



  • 部门: 水利与土木工程学院
  • 性别:
  • 民族: 汉族
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 行政职务:
  • 主要研究方向: 水力机械流动分析、流固耦合分析
  • 毕业院校:
  • 学位: 博士
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  • 学术学位导师类型: 博导兼硕导
  • 专业学位研究生导师类型:
  • 从事学科1: 水利工程
  • 从事学科2:
  • 从事专业1: 水利水电工程
  • 从事专业2:
  • 研究方向1: 流体机械优化设计及内部流动分析;水力机械水力稳定性分析及故障诊断研究;水力机械翼型空化机理分析
  • 研究方向2: 水力机械水力稳定性分析及故障诊断研究
  • 从事专业学位领域名称: 水力机械翼型空化机理分析与模型研究


  • 1995.09.01-1999.11.01,中国农业大学,农业电气化与自动化
  • 1990.09.01-1993.06.01,华中理工大学,水力机械
  • 1986.09.01-1990.07.01,华中理工大学,水力机械
  • 1983.09.01-1986.06.01,湖北省公安一中
  • 1999.11.01,博士,中国农业大学,农业电气化与自动化



周凌九,19861993就读于华中科技大学(原华中理工大学)(本科、硕士),1995-1999中国农业大学和西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)联合培养,获博士学位。2010.11-2011.11作为访问学者分别在德国 Karlsruhe Institute for Technology KIT),Fachgebiet Strömungs- maschinen 以及Universität Stuttgart Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Hydraulische Strömungsmaschinen(IHS) 工作1年。2001年至2007年为中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院副教授,2008年起任教授、博士生导师。中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院流体机械及流体工程系, 教授,博导,她一直从事流体机械及工程方向的教学及科研工作,长期讲授《流体机械原理》等本科生课程及《计算流体力学》、《计算流体力学理论及应用》等研究生课程。主编了《水力机械流激振荡及振动分析技术》一书,主持了多项项国家自然基金项目,同时结合水电站实际工程开展了多项水力机械流动性能分析、转轮优化设计、流固耦合特性分析与结构优化等应用型研究项目。在水力机械空化流动计算、不稳定流动分析、水力机械流固耦合计算、水力机械振动分析等方面的具有丰富经验。



1998/11-1999/05  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain,联合培养博士

1995/09-1999/11 中国农业大学,农业电气化与自动化专业(水力发电方向),博士

1990/09-1993/06 华中理工大学(现华中科技大学),水力机械专业,硕士

1986/09-1990/0 华中理工大学(现华中科技大学),水力机械专业,本科


2011/03-2011/12 Institute für Strömungsmechanik und Hydraulische Strömungsmaschinen,

Universität Stuttgart,访问学者

2010/12-2011/03 Fachgebiet StrömungsmaschinenKarlsruhe Institute for Technology,访问学者

2008/01-至今   中国农业大学, 水利与土木工程学院, 教授

2002/01-2007/12 中国农业大学, 水利与土木工程学院, 副教授

1997/01-2001/12 中国农业大学, 水利与土木工程学院, 讲师

1993/07-1996/12 中国农业大学, 水利与土木工程学院, 助教



1、  国家自然科学基金项目(编号:52079141空化流声学模态对水力机械结构动力特性的影响,主持人,2021.1-2024.12

2、  国家自然科学基金项目(编号: 51479200基于非线性水声模型的离心泵空化喘振研究,主持人,2015.1-2018.12

3、  国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51279205)“基于直接矩积分法的空化云溃灭模型研究”主持人,2013.1-2016.12

4、  国家自然科学基金项目(编号:50879088)“空化的全应力准则模型及水力机械翼型空化大涡模拟方法研究”主持人,2009.1-2011.12

5、  “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目“农村户用风、水、光发电关键技术研究子课题:高效户用微型水力发电关键技术研究与系统开发”,2008-2010

6、  清华大学水沙科学与水利水电国家重点实验开放基金“基于调相及补气工况的水轮机内部多相流数值研究”(主持人),2012-2013


1、  水泵水轮机组转轮及顶盖共振风险评估. 2024.01-2025.12

2、  水泵水轮机组转轮与固定过流部件流固耦合动力特性分析. 2023.12-2025.12.31

3、  多级泵复杂流道泥沙两相流特性研究2022.11-2023.02













[1]      Lv Yue, Li Shugang, Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu, Study on pump mode cavitation characteristic of variable speed pump turbine, Physics of Fluids. 2023, 35(6)(SCI:I6QN7)

[2]      Liu Chengming, Chen Tao, Kang Wenzhe, Kang Jianjun, Zhou Lingjiu, Tao Ran, Wang Zhengwei, Study on Pressure Pulsation and Force Characteristics of Kaplan Turbine, Water. 2023,15(13) (SCI:M7ZH6-EI20232914405935).

