个人简介梁俊毅,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国农业大学杰出人才,人才培育计划青年A,青年科学家创新团队负责人。 研究兴趣 陆地碳循环与气候变化 基于自然的气候解决方案 土壤生态学与生物地球化学 生态系统过程模型和数据-模型融合
教育背景 Ph.D., 生态学与进化生物学, 俄克拉荷马大学, 2016 M.S., 生态学, 中国科学院植物研究所, 2012 B.S., 草业科学, 中国农业大学, 2009
工作经历 2019 – 至今: 教授, 中国农业大学 2017 – 2019: 博士后, 橡树岭国家实验室
荣誉及奖励 2023: 国家林草局青年拔尖人才 2023: 中国农业大学优秀硕士论文指导教师
教学 本科生 2023 – 至今: 草原生态文明与可持续发展
研究生 2023 – 至今: 草地生态系统建模技术原理及应用 2020 – 至今: 草地土壤微生物生态学应用 2020 – 2022: 草业科学研究方法 论文与专著 (实验室成员; 通讯作者*) 专著章节 2. Liang, J., & Jiang, J. 2022. Application of Data Assimilation to Soil Incubation Data. In Y. Luo & B. Smith (Eds.), Land Carbon Cycle Modeling: Matrix Approach, Data Assimilation, & Ecological Forecasting (pp. 189-196): CRC Press. 1. Jiang, L., Jiang, J., Liang, J., et al. 2017. Frontiers of Ecosystem Modeling and Large-Scale Experiments. In A. Chabbi & H. W. Loescher (Eds.), Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 137-162): CRC Press.
代表性期刊论文 12. Ren, S., Huo, T., Wang, D., Liang, J.* 2024. Losses of native mineral-associated organic nitrogen through microbial mineralization and gaseous emissions induced by ammonium and nitrate addition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 193, 109420. 11. Huo, T., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Wei, B., Chen, K., Zhuang, M., Liu, N., Zhang, Y., Liang, J.* 2024. Temperate grassland vegetation restoration influenced by grazing exclusion and climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 912, 168842. 10. Chen, K., Huo, T., Zhang, Y., . . . Liang, J.* 2023. Response of Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition to Intensified Water Variability Co-Determined by the Microbial Community and Aggregate Changes in a Temperate Grassland Soil of Northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 176, 108875. 9. Zhang, Y. W., Zhang, Y. L., Huo, T., . . . Liang, J.* 2023. Vegetation Restoration Constrained by Nitrogen Availability in Temperate Grasslands in Northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16, rtac087. 8. Liang, J.*, Chen, K., Siqintana, et al. 2022. Towards Improved Modeling of SOC Decomposition: Soil Water Potential Beyond the Wilting Point. Global Change Biology, 28, 3665-3673. 7. Liang, J.*, Wang, G., Singh, S., . . . Mayes, M. A.* 2021. Intensified Soil Moisture Extremes Decrease Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition: A Mechanistic Modeling Analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126, e2021JG006392. 6. Liang, J.*, Wang, G.*, Ricciuto, D. M., et al. 2019. Evaluating the E3SM Land Model Version 0 (ELMv0) at a Temperate Forest Site Using Flux and Soil Water Measurements. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 1601-1612. 5. Liang, J.*, Zhou, Z. G., Huo, C. F., . . . Luo, Y. Q.* 2018. More Replenishment than Priming Loss of Soil Organic Carbon with Additional Carbon Input. Nature Communications, 9, 3175. 4. Liang, J.*, Xia, J. Y., Shi, Z., . . . Luo, Y. Q.* 2018. Biotic Responses Buffer Warming-Induced Soil Organic Carbon Loss in Arctic Tundra. Global Change Biology, 24, 4946-4959. 3. Liang, J.*, Qi, X., Souza, L., & Luo, Y.* 2016. Processes Regulating Progressive Nitrogen Limitation under Elevated Carbon Dioxide: A Meta-Analysis. Biogeosciences, 13, 2689-2699. 2. Liang, J.*, Li, D., Shi, Z., . . . Luo, Y.* 2015. Methods for Estimating Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Organic Matter Based on Incubation Data: A Comparative Evaluation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 80, 127-135. 1. Liang, J., Xia, J., Liu, L., & Wan, S.