个人简介申建波,教授、国家杰青。现任中国农业大学国家农业绿色发展研究院副院长,中国植物营养学会理事、中国土壤学会土壤与植物营养专业委员会主任。主要从事磷资源高效利用、植物根际营养与调控、绿色智能肥料创制、农业绿色发展等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家支撑计划课题、参加国家自然基金重大项目、创新群体、农业部948及重大国际合作等项目,在Trends in Plant Science、Plant Physiology、New Phytologist、Plant and Soil等发表文章150余篇,H指数55。2005获国家自然科学二等奖、2008年获国家科技进步二等奖,出版《植物营养研究方法》国家规划精品教材、《中国农业绿色发展理论与实践》等著作,任Food and Energy Security编委。2019-2023入选科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”。 教学科研概况社会职务中国土壤学会副秘书长( 2016-2020 ) 中国土壤学会土壤-植物营养专业委员会主任 ( 2016-至今 ) 中国植物营养与肥料学会理事会理事 ( 2016-至今),根际营养专业委员会主任(2023-至今) 英国《Food and Energy Security》编委 全球磷研究所科学委员会委员Members of the Global Phosphorus Institute’s (GPI) Science Committee(2022-至今) 《我们磷的未来》国际科学咨询委员会委员Scientific Advisory Committee to the “Our Phosphorus Future”at www.opfglobal.com, ©UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 2022.W.J. Brownlie, M.A. Sutton, K.V. Heal, D.S. Reay, B.M. Spears (eds.), (2022) Our Phosphorus Future. UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17834.08645 活动动态研究领域根际营养与磷资源高效利用: 1.植物根际过程与调控机制 2.根分泌物的营养机理 3.排根形成机制与有机酸分泌功能 4.根系/根际/根层养分调控技术 5.磷资源可持续利用与粮食安全 6.基于根际原理的绿色智能肥料 7.农业绿色发展战略与路径 开授课程
论文2023年: 1. Zhao X, Lyu Y, Dong QQ, He XY, Yue H, Tao L, Gong LD, Zheng HX, Wen SJ, Lambers H, Shen JB*. 2023. Biomass partitioning and ionomics of Macadamia with high manganese and low phosphorus concentrations. Functional Plant Biology doi:10.1071/FP22197 2. Zhang Kai, Rengel Z, Zhang F, White PJ, Shen Jianbo*. 2023. Rhizosphere engineering for sustainable crop production: entropy-based insights. Trends in Plant Science 25: 1194-1202. ( IF5y=23.116) 3. Wen ZH, Pang JY*, Wang X, Gille CE, Borda Axel De, Hayes PE, Clode PL, Ryan MH, Siddique KHM, Shen JB*, Lambers H. 2023. Differences in foliar phosphorus fractions, rather than in cell-specific phosphorus allocation, underlie contrasting photosynthetic phosphorus use efficiency among chickpea genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botanyhttps://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac519. ( IF5y=8.331) 2022年: 1. Wu XB, Li HB, Rengel Z, Whalley WR, Li HG, Zhang FS, Shen JB, Jin KM*. 2022. Localized nutrient supply can facilitate root proliferation and increase nitrogen-use efficiency in compacted soil. Soil & Tillage Research 215, 105198. ( IF5y=7.829) 2. Wen ZH, White PJ, Shen JB*, Lambers Hans. 2022. Linking root exudation to belowground economic traits for resource acquisition. New Phytologist. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17854. ( IF5y=10.768) 3. Wang LY, Rengel Z, Zhang K, Jin KM, Lyu Y, Zhang L, Cheng LY, Zhang FS, Shen JB. 2022. Ensuring future food security and resource sustainability: insights into the rhizosphere. iScience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104168 4. Jing JY, Gao W, Cheng LY, Wang X, Duan FY, Yuan LX, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Li HG, Cahill JF Jr, Shen JB*. 2022. Harnessing root-foraging capacity to improve nutrient-use efficiency for sustainable maize production. Field Crops Research 279 108462. 5. Xiong CY, Li XQ, Wang X, Wang JX, Lambers H, Vance CP, Shen JB*, Cheng LY*. 2022. Flavonoids are involved in phosphorus-deficiency-induced cluster-root formation in white lupin. Annals of Botany 129:101-112. https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcab131, (IF5y=5.351) 6. Song DL, Dai XL, Guo TF, Cui JW, Zhou W, Huang SM, Shen JB, Liang GQ, He P, Wang XB, Zhang SQ. 2022. Organic amendment regulates soil microbial biomass and activity in wheat-maize and wheat-soybean rotation systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 333 107974. (IF5y=7.089) 7. 张福锁,申建波,危常州,马文奇,张卫峰,黄成东,吕阳,张林,鲁振亚,营浩,程凌云,江荣风,屈凌波,侯翠红,王辛龙,修学峰,马航. 绿色智能肥料:从原理创新到产业化实现[J]. 