[3]      Wang Wei, Zhou Lingjiu, Tao Ran, Song Xijie, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical simulation of dynamic characteristics of hydrofoil structure under cavitation conditions, Ocean Engineering. 2023, 280(SCI:L3MI4-EI 20232314178498).

[4]      Kang Wenzhe, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Analysis of flow characteristics and cavitation in the vanes of a reversible pump-turbine in pump mode, Journal of Energy Storage. 2023, 68(SCI:J6QD6-EI20232114118848).

[5]      Wang Yifan, Jin Kun, Huang Xingxing, Lin Peng, Wang Zhengwei, Wang Wenliang, Zhou Lingjiu. Influence of Radial Installation Deviation on Hydraulic Thrust Characteristics of a 1000 MW Francis Turbine. Water. 2023 ,15(8)(SCI F0YU7-EI20231914057598)

[6]      Xia Xiang, Luo Haiqiang, Li Shugang, Wang Fei, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Characteristics and factors of mode families of axial turbine runner. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2023, 251(SCI:D4YZ9-EI20231413844574)

[7]      Liu Yongsheng, Liu Chengming, Zhang Yongsheng, Huang Xingxing, Guo Tao, Zhou Lingjiu , Wang Zhengwei. influence of Axial Installation Deviation on the Hydraulic Axial Force of the 1000 MW Francis Runner in the Rated Operating Condition. Energies2023,16(4)(SCI:9I1HS-EI 20231013668668).

[8]      Liang Quanwei, Kang Wenzhe, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Numerical Investigation of the Flow Regime in the Vanes and the Torsional Self-Excited Vibration of Guide Vane in the Pump Mode of a Reversible Pump-Turbine. Processes 2022,10(11)(SCI:6F4VS).

[9]      Wang Xiaoshan, Xu Yuncheng, Yan Haijun, Tan Haibin, Zhou Lingjiu. Spray Characteristics and Parameter Optimization of Orifice Arrangement for Micro-Sprinkling Hoses. Water.2022 (20) (SCI: 5T5ZT- EI20224413036022).

[10]   Xia Xiang, Zeng Haiyan, Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu, Liu Chengming. Galloping of two-dimensional section of a marine riser attached with fairing under different inflow angles. Ocean Engineering. 2022(260)(SCI:4U2FF- EI20223712729548).

[11]   Liang Quanwei, Kang Wenzhe, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Influence of End Wall Clearance on Guide Vane Self-Excited Vibrations at Small Openings during Pump Mode’s Starting Up Process of a Reversible Pump Turbine. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022(4) (SCI: 0R3OF)

[12]   Xia Xiang, Ge Liangcheng, Zhou Lingjiu, Feng Yingyao, Zeng Haiyan, Wang Zhengwei. Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Asymmetry of Flow Velocity on the Wake Vortex of Hydrofoils. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022(4)(SCI:0R3VW)

[13]   Wang Wei, Zhou Ling jiu, Xia Xiang, Song Xi jie , Wang Zhengwei. Numerical study of the natural frequency and mode shape of prototype Francis turbine runner. Journal of  Hydrodynamics. 2022(1)(SCI:ZO5RN- EI20221111790242).

[14]   Zeng Yongshun, Qi Xin,Shu Lingfeng,Yao Zhifeng, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Fujun. Fluid-Structure Interaction Effects of a Partially Immersed, Cantilevered Hydrofoil. Journal of fluids engineering-transactions of the asme.2022(2):144(SCI:XN4WV-EI20221311871076).

[15]   Wang Wei, Zhou Lingjiu, Xia Xiang, Tao Ran. Analysis of the hydrodynamic damping characteristics on a symmetrical hydrofoil. Renewable Energy.2021,34(1):125-134(SCI:UI8XU-EI 20212710591655)

[16]   Xia Xiang, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Liu Dianhai. Effects of trailing-edge modification of guide vanes on the wake vortices under different inflow conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2021,235(8):1892-1901 (SCI:XA6CP-EI20212210416902)

[17]   Li Dongkuo, Xia Xiang, Zhou Lingjiu, Gong Kui, Wang Zhengwei. Effect of outer edge modification on dynamic characteristics of pump turbine runner. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2021,124(SCI:RL7QP-EI 20211410159884)

