健康土壤培育,土壤过程定量化
  • 研究方向2: 土壤生物地球化学
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 资源利用与植物保护


  • 2006.09.01-2009.06.24,农学博士学位,中国农业大学,土壤学
  • 2004.09.01-2006.07.01,农学硕士学位,中国农业大学,土壤学
  • 2000.09.01-2004.07.02,农学学士学位,山东农业大学,农业资源与环境




2000.09-2004.07 山东农业大学农业资源与环境本科农学学士

2004.09-2006.07 中国农业大学土壤与水科学系土壤学硕士

2006.09-2009.07 中国农业大学土壤与水科学系土壤学博士


2009.07-2011.07 中国农业大学生态系博士后

其中:2011.05-2011.07 美国堪萨斯州立大学农学院访问学者

2011.08-2012.12 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所助理研究员

2013.01-2018.12 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所副研究员

其中:2015.10-2016.10 加拿大多伦多大学环境核磁共振中心访问学者

2019.01-2019.12 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所研究员




1.        国家重点研发项目“环渤海盐碱耕地有机质快速提升、肥沃耕层构建与生物强化关键技术研究”(编号:2021YFD1900901),(2021.01-2025.12)承担“”子课题主持

2.        山东省自然科学基金面上项目“农业废弃物炭化还田后土壤有机质提升的分子机制研究”(编号:ZR2021MC155),(2022-2024),课题主持

3.        国家自然科学基金面上项目长期免耕旱地土壤有机质特征及稳定机制研究(编号:41671305),2017.01-2020.12),主持

4.        国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项流域农业面源污染防控整装技术与农业清洁流域示范之子课题流域农业面源污染防控技术适应性评价方法与平台构建(编号:2015ZX07103-007),(2015.01-2018.12),子课题主持,课题执行主持

5.        北京市自然科学基金长期施用生物炭对土壤质量的影响及机制研究(编号:6173035),2017.01-2018.06)主持

6.        中国农科院创新工程项目,农业清洁流域团队(2015.01-2019.12

7.        中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项施用生物炭培肥地力的环境风险前期研究(编号:BSRF201112),(2012.01-2013.12)主持

8.        国家自然科学基金青年基金项目集约种植区保护性耕作系统中团聚体固碳机理研究(编号:31000250),(2011.01-2013.12),主持

9.        中国博士后科学基金会第4批特别资助项目我国集约农田长期施肥下土壤碳饱和效应研究(编号:201104164),(2011.01-2012.12),主持

10.     中国博士后科学基金会第47批资助项目集约种植区免耕系统中土壤碳库物理保护机制研究编号:20100470408),(2010.01-2011.12),主持



1.       Wang, X., Zhu, X., Fang, Y., Vancov, T., Zou, Z., Jin, X., Ma, L., Wu, D., Du, Z*., 2025. Long-term nitrogen fertilization accelerates labile biomolecules decomposition and retains recalcitrant compounds in a temperate agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 379, 109373.


1.       Jin, X., Wang, L., Zhang, J., Fang, Y., Wang, X., Xiaoyang, D., Ma, L., Li, H., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Du, Z*., 2024. Two decades of no tillage divergently accumulate plant lignin and microbial necromass in the top and sublayers. Soil and Tillage Research 244, 106211.

2.       Ma, L., Wang, X., Fang, Y., Vancov, T., Jin, X., Gao, Q., Dong, W., Du, Z*., 2024. No-tillage farming for two decades increases plant- and microbial-biomolecules in the topsoil rather than soil profile in temperate agroecosystem. Soil and Tillage Research 241, 106108.

3.       Zhang, X., Chang, F., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Li, H., Song, J., Kan, Z., Du, Z., Zhou, J., Chen, J., Li, Y., 2024. Divergent responses of particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon with soil depth under straw interlayer in saline-alkali soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 371, 109073.

4.       Guo, J., Song, X., Wang, X., Du, Z., Lu, S., 2024. Afforestation with an age-sequence of Mongolian pine plantation promotes soil microbial residue accumulation in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. Journal of Arid Land 16, 567-579.