* 2013. Global Patterns of the Responses of Leaf-level Photosynthesis and Respiration in Terrestrial Plants to Experimental Warming. Journal of Plant Ecology, 6, 437-447. Other Publications 34. Sun, X., Yu, Y., Liang, J.* 2023. Effects of Grazing on Nutritional Quality of Natural Grassland Communities in Northern China:a Meta-analysis. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 31, 2843-2852. 33. Ma, S., Jiang, L., Wilson, R. M., Chanton, J., Niu, S., Iversen, C. M., Malhotra, A., Jiang, J., Huang, Y., Lu, X., Shi, Z., Tao, F., Liang, J., Ricciuto, D., Hanson, P. J., & Luo, Y. 2023. Thermal acclimation of plant photosynthesis and autotrophic respiration in a northern peatland. Environmental Research: Climate, 2, 025003. 32. Huo, C. F., Liang, J., Zhang, W. D., Wang, P., & Cheng, W. X. 2022. Priming effect and its regulating factors for fast and slow soil organic carbon pools: A meta-analysis. Pedosphere, 32, 140-148. 31. Jiang, L., Liang, J., Lu, X., Hou, E., Hoffman, F. M., & Luo, Y. 2021. Country-level land carbon sink and its causing components by the middle of the twenty-first century. Ecological Processes, 10, 1-13. 30. Jung, C. G., Du, Z., Hararuk, O., Xu, X., Liang, J., Zhou, X., Li, D., Jiang, L., & Luo, Y. 2021. Long-term measurements in a mixed-grass prairie reveal a change in soil organic carbon recalcitrance and its environmental sensitivity under warming. Oecologia, 197, 989–1002. 29. Singh, S., Jagadamma, S., Liang, J., Kivlin, S. N., Wood, J. D., Wang, G., Schadt, C. W., Dupont, J. I., Gowda, P., & Mayes, M. A. 2021. Differential organic carbon mineralization responses to soil moisture in three different soils orders under mixed forested system. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 223. 28. Zhou, J., Chen, S., Yan, L., Wang, J., Jiang, M., Liang, J., Zhang, X., & Xia, J. 2021. A Comparison of Linear Conventional and Nonlinear Microbial Models for Simulating Pulse Dynamics of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration in a Semi‐Arid Grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126, e2020JG006120. 27. He, Z., Deng, Y., Xu, M., Li, J., Liang, J., Xiong, J., Yu, H., Wu, B., Wu, L., Xue, K., Shi, S., Carrillo, Y., Van Nostrand, J. D., Hobbie, S. E., Reich, P. B., Schadt, C. W., Kent, A. D., Pendall, E., Wallenstein, M., Luo, Y., Yan, Q., & Zhou, J. 2020. Microbial functional genes commonly respond to elevated carbon dioxide. Environment International, 144, 106068. 26. Jian, S., Li, J., Wang, G., Kluber, L. A., Schadt, C. W., Liang, J., & Mayes, M. A. 2020. Multi-year incubation experiments boost confidence in model projections of long-term soil carbon dynamics. Nature Communications, 11, 5864. 25. Liu, X. P., Liang, J., & Gu, L. H. 2020. Photosynthetic and environmental regulations of the dynamics of soil respiration in a forest ecosystem revealed by analyses of decadal time series. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 282, 107863. 24. Jung, C. G., Xu, X., Niu, S. L., Liang, J., Chen, X. C., Shi, Z., Jiang, L. F., & Luo, Y. Q. 2019. Experimental warming amplified opposite impacts of drought vs. wet extremes on ecosystem carbon cycle in a tallgrass prairie. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 276, 107635. 23. Stuble, K. L., Ma, S., Liang, J., Luo, Y. Q., Classen, A. T., & Souza, L. 2019. Long-term impacts of warming drive decomposition and accelerate the turnover of labile, not recalcitrant, carbon. Ecosphere, 10, e02715. 22. Wang, J., Xia, J. Y., Zhou, X. H., Huang, K., Zhou, J., Huang, Y. Y., Jiang, L. F., Xu, X., Liang, J., Wang, Y. P., Cheng, X. L., & Luo, Y. Q. 2019. Evaluating the simulated mean soil carbon transit times by Earth system models using observations. Biogeosciences, 16, 917-926. 