土壤学报,2022, DOI: 10.11766/trxb202203290145 2021年: 1. Zhou JC, Jiao XQ, Ma Lin, Vries de W, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2021. Model-based analysis of phosphorus flows in the food chain at county level in China and options for reducing the losses towards green development. Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117768. (IF5y=10.366) 2. Wen Zhihui, Pang Jiayin*, Ryan Megan H, Shen Jianbo*, Siddique Kadambot HM, Lambers Hans. 2021. In addition to foliar manganese concentration, both iron and zinc provide proxies for rhizosheath carboxylates in chickpea under low phosphorus supply. Plant and Soil, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-04988-9. (IF5y=5.440) 3. Jin Kemo *, Li Hongbo, Li Xiaoqing, Li Haigang, Dodd Ian C, Belimov Andrey A, Davies William J, Shen Jianbo*. Rhizosphere bacteria containing ACC deaminase decrease root ethylene emission and improve maize root growth with localized nutrient supply. Food and Energy Security, https://doi.org/10.1002/fes3.278. (IF5y=6.487) 4. Zhao Xin, Lyu Yang, Jin Kemo, Lambers Hans, Shen Jianbo*. 2021. Leaf Phosphorus Concentration Regulates the Development of Cluster Roots and Exudation of Carboxylates in Macadamia integrifolia. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.610591. (IF5y=7.255) 5. Barrett CB*, Fanzo J, Herrero M, Mason-D’Croz D, Mathys A, Thornton P, Wood S, Benton TG, Fan SG, Lawson-Lartego L, Nelson R, Shen JB, Sibanda LM. 2021. COVID-19 pandemic lessons for agri-food systems innovation. Environmental Research Letters 16, 101001. (IF5y=8.414) 6. 申建波,白洋,韦中,储成才,袁力行,张林,崔振岭,丛汶峰,张福锁. 2021. 根际生命共同体:协调资源、环境和粮食安全的学术思路与交叉创新.土壤学报. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1119.P.20210225.1503.006.html 2020年: 1. Wang X, Whalley R, Miller AJ, White PJ, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2020 Sustainable cropping requires adaptation to a heterogeneous rhizosphere. Trends in Plant Science 25: 1194-1202. ( IF5y=23.116) 2. Wang X, Feng JJ, White PJ, Shen JB*, Cheng LY*. 2020. Heterogeneous phosphate supply influences maize lateral root proliferation by regulating auxin redistribution. Annals of Botany 125: 119-130. ( IF5y=5.351) 3. Zhang DS, Lyu Y, Li HB, Tang XY, HU R, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Whalley WR, Davies WJ, Cahill Jr JF, Shen JB*. 2020. Neighbouring plants modify maize root foraging for phosphorus: coupling nutrients and neighbours for improved nutrient-use efficiency. New Phytologist 226: 244-253. ( IF5y=10.768) 4. Wang X, Shen JB*, Hedden P, Phillips AL, Thomas SG, Ge YX, Ashton RW, Whalley WR*. 2021. Wheat growth responses to soil mechanical impedance are dependent on phosphorus supply. Soil & Tillage Research 205: 104754. (IF5y=7.829) 5. Wang LY, Hou BC, Zhang DS, Lyu Y*, Zhang K, Li HG, Rengel Z, Shen JB*. 2020. The niche complementarity driven by rhizosphere interactions enhances phosphorus-use efficiency in maize/alfalfa mixture. Food and Energy Security in press. https://doi.org/10.1002/fes3.252 (IF5y=6.487) 6. Wen ZH, Pang JY*, Tueux G, Liu Y, Shen JB*, Ryan MH, Lambers H, Siddique KH. 2020. Contrasting patterns in biomass allocation, root morphology and mycorrhizal symbiosis for phosphorus acquisition among 20 chickpea genotypes with different amounts of rhizosheath carboxylates. Functional Ecology 34: 1311-1324. (IF5y=6.609) 7. Li DX, Wei J, Peng ZP, Ma WN, Yang Q, Song ZB, Sun W, Yang W, Yuan L, Xu XD, Chang W, Rengel Z, Shen JB, Reiter RJ, Cui XM, Yu DS, Chen Q* 2020. Daily rhythms of phytomelaton in signaling modulate diurnal stomatal closure via regulating reactive oxygen species dynamics in Arabidopsis. Journal of Pineal Research 68:e12640. (IF5y=13.746) 8. Ma QH*, Sun LF, Tian H, Rengel Z, Shen JB. 2020. Deep banding of phosphorus and nitrogen enhances Rosa multiflora growth and nutrient accumulation by improving root spatial distribution. Scientia Horticulturae. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2020.109800 (IF5y=4.342) 9. Wang JX, Pan WB, Nikiforov A, King W, Hong WT, Li WW, Han Y, Patton–Vogt J, Shen JB, Cheng LY*. 2020. Identification of two glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase genes in maize leaf phosphorus remobilization. Crop Journal in press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2020.05.004 (IF5y=5.781) 10. Davies WJ, Shen JB*. 2020. Reducing the environmental footprint of food and farming with Agriculture Green Development. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 7: 1-4. 11. Shen JB, Zhu QC, Jiao XQ, Ying H, Wang HL, Wen X, Xu W, Li TY, Cong WF, Liu XJ, Hou Y, Cui ZL, Oenema O, Davies WJ, Zhang FS*. 2020. Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 7: 5-13. 2019年: 1. Wen ZH, Li HB, Shen Qi, Tang XM, Xiong CY, Li HG, Pang JY, Ryan MH, Lambers H, Shen JB. 2019. Tradeoffs among root morphology, exudation and mycorrhizal symbioses for phosphorus-acquisition strategies of 16 crop species. New Phytologist223: 882–895. ( IF5y=10.768) 2. Li Hongbo, Zhang Deshan, Wang Xinxin, Li Haigang, Rengel Zed, Shen Jianbo. 2019. Competition between Zea mays genotypes with different root morphological and physiological traits is dependent on phosphorus forms and supply patterns. Plant and Soil434:125–137. ( IF5y=5.440) 3. Li Hongbo, Wang Xin, Brooker RW, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Davies WJ, Shen JB*. 2019. Root competition resulting from spatial variation in nutrient distribution elicits decreasing maize yield at high planting density. Plant and Soil 439: 219–232 ( IF5y=5.440) 4. Zhao Xin, Dong Qianqian, Ni Shubang, He Xiyong, Yue Hai, Tao Liang, Nie Yanli, Tang Caixian, Zhang Fusuo, Shen Jianbo. 2019. Rhizosphere processes and nutrient management for improving nutrient-use efficiency in macadamia production. HortScience 54(4): 603–608. (SCI, IF=1.921) 5. Hao Tianxiang, Zhu Qichao, Zeng Mufan, Shen Jianbo, Shi Xiaojun, Liu Xuejun, Zhang Fusuo, de Vries Wim. 2019. Quantification of the contribution of nitrogen fertilization and crop harvesting to soil acidification in a wheat-maize double cropping system. Plant and Soil 434: 167–184. ( IF5y=5.440) 6. Zhang DS, Li, HB, Fu ZS, Cai SM, Xu SX, Zhu HT, Shen JB. 2019. Increased planting density of Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus) weakens phosphorus uptake advantage by rapeseed (Brassica napus) in a mixed cropping system. AOB PLANTS DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plz033. ( IF5y=3.472) 2018年: 1. Li Hongbo, Wang Xin, Brooker RW, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Davies WJ, Shen Jianbo. 2018. Root competition resulting from spatial variation in nutrient distribution elicits decreasing maize yield at high planting density. Plant and Soil https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3812-5. ( IF5y=5.440) 2. Zhu Qichao, de Vries Wim, Liu Xuejun, Hao Tianxiang, Zeng Mufan, Shen Jianbo, Zhang Fusuo. 2018. Enhanced acidification in Chinese croplands as derived from element budgets in the period 1980–2010. Science of the Total Environment 618: 1497-1505. ( IF5y=10.237) 3. Wang S, Yang LS, Su MM, Ma X, Sun YC, Yang M, Zhao PS, Shen JB, Zhang FS, Goulding K, Shi XJ, Liu XJ. 2018. Increasing the agricultural, environmental and economic benefits of farming based on suitable crop rotations and optimum fertilizer applications.Field Crops Research 240: 78–85. ( IF5y=7.234) 4. Shen Jianbo, Zhang Fusuo, Siddique KHM. 2018. Sustainable Resource Use in Enhancing Agricultural Development in China. Engineering 4, 588–589. ( IF5y=12.817) 5. Jiao X, He G, Cui Z, Shen J, Zhang F. 2018. Agri-environment policy for grain production in China: towards sustainable intensification. China Agriculture Economic Review 10: 78-92. (SCI, IF=0.58) 6. 赵鑫,蔡慢弟,董倩倩,李云驹,申建波. 2018. 