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尹小刚专业技术职务: 教授 行政职务: 学位: 博士 联系电话: 电子邮箱: xiaogangyin@cau.edu.cn |
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个人简介尹小刚博士,教授,博士生导师,中国农业大学优秀人才引进,兼任中国农学会耕作制度分会秘书长。长期从事耕作学相关的教学科研工作,近年来主要围绕绿色种植制度与智慧化生产开展科学研究,并取得了实质性进展。以第一或通讯作者在Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Agricultural Systems, European Journal of Agronomy, Field Crops Research, Geoderma和作物学报等农学领域高水平期刊发表研究论文30余篇。以主要作者主编出版学术著作6部、其中2部在FAO官方出版,以主要完成人获省部级一等奖2项。先后主持十四五国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金、国家重点研发计划项目任务、全球环境基金项目专题等项目课题10多项。入选欧盟玛丽居里AgreenSkills+ Fellowship和中国科协第五届青年人才托举工程。受邀担任Frontiers in Soil Science杂志副主编、Farming Systems和Carbon Footprints编委。
一、近年来主持的主要科研项目1. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,粮食主产区绿色种植制度评估方法学创建与应用,2023-2026,项目负责人 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,氮肥减施对豆茬冬小麦土壤氮吸收的影响及其微生物学机制,2024-2027,项目负责人 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄淮海农作区鼓粒期高温胁迫对夏大豆产量形成的影响机理及调控对策研究,2021-2024,项目负责人 4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,冬小麦-夏花生种植系统生物固氮效应及氮素优化利用研究,2019-2021,项目负责人 5. 欧盟玛丽居里AgreenSkills+ Fellowship,Modelling root turnover and SOC storage with STICS,2017-2019,项目负责人 6. 第五届中国科协青年人才托举工程项目,2019-2021,项目负责人 7. 国家重点研发计划,粮食作物丰产增效资源配置机理与种植模式优化, 2018-2021,任务负责人 8. 全球环境基金项目专题,中国气候智慧型农业发展战略与政策研究,2019-2020,专题负责人 9. 全球环境基金项目专题,农田固碳减排技术试验示范,2024-2026,专题负责人 10. 省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室主任基金揭榜挂帅项目,北方旱区典型轮作系统丰产高效减排的调控技术及协同机制,2024-2026,项目负责人
二、主要学术论文1. Yang, Y., Zou, J., Feng, B., Hu, S., Qiao, B., Huang, W., Zhang, L., Zheng, H., Harrison, M.T., Liu, K., Wen, X., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2025. Long-term N fertilization increases water use and use-efficiency of winter wheat. Field Crops Research 325, 109808. 2. Shen, S., Feng, B., Zhang, D., Zou, J., Yang, Y., Rees, R.M., Topp, C.F.E., Hu, S., Qiao, B., Huang, W., Sun, H., Zhou, S., Wen, X., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2025. Optimizing N applications increases maize yield and reduces environmental costs in a 12-year wheat-maize system. Field Crops Research 322, 109741. 3. Wen, X., Lu, J., Zou, J., Whalen, J.K., Lei, S., Harrison, M.T., Rees, R.M., Topp, C.F.E., Song, Z., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2025. Maize genotypes foster distinctive bacterial and fungal communities in the rhizosphere. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 382, 109505. 4. Zhang, D., Shen, S., Bai, Z., Harrison, M.T., Liu, K., Rees, R.M., Topp, C.F.E., Zou, J., Yang, Y., Song, Z., Chen, H*., Yin, X*., 2025. Optimizing N rate in wheat-maize rotation to match long-term and inter-seasonal N turnover for high yield and sustainability using STICS. Field Crops Research 322, 109718. 5. Shi, S., Zhou, S., Lei, Y., Harrison, M.t., Liu, K., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2024. Burgeoning food demand outpaces sustainable water supply in China. Agricultural Water Management 301, 108936. 