5.       Hou, Z., Wang, R., Chang, S., Zheng, Y., Ma, T., Xu, S., Zhang, X., Shi, X., Lu, J., Luo, D., Wang, B., Du, Z., Wei, Y., 2024. The contribution of microbial necromass to soil organic carbon and influencing factors along a variation of habitats in alpine ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment 921, 171126.

6.       Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Shi, Y., Yang, B., Zhang, A., Du, Z., Zhong, G., Luo, C., Zhang, G., Wang, J., 2024. Dosage- and site-dependent retention of black carbon and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in farmland soils via long-term biochar addition. Carbon Research 3, 14.

7.       Tan, Y., Chen, Z., Liu, W., Yang, M., Du, Z., Wang, Y., Bol, R., Wu, D., 2024. Grazing exclusion alters denitrification N2O/(N2O + N2) ratio in alpine meadow of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Science of The Total Environment 912, 169358.

8.       Deng, X., Teng, F., Chen, M., Du, Z., Wang, B., Li, R., Wang, P., 2024. Exploring negative emission potential of biochar to achieve carbon neutrality goal in China. Nature Communications 15.

9.       Chen, Z., Du, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang, G., Li, J., 2024. Dynamic changes in soil organic carbon induced by long-term compost application under a wheat-maize double cropping system in North China. Science of The Total Environment 913, 169407.


1.       Chen, Y., Du, Z., Weng, Z., Sun, K., Zhang, Y., Liu, Q., Yang, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Luo, Y., Gao, B., Chen, B., Pan, Z., Van Zwieten, L., 2023. Formation of soil organic carbon pool is regulated by the structure of dissolved organic matter and microbial carbon pump efficacy: A decadal study comparing different carbon management strategies. Global Change Biology 29, 5445-5459.  

2.       Han, S., Li, H., Rengel, Z., Du, Z., Hu, N., Wang, Y., Zhang, A., 2023. Biochar application promotes crops yield through regulating root development and the community structure of root endophytic fungi in wheat-maize rotation. Soil and Tillage Research 234, 105827.

3.       Song, X., Guo, J., Wang, X., Du, Z., Ren, R., Lu, S., He, C., 2023. Afforestation Alters the Molecular Composition of Soil Organic Matter in the Central Loess Plateau of China. Forests 14, 1502.

4.       Zhang, A., Wang, X., Fang, Y., Tavakkoli, E., Li, Y. *, Wu, D., Du, Z.* 2023. Biochar more than stubble management affected carbon allocation and persistence in soil matrix: A nine-year temperate cropland trial.Journal Soils Sediments 23, 3018-3028.

5.       Zou, Z., Ma, L., Wang, X., Chen R, Jones, D., Bol., R., Wu, D*., Du*, Z. 2023. Decadal
application of mineral fertilizers alters the molecular composition and origins of organic matter in particulate and mineral-associated fractions.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry182, 109042.

6.       Tan, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, Z., Yang, M., Ning, Y., Zheng, C., Du, Z., Bol, R., Wu, D., 2022. Long-term artificial drainage altered the product stoichiometry of denitrification in alpine peatland soil of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Geoderma 428, 116206.

7.        Sun, J., Li, H., Wang, Y., Du, Z., Rengel, Z., Zhang, A., 2022. Biochar and nitrogen fertilizer promote rice yield by altering soil enzyme activity and microbial community structure. GCB Bioenergy 14, 1266-1280.

8.        Ma, L., Ju, Z., Fang, Y., Vancov, T., Gao, Q., Wu, D., Zhang, A., Wang, Y., Hu, C., Wu, W., Du, Z*., 2022. Soil warming and nitrogen addition facilitates lignin and microbial residues accrual in temperate agroecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry170, 108693.

9.        Zuo, S., Wu, D., Du, Z., Xu, C., Wu, W., 2022. Effects of white-rot fungal pretreatment of corn straw return on greenhouse gas emissions from the North China Plain soil. Science of The Total Environment807, 150837.