中低品位磷矿资源高效利用机制与途径研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报 2018, 24(4): 1121–1130 2017年: 1. Li XQ, Wilkinson S, Shen JB, Forde BG, Davies WJ. 2017. Stomatal and growth responses to hydraulic and chemical changes induced by progressive soil drying. Journal of Experimental Botany (in press) ( IF5y=8.331) 2. Zeng MF, de Vries W, Bonten LTC, Zhu Q, Hao TX, Liu XJ, Xu MG, Shi XJ, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2017. Model-based analysis of the long-term effects of fertilization management on cropland soil acidification. Environmental Science & Technology DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05491. ( IF5y=12.154) 3. Wen ZH, Li HG, Shen JB, Rengel Z. 2017. Maize responds to low shoot P concentration by altering root morphology rather than increasing root exudation. Plant Soil DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3214-0. ( IF5y=5.440) 4. Jin K, White PJ, Whalley WR, Shen JB, Shi L. 2017. Shaping an Optimal Soil by Root–Soil Interaction. Trends Plan Sci http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2017.07.008. ( IF5y=23.116) 5. 王昕,李海港,程凌云,王宝兰,申建波*. 2017. 磷与水分互作的根土界面效应及其高效利用机制研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报23(4):1054–1064. 6. 张德闪,李洪波,申建波*. 2017. 集约化互作体系植物根高效获取土壤养分的策略与机制. 植物营养与肥料学报(待刊). 2016年: 1. Lyu Y,Tang HL,Li HB,Zhang FS,Rengel Z,Whalley WR,Shen JB. 2016*. Major Crop Species Show Differential Balance between Root Morphological and Physiological Responses to Variable Phosphorus Supply. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12.21,7. (IF5y=7.255) 2. Zhu XG, Parry M, Lu YL, Heard M, Ying GG, Vaughan S, Shen JB, Jenkins A, Wang YP, Lacorte S, Ouyang TP, Salcedo FP, Niu J, Quinton J, Luo CL, Zhang FS, Zhang G, Davies W, Jones K, Tyfield D. 2016. Building the New International Science of the Agri-Food-Water-Environment Nexus in China and the World. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 12,11, 7p. e01249 (IF5y=4.971) 3. Zhu Qichao, De Vries Wim, Liu Xuejun, Zeng Mufan, Hao Tianxiang, Du Enzai, Zhang Fusuo, Shen Jianbo. 2016. The contribution of atmospheric deposition and forest harvesting to forest soil acidification in China since 1980. Atmospheric Environment 146: 215-222. (IF5y=6.027) 4. MacDonald GK, Jarvie HP, Withers PJA, Doody DG, Keeler BL, Haygarth PM, Johnson LT, McDowell RW, Miyittah M K, Powers SM, Sharpley A N, Shen JB, Smith DR, Weintraub MN, Zhang TQ. 2016. Guiding phosphorus stewardship for multiple ecosystem services. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2 (12) :1-12. (IF5y=4.971) 5. Zhang WF, Cao GX, Li XL, Zhang HY, Wang C, Liu QQ, Chen XP, Cui ZL, Shen JB, Jiang RF, Mi GH, Miao YX, Zhang FS, Dou ZX. 2016. Closing yield gaps in China by empowering smallholder farmers. Nature http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nature19368. (IF5y=63.581) 6. Jiao XQ, Lyu Y, Wu XB, Li HG, Cheng LY, Zhang CC, Yuan LX, Jiang RF, Jiang BW, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Davies WJ, Shen JB*. 2016. Grain production versus resource and environmental costs: towards increasing sustainability of nutrient use in China. Journal of Experimental Botanydoi:10.1093/jxb/erw282. (IF5y=8.331) 7. Li HB, Wang X, Rengel Z, Ma QH, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2016. Root over-production in heterogeneous nutrient environment has no negative effects on Zea mays shoot growth in the field. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-016-2963-5. ( IF5y=5.440) 8. Gao W, Hodgkinson L, Jin K, Watts CW, R.W. Ashton, J. Shen, T. Ren, I.C. Dodd, A. Binley, A.L. Phillips, P. Hedden, M. J., Hawkesford, W.R. Whalley. 2016. Deep roots and soil structure. Plant, Cell and Environment. doi: 10.1111/pce.12684. ( IF5y=8.452) 9. Powers SM, Bruulsema TW, Burt TP, Chan NI, Elser JJ, Haygarth PM, Howden NJK, Jarvie HP, Lyu Yang, Peterson HM, Sharpley AN, Shen JB, Worrall F and Zhang FS. 2016. Long-term accumulation and transport of anthropogenic phosphorus in three river basins. Nature Geoscience 9 (5): 353-356. