个人简介黄越,博士、中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院副教授、博士生导师。中国食品工业协会理事,中国仪器仪表学会近红外分会理事,世界中餐业联合会工业化产业分会副秘书长,北京食品学会现代营养健康检测专委会委员,中国仪器仪表协会在线分析仪器分会专委会委员,北京市农业农村局评审专家。主要研究方向为食品加工过程质量监控、食品智能化无损检测研究、中餐工业化及感官评价标准化研究。 目前已发表SCI论文68篇,第一作者或通讯作者51篇。出版中英文专著 6 本,获得国际及国家发明专利 5 项,参与制定团体标准6项。担任《食品安全质量检测学报》、《分析测试学报》、《食品研究与开发》、Biomedical Analysis期刊青年编委、《食品科学与工程》期刊编委,担任Foods、Current Res in Med Chem期刊特约编辑。主持或参与科技项目 20 余项。曾获中国产业研究青年学者百强,中国仪器仪表学会科技进步奖,北京市青年优秀科技论文一等奖,北京市青年岗位能手,北京市通州区高端人才等奖项。 近5年发表的部分论文: Yizhi Shi, Hongjian Miao*, Shuang Zhou, Xiaojing Leng, Yongning Wu, Yue Huang*. Visualized analysis of microplastics in residents’ diets and regional investigation of China. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 945, 174166. Liang Yi, Hongjian Miao*, Yizhi Shi, Lei Zhu, Hong Zhang, Yongning Wu, Yue Huang*. Novel selection of recycled PET surrogates based on non-targeted screening of non-intentionally added substances and chemometrics. Microchemical Journal, 2024, 206, 111469. Ruoni Wang, Jiahui Song, Jiayi Liu, Zhongyang Ren, Changqing Zhu, Yue Yu, Zhanming Li*, Yue Huang*. The combination of near-infrared spectroscopy with chemometrics in achieving rapid and accurate determination of rice mildew. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2024, 18, 5437-5449. 董一童, 许润琦,黄越*,时逸之,曹慧娟,白龑昌.便携拉曼光谱快速无损定量检测酱料中山梨酸钾.食品安全质量检测学报, 2024, 15(4), 68-75. Rui Chen, Shaoqun Li, Huijuan Cao, Tongguang Xu, Yanchang Bai, Zhanming Li, Xiaojing Leng, Yue Huang*. Rapid quality evaluation and geographical origin recognition of ginger powder by portable NIRS in tandem with chemometrics. Food Chemistry, 2023, 438, 137931. Yizhi Shi, Liang Yi, Guorong Du, Xi Hu, Yue Huang*. Visual characterization of microplastics in corn flour by near field molecular spectral imaging and data mining. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 862, 160714. Runqi Xu, Shaoqun Li, Huijuan Cao, Yanchang Bai, Zi Jin, Yue Huang*. Rapid assessment of traditional Chinese condiment of chicken essence by portable NIRS and Raman modeling. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2023, 125, 105762. Hongbo Sun, Yue Huang, Yuying Chen, Xinnan Liu, Xiaojing Leng*. Effects of Curcumin, Phycocyanin, or Modified Lycopene Colorants on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Whey Protein–Cellulose Nanocrystal Packaging Films. Food Chemistry, 2023, 412, 135541. 杜国荣, 马莉, 马雁军, 刘德水, 史素娟, 矫海楠, 黄越*. 基于近红外光谱和K线图的烟丝总糖实时监测方法. 中国烟草学报, 2023, 29(5), 20-26. Rui Chen, Jianhua Mei, Guorong Du, Yizhi Shi, Yue Huang*. Convenient detection of white pepper adulteration by portable NIRS and spectral imaging with chemometrics. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 182, 107925. Zhong zhijian, Liu Xuhai, Luo Xiaorong, Zhu Yewei, Wang Shuai, Huang Yue*. Evaluation of coating uniformity for the digestion-aid tablets by portable near-infrared spectroscopy. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2022, 622, 121833-121833. Fangyuan Zhao, Guorong Du, Yue Huang*. Exploring the use of Near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool to predict quality attributes in prickly pear (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) with chemometrics variable strategy. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022, 105, 104225. Jianhua Mei, Fangyuan Zhao, Runqi Xu, Yue Huang*. A review on the application of spectroscopy to the condiments detection: from safety to authenticity. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022, 62(23), 6374-6389. 时逸之, 陈芮, 易靓, 胡西, 黄越*. 分子光谱成像对玉米粉中微塑料的深度无损表征. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2022, 13(17), 5534-5539. Qianqian Li, Yue Huang*, Jixiong Zhang, Shungeng Min. A fast determination of insecticide deltamethrin by spectral data fusion of UV-vis and NIR based on extreme learning machine. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021, 247, 119119. Xin-Ke Zhang, Yi-Bin Lan, Yue Huang, Xu Zhao, Chang-Qing Duan*. Targeted metabolomics of anthocyanin derivatives during prolonged wine aging: Evolution, color contribution and aging prediction. Food Chemistry, 2021, 339, 127795. Yue Huang*, Guorong Du, Yanjun Ma, Jun Zhou. Predicting heavy metals in dark sun-cured tobacco by near-infrared spectroscopy modeling based on the optimized variable selections. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 172: 114003. Jingjing Xia, Yue Huang, Qianqian Li, Yanmei Xiong, Shungeng Min*. Convolutional neural network with near infrared spectroscopy for plastic discrimination. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2021, 19, 3547-3555. Yangmin Huang, Yue Huang, Xiangzhong Song, Jingxian Gao, Yanmei Xiong, Shungeng Min*. Comparison of a novel PLS1-DA, traditional PLS2-DA and assigned PLS1-DA for classification by molecular spectroscopy. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2021, 209, 104225. Qianqian Li, Yue Huang*, Kuangda Tian. Optimal modeling pattern of variables selection on analog complex using UVE-PLS regression. IOP SciNotes, 2020, 1, 014201. Jingjing Xia, Yue Huang, Jixiong Zhang, Xiayu Du, Hong Yan, Qianqian Li, Yang Li, Yanmei Xiong, Shungeng Min*. Development of a chemometric methodology based on FTIR spectra for paper dating. Cellulose, 2020, 27, 5323-5335. Xiangzhong Song, Yue Huang*, Kuangda Tian, Shungeng Min. Near infrared spectral variable optimization by final complexity adapted models combined with uninformative variables elimination-a validation study. Optics, 2020, 203, 164019. Yang Li, Yue Huang, Jingjing Xia, Yanmei Xiong, Shungeng Min*. Quantitative analysis of honey adulteration by spectrum analysis combined with several high-level data fusion strategies. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2020, 108, 103060. Xiangzhong Song, Guorong Du, Qianqian Li, Guo Tang, Yue Huang*. Rapid spectral analysis of agro-products using an optimal strategy: dynamic backward interval PLS-competitive adaptive reweighted sampling. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 412, 2795-2804. Chunming Hao, Yue Huang*, Dengjun Ma, Xing Fan. Hydro-geochemistry evolution in Ordovician limestone water induced by mountainous coal mining: A case study from North China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2020, 17(3), 614-623. Qianqian Li, Yue Huang*, Xiangzhong Song, Jixiong Zhang, Shungeng Min*. Spectral interval optimization on rapid determination of prohibited addition in pesticide by ATR-FTIR. Pest Management Science, 2019, 75(6), 1743-1749. Qianqian Li, Yue Huang*, Xiangzhong Song, Jixiong Zhang, Shungeng Min. Spectral interval combination optimization (ICO) on rapid quality assessment of Solanaceae plant: a validation study. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2019, 56, 2158-2166. Chunming Hao, Yue Huang*, Peiyong He, Wei Sun. Isotope Drift Characteristics in Ordovician Limestone Karst Water Caused by Coal Mining in Northern China. Mine Water and Environment, 2019, 38, 507-516. Qianqian Li, Yue Huang*, Xiangzhong Song, Jixiong Zhang, Shungeng Min*. Moving window smoothing on the ensemble of competitive adaptive reweighted sampling algorithm. Spectrochimica Acta A, 2019, 214, 129-138. Hongjian Miao, Yue Huang*, Chao Ma, Jingguang Li. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of phthalate secondary metabolites in human serum based on solid-phase extraction. Journal of AOAC International, 2019, 102(1), 271-277. Qianqian Li, Yue Huang*, Kuangda Tian, Shungeng Min, Chunming Hao. Rapid quantification of analog complex using partial least squares regression on mass spectrum. Chemical Papers, 2019, 73, 1003-1012.
近5年发表的著作: 马明芳, 黄越. 现代食品分析检测技术. 云南科技出版社, 2023. 马爱进,马良,等. 食品法律法规与标准. 中国轻工业出版社, 2023. 冷小京,陈建设,等. 食品感官评价操作教程. 中国农业出版社, 2022. Xiaoli Chu, Yue Huang, Yonghuan Yun, Xihui Bian. Chemometric Methods in Analytical Spectroscopy Technology. Springer, 2022. Xiaoli Chu, Longhai Guo, Yue Huang, Hongfu Yuan. Sense the Real Change: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Springer, 2022. Larry Crenshaw, Yue Huang, Xiaoli Chu, et al. Chemometrics: Advances in Applications and Research. NOVA Science, 2022. 张波,袁辉,黄越. 食品安全检测技术与方法. 电子科技大学出版社, 2020. 近5年参与制订的标准: T/CBJ 2208-2024 白酒智能酿造过程质量监控通用要求; T/CBJ 2211-2024 白酒智能酿造投配料应用指南; T/CBJ 2213-2024 白酒智能酿造基酒分级入库红外光谱法应用指南; T/CECS 1491-2023 中央厨房设计标准; T/CIS 17006-2022 傅立叶变换近红外光谱仪通用技术规范
教学科研概况社会职务世界中餐业联合会工业化产业分会副秘书长, 中国食品工业协会理事, 中国仪器仪表学会近红外分会理事, 国家乡村振兴重点帮扶县科技特派员, 北京市科学技术协会产业特派员, 北京食品学会现代营养健康检测专委会委员, 中国仪器仪表协会在线分析仪器分会专委会委员, 中国农业大学科技小院首席专家, 北京市农业农村局评审专家, 《食品安全质量检测学报》青年编委, 《分析测试学报》青年编委, 《食品研究与开发》青年编委, Biomedical Analysis青年编委, 《食品科学与工程》编委 活动动态研究领域食品质量与安全检测, 食品加工在线传感分析, 食品智能化无损检测, 分子光谱图像解析, 食品感官评价标准化, 食品包装材料安全性, 烟草与卷烟质量评价 开授课程 本科生课程:近十年课程数据
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