21. Du, L., Mikle, N., Zou, Z. H., Huang, Y. Y., Shi, Z., Jiang, L. F., McCarthy, H. R., Liang, J., & Luo, Y. Q. 2018. Global patterns of extreme drought-induced loss in land primary production: Identifying ecological extremes from rain-use efficiency. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 611-620. 20. Li, Z., Xia, J. Y., Ahlstrom, A., Rinke, A., Koven, C., Hayes, D. J., Ji, D. Y., Zhang, G. L., Krinner, G., Chen, G. S., Cheng, W. Y., Dong, J. W., Liang, J., Moore, J. C., Jiang, L. F., Yan, L. M., Ciais, P., Peng, S. S., Wang, Y. P., Xiao, X. M., Shi, Z., McGuire, A. D., & Luo, Y. Q. 2018. Non-uniform seasonal warming regulates vegetation greening and atmospheric CO2 amplification over northern lands. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 124008. 19. Liu, W. J., Chen, S. Y., Liang, J., Qin, X., Kang, S. C., Ren, J. W., & Qin, D. H. 2018. The effect of decreasing permafrost stability on ecosystem carbon in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Scientific Reports, 8. 18. Zhou, S., Liang, J., Lu, X. J., Li, Q. Y., Jiang, L. F., Zhang, Y., Schwalm, C. R., Fisher, J. B., Tjiputra, J., Sitch, S., Ahlström, A., Huntzinger, D. N., Huang, Y. F., Wang, G. Q., & Luo, Y. Q. 2018. Sources of Uncertainty in Modeled Land Carbon Storage within and across Three MIPs: Diagnosis with Three New Techniques. Journal of Climate, 31, 2833-2851. 17. Chen, J., Luo, Y. Q., Xia, J. Y., Wilcox, K. R., Cao, J. J., Zhou, X. H., Jiang, L. F., Niu, S. L., Estera, K. Y., Huang, R. J., Wu, F., Hu, T. F., Liang, J., Shi, Z., Guo, J. F., & Wang, R. W. 2017. Warming Effects on Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes Are Modulated by Plant Functional Types. Ecosystems, 20, 515-526. 16. Feng, W. T., Liang, J., Hale, L. E., Jung, C. G., Chen, J., Zhou, J. Z., Xu, M. G., Yuan, M. T., Wu, L. Y., Bracho, R., Pegoraro, E., Schuur, E. A. G., & Luo, Y. Q. 2017. Enhanced decomposition of stable soil organic carbon and microbial catabolic potentials by long-term field warming. Global Change Biology, 23, 4765-4776. 15. Jiang, L., Shi, Z., Xia, J., Liang, J., Lu, X., Wang, Y., & Luo, Y. 2017. Transient Traceability Analysis of Land Carbon Storage Dynamics: Procedures and Its Application to Two Forest Ecosystems. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9, 2822-2835. 14. Luo, Y. Q., Shi, Z., Lu, X. J., Xia, J. Y., Liang, J., Jiang, J., Wang, Y., Smith, M. J., Jiang, L. F., Ahlström, A., Chen, B., Hararuk, O., Hastings, A., Hoffman, F., Medlyn, B., Niu, S. L., Rasmussen, M., Todd-Brown, K., & Wang, Y. P. 2017. Transient dynamics of terrestrial carbon storage: mathematical foundation and its applications. Biogeosciences, 14, 145-161. 13. Wilcox, K. R., Shi, Z., Gherardi, L. A., Lemoine, N. P., Koerner, S. E., Hoover, D. L., Bork, E., Byrne, K. M., Cahill, J., Collins, S. L., Evans, S., Gilgen, A. K., Holub, P., Jiang, L., Knapp, A. K., LeCain, D., Liang, J., Garcia-Palacios, P., Penuelas, J., Pockman, W. T., Smith, M. D., Sun, S., White, S. R., Yahdjian, L., Zhu, K., & Luo, Y. Q. 2017. Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to precipitation extremes: A synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments. Global Change Biology, 23, 4376-4385. 