[18]   Cheng Huan, Zhou Lingjiu, Liang Quanwei, Kang Wenzhe. The investigation of runner blade channel vortices in two different Francis turbine models. Renewable Energy(prepublish). 2020,156:201-212(SCI:LY2TS- EI20201708556511)

[19]   Cheng Huan, Zhou Lingjiu, Liang Quanwei, Guan Ziwu, Liu Demin, Wang Zhaoning, Kang Wenzhe. A method of evaluating the vortex rope strength in draft tube of Francis turbine. Renewable Energy,2020,152:770-780(SCI:LT3DA- EI20200508110229)

[20]   Yang Jing, Zhou Lingjiu , Wang Zhengwei. Numerical investigation of the cavitation dynamic parameters in a Francis turbine draft tube with columnar vortex rope. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2019,31(5):931-939(SCI:JB9WH- EI20194207551405).

[21]   Wang Wei, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Escaler Xavier, De la Torre Oscar. Numerical Investigation Into the Influence on Hydrofoil Vibrations of Water Tunnel Test Section Acoustic Modes. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,2019,141(5)(SCI:IX5GK-EI20192607091755).

[22]   Liu Meng, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Numerical investigation of the cavitation instability in a central jet pump with a large area ratio at normal cavitating conditions. International Journal of Multiphase Flow,2019,116:153-163(SCI:IB1TB-EI20191706824967).

[23]   Wang Wei, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Escaler Xavier, De La Torre Oscar. Numerical Investigation into the Effect of Sound Speed in Attached Cavitation on Hydrofoil Modes of Vibration. Energies,2019,12(9)(SCI:IA7UD- EI20192206977353)

[24]   He Lingyan, Zhou Lingjiu, Ahn Soo-Hwang, Wang Zhengwei, Nakahara Yusuke, Kurosawa, Sadao. Evaluation of gap influence on the dynamic response behavior of pump-turbine runner. Engineering Computations,2019,36(2):491-508(SCI:HN9SA- EI20190506441759)

[25]   Wang Wei, Zhou LingJiu, Wang Zhengwei, Escaler X, De La Torre O, Kang Wenzhe. Dynamic response of a NACA0009 hydrofoil under cavitation conditions. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,240(6) (SCI:BP6PG-EI20191506757208).

[26]   Kang Wenzhe, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Analysis of backflow effect in a centrifugal pump. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,240(3)(SCI:BP6PG-EI20191506757208).

[27]   Cheng Huan, Zhou Lingjiu, Zhao yongzhi. Very large eddy simulation of the vortex rope in the draft tube of Francis turbine. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,240(2) (SCI: BP6PG-EI20191506750028).

[28]   Liu Xin, Luo Yongyao, Presas Alexandre, Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu. Cavitation Effects on the Structural Resonance of Hydraulic Turbines: Failure Analysis in a Real Francis Turbine Runner. Energies,2018,11(9)(SCI:GW1BL-EI20184005893387).

[29]   Guo Qiang, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang, Zhengwei, Liu Meng, Cheng Huan. Numerical simulation for the tip leakage vortex cavitation,Oceanengineering,2018,151:71-81(SCI:FX9HK-EI20181304949709)

[30]   Meng Long, Liu Meng, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Wanpeng, Liao Cuilin, Zhao Lice, Li Tieyou, Coupling simulation of the fast startup of a centrifugal pump with cavitation in a closed-loop pipeline system. Engineering Computations,2018,35(5)(SCI:GS5QS-EI20183705802242).

[31]   Liu Xin, Zhou Lingjiu, Escaler Xavier, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Yongyao, De La Torre Oscar. Numerical Simulation of Added Mass Effects on a Hydrofoil in Cavitating Flow Using Acoustic Fluid-Structure Interaction. Journal of Fluids Engineering Transactions of the Asme, 2017,139(4)(SCI:EM2BD-EI20170403277226)

[32]   Zhou Lingjiu, Liu Meng, Wang Zhengwei, Liu Demin, Zhao Yongzhi. Numerical simulation of the blade channel vortices in a Francis turbine runner. Engineering Computations2017,34(2):364-376(SCI:EZ5OK-EI20172403767206).

[33]   Guo Qiang, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Numerical evaluation of the clearance geometries effect on the flow field and performance of a hydrofoil. Renewable Energy,2016,99:390-397(SCI: DW7DI-EI20163002629977).

