个人简介教育背景 1986.09-1990.07南京大学生物学系本科理学学士 1990.09-1993.07南京大学生物学系中国科学院上海植物生理研究所理学硕士 1997.01-2000.07 National University of Singapore 理学博士 工作履历 1993.07-1997.01 中国科学院上海植物生理研究所助理研究员 2000.07-2001.06 Institute of Molecular Agriculture(IMA)助理研究员 2001.06-2007.06 Cornell University 博士后和 Research Associate 2007.06-2008.01 Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, Senior Scientist 2008.01至今中国农业大学资源环境学院教授 学术兼职 Frontiers in Plant Science编辑 研究领域 1. 植物激素茉莉酸转运蛋白与生态互作 2. 植物近缘种间生殖隔离的分子机制 3. 中国野生草莓及树莓的生态和进化基因组学及在育种中的应用 4. 中国韭类植物的中蒜氨酸、大蒜素类含硫化合物多样性及其合成生物学 奖励与荣誉 教育部新世纪人才(2009) 教育部中国高校十大科技进展(2019) 主持项目 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目: 十字花科植物耦合种间花粉识别与自交不亲和途径的分子机制(2022-2025) 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 转运蛋白介导的亚细胞分布调控茉莉酸类植物激素的代谢及信号转导(2020-2023) 3.国家自然科学基金面上项目: 生长素和茉莉酸共受体的分子和功能进化(2015-2018) 4.科技部国家重大研究计划: 植物传粉与受精的分子调控网络(2013-2017) 5.国家自然科学基金面上项目: 拟南芥属姐妹种间的生殖隔离的分子机制及进化(2013-2016) 6.教育部基本科研业项目:生态与进化基因组学(2013) 7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: S域受体激酶(SRLK)基因家族在高等植物中的分子和功能进化(2011-2013) 8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 茉莉酮酸整合雄蕊发育和授粉生态的分子机制及其进化(2009-2011) 9. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划生态和进化基因组学(2009-2011) 10. 农业部国家转基因重大专项: 玉米水稻氮素养分高效重要功能基因和调控元件的克隆及其功能验证(2009-2010) 11. 教育部基础科研业务费团队培育项目: 农业生物多样性与生态系统调控(2009-2010) 12. 中国农业大学拔尖人才项目生态和进化基因组学(2008-2020) 学术成果 一、发表论文 2024年: Liu B, Li M, Qiu J, Xue J, Liu W, Cheng Q, Zhao H, Xue Y, Nasrallah M, Nasrallah J and Liu P* (2024) A pollen selection system links self and interspecific incompatibility in the Brassicaceae. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8, 1129–1139 2023年: 1.Luo C, Qiu J, Zhang Y, Li M and Liu P* (2023) Jasmonates coordinate secondary with primary metabolism. Metabolites 13, 1008. 2021年: 1. Li M, Yu G, Cao C and Liu P* (2021) Metabolism, signaling, and transport of jasmonates. Plant Communications, DOI: 10.1016/j.xplc.2021.100231. 2. Li M, Yu G, Ma J and Liu P* (2021) Interactions of importers in long-distance transmission of wound-induced jasmonate. Plant Signaling & Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2021.1886490. 2020年: Li M, Wang F, Li S, Yu G, Wang L, Li Q, Zhu X, Li Z, Yuan L and Liu P* (2020) Importers drive leaf-to-leaf transmission of jasmonic acid in wound induced systemic immunity. Molecular Plant 13, 1485-1498. (获Molecular Plant 亮点评述和资环学院2020年科研代表性成果) 2019年: 1. Wang F, Yu G and Liu P* (2019) Transporter-mediated subcellular distribution in the metabolism and signaling of jasmonates. Frontiers in Plant Science 10. 2. Zhong S, Liu M, Wang Z, Huang Q, Hou S, Xu Y, Ge Z, Song Z, Huang J, Qiu X, Shi Y, Xiao J, Liu P, Guo Y, Dong J, Dresselhaus T, Gu H and Qu L* (2019) Cysteine-rich peptides promote interspecific genetic isolation in Arabidopsis. Science 31, 364(6443) 2018年: Li L, Liu B, Deng X, Zhao H, Li H, Xing S, Fetzer D, Li M, Nasrallah M, Nasrallah J and Liu P* (2018) Evolution of interspecies unilateral incompatibility in the relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Ecology 27, 2742-2753. 