10.     Li, L., Yang, M., Li, J., Roland, B., Du, Z., Wu, D., 2022. Potential denitrification activity response to long-term nitrogen fertilization - A global meta-analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 336, 130451.

11.     Gao, Q., Ma, L., Fang, Y., Zhang, A., Li, G., Wang, J., Wu, D., Wu, W., Du, Z*., 2021. Conservation tillage for 17 years alters the molecular composition of organic matter in soil profile. Science of The Total Environment 762, 143116.

12.     Lu, T., Wang, X*., Du, Z*., Wu, L., 2021. Impacts of continuous biochar application on major carbon fractions in soil profile of North China Plain’s cropland: In comparison with straw incorporation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment315, 107445.

13.     Wu, D., Zhang, Y., Dong, G., Du, Z., Wu, W., Chadwick, D., Bol, R., 2021. The importance of ammonia volatilization in estimating the efficacy of nitrification inhibitors to reduce N2O emissions: A global meta-analysis.Environmental Pollution271, 116365.

14.     Shi, S.W., Zhang, Q.Z., Lou, Y.L., Du, Z.L., Wang, Q., Hu, N., Wang, Y.D., Gunina, A., Song, J.Q., 2021. Soil organic and inorganic carbon sequestration by consecutive biochar application: Results from a decade field experiment. Soil Use and Management37, 95-103.

15.     Cai, W., Du, Z., Zhang, A., He, C., Shi, Q., Tian, L., Zhang, P., Li, L., Wang, J., 2020. Long-term biochar addition alters the characteristics but not the chlorine reactivity of soil-derived dissolved organic matter. Water Research185, 116260.

16.     Hu Z., Fang, F., Zhang, Q., Wang, Q., Chen C., Mooneye, S.J., Peng, X., Du, Z*. 2019. Biochar enhances soil hydraulic function but not soil aggregation in a sandy loam.European Journal of Soil Science 70, 291-230.

17.     Du, Z., Han, X., Wang, Y., Gu, R., Li, Y., Wang, D., Yun, A., Guo, L., 2018. Changes in soil organic carbon concentration, chemical composition, and aggregate stability as influenced by tillage systems in the semi-arid and semi-humid area of North China. Canadian Journal of Soil Science98, 91-102.

18.     Liang, L., Lal, R., Ridoutt, B.G., Du, Z., Wang, D., Wang, L., Wu, W., Zhao, G., 2018. Life cycle assessment of China’s agroecosystems. Ecol. Indic. 88, 341-350.

19.     Ju, Z., Du, Z., Guo, K., Liu, X., 2018. Irrigation with freezing saline water for 6 years alters salt ion distribution within soil aggregates.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 1-9.

20.     Liang, L., Lal, R., Ridoutt, B.G., Zhao, G., Du, Z., Li, L., Feng, D., Wang, L., Peng, P., Hang, S., Wu, W., 2018. Multi-indicator assessment of a water-saving agricultural engineering project in North Beijing, China. Agricultural Water Management200, 34-46.

21.     Yin, T., Zhao, C., Yan, C., Du Z., He, W., 2018. Inter-annual changes of aggregate-size distribution and associated carbon in soil and their effects on the straw-derived carbon incorporation under long-term no-tillage.Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17(11): 2546–2557.

22.     Liang, L., Lal, R., Wu, W., Ridoutt, B.G., Du, Z., Li, L., Feng, D., Wang, L., Peng, P., Hang, S., Zhao, G., 2018. The water footprint and validity analysis of ecological engineering in North Beijing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production172, 1899-1909.

23.     Du, Z*., Angers, D.A., Ren, T., Zhang, Q., Li, G., 2017. The effect of no-till on organic C storage in Chinese soils should not be overemphasized: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment236, 1-11.

24.     Du Z. Zhao J., Wang Y., Zhang Q. 2017. Biochar addition drives soil aggregation and carbon sequestration in aggregate fractions from an intensive agricultural system.Journal of Soils and Sediments.17, 581-589.

