个人简介张敬波 博士,中国农业大学“杰出人才”教授,博士生导师,入选国家高层次人才计划青年项目。2014年获得瑞士苏黎世大学理学博士学位。2015-2019年在美国UC San Diego大学从事博士后研究工作。2019年7月至今受聘于中国农业大学资源与环境学院。主要从事植物(玉米)养分高效利用与逆境适应的分子生物学机制研究。相关成果以第一作者或通讯作者在PNAS、Nature Communications、Current Biology、Molecular Plant等主流期刊发表。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划项目子课题及中国农业大学人才培育项目等多项科研项目。 研究方向: 1.玉米养分运输、储存(液泡)及转移与调控途径 2.植物气孔运动与干旱适应 3.多逆境下的作物养分高效利用 论文发表: 1. *Zhang, J., Chen, X., Song, Y., and *Gong, Z. (2024). Integrative regulatory mechanisms of stomatal movements under changing climate. J Integr Plant Biol.
2. Yin P, Liang X, Zhao H, Xu Z, Chen L, Yang X, Qin F, *Zhang J,*Jiang C (2023) Cytokinin signaling promotes salt tolerance by modulating shoot chloride exclusion in maize. Mol Plant 16: 1031-1047
3. Guo Y, Shi Y, Wang Y, Liu F, Li Z, Qi J, Wang Y, Zhang J, Yang S, Wang Y, Gong Z (2023) The clade F PP2C phosphatase ZmPP84 negatively regulates drought tolerance by repressing stomatal closure in maize. New Phytol 237: 1728-1744
4.Takahashi Y, Zhang J, Hsu P-K, Ceciliato PHO, Zhang L, Dubeaux G, Munemasa S, Ge C, Zhao Y, Hauser F, Schroeder JI (2020) MAP3Kinase-dependent SnRK2-kinase activation is required for abscisic acid signal transduction and rapid osmotic stress response. Nature Communications 11: 12
5.Ceciliato, P.H.O., Zhang, J., Liu, Q., Shen, X., Hu, H.H., Liu, C., Schaffner, A.R., and Schroeder, J.I. (2019). Intact leaf gas exchange provides a robust method for measuring the kinetics of stomatal conductance responses to abscisic acid and other small molecules in Arabidopsis and grasses. Plant Methods 15.
6. Zhang, J., Ceciliato, P.H.O., Takahashi, Y., Schulze, S., Dubeaux, G., Hauser, F., Azoulay-Shemer, T., Toldsepp, K., Kollist, H., Rappel, W.J., and Schroeder, J.I. (2018) Insights into the molecular mechanisms of CO2-mediated regulation of stomatal movements Current Biology, 28, R1356-R1363.
7. Zhang, J., Wang, N., Miao, Y., Hauser, F., McCammon, J.A., Rappel, W.J., and Schroeder,J.I. (2018). Identification of SLAC1 anion channel residues required for CO2/bicarbonate sensing and regulation of stomatal movements. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 44, 11129-11137.
8. Wang, C., #Zhang, J., Wu, J.Y., Brodsky, D.E., and Schroeder, J.I. (2018). Cytosolic malate and oxaloacetate activate S-type anion channels in Arabidopsis guard cells. New Phytologist 220, 178-186. (Co-first author)
9. Toldsepp, K.,#Zhang, J., Takahashi, Y., Sindarovska, Y., Horak, H., Ceciliato, P.H.O., Koolmeister, K., Wang, Y.S., Vaahtera, L., Jakobson, L., Yeh, C.Y., Park, J., Brosche, M., Kollist, H., and Schroeder, J.I. (2018). Mitogen-activated protein kinases MPK4 and MPK12 are key components mediating CO2-induced stomatal movements. The Plant Journal 96.1018-1035. (#Co-first author)
10. Zhang, J., Wang, N., Miao, Y., Hauser, F., Rappel, W-J., McCammon, J.A., and Schroeder, J.I. (2018) Gaussian-Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Modeling Leads to Identification of SLAC1 Anion Channel Residues for CO2 Signaling in Arabidopsis Guard Cell. Biophysical Journal 114: 302a
11. He, J., Zhang, R.-X., Peng, K., Tagliavia, C., Li, S., Xue, S., Liu, A., Hu, H., Zhang, J., Hubbard, K. E., Held, K., McAinsh, M. R., Gray, J. E., Kudla, J., Schroeder, J. I., Liang, Y.K. and Hetherington, A. M. (2018), The BIG protein distinguishes the process of CO2-induced stomatal closure from the inhibition of stomatal opening by CO2. New Phytologist doi:10.1111/nph.14957
12. Eisenach, C., Baetz, U., Huck, N.V., Zhang, J., De Angeli, A., Beckers, GJM., and Martinoia, E. (2017) ABA-Induced Stomatal Closure Involves ALMT4, a Phosphorylation Dependent Vacuolar Anion Channel of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 29(10): 2552-2569.
13. Wang, C., Zhang, J., and Schroeder, J.I. (2017) Two-electrode Voltage-clamp Recordings in Xenopus laevis Oocytes:Reconstitution of Abscisic Acid Activation of SLAC1 Anion Channel Via PYL9 ABA Receptor. Bio-protocol 7(2): e2114.
14. Zhang, J., Martinoia, E., and De Angeli, A. (2014) Cytosolic Nucleotides Block and Regulate the Arabidopsis Vacuolar Anion Channel AtALMT9. J. Biol. Chem. 289, 25581-25589
15. De Angeli, A., #Zhang, J., Meyer, S. and Martinoia E. (2013) AtALMT9 is a malate-activated vacuolar chloride channel required for stomatal opening in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications. 4:1804. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2815. (#Co-first author)
16. Zhang, J., Bätz, U., Krügel, U., Martinoia, E. and De Angeli A. (2013) Identification of a probable pore forming domain in the multimeric vacuolar anion channel AtALMT9. Plant Physiology. 163 (2): 830-843.
17. De Angeli, A., Baetz, U., Francisco, R., Zhang, J., Chaves, M.M., and Regalado, A. (2013) The vacuolar channel VvALMT9 mediates malate and tartrate accumulation in berries of Vitis vinifera. Planta. 238 (2):283-291.
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