

专业技术职务: 教授


主要研究方向: 绿色种植制度

学位: 博士


电子邮箱: zanghuadong@cau.edu.cn

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  • 部门: 农学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 主要研究方向: 绿色种植制度
  • 毕业院校: 德国哥廷根大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: zanghuadong@cau.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 西校区农学楼
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区圆明园西路2号
  • 邮编: 100193
  • 传真:


  • 学术学位导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型: 硕导
  • 从事学科1: 作物学
  • 从事学科2:
  • 从事专业1: 作物栽培学与耕作学
  • 从事专业2:
  • 研究方向1: 农作制度
  • 研究方向2: 农田生态
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 农艺与种业


  • 2014.10.06-2018.05.18,农学博士学位,德国哥廷根大学,农学
  • 2012.09.01-2014.07.01,农学硕士学位,中国农业大学,作物栽培学与耕作学
  • 2007.09.01-2011.07.01,农学学士学位,中国农业大学,农学


臧华栋,中国农业大学农学院教授,博士生导师。博士毕业于德国哥廷根大学,英国班戈大学博士后。2018年中国农业大学优秀人才引进,入选国家级青年人才、第六届中国科协青年人才托举工程和神农中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队。主要研究方向为种植制度与耕地保护,结合区域数据整合、稳定同位素示踪、微生物学等研究手段、重点关注生态高效种植制度构建与优化、农田地力培肥、作物-土壤-微生物互作等。应用13C14C15N18O等多种同位素标记技术探索农田生态系统碳氮循环与微生物机制,涉及耕作制度、养分管理和气候变化等领域。共发表SCI论文100余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Resources, Conservation & RecyclingSoil Biology & BiochemistryEuropean Journal of Agronomy等发表SCI论文30余篇。受邀担任农林一区SCI期刊Land Degradation & Development领域副主编、Frontiers in AgronomyFrontiers in Soil Science审稿编辑、中国工程院期刊Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering和土壤通报青年编委。





















  • 国家级青年人才(2023)

  • 唐氏康奈尔-中国学者(2023)

  • 校级优秀硕士论文指导老师,中国农业大学(2022

  • 中国农业大学现代农作制创新团队”,神农中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队(2020-2021

  • 精准扶贫-乡村振兴”专项人才培养模式创新与实践,全国农业专业学位研究生实践教学成果一等奖(2021

  • 面向新农科大学生创新创业素养教育的核心通识课程体系建设与实践,中国农业大学教学成果一等奖(2021

  • 第六届中国科协青年人才托举工程(2020

  • 博士毕业论文和答辩获德国‘Summa Cum Laude’荣誉(2018


以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature CommunicationsResources, Conservation & RecyclingSoil Biology & Biochemistry6篇)、European Journal of Agronomy等发表SCI论文30余篇。参编国家级教材2部。


  • Zhao J, Chen J, Beillouin D, Lambers H, Yang Y, Smith P, Zeng Z*, Olesen J, Zang H*. 2022. Global systematic review with meta-analysis reveals yield advantage of legume-based rotations and its drivers. Nature Communications 13, 4926.

  • Zhou J, Jia R, Brown RW, Yang Y, Zeng Z, Jones DL, Zang H*. 2022. The long-term uncertainty of biodegradable mulch film residues and associated microplastics pollution on plant-soil health. Journal of Hazardous Materials 442: 130055.

  • Zhou J, Guillaume T, Wen Y, Blagodatskaya E, Shahbaz M, Zeng Z, Peixoto L, Zang H*, Kuzyakov Y. 2022. Frequent carbon input primes decomposition of decadal soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 175: 108850.

  • Jia R, Zhou J, Chu J, Shahbaz M, Yang Y, Jones D, Zang H*, Razavi B, Zeng Z. 2022. Insights into the associations between soil quality and ecosystem multifunctionality driven by fertilization management: A case study from the North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production 362: 132265.

  • Chu J, Zhou J, Wang Y, Jones DL, Ge J, Yang Y, Brown RW, Zang H*, Zeng Z. 2022. Field application of biodegradable microplastics has no significant effect on plant and soil health in the short term. Environmental Pollution 120556. 