12. Xia, J. Y., McGuire, A. D., Lawrence, D., Burke, E., Chen, G. S., Chen, X. D., Delire, C., Koven, C., MacDougall, A., Peng, S. S., Rinke, A., Saito, K., Zhang, W. X., Alkama, R., Bohn, T. J., Ciais, P., Decharme, B., Gouttevin, I., Hajima, T., Hayes, D. J., Huang, K., Ji, D. Y., Krinner, G., Lettenmaier, D. P., Miller, P. A., Moore, J. C., Smith, B., Sueyoshi, T., Shi, Z., Yan, L. M., Liang, J., Jiang, L. F., Zhang, Q., & Luo, Y. Q. 2017. Terrestrial ecosystem model performance in simulating productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in the northern permafrost region. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 122, 430-446. 11. Chen, L. Y., Liang, J., Qin, S. Q., Liu, L., Fang, K., Xu, Y. P., Ding, J. Z., Li, F., Luo, Y. Q., & Yang, Y. H. 2016. Determinants of carbon release from the active layer and permafrost deposits on the Tibetan Plateau. Nature Communications, 7, 13046. 10. Feng, W. T., Shi, Z., Jiang, J., Xia, J. Y., Liang, J., Zhou, J. Z., & Luo, Y. Q. 2016. Methodological uncertainty in estimating carbon turnover times of soil fractions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 100, 118-124. 9. Hu, J., Zhou, J., Zhou, G., Luo, Y., Xu, X., Li, P., & Liang, J. 2016. Improving Estimations of Spatial Distribution of Soil Respiration Using the Bayesian Maximum Entropy Algorithm and Soil Temperature as Auxiliary Data. PloS one, 11, e0146589. 8. Luo, Y., Ahlström, A., Allison, S. D., Batjes, N. H., Brovkin, V., Carvalhais, N., Chappell, A., Ciais, P., Davidson, E. A., Finzi, A., Georgiou, K., Guenet, B., Hararuk, O., Harden, J. W., He, Y., Hopkins, F., Jiang, L., Koven, C., Jackson, R. B., Jones, C. D., Lara, M. J., Liang, J., McGuire, A. D., Parton, W., Peng, C., Randerson, J. T., Salazar, A., Sierra, C. A., Smith, M. J., Tian, H., Todd-Brown, K. E. O., Torn, M., van Groenigen, K. J., Wang, Y. P., West, T. O., Wei, Y., Wieder, W. R., Xia, J., Xu, X., Xu, X., & Zhou, T. 2016. Toward more realistic projections of soil carbon dynamics by Earth system models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30, 40-56. 7. Shi, Z., Xu, X., Souza, L., Wilcox, K., Jiang, L. F., Liang, J., Xia, J. Y., Garcia-Palacios, P., & Luo, Y. Q. 2016. Dual mechanisms regulate ecosystem stability under decade-long warming and hay harvest. Nature Communications, 7, 11973. 6. Xu, X., Shi, Z., Li, D., Rey, A., Ruan, H., Craine, J. M., Liang, J., Zhou, J., & Luo, Y. 2016. Soil properties control decomposition of soil organic carbon: Results from data-assimilation analysis. Geoderma, 262, 235-242. 5. Chen, J., Luo, Y., Xia, J., Jiang, L., Zhou, X., Lu, M., Liang, J., Shi, Z., Shelton, S., & Cao, J. 2015. Stronger warming effects on microbial abundances in colder regions. Scientific Reports, 5, 18032. 4. Shi, Z., Sherry, R., Xu, X., Hararuk, O., Souza, L., Jiang, L. F., Xia, J. Y., Liang, J., & Luo, Y. Q. 2015a. Evidence for long-term shift in plant community composition under decadal experimental warming. Journal of Ecology, 103, 1131-1140. 3. Shi, Z., Xu, X., Hararuk, O., Jiang, L., Xia, J., Liang, J., Li, D., & Luo, Y. 2015b. Experimental warming altered rates of carbon processes, allocation, and carbon storage in a tallgrass prairie. Ecosphere, 6, 210. 2. Xu, Y., Zhang, J., Franklin, S. B., Liang, J., Ding, P., Luo, Y., Lu, Z., Bao, D., & Jiang, M. 2015. Improving allometry models to estimate the above- and belowground biomass of subtropical forest, China. Ecosphere, 6, 289. 1. Liang, J., Xia, J. Y., Liu, L. L., & Wan, S. Q. 2015. Testing for temperature acclimation of plant carbon exchange: a comment on 'Global patterns of the responses of leaf-level photosynthesis and respiration in terrestrial plants to experimental warming' by Liang et al. Response. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8, 335-335. 教学科研概况社会职务活动动态研究领域开授课程
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