25.     Hu, Y., Du, Z*., Wang, Q., and Li, G. 2016. Combined deep sampling and mass-based approaches to assess soil carbon and nitrogen losses due to land-use changes in karst area of Southwestern China. Solid Earth.,7, 1075-1084.

26.     He, X., Du, Z., Wang, Y., Lu, N., Zhang, Q., 2016. Sensitivity of soil respiration to soil temperature decreased under deep biochar amended soils in temperate croplands. Applied Soil Ecology 108, 204-210.

27.     Li, Z., Wang, Q., Zhang, W., Du, Z., He, X., Zhang, Q., 2016. Contributions of Nutrients in Biochar to Increase Spinach Production: A Pot Experiment. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47, 2003-2007.

28.     Zhao, J., Ren, T., Zhang, Q., Du, Z., Wang, Y., 2016. Effects of Biochar Amendment on Soil Thermal Properties in the North China Plain. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80, 1157-1166.

29.     Chen Z., Guo Y., Du Z., Wu W., Meng F. 2016. Change in the abundance and community composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea at soil aggregate level as native pasture converted to cropland in a semiarid alpine steppe of central Asia. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 16(1) 243-254.

30.     Du Z., Ren T., Hu C., Zhang Q. 2015. Transition from intensive tillage to no-till Enhances carbon sequestration in microaggregates of surface soil in the North China Plain. Soil Tillage and Research.146, 26-31.

31.     Zhang, Q., Du, Z., Lou, Y., He, X. 2015. A one-year short-term biochar application improved carbon accumulation in large macroaggregate fractions. Catena 127, 26–31.

32.     Du Z., Wu W., Zhang Q., Guo Y., Meng F. 2014.Long-Term Manure Amendments Enhance Soil Aggregation and Carbon Saturation of Stable Pools in North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(10) 2276-2285.

33.     Du Z. Wang Y. Huang J. Lu N. Liu X. Lou Y. Zhang Q. 2014. Consecutive biochar application alters soil enzyme activities in the winter wheat growing season. Soil Science.179 (2), 75-83.

34.     Lu N., Liu X., Du Z. Wang Y., Zhang Q., 2014. The effect of biochar on soil respiration in the maize growing season after 5 years of consecutive application. Soil Research 52(5) 505-512.

35.     Du Z., Ren T., Hu C., Zhang Q., Blanco-canqui,H., 2013. Soil aggregate stability and aggregate-associated carbon under different tillage systems in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 122(11): 2114-2123.  

36.     Zhang, Q., X. Wang, Z Du, X. Liu and Y.D. Wang. 2013. Impact of biochar on nitrate accumulation in an alkaline soil. Soil Research 51: 521-528.

37.     Zhang, Q., Y. Wang, Y. Wu, X. Wang, Z. Du, X. Liu, et al. 2013. Effects of Biochar Amendment on Soil Thermal Conductivity, Reflectance, and Temperature. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77: 1478-1487.

38.     Liang, L., Lal, R., Du, Z., Wu, W., Meng, F., 2013. Estimation of nitrous oxide and methane emission from livestock of urban agriculture in Beijing. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 170, 28-35.

39.     Du Z., Ren T., and Hu C. 2010. Tillage and residue removal effects on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in the North China Plain. Soil Science Society of America Journal74, 196-202.

40.     Du Z., Liu S., Li K., and Ren, T. 2009. Soil organic carbon and physical quality as influenced by long-term application of crop residues and mineral fertilizer under a wheat-maize cropping system. Australian Journal of Soil Research47, 585-591.

41.     Du Z., Liu S., Xiao, X., Yang G., and Ren T.. 2009. Soil physical quality as influenced by long-term fertilizer management under an intensive cropping system.International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering2, 19-27.


1.        高奇奇, 张玮, 马立晓, 任图生, 张爱平, 李贵春, 胡正江, 杜章留*, 2021. 采样深度和计算方法影响保护性耕作土壤碳氮储量的评估结果. 中国农业气象 42, 1-12.