  • Wang X, Jia R, Zhao J, Yang Y, Zang H*, Zeng Z, Olesen J. 2022. Quantifying water footprint of winter wheat – summer maize cropping system under manure application and limited irrigation: An integrated approach. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 183: 106375.

  • Jia R, Zhou J, Chu J, Shahbaz M, Yang Y, Jones D, Zang H*, Razavi B, Zeng Z. 2022. Insights into the associations between soil quality and ecosystem multifunctionality driven by fertilization management: A case study from the North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production 362: 132265.

  • Nayab G, Zhou J, Jia R, Lv Y, Yang Y, Brown R, Zang H*, Jones D, Zeng Z. 2022. Climate warming masks the negative effect of microplastics on plant-soil health in a silt loam soil. Geoderma 425: 116083

  • Qian X, Zhou J, Luo B, Dai H, Hu Y, Ren C, Peixoto L, Guo L, Wang C, Zamanian K, Zhao B, Zang H*, Zeng Z. 2022. Yield advantage and carbon footprint of oat/sunflower relay strip intercropping depending on nitrogen fertilization. Plant and Soil DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05661-5

  • Zhou J, Wen Y, Cheng H, Zang H*, Jones D. 2022. Simazine degradation in agroecosystems: Will it be affected by the type and amount of microplastic pollution? Land Degradation & Development https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4243

  • Yan Z, Zhou J, Yang L, Gunina A, Yang Y, Peixoto L, Zeng Z, Zang H*, Kuzyakov Y. 2022. Diversified cropping systems benefit soil carbon and nitrogen stocks by increasing aggregate stability: Results of three fractionation methods. Science of The Total Environment 824: 153878.

  • Zhang K, Wang X, Li Y, Zhao J, Yang Y, Zang H, Zeng Z. 2022. Peanut residue incorporation benefits crop yield, nitrogen yield, and water use efficiency of summer peanut – winter wheat systems. Field Crops Research 279: 108463.


  • Yan Z, Zhou J, Nie J, Yang Y, Zhao J, Zeng Z, Marshall M, Peixoto L, Zang H*. 2021. Do cropping system and fertilization rate change water-stable aggregates associated carbon and nitrogen storage? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 65862-65871.

  • Zhou J, Wen Y, Marshall M, Zhao J, Gui H, Yang Y, Zeng Z, Jones D, Zang H*. 2021. Microplastics as an emerging threat to plant and soil health in agroecosystems. Science of The Total Environment 787: 147444.

  • Zhou J, Wen Y, Shi L, Marshall M, Kuzyakov Y, Blagodatskaya E, Zang H*. 2021. Strong priming of soil organic matter induced by frequent input of labile carbon. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 152: 107872.

  • Zhou J, Gui H, Banfield C, Wen Y, Zang H*, Dippold M, Charlton A, Jones D, 2021. The microplastisphere: biodegradable microplastics addition alters soil microbial community structure and function. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 156: 108211.

  • Zhao J, Zhang X, Yang Y, Zang H, Yan P, Meki M, Doro L, Sui P, Jeong J, Zeng Z. 2021. Alternative cropping systems for groundwater irrigation sustainability in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management 250: 106867.

  • Dai Z, Zang H, Chen J, Fu Y, Wang X, Liu H, Shen C, Wang J, Kuzyakov Y, Becker J, Hemp A, Barberan A, Gunina A, Chen H, Luo Y, Xu J. 2021. Metagenomic insights into soil microbial communities involved in carbon cycling along an elevation climosequences. Environmental Microbiology 23: 4631-4645.

  • Wang P, Wang X, Nie J, Wang Y, Zang H, Peixoto L, Yang Y, Zeng Z. 2021. Manure application increases soil bacterial and fungal network complexity and alters keystone taxa. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 1-12.

  • Wang X, Nie J, Wang P, Zhao J, Yang Y, Wang S, Zeng Z, Zang H. 2021. Does the replacement of chemical fertilizer nitrogen by manure benefit water use efficiency of winter wheat – summer maize systems? Agricultural Water Management 243: 106428.