2017年: Li Q, Zheng J, Li S, Huang G, Skilling S, Wang L, Li L, Li M, Yuan L and Liu P* (2017) Transporter-mediated nuclear entry of jasmonoyl-isoleucine is essential for jasmonate signaling. Molecular Plant 10, 695–708. (获Molecular Plant 焦点评述、被评为2017年优秀论文并获F1000推荐) 2016年: 1. Cao J, Li M, Chen J, Liu P and Li, Z* (2016) Effects of MeJA on Arabidopsis metabolome under endogenous JA deficiency. Scientific Reports 6, 37674. 2. Zheng H, Pan X, Deng Y, Wu H, Liu P and Li X* (2016) AtOPR3 specifically inhibits primary root growth in Arabidopsis under phosphate deficiency. Scientific Reports 6, 24778. 2013年: 1. Xing S, Li M and Liu P* (2013) Evolution of S-domain receptor like kinase in land plants and origination of S-locus receptor kinases in Brassicaceae. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 69-79. 2. Li S, Ma J and Liu P* (2013) OPR3 is expressed in phloem cells and is vital for lateral root development in Arabidopsis. Can. J. Plant Sci, 93, 165–170. 2013年以前: 1. Kitashiba H, Liu P, Nishio T, Nasrallah JB and Nasrallah ME (2011) Functional test of Brassica self-incompatibility modifiers in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108, 18173-18178. 2. Rea AC, Liu P, and Nasrallah JB (2010) A transgenic self-incompatible Arabidopsisthaliana model for evolutionary and mechanistic studies of crucifer self-incompatibility. J Exp Bot 61, 1897-1906. 3. Liu P, Sherman-Broyles S, Nasrallah ME, and Nasrallah JB (2007) A cryptic modifier causing transient self-incompatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Current Biology 17, 734-740. 4. Nasrallah JB, Liu P, Sherman-Broyles S, Schmidt R, Nasrallah ME (2007) Epigenetics mechanisms for breakdown of self-incompatibility in inter-specific hybrids. Genetics 175, 1965-1973. 5. Sherman-Broyles S, Boggs N, Farkas A, Liu P, Vrebalov J, Nasrallah ME and Nasrallah JB (2007) S-locus genes and the evolution of self-fertility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 19, 94-106. 6. Nasrallah ME, Liu P, Sherman-Broyles S, Boggs NA and Nasrallah JB (2004) Natural variation in expression of self-incompatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana: implications for the evolution of selfing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101, 16070-16074. 7. Pua EC, Chandramouli S, Han P and Liu P* (2003) Malate synthase gene expression during fruit ripening of Cavendish banana (Musa acuminata cv. Williams). J Exp Bot 54, 309-316. 8. Nasrallah ME*, Liu P, and Nasrallah JB (2002) Generation of self-incompatible Arabidopsis thaliana by transfer of two S locus genes from A. lyrata. Science 297, 247-249. 二、授权专利 刘培, 李天骄, 唐秀文;一种用于全基因组或跨基因组沉默的长双链RNA表达载体. 201210080027.7 教学科研概况社会职务活动动态研究领域1. 植物激素茉莉酸转运蛋白与生态互作 2. 植物近缘种间生殖隔离的分子机制 3. 中国野生草莓及树莓的生态和进化基因组学及在育种中的应用 4. 中国韭类植物的中蒜氨酸、大蒜素类含硫化合物多样性及其合成生物学 开授课程
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