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2693. ( IF5y=20.478) 10. Zhang DS, Zhang CC, Tang XY, Li HG, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Whalley WR, Davies WJ, Shen JB. 2016. Increased soil P availability induced by faba bean root exudation stimulates root growth and P uptake in neighbouring maize. New Phytologist 209: 823–831.( IF5y=10.768) 11. Li CJ, Dong Y, Li HG, Shen JB, Zhang FS. 2016. Shift from complementarity to facilitation on P uptake by intercropped wheat neighboring with faba bean when available soil P is depleted. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep18663. ( IF5y=5.516) 2015年: 1. Jiao XQ, Li HG, Rengel Z, Zhang FS. 2015. Dynamic growth pattern and exploitation of soil residual P by Brassica campestris throughout growth cycle on a calcareous soil. Field Crops Research 180:110–117.( IF5y=7.234) 2. Ma QH, Wang X, Li HB, Li HG, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen JB. 2015. Comparing localized application of different N fertilizer species on maize grain yield and agronomic N-use efficiency on a calcareous soil. Field Crops Research 180, 72–79.( IF5y=7.234) 3. Jin K, Shen J, Ashton RW, White RP, Dodd IC, Phillips AL, Parry MAJ, Whalley WR. 2015. The effect of impedance to root growth on plant architecture in wheat. Plant and Soil 392: 323–332. ( IF5y=5.440) 4. Jin KM, Shen J, Ashton RW, White RP, Dodd IC, Parry MAJ, Whalley WR. 2015. Wheat root growth responses to horizontal stratification of fertiliser in a water-limited environment. Plant and Soil 386:77–88. ( IF5y=5.440) 5. Li HG, Liu J, Li GH, Shen JB, Bergström L, Zhang FS. 2015. Past, present, and future use of phosphorus in Chinese agriculture and its influence on phosphorus losses. AMBIO 44(Suppl. 2):S274–S285, DOI 10.1007/s13280-015-0633-0. ( IF5y=7.194) 6. Li GH, Li HG, Leffelaar PA, Shen JB, Zhang FS. 2015. Dynamics of phosphorus fractions in the rhizosphere of fababean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) grown in calcareous and acid soils. Crop and Pasture Science 66: 1151-1160. ( IF5y=2.541) 7. Rowe H, Withers PJA, Baas P, Chan NI, Doody D, Holiman J, Jacobs B, Li HG, MacDonald GK, McDowell R, Sharpley AN, Shen JB, Taheri W, Wallenstein M, Weintraub MN. 2016. Integrating legacy soil phosphorus into sustainable nutrient management strategies for future food, bioenergy and water security. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 104:393–412, DOI 10.1007/s10705-015-9726-1. ( IF5y=4.504) 8. Yuan HM, Blackwell M, McGrath S, George TS, Granger SH, Hawkins JMB, Dunham S, Shen JB. 2016. Morphological responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots to phosphorus supply in two contrasting soils. The Journal of Agricultural Science 154, 98–108 doi:10.1017/S0021859615000702. ( IF5y=3.152) 9. Wen ZH, Shen JB, Blackwell M, Li HG, Zhao BQ, Yuan HM. 2015. Synergy effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers with manure on maize yield and nutrient uptake via stimulating root growth in a long-term experiment. Pedosphere, accepted. ( IF5y=6.039) 10. Wang ZR, Shen JB, Ludewig U, Neumann G. 2015. A re-assessment of sucrose signaling involved in cluster root formation and function in phosphate-deficient white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Physiologia Plantarum 154: 407-419. ( IF5y=5.120) 11. Wang ZR, Rahman ABM, Wang GY, Ludewig U, Shen JB, Neumann G. 2015. Hormonal interactions during cluster-root development in phosphate-deficient white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Journal of plant physiology 177: 74–82. ( IF5y=4.352) 2014年: 1. Wang ZR, Straub D, Yang HY, Kania A, Shen JB, Ludewig U, Neumann G. 2014. The regulatory network of cluster-root function and development in phosphate-deficient