  • Wen Y, Freeman B, Hunt D, Musarika S, Zang H, Marsden K, Evans C, Chadwick D, Jones D. 2021. Livestock-induced N2O emissions may limit the benefits of converting cropland to grazed grassland as a greenhouse gas mitigation strategy for agricultural peatlands. Resources Conservation and Recycling 174: 105764.

  • Sun Y, Zang H, Splettstosser T, Kumar A, Xu X, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. 2021. Plant intraspecific competition and growth stage alter carbon and nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere. Plant, Cell & Environment 44: 1231-1242.

  • Brown R, Chadwick D, Zang H, Jones D. 2021. Use of metabolomics to quantify changes in soil microbial function in response to fertiliser nitrogen supply and extreme drought. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 160: 108351.

  • Wang S, Chen G, Yang Y, Zeng Z, Hu Y, Zang H. 2021. Sowing ratio determines forage yields and economic benefits of oat and common vetch intercropping. Agronomy Journal 113: 2607-2617.


  • Zhang X, Kuzyakov Y, Zang H*, Dippold M, Shi L, Spielvogel S, Razavi B. 2020. Rhizosphere hotspots: Root hairs and warming control microbial efficiency, carbon utilization and energy production. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 148: 107872.

  • Wang X, Yang Y, Zhao J, Nie J, Zang H*, Zeng Z, Olesen J. 2020. Yield benefits from replacing chemical fertilizers with manure under water deficient conditions of the winter wheat – summer maize system. European Journal of Agronomy 119: 126118.

  • Wang X, Yang Y, Pei K, Zhou J, Peixoto L, Gunina A, Zeng Z, Zang H*, Rasmussen J, Kuzyakov Y. 2020. Nitrogen rhizodeposition of legumes and its fate in agroecosystems: field study and literature review. Land Degradation & Development32: 410–419.

  • Wen Y, Freeman B, Ma Q, Evans C, Chadwick D, Zang H*, Jones D. 2020. Raising the groundwater table in the non-growing season can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain crop productivity in cultivated fen peats. Journal of Cleaner Production 262: 121179.

  • Song X, Razavi B, Ludwig B, Zamanian K, Zang H*, Kuzyakov Y, Dippold M, Gunina A. 2020. Combined biochar and nitrogen application stimulates enzyme activity and root plasticity. Science of The Total Environment 735: 139393.

  • Zang H, Zhou J, Marshall M, Chadwick D, Wen Y, Jones D. 2020. Microplastics in the agroecosystem: Are they an emerging threat to the plant-soil system? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 147: 107926.

  • Zang H, Blagodatskaya E, Wen Y, Shi L, Cheng F, Chen H, Zhao B, Zhang F, Fan M, Kuzyakov Y. 2020. Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter mineralization decreases with long‐term N fertilization: Evidence from four Q10 estimation approaches. Land Degradation & Development 31:683–693.

  • Zhou J, Zang H*, Loeppmann S, Gube M, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. 2020. Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhances rhizodeposition and reduces the rhizosphere priming effect on the decomposition of soil organic matter. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 140: 107641.

  • Wang C, Zang H, Liu J, Shi X, Li S, Chen F, Chu Q. 2020. Optimum nitrogen rate to maintain sustainable potato production and improve nitrogen use efficiency at a regional scale in China. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 40: 1-14.

  • Wang P, Yang Y, Wang XQ, Zhao J, Peixoto L, Zeng ZH, Zang H. 2020. Manure amendment increased the abundance of methanogens and methanotrophs but suppressed the type I methanotrophs in rice paddies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 8016-8027.

  • Wen Y, Zang H, Ma Q, Freeman B, Chadwick D, Evans C, Jones D. 2020. Impact of water table levels and winter cover crops on greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated peat soils. Science of The Total Environment 719: 135130.

  • Yang Y, Nie J, Wang S, Shi L, Li Z, Zeng Z, Zang H. 2020. Differentiated responses of nirS- and nirK-type denitrifiers to 30 years of combined inorganic and organic fertilization in a paddy soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 67: 79-92.


  • Wen Y, Zang H*, Freeman B, Musarika S, Evans C, Chadwick D, Jones D. 2019. Microbial utilization of low molecular weight organic carbon substrates in cultivated peats in response to warming and soil degradation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 139: 107629.