6. Yang, Y., Zou, J., Huang, W., Olesen, J.E., Li, W., Rees, R.M., Harrison, M.T., Feng, B., Feng, Y., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2024. Drivers of soybean-based rotations synergistically increase crop productivity and reduce GHG emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 372, 109904. 7. Zheng, H., Zhang, L., Sun, H., Zheng, A., Harrison, M.T., Li, W., Zou, J., Zhang, D., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2024. Optimal sowing time to adapt soybean production to global warming with different cultivars in the Huanghuaihai Farming Region of China. Field Crops Research 312, 109386. 8. Zhang, L., Zheng, H., Li, W., Olesen, J.E., Harrison, M.T., Bai, Z., Zou, J., Zheng, A., Bernacchi, C., Xu, X., Peng, B., Liu, K., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2023. Genetic progress battles climate variability: drivers of soybean yield gains in China from 2006 to 2020. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43, 50. 9. Huang, W., Yang, Y., Zheng, H., Olesen, J.E., Rees, R.M., Zou, J., Zhang, L., Hu, S., Qiao, B., Wang, X., Shen, S., Yang, B., Bai, Z., Zheng, A., Li, W., Song, Z., Wen, X., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2023. Excessive N applications reduces yield and biological N fixation of summer-peanut in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research 302, 109021. 10. Hu, S., Qiao, B., Yang, Y., Rees, R.M., Huang, W., Zou, J., Zhang, L., Zheng, H., Liu, S., Shen, S., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2023. Optimizing nitrogen rates for synergistically achieving high yield and high nitrogen use efficiency with low environmental risks in wheat production – Evidences from a long-term experiment in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy 142, 126681. 11. Yang, Y., Ti, J., Zou, J., Wu, Y., Rees, R.M., Harrison, M.T., Li, W., Huang, W., Hu, S., Liu, K., Wen, X., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2023. Optimizing crop rotation increases soil carbon and reduces GHG emissions without sacrificing yields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 342, 108220. 12. Yang, Y., Zou, J., Huang, W., Manevski, K., Olesen, J.E., Rees, R.M., Hu, S., Li, W., Kersebaum, K.C., Louarn, G., Ferchaud, F., Si, J., Xiong, S., Wen, X., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2022. Farm-scale practical strategies to increase nitrogen use efficiency and reduce nitrogen footprint in crop production across the North China Plain. Field Crops Research 283, 108526. 13. Zou, J., Yang, Y., Shi, S., Li, W., Zhao, X., Huang, J., Zhang, H., Liu, K., Harrison, M.T., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2022. Farm-scale practical strategies to reduce carbon footprint and emergy while increasing economic benefits in crop production in the North China plain. Journal of Cleaner Production 359, 131996. 14. Feng, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, S., Wang, C., Yin, X*., Chu, Q*., Chen, F., 2020. Sustainable options for reducing carbon inputs and improving the eco-efficiency of smallholder wheat-maize cropping systems in the Huanghuaihai Farming Region of China. Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118887. 15. Yin, X*., Beaudoin, N*., Ferchaud, F., Mary, B., Strullu, L., Chlébowski, F., Clivot, H., Herre, C., Duval, J., Louarn, G., 2020a. Long-term modelling of soil N mineralization and N fate using STICS in a 34-year crop rotation experiment. Geoderma 357, 113956. 16. Yin, X*., Kersebaum, K.C., Beaudoin, N., Constantin, J., Chen, F., Louarn, G., Manevski, K., Hoffmann, M., Kollas, C., Armas-Herrera, C.M., Baby, S., Bindi, M., Dibari, C., Ferchaud, F., Ferrise, R., de Cortazar-Atauri, I.G., Launay, M., Mary, B., Moriondo, M., Öztürk, I., Ruget, F., Sharif, B., Wachter-Ripoche, D., Olesen, J.E., 2020b. Uncertainties in simulating N uptake, net N mineralization, soil mineral N and N leaching in European crop rotations using process-based models. Field Crops Research 255, 107863. 17. Yin, X*., Kersebaum, K.C., Kollas, C., Manevski, K., Baby, S., Beaudoin, N., Öztürk, I., Gaiser, T., Wu, L., Hoffmann, M., Charfeddine, M., Conradt, T., Constantin, J., Ewert, F., de Cortazar-Atauri, I.G., Giglio, L., Hlavinka, P., Hoffmann, H., Launay, M., Louarn, G., Manderscheid, R., Mary, B., Mirschel, W., Nendel, C., Pacholski, A., Palosuo, T., Ripoche-Wachter, D., P. Rötter, R., Ruget, F., Sharif, B., Trnka, M., Ventrella, D., Weigel, H.-J., E. Olesen, J.E., 2017. Performance of process-based models for simulation of grain N in crop rotations across Europe. Agricultural Systems 154, 63-77. 18. Yin, X., Kersebaum, K.C., Kollas, C., Baby, S., Beaudoin, N., Manevski, K., Palosuo, T., Nendel, C., Wu, L., Hoffmann, M., Hoffmann, H., Sharif, B., Armas-Herrera, C.M., Bindi, M., Charfeddine, M., Conradt, T., Constantin, J., Ewert, F., Ferrise, R., Gaiser, T., de Cortazar-Atauri, I.G., Giglio, L., Hlavinka, P., Lana, M., Launay, M., Louarn, G., Manderscheid, R., Mary, B., Mirschel, W., Moriondo, M., Öztürk, I., Pacholski, A., Ripoche-Wachter, D., Rötter, R.P., Ruget, F., Trnka, M., Ventrella, D., Weigel, H.-J., Olesen, J.E*., 2017. Multi-model uncertainty analysis in predicting grain N for crop rotations in Europe. European Journal of Agronomy 84, 152-165. 19. Yin, X.,Olesen, J.E., Wang, M., Öztürk, I., Zhang, H., Chen, F*., 2016. Impacts and adaptation of the cropping systems to climate change in the Northeast Farming Region of China. European Journal of Agronomy 78, 60-72. 20. Yin, X., Olesen, J.E., Wang, M., Kersebaum, K.C., Chen, H., Baby, S., Öztürk, I., Chen, F*., 2016. Adapting maize production to drought in the Northeast Farming Region of China. European Journal of Agronomy 77, 47-58. 21. Yin, X.,Jabloun, M., Olesen, J.E., Öztürk, I., Wang, M., Chen, F*., 2016. Effects of climatic factors, drought risk and irrigation requirement on maize yield in the Northeast Farming Region of China. The Journal of Agricultural Science 154, 1171-1189. 