[34]   Cheng Hua, Zhou LingJiu, Gong Lin, Wang Zhinan, Wen Qi, Zhao Yuezhong, Wang Yulin. Hydraulic analysis and optimization design in Guri rehabilitation project. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2016,49(10)(SCI:BH4AS-EI 20170703348672)

[35]   Liu Meng, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Liu Deming, Zhao Yuzhong. Investigation of Channel Vortices in Francis Turbines. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2016,49(8) (SCI:BH4AS -EI20170703348309)

[36]   Guo Qi, Zhou LingJiu, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Ruifeng, Yao Zhifeng. Effect of the Endwall Motion on a Hydrofoil with Various Widths of Clearance. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2016,49(6) (SCI:BH4AS -EI20170703352728)

[37]   Meng Long, He Min, Zhou Lingjiu, Yang Jing, Wang Zhengwei, Karney Bryan. Influence of impeller-tongue interaction on the unsteady cavitation behavior in a centrifugal pump. Engineering Computations,2016,33(1):171-183(SCI:DN4OF-EI20162002401374)

[38]   Yang Jing, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. The numerical simulation of draft tube cavitation in Francis turbine at off-design conditions. Engineering Computations.2016,33(1):139-185(SCI: DN4OF-EI20162002401377)

[39]   Xu Yuncheng, Chen Yan, Wang Zijun, Zhou Lingjiu, Yan Haijun. Investigation of the cavitation fluctuation characteristics in a Venturi injector. Fluid Dynamics Research,2015,47(2)(SCI:CE5FZ-EI20151300688573)

[40]   Guo Qiang, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Comparison of BEM-CFD and full rotor geometry simulations for the performance and flow field of a marine current turbine. Renewable Energy,2015,75:640-648(SCI:AY4YJ-EI20144600204418)

[41]   Liu Xin, Wang Zhengwei, Escaler Xavier, Zhou Lingjiu. Numerical evaluation of cavitation void ratio significance on hydrofoil dynamic response. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2015,656(1)(SCI:BE1UH-EI20160601902022)

[42]   Zi Hai, Zhou Lingjiu, Meng Long. Prediction and analysis of jet pump cavitation using Large Eddy Simulation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2015,656(1) (SCI:BE1UH-EI20160601902033)

[43]   Yang Jie, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. The numerical research of runner cavitation effects on spiral vortex rope in draft tube of Francis turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015,656(1) (SCI:BE1UH-EI20160601902149)

[44]   Guo Qi, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Numerical simulation of cavitation for a horizontal axis marine current turbine. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2015,72(4) (SCI:BC4DE-EI20151100628493)

[45]   Meng Lin, Zhang Shuping, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Study on the Pressure Pulsation inside Runner with Splitter Blades in Ultra-High Head Turbine. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2014,22(3) (SCI:BB8TH -EI20145200371152)

[46]   He Min, Yuan Lingli, Zhou Lingjiu, Yang Jing, Wang Zhengwei. Numerical evaluation of the side wall effect on the flow around a hydrofoil. Engineering Computations,2014,31(3):501-509 (SCI:AM1SO -EI20142217756104)

[47]   Meng Lin, Yang Jie, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Zhuang Xiaohua. Study on the flow in the pipelines of the support system of circulating fluidized bed. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2013,52(7)(SCI:BJO84 -EI20140717330842)

[48]   Yang Jianjun, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Zhi Fang. The effect of cavitation on the hydrofoil dynamic characteristics. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2013,52(6) (SCI:BJO84-EI20140717330832)

[49]   He Mou, Guo Qi, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Wang Xin. Application of two turbulence models for computation of cavitating flows in a centrifugal pump. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2013,52(6)(SCI:BJO84-EI20140717330830)

[50]   Xiao Bingying, Zhou LingJiu, Xiao Yuxin, Wang Zhengwei. The prediction of the hydrodynamic performance of tidal current turbines. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2013,52(5)(SCI:BJO84-EI20140717330801)

[51]   Guo Qi, Zhou Lingjiu, Xiao Yuxin, Wang Zhengwei. Flow field characteristics analysis of a horizontal axis marine current turbine by large eddy simulation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2013,52(5) (SCI:BJO84 -EI20140717330797)

[52]   He Mou, Fu Liping, Zhou Lingjiu, Guo Qi, Wang Zhengwei. Analysis of cavitation behaviour in a centrifugal pump. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2012,15(6) (SCI:BHA11-EI20130916053418)

[53]   Yan Zhigang, Cui Tao, Zhou Lingjiu, Zhi Fang, Wang Zhengwei. Study on safety operation for large hydroelectric generator unit. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2012,15(2) (SCI:BHA11-EI20130916053064)