  • Zhao J, Yang Y, Zhang K, Jeong J, Zeng Z, Zang H*. 2019. Does crop rotation yield more in China? A meta-analysis. Field Crops Research 245:107659.

  • Zang H, Xiao M, Wang Y, Ling N, Wu J, Ge T, Kuzyakov Y. 2019. Allocation of assimilated carbon in paddies depending on rice age, chase period and N fertilization: Experiment with 13CO2 labelling and literature synthesis. Plant and Soil 445:113–123.

  • Chen L, Yang Y, Jiang Y, Zhao J, Zang H, Wang X, Hu Y, Xue X. 2019. RNA-Seq Analysis Reveals Differential Responses of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Plantlets Cultured in vitro to Red, Blue, Green, and White Light-emitting Diodes (LEDs). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 38: 1412-1427.

  • Dai H, Chen Y, Liu K, Li Z, Qian X, Zang H, Yang X, Zhao Y, Shen Y, Li Z, Sui P. 2019. Water-stable aggregates and carbon accumulation in barren sandy soil depend on organic amendment method: A three-year field study. Journal of Cleaner Production 212: 393-400.

  • Dai H, Zang H, Zhao Y, Qian X, Liu K, Wang D, Hao J, Chen Y, Sui P. 2019. Linking bacterial community to aggregate fractions with organic amendments in a sandy soil. Land Degradation & Development 30: 1828-1839.

  • Liu J, Zang H, Xu H, Zhang K, Jiang Y, Hu Y, Zeng Z. 2019. Methane emission and soil microbial communities in early rice paddy as influenced by urea-N fertilization. Plant and Soil 445: 85-100.

  • Shi L, Dossa G, Paudel E, Zang H, Xu J, Harrison R. 2019. Changes in Fungal Communities across a Forest Disturbance Gradient. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85: e00080-19.

  • Wen Y, Zang H, Freeman B, Ma Q, Chadwick D, Jones D. 2019. Rye cover crop incorporation and high watertable mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in cultivated peatland. Land Degradation & Development 30: 1928-1938.

  • Wen Y, Zang H, Ma Q, Evans C, Chadwick D, Jones D. 2019. Is the 'enzyme latch' or 'iron gate' the key to protecting soil organic carbon in peatlands? Geoderma 349: 107-113.

  • Xiao M, Zang H, Liu S, Ye R, Zhu Z, Su Y, Wu J, Ge T. 2019. Nitrogen fertilization alters the distribution and fates of photosynthesized carbon in rice–soil systems: a 13C-CO2 pulse labeling study. Plant and Soil 445: 101-112.

  • Xiao M, Zang H, Ge T, Chen A, Zhu Z, Zhou P, Atere C, Wu J, Su Y, Kuzyakov Y. 2019. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on rice photosynthate allocation and carbon input in paddy soil. European Journal of Soil Science 70: 786-795.

  • Zhang K, Zhao J, Wang X, Xu H, Zang H, Liu J, Hu Y, Zeng Z. 2019. Estimates on nitrogen uptake in the subsequent wheat by above-ground and root residue and rhizodeposition of using peanut labeled with 15N isotope on the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 18: 571-579.

  • Zhao J, Chu Q, Shang M, Meki M, Norelli N, Jiang Y, Yang Y, Zang H, Zeng Z, Jeong J. 2019. Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender (APEX) Simulation of Spring Peanut Management in the North China Plain. Agronomy 9: 1-21.

  • Shi L, Feng W, Jing X, Zang H, Mortimer P, Zou X. 2019. Contrasting responses of soil fungal communities and soil respiration to the above‐ and below‐ground plant C inputs in a subtropical forest. European Journal of Soil Science 70: 751–764.


  • Zang H, Blagodatskaya E, Wen Y, Xu X, Kuzyakov Y. 2018. Carbon sequestration and turnover in soil under the energy crop Miscanthus: repeated 13C natural abundance approach and literature synthesis. GCB Bioenergy10:262271.

  • Zang H, Qian X, Wen Y, Hu Y, Ren C, Zeng Z, Guo L, Wang C. 2018. Contrasting carbon and nitrogen rhizodeposition patterns of soya bean (Glycine max L.) and oat (Avena nuda L.). European Journal of Soil Science 125:3440.