2.        马立晓, 李婧, 邹智超, 蔡岸冬, 张爱平, 李贵春, 杜章留*, 2021. 免耕和秸秆还田对我国土壤碳循环酶活性影响的荟萃分析. 中国农业科学. 54(9):1913-1925.

3.        潘波, 杜章留, 张庆忠, 李正, 刘迎, 姜蕾,林勇. 2016. 新型农药助剂在大蒜及土壤中的残留. 热带农业科学 36(7):87-92.

4.        杜章留,潘波,张庆忠,李正,刘迎,姜蕾,林勇. 2015. 农药助剂及其降解产物壬基酚在生姜及土壤中的残留检测. 农药, 54(5): 356-359.

5.        杜章留, 张庆忠,任图生.  2015. 农田土壤碳饱和机制研究进展. 土壤与作物. 4( 2) : 49-56.

6.        邸佳颖,刘小粉, 杜章留,肖小平, 杨光立, 任图生. 2014. 长期施肥对红壤性水稻土团聚体稳定性及固碳特征的影响. 中国生态农业学报. 22(10):1129-1138.

7.        杜章留, 任图生,胡春胜. 2013. 保护性耕作对太行山前平原热水解和酸解碳的影响.中国农业科学. 46(11), 2249-2256.

8.        杜章留, 高伟达, 陈素英, 胡春胜, 任图生. 2011.保护性耕作对太行山前平原土壤质量的影响.中国生态农业学报. 19 (5):1134-1142.

9.        梁龙, 杜章留, 吴文良, 孟凡乔. 2011.北京现代都市低碳农业的前景与策略. 中国人口资源与环境. 12 (2):130-136.

10.     孟凡乔, 况星, 张轩, 杜章留. 2009. 土地利用方式和栽培措施对农田土壤不同组分有机碳的影响. 农业环境科学学报. 28: 2512-2519.

11.     孟凡乔, 况星, 杜章留, 吴文良, 郭岩彬. 2010. 不同土地利用方式及栽培措施对土壤有机碳及13C值的影响. 环境科学. 31: 1733-1739.

12.     陈红霞, 杜章留, 郭伟, 张庆忠. 2011. 施用生物炭对华北平原农田土壤容重、阳离子交换量和颗粒有机质含量的影响. 应用生态学报. 22 (11): 2930-2934.

13.     张万杰, 李志芳,张庆忠, 杜章留,马铭烨, 王一丁. 2011生物质炭和矿质肥配施对菠菜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响. 农业环境科学学报30(10):1946-1952.

14.     黄剑, 张庆忠,杜章留, 王一丁. 2012. 施用生物炭对农田生态系统影响的研究进展. 中国农业气象 33(2):232-239.


1.        杜章留, 朱昌雄主编. 流域农业面源污染防控关键技术与示范. 中国水利水电出版社, 2022.

2.        杜章留, 朱昌雄主编. 2021.  流域农业面源污染防控技术体系与评价方法构建. 中国农业科学技术出版社, 2021.

3.        高霁, 杜章留, 张爱平. 主编. 土地利用变化与生物能源的模拟研究-基于气候变化综合评估视角. 科学出版社. 2018.

4.       张庆忠, 朱昌雄, 梅旭荣. 农村绿色生产生活技术面源污染防控技术手册. 中国农业出版社. 2020, 副主编.














  • 1、土壤生态学实验,2024-2025,第二学期,星期四,西校区
  • 2、土壤生态学实验,2023-2024,第二学期,星期五,西校区
  • 3、土壤生态学实验,2022-2023,第二学期,星期四,西校区
  • 4、土壤生态学实验,2021-2022,第二学期,星期二星期四,西校区

  • 1、农产品安全生产技术与应用,2024-2025,第一学期,星期四
  • 2、农田生态系统碳氮循环,2024-2025,第一学期,星期一
  • 3、农田生态系统碳氮循环,2023-2024,第一学期,星期一
  • 4、农田生态系统碳氮循环研究前沿,2022-2023,第一学期,星期四
  • 5、农田生态系统碳氮循环研究前沿,2021-2022,第一学期,星期一