[54]   Yang Jing, Meng Long, Zhou Lingjiu, Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei. Unsteady internal flow field simulations in a double suction centrifugal fan. Engineering Computations,2013,30(3):345-356 (SCI:133HT-EI20160401843800)

[55]   Yan Zongguo, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Turbine efficiency test on a large hydraulic turbine unit. Science China Technological Sciences, 2012,55(8):2199-2205(SCI:977VU-EI20123815446267)

[56]   Zhou Lingjing, Wu Hua, Li Jiantang, Wang Zhiying, Zhang Li. Determination of fatty acids in broiler breast meat by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Meat Science,2012,90(3):658-664 (SCI:888DK-EI20115214646856)

[57]   Yang Jing, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei. Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Cavitation Around a Hydrofoil. Journal of Fluids Engineering,2011,133(8)(SCI:814WQ-EI20113414260186)

[58]   Wang Zhengwei, Peng Guangjie, Zhou Lingjiu, Hu Deyi. Hydraulic performance of a large slanted axial-flow pump, engineerg computations. 2010, 27(1-2): 243-256(SCI:591JO-EI20114714551983)

[59]   Luo YongyaoWang ZhengweiZhou LingjiuPeng GuangjieSun Guangwei. Computation of Static and Dynamic Stresses of a Bulb Tubular Turbine, ASME Fluids Engineering Division conference.2009(1):1187-1191(SCI:BJH23-EI20093912329524)

[60]   Wang ZhengweiLuo YuyanZhou Lingjiu, Xiao RuifangPeng Guojie. Computation of dynamic stresses in piston rods caused by unsteady hydraulic loads, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2008, 15(1-2):28-37(SCI:222KN-EI20073710805497)

[61]   Zhou Lingjiu, Wang ZhengweiXiao RufuaLuo Yongyao. Analysis of dynamic stresses in Kaplan turbine blades. Engineering computations: International journal for computer-aided engineering and software, 2007,24 (7-8):753-762(SCI:232IV-EI20074310891328)

[62]   Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu. Simulations and Measurements of  Pressure Oscillations Caused by Vortex Ropes. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2006, 128(4):649-655(SCI:069AZ-EI20074310891328)

[63]   庄小慧,周凌九,周益峰等.大型立式水轮发电机闭路循环通风系统仿真研究.中国电机工程学报, 2014,34(35):6362-6368.

[64]   周凌九,袁玲丽.射流泵内部流动计算中不同湍流模拟方法的比较.排灌机械工程学报, 2013,31(01):25-30.

[65]   范小付,周凌九,张昕.户用微型轴伸贯流式水轮机优化.水力发电学报, 2012,31(05):260-265.

[66]   周凌九,袁玲丽.射流泵液固两相流特性三维大涡模拟.排灌机械工程学报, 2012,30(05):522-526

[67]   阎宗国,周凌九,何军兵等.水轮发电机组转子动平衡试验.水力发电学报,2012,31(02):235-239.

[68]   周凌九,徐红新,崔涛等.引水部件水力损失对水轮机增容后效率的影响.水力发电学报, 2011,30(01):160-164.

[69]   周凌九,王占民,江东智.离心泵非定常流动计算及性能预测.排灌机械工程学报, 2010,28(04):286-290.

[70]   周凌九,王正伟.基于空化流动计算的混流式水轮机尾水管的压力脉动.清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2008(06):972-976.

[71]   阎宗国,周凌九,孔德铭等.小浪底水电站1号机组效率试验研究.水力发电学报, 2007(02):124-128.

[72]   周凌九,王正伟.混流式水轮机部分负荷下的叶片动载荷模拟.清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2005(08):1134-1137.

[73]   周凌九,王正伟,黄源芳.尾水管水力稳定性受直锥段高度影响的性能预测.大电机技术, 2004(04):47-51.

[74]   周凌九,胡德义,王正伟.可实现性k-ε模型在水轮机流场计算中的应用.水动力学研究与进展(A), 2003(01):68-72.

[75]   周凌九,王正伟,黄源芳.转轮出口流态对尾水管内压力脉动的影响.清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2002(12):1670-1673.

[76]   周凌九,王正伟.混流式水轮机转轮X型叶片的水力特性.中国农业大学学报,2002(04):43-47.

[77]   周凌九,王正伟,陈波等.新型抗空蚀转轮优化设计——满天星电站的成功改造经验.水力发电学报, 2002(02):85-91.