  • Zang H*, Blagodatskaya E, Wang J, Xu X, Kuzyakov Y. 2017. Nitrogen fertilization increases rhizodeposits incorporation into microbial biomass and reduces soil organic matter losses. Biology and Fertility of Soils 53:419–429.

  • Zang H*, Wang J, Kuzyakov Y. 2016. N fertilization decreases soil organic matter decomposition in the rhizosphere. Applied Soil Ecology 108:47–53.

  • Zang H, Yang X, Feng X, Qian X, Hu Y, Ren C, Zeng Z. 2015. Rhizodeposition of nitrogen and carbon by mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and its contribution to intercropped oats (Avena nuda L.). PLoS One 10: e0121132.

  • Wu D, Senbayram M, Zang H, Ugurlar F, Aydemir S, Bruggemann N, Kuzyakov Y, Bol R, Blagodatskaya E. 2018. Effect of biochar origin and soil pH on greenhouse gas emissions from sandy and clay soils. Applied Soil Ecology 129: 121-127.

  • Shi L, Wen Y, Yang Z, Zang H, Gui H, Zou X, Mortimer P. 2018. Dominant tree species identity effects on soil fungi are context dependent. Mycosphere 9: 790-802.

  • Qian X, Zang H, Xu H, Hu Y, Ren C, Guo L, Wang C, Zeng Z. 2018. Relay strip intercropping of oat with maize, sunflower and mung bean in semi-arid regions of Northeast China: Yield advantages and economic benefits. Field Crops Research 223: 33-40.

  • Liu Y, Zang H, Ge T, Bai J, Lu S, Zhou P, Peng P, Shibistova O, Zhu Z, Wu J, Guggenberger G. 2018. Intensive fertilization (N, P, K, Ca, and S) decreases organic matter decomposition in paddy soil. Applied Soil Ecology 127: 51-57.

  • Kim S, Zang H, Mortimer P, Shi L, Li Y, Xu J, Ostermann A. 2018. Tree species and recovery time drives soil restoration after mining: A chronosequence study. Land Degradation & Development 29: 1738-1747.

  • Luo Y, Zang H, Yu Z, Chen Z, Gunina A, Kuzyakov Y, Xu J, Zhang K, Brookes P. 2017. Priming effects in biochar enriched soils using a three-source-partitioning approach: 14C labelling and 13C natural abundance. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 106: 28-35.










  • 1、农业生态学,2023-2024,第二学期,星期二,西校区
  • 2、农业总论,2023-2024,第一学期,星期二,西校区
  • 3、农业生态学,2022-2023,第二学期,星期二,西校区
  • 4、农业总论,2022-2023,第一学期,星期二,西校区
  • 5、农业总论,2021-2022,第一学期,星期二,西校区
  • 6、中国农业与世界农业,2020-2021,第二学期,星期一,西校区
  • 7、农业总论,2020-2021,第一学期,星期二,西校区

  • 1、作物系统氮循环,2024-2025,第二学期
  • 2、学术论文写作与规范,2024-2025,第二学期,星期一
  • 3、学术论文写作与规范,2024-2025,第二学期
  • 4、作物系统氮循环,2023-2024,第二学期,星期一
  • 5、学术论文写作与规范,2023-2024,第二学期
  • 6、学术论文写作与规范,2023-2024,第二学期,星期一
  • 7、农业科技与政策,2023-2024,第一学期,星期六
  • 8、学术论文写作与规范,2023-2024,第一学期,星期五
  • 9、学术论文写作与规范,2022-2023,第二学期
  • 10、学术论文写作与规范,2022-2023,第二学期,星期一
  • 11、学术论文写作与规范,2022-2023,第一学期
  • 12、作物科学研究方法,2022-2023,第一学期,星期一
  • 13、学术论文写作与规范,2021-2022,第二学期,星期二
  • 14、学术论文写作与规范,2021-2022,第一学期,星期五
  • 15、作物科学研究方法,2021-2022,第一学期,星期一
  • 16、学术论文写作与规范,2020-2021,第二学期,星期二
  • 17、学术论文写作与规范,2020-2021,第一学期
  • 18、作物科学研究方法,2020-2021,第一学期,星期二
  • 19、作物科学研究方法,2019-2020,第一学期,星期六