22. Yin, X.,Olesen, J.E., Wang, M., Öztürk, I., Chen, F*., 2016. Climate effects on crop yield in the Northeast Farming Region of China during 1961 to 2010. The Journal of Agricultural Science 154, 1190-1208. 23. Yin, X#., Song, Z#., Shi, S., Bai, Z., Jiang, Y., Zheng, A., Huang, W., Chen, N., Chen, F*., 2024. Developments and prospects of multiple cropping in China. Farming System 2, 10083. 24. Bai, Z., Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Harrison, M.T., Liu, K., Song, Z., Chen, F., Yin, X*., 2024. Challenges and strategies in estimating soil organic carbon for multi-cropping systems: a review. Carbon Footprints 3, 19. 25. 白智媛, 陈向阳, 郑阿香, 张力, 邹军, 张大同, 陈阜, 尹小刚*. 1991—2019 年美国大豆区试品种(系)农艺和品质性状时空变化特征.作物学报,2023, 49(1): 177-187. 26. 胡忆雨, 邹军, 吴尧, 王小慧, 杨雨豪, 陈阜, 尹小刚*. 全球禾-豆生产系统作物多样性变化特征及其影响. 中国农业大学学报, 2021, 26(8) : 09-22. 27. 尹小刚,陈阜*. 1961-2017年全球大豆生产时空变化. 世界农业, 2019, 487, 65-71. 28. 胡忆雨, 朱颖璇, 杨雨豪, 邹军, 陈阜, 尹小刚*. 1951-2015年中国主要粮食与油料作物种植结构变化分析. 中国农业大学学报, 2019, 24(11): 183-196. 29. 邹军, 朱颖璇, 杨雨豪, 刘文胜, 胡忆雨, 陈阜, 尹小刚*. 1981-2015年华北地区种植结构演变及其驱动机制分析. 中国农业大学学报, 2019, 24(12): 23-32. 30. 尹小刚, 王猛, 孔箐锌, 王占彪, 张海林, 褚庆全, 文新亚, 陈阜*. 东北地区高温对玉米生产的影响及对策. 应用生态学报, 2015, 26(1), 186-198. 31. 尹小刚, 刘武仁, 郑红兵, 张海林, 褚庆全, 文新亚, 殷鹏飞, 陈阜*. 松辽平原中部地区应对气候干旱变化的土壤耕作技术. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(22), 123-131.
三、学术著作1. Fu Chen, Xiaogang Yin, Shangchuan Jiang. Climate-Smart Agriculture in China-From Policy to Investment. FAO Investment Centre Country Highlights No. 20. Rome, FAO. 2023.3.ISBN 978-92-5-136927-2 2. 陈阜, 尹小刚,姜上川. 中国气候智慧型农业: 从政策到投资. 粮农组织投资中心国别投资要闻第20号, 罗马, 粮农组织. 2023.3. ISBN 978-92-5-137207-4 3. Bo Li, Xiaogang Yin, Quanhui Wang, Fu Chen, Weijian Zhang. Theories and Modes of Climate Smart Agriculture. China Agriculture Press, 2020.12. ISBN 978-7-109-27593-5 4. 陈阜, 姜雨林, 尹小刚, 褚庆全. 中国耕作制度发展与新区划. 中国农业出版社, 2021.5. ISBN978-7-109-28120-2. 5. 陈阜, 吴晓春, 王全辉, 张卫建, 尹小刚. 气候智慧型农业的理论与模式. 中国农业出版社, 2020.12. ISBN 978-7-109-27592-8. 6. 陈阜, 褚庆全, 王小慧, 尹小刚.近30年我国主要农作物生产格局演变. 中国农业大学出版社, 2021.5. ISBN 978-7-5655-2566-7. 7. 陈阜, 张海林. 耕作学. 中国农业出版社, 2021.6. ISBN 978-7-109-28461-6. (参编) 8. 李保云, 张海林.农学专业实验指导, 2020.7. ISBN 978-7-5655-2400-4. (参编)
教学科研概况社会职务学术兼职 中国农学会理事 中国农学会耕作制度分会秘书长 中国仿真学会农业建模与仿真专业委员会委员 Frontiers in Soil Science副主编 Farming System 编委 Carbon Footprints 编委 期刊审稿 Nature Food Global Change Biology Environment International Communications Earth & Environment Field Crops Research Agricultural Systems European Journal of Agronomy Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Agricultural Water Management Geoderma Journal of Cleaner Production Journal of Environmental Management Journal of Integrative Agriculture Land Degradation & Development Crop Science Agronomy Journal Food and Energy Security Frontiers in Plant Science Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Remote Sensing Scientific Reports Global Ecology and Conservation Journal of Arid Environments Archives of agronomy and Soil Science Agronomy Farming System Carbon footprints ...... 活动动态研究领域绿色种植制度与智慧化生产 气候智慧型农业理论探索与模式构建 粮豆轮作周年丰产高效协同机制与精准调控 耦合无人机遥感监测与模型模拟的智慧农作技术创建 开授课程
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