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个人简介基本概况: 毛旭,中国农业大学优秀人才引进,机械工程系副教授,研究生导师,于2018年在美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)获得机械工程博士学位。2019年至2021年,在美国东北大学(Northeastern University)机械与工业工程系从事博士后研究工作,于2021年作为优秀人才加入中国农业大学工学院机械工程系,开展微波谷物含水率检测、多模态感知与成像、无损检测技术、人工智能、农业装备智能测控等相关研究工作。 研究方向: 他的主要研究方向为:现代农业、数字农业等关键方法和技术。 学术贡献: 回国3 年内主持科研项目5项,其中包括主持国家级自然科学基金青年基金1项(基于微波断层扫描成像的堆积谷物内部水分分布在线检测方法研究,在研)、国家重点研发计划子课题1项(马铃薯液压驱动播种机智能控制系统研发,在研),省部级科研项目2项(1)大型智能高效联合收获机智能感知与控制技术研究,结题;2)大型智能高效联合收获机谷物流量产量在线监测技术研究,在研)、现代农业装备与技术协同创新中心项目1项(基于视觉和微波三维成像多模态融合的入仓粮食水分分布检测方法研究,在研);参与科研项目若干。 国际合作方面,作为主要完成人参与美国能源部项目1项(结题)、美国空军项目1项(结题)、国际科技合作推进计划项目1项(面向农业产量智能预测的图像分割识别和数据融合预测技术研究,立项)。作为报告人参与2024年第九届丝绸之路农业教育科技创新联盟年会。 近5年内发表SCI/EI论文20篇。JCR 2区以上论文10篇(Q1 4篇),EI论文5篇。在高水平国际会议报告4次。申请/授权专利13项,授权软件著作权14项。 担任中国农业机械学会人工智能分会委员、中国农业机械学会CSAM高级会员、IEEE会员、ASME会员、AGU会员等。 Basic Info:Xu Mao, Specialization in Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Vice dean. He received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Harbin Engineering University, Heilongjiang, China, in 2011, the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA, in 2018. From 2019 to 2021, he was a postdoctoral researcher in SICA-Lab (Supervisor: Jose A. Martinez-Lorenzo) with the Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA, and completed postdoctoral work on thermoacoustic imaging of fluid flow and transport in geological media, and acoustic imaging for sound localization. Research Interests: (1) Intelligent measurement and control of agricultural equipment; (2) Non-destructive inspection and measurement; (3) Microwave sensing and imaging instrument. Academic Contributions: He is introduced of an outstanding talent and an associate professor with China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. Now, he is the vice dean of College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Shihezi University. Have hosted 5 projects since 2021, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, ongoing), the project of National Key R&D Program (ongoing), the project of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology (ongoing), and horizontal projects. In terms of international cooperation, within the past five years, he participated in the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Geoscience Program as the second leader (3.5 million yuan) and carried out research on multimodal sensing and imaging methods; he participated in the U.S. Air Force (U.S. AF) Program as the group leader (4.8 million yuan) and proposed an optimization method for acoustic sensing based on the theory of compressed sensing and the interferometry method. He is also a core member of an international cooperation project with Kangwon National University for working on agricultural image segmentation and yield prediction. Published 20 SCI/EI papers in the last 5 years. 10 SCI papers in JCR Q1 or JCR Q2 and 5 EI papers. Reported 3 times in high-level international conferences. Applied for/authorized 11 patents, authorized 14 software copyrights. Member of Artificial Intelligence Branch of Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, Senior Member of CSAM, Member of IEEE, Member of ASME, Member of AGU, Reviewer of MAMS, JVTSD, IMECE. Serve as a member of the Artificial Intelligence Branch of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery. Serve as an external expert of Jiangsu Changfa Agricultural Equipment Technology Center. 当前研究工作一: 当前研究工作二: http://faculty.cau.edu.cn/TCard/7gCSrHgi2OWqDiZ3C2Rd+A== 教学科研概况社会职务中国农业机械学会人工智能分会委员会委员 中国农业机械学会(CSAM)高级会员 电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)会员 国际机械工程协会(ASME)会员 美国地球物理学会(AGU)会员 包含Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures、Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics、International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition、Agriculture等学术期刊的独立审稿人。 活动动态研究领域多模态传感与成像 微波谷物含水率检测 无损检测技术 农业装备智能测控 开授课程
荣誉及奖励招生信息欢迎机械工程(ME)、计算机(CE)、电气电子(EE)、仪器与自动化系统、无线电、雷达、农业工程、机械电子等相关专业优秀本科毕业生报名;英语水平良好、具有科研经验的优先录取。 博士:机械电子工程(探测与成像算法、反演算法开发、深度学习、探测系统开发等方向,1名); 学硕:机械电子工程(智能传感与成像技术、人工智能、深度学习等方向,1名); 专硕:机械(本部预计1名+烟台预计1名)。 往期招生硕士研究生
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