  • 1、2024.01.01-2024.12.31,国家部委其他科技项目,2024年——现代农业产业技术体系任务书——国家燕麦养麦产业技术体系——间混套作栽培
  • 2、2023.06.02-2023.12.31,国家科技支撑计划,2023年——现代农业产业技术体系任务书——国家燕麦养麦产业技术体系——间混套作栽培
  • 3、2023.02.28-2025.12.31,国家重点研发计划,北方农牧交错带农田产能提升与生态服务协同机制及种植模式定向设计
  • 4、2022.08.24-2024.06.30,地市厅局(含县)项目,燕麦绿色栽培及景观多样化研究与示范
  • 5、2022.08.23-2024.12.31,省、自治区、直辖市科技项目,高原特色有机产地土壤健康诊断与评价研究
  • 6、2022.06.02-2022.12.31,国家科技支撑计划,2022-国家燕麦荞麦产业技术体系间混套作栽培
  • 7、2021.11.29-2022.09.30,其他研究项目,云南乡村振兴科技支撑战略咨询研究
  • 8、2021.11.08-2024.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,华北平原麦豆轮作对土壤有机碳固持的影响及其调控机制
  • 9、2021.10.22-2022.12.31,教育部项目,第六届(2020-2022年度)中国科协青年人才托举工程项目
  • 10、2021.08.01-2021.12.31,教育部项目,现代农业产业技术体系-燕麦荞麦-间混套作栽培
  • 1、2023.07.17-2023.11.30,无依托项目,乡村工匠与人才振兴调研项目
  • 2、2022.11.18-2023.04.30,企业单位委托科技项目,北京市大兴区第三次全国土壤普查数据汇总汇交
  • 3、2022.09.15-2023.04.30,地市厅局(含县)项目,北京市大兴区第三次全国土壤普查外业调查采样
  • 4、2022.06.10-2022.12.31,国家重点研发计划,障碍良田理想耕层构建技术指标体系
  • 5、2022.06.02-2024.12.31,企业单位委托科技项目,土地整治烟田宜烟能力下降机制与提升途径研究
  • 6、2019.09.12-2020.09.12,中国气候智慧型农业发展战略与政策研究


论文题目 刊物名称 收录类别 发表年月 第一作者或全部作者 第一作者单位 排名
Nitrogen rhizodeposition of legumes and its fate in agroecosystems: field study and literature review Land Degradation & Development. SCI 2020-08-01 00:00:00 CST
Microplastics in the agroecosystem: Are they an emerging threat to the plant-soil system? Soil Biology and Biochemistry SCI 2020-07-18 00:00:00 CST
Yield benefits from replacing chemical fertilizers with manure under water deficient conditions of the winter wheat – summer maize system. European Journal of Agronomy SCI 2020-06-30 00:00:00 CST
Rhizosphere hotspots: Root hairs and warming control microbial efficiency, carbon utilization and energy production Soil Biology and Biochemistry. SCI 2020-06-01 00:00:00 CST
Combined biochar and nitrogen application stimulates enzyme activity and root plasticity Science of The Total Environment. SCI 2020-05-14 00:00:00 CST
Raising the groundwater table in the non-growing season can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain crop productivity in cultivated fen peats Journal of Cleaner Production SCI 2020-03-20 00:00:00 CST
Does crop rotation yield more in China? A meta-analysis. Field Crops Research SCI 2019-10-30 00:00:00 CST
Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhances rhizodeposition and reduces the rhizosphere priming effect on the decomposition of soil organic matter Soil Biology and Biochemistry SCI 2019-10-25 00:00:00 CST
Microbial utilization of low molecular weight organic carbon substrates in cultivated peats in response to warming and soil degradation Soil Biology and Biochemistry SCI 2019-10-18 00:00:00 CST
Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter mineralization decreases with long‐term N fertilization: Evidence from four Q10 estimation approaches Land Degradation & Development. SCI 2019-10-15 00:00:00 CST


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  • 2、燕麦籽粒智能检测系统,2022,2022SR0586462,软件著作权登记
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