white lupin (Lupinus albus) identified by transcriptome sequencing. Physiologia Plantarum 151:323-338. ( IF5y=5.120) 2. Li CJ, Dong Y, Li HG, Shen JB, Zhang FS. 2014. The dynamic process of interspecific interactions of competitive nitrogen capture between intercropped wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.). PLOSone DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0115804. ( IF5y=4.069) 3. Brooker RW, Bennett AE, Cong WF, Daniell TJ, George TS, Hallett PD, Hawes C, Iannetta PPM, Jones HG, Karley AJ, Li L, McKenzie BM, Pakeman RJ, Paterson E, Schöb C, Shen JB, Squire G, Watson CA, Zhang CC, Zhang FS, Zhang JL, White PJ. 2014. Improving intercropping: a synthesis of research in agronomy, plant physiology and ecology. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.13132. ( IF5y=10.768) 4. Haygarth PM, Jarvie HP, Powers ST, Sharpley AN, Elser JJ, Shen JB, Peterson HM, Chan NL, Howden NJK, Burt T, Worrall F, Zhang F, Liu X. 2014. Sustainable phosphorus management and the need for a long-term perspective: The legacy hypothesis. Environmental Science & Technology 48:8417-8419. ( IF5y=12.154) 5. Li GH, Li HG, Leffelaar PA, Shen JB, Zhang F. 2014. Characterization of Phosphorus in Animal Manures Collected from Three (Dairy, Swine, and Broiler) Farms in China. PLOSone doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074617. ( IF5y=4.069) 6. Cheng L, Tang XY, Vance CP, White PJ, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2014. Interactions between light intensity and phosphorus nutrition affect the phosphate-mining capacity of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 2995-3003. (IF5y=8.331) 7. Ma QH, Wang X, Li HB, Li HG, Cheng LY, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen JB*. 2014. Localized application of NH4+-N plus P enhances zinc and iron accumulation in maize via modifying root traits and rhizosphere processes. Field Crops Research 164(0): 107-116. ( IF5y=7.234) 8. Li HB, Ma QH, Li HG, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen JB*. 2014. Root morphological responses to localized nutrient supply differ among crop species with contrasting root traits. Plant and Soil 376:151–163. ( IF5y=5.440) 10. Liu ZJ, Zhou W, Shen J, Li ST, He P, Liang GQ. 2014. Soil quality assessment of Albic soils with different productivities for eastern China. Soil & Tillage Research 140: 74-81. ( IF5y=7.829) 11. Liu ZJ, Zhou W, Shen JB, Li ST, Liang GQ, Wang XB, Sun JW, Chao A. 2014. Soil Quality Assessment of Acid Sulfate Paddy Soils with Different Productivities in Guangdong Province, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 13: 177-186. ( IF5y=4.021) 12. Liu ZJ, Zhou W, Shen JB. 2014. Soil quality assessment of yellow clayey paddy soils with different productivity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50: 537-548. ( IF5y=7.116) 13. Liu ZJ, Zhou W, Shen JB, He P, Lei QL, Liang GQ. 2014. A simple assessment on spatial variability of rice yield and selected soil chemical properties of paddy fields in South China. Geoderma 235–236:39–47. ( IF5y=7.444) 2013年: 1. Bai ZH, Li HG, Yang XY, Zhou BK, Shi XJ, Wang BR, Li DC, Shen JB, Chen Q, Qin W, Oenema O, Zhang FS. 2013. The critical soil P levels for crop yield, soil fertility and environmental safety in different soil types. Plant and Soil 372:27–37. ( IF5y=5.440) 2. Ma QH, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen J. 2013. Localized application of NH4+-N plus P at the seedling and later growth stages enhances nutrient uptake and maize yield by inducing lateral root proliferation. Plant and Soil 372:65–80. ( IF5y=5.440) 3. Ma QH, Tang HL, Rengel Z, Shen J. 2013. Banding phosphorus and ammonium enhances nutrient uptake by maize via modifying root spatial distribution. Crop & Pasture Science, 2013, 64, 965–975. 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