  • 1、2024.04.26-2028.11.30,国家重点研发计划,黑土地土壤压实板结消减及水分养分扩容增效的免耕农作技术
  • 2、2022.03.14-2025.12.31,国家重点研发计划,环渤海盐碱耕地有机质快速提升、肥沃耕层构建与生 物强化关键技术研究
  • 1、2024.05.08-2027.05.31,事业单位委托科技项目,中国农业大学与莘县农业农村投资发展有限公司共建中国农业大学教授工作站合作协议
  • 2、2022.06.20-2022.12.31,国家重点研发计划,少免耕秸秆管理与土壤增碳技术模式构建
  • 3、2022.05.12-2022.12.31,企业单位委托科技项目,南方生态农场建设指导与评估
  • 4、2021.09.01-2025.09.20,企业单位委托科技项目,新型农用微生物菌和土壤调理剂研发与效果评价
  • 5、2021.04.08-2024.04.09,企业单位委托科技项目,中国农业大学资源与环境学院与根力多生物科技股份有限公司共建中国农业大学教授工作站
  • 7、2020.07.08-2021.04.01,国家科技重大专项,土壤和水体悬浮物中生物标志物测定
  • 8、2020.07.07-2021.04.01,国家自然科学基金项目,土壤和植物样品中碳氮含量测定


论文题目 刊物名称 收录类别 发表年月 第一作者或全部作者 第一作者单位 排名
Formation of soil organic carbon pool is regulated by the structure of dissolved organic matter and microbial carbon pump efficacy: A decadal study comparing different carbon management strategies Global Change Biology 2023 Chen, Y., Du, Z., Weng, Z., Sun, K., Zhang, Y., Liu, Q., Yang, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Luo, Y., Gao, B., Chen, B., Pan, Z., Van Zwieten, L.
Biochar application promotes crops yield through regulating root development and the community structure of root endophytic fungi in wheat-maize rotation Soil and Tillage Research 2023 Han, S., Li, H., Rengel, Z., Du, Z., Hu, N., Wang, Y., Zhang, A
Afforestation Alters the Molecular Composition of Soil Organic Matter in the Central Loess Plateau of China Forests 2023 Song, X., Guo, J., Wang, X., Du, Z., Ren, R., Lu, S., He, C.
Biochar more than stubble management affected carbon allocation and persistence in soil matrix: A nine-year temperate cropland trial Journal Soils Sediments 2023 Zhang, A., Wang, X., Fang, Y., Tavakkoli, E., Li, Y. , Wu, D., Du, Z
Decadal application of mineral fertilizers alters the molecular composition and origins of organic matter in particulate and mineral-associated fractions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2023 Zou, Z., Ma, L., Wang, X., Chen R, Jones, D., Bol., R., Wu, D., Du, Z.
Soil warming and nitrogen addition facilitates lignin and microbial residues accrual in temperate agroecosystems Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2022 Ma, L., Ju, Z., Fang, Y., Vancov, T., Gao, Q., Wu, D., Zhang, A., Wang, Y., Hu, C., Wu, W., Du, Z
Impacts of continuous biochar application on major carbon fractions in soil profile of North China Plain’s cropland: In comparison with straw incorporation Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2022 Lu, T., Wang, X., Du, Z., Wu, L.
Biochar enhances soil hydraulic function but not soil aggregation in a sandy loam European Journal of Soil Science 2019 Zhou H., Fang, F., Zhang, Q., Wang, Q., Chen C., Mooneye, S.J., Peng, X., Du, Z
Long-term nitrogen fertilization accelerates labile biomolecules decomposition and retains recalcitrant compounds in a temperate agroecosystem Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment SCI 2025 Wang, Xiao Zhu, Xiangming Fang, Yunying Vancov, Tony Zou, Zhichao Jin, Xiaoying Ma, Lixiao Wu, Di Du, Zhangliu China Agricultural University





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专业技术职务: 副教授



学位: 博士

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电子邮箱: dzl@cau.edu.cn, duzlsd@163.com

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