[78]   周凌九,王正伟.中高比转速转轮内部流态与外特性的关系.水力发电学报, 2001(04):96-101.

[79]   周凌九,肖国辉,王正伟.水轮机转轮叶片几何参数与其能量性能的关系──三维粘性流场计算在水轮机中的应用.浙江水利水电专科学校学报, 2000(02):38-40.

[80]   周凌九.利用非均匀B样条技术拟合水力机械叶片曲面.北京农业工程大学学报, 1995(04):71-76.

[81]   马文生,周凌九.网格对水轮机流动计算结果的影响.水力发电学报, 2006(01):72-75.

[82]   张晓娜,周凌九,彭光杰.数值模拟的离心挖泥泵叶轮优化设计.水泵技术, 2005(06):35-37,34.

[83]   王福军,周凌九,严海军.计算流体力学课程教学改革与实践.高等农业教育,2005(11):65-66.

[84]   王正伟,周凌九,何成连.尾水管压力脉动的模拟与现场实测.清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2005(08):1138-1141.

[85]   王正伟,周凌九,陈炎光等.灯泡贯流式水轮机水力损失分析.大电机技术, 2004(05):40-43

[86]   王正伟,周凌九,黄源芳.尾水管涡带引起的不稳定流动计算与分析.清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2002(12):1647-1650.

[87]   王正伟,周凌九.RSI现象的不稳定流动模拟[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2001(10):74-77.

[88]   汪小珊,徐云成,严海军,周凌九.微喷带喷孔水量分布模型构建.农业工程学报, 2022,38(10):93-101.

[89]   桂中华,夏翔,王薇,周凌九.水泵水轮机启动过程转轮动应力分析.农业机械学报, 2021,52(12):153-161.

[90]   汪小珊,严海军,周凌九.SSQ系列射流施肥器水力性能试验研究.农业工程学报, 2020,36(21):31-38.

[91]   孟龙,刘孟,支发林,周凌九.机械不平衡及轴瓦间隙对水轮机运行稳定性的影响分析.机械工程学报, 2016,52(03):49-55.

[92]   唐学林,王福军,周凌九.流体流动仿真与应用的研究生教学实践探析.中国科教创新导刊, 2009(04):86.

[93]   朱艳萍,时晓燕,周凌九.基于内特性法的水轮机完整综合特性曲线.中国农业大学学报, 2006(05):88-91.

[94]   田娅娟,何成连,阎宗国,周凌九.南水北调工程模型泵试验台测控系统的研制.水泵技术, 2005(06):27-30.

[95]   王正伟,喻疆,罗永要,周凌九.转轮-导叶不同匹配下的内部流动特性分析.水力发电学报, 2005(03):44-47.

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[1] 灯泡贯流式水轮机瞬态过程水力特性与疲劳寿命关键技术研究,水利部,大禹奖二等奖,2012

[2] 水力机械转轮流固耦合动力特性研究,中华人民共和国教育部,二等奖,2014








  • 1、流体机械基础,2024-2025,第一学期,星期三,东校区
  • 2、流体机械基础,2024-2025,第一学期,星期三星期五,东校区
  • 3、流体机械基础,2023-2024,第一学期,星期三星期五,东校区
  • 4、流体机械基础,2022-2023,第一学期,星期三星期五,东校区
  • 5、流体机械基础,2021-2022,第一学期,星期三星期五,东校区
  • 6、流体机械基础,2020-2021,第一学期,星期一星期三,东校区
  • 7、流体机械基础,2019-2020,第一学期,星期一星期三,东校区
  • 8、水轮机课程设计,2018-2019,第一学期,星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五,东校区
  • 9、流体机械基础,2018-2019,第一学期,星期一星期三,东校区
  • 10、流体机械原理,2017-2018,第一学期,星期三星期五,东校区
  • 11、水轮机课程设计,2017-2018,第一学期,星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五,东校区
  • 12、流体机械原理,2016-2017,第一学期,星期一星期三,东校区
  • 13、水轮机课程设计,2016-2017,第一学期,星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五,东校区
  • 14、流体机械原理,2015-2016,第一学期,星期二星期五,东校区
  • 15、水轮机课程设计,2015-2016,第一学期,星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五,东校区
  • 16、流体机械原理,2014-2015,第一学期,星期一星期三,东校区
  • 17、水轮机课程设计,2014-2015,第一学期,星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五,东校区
  • 18、流体机械原理,2013-2014,第一学期,星期一星期三,东校区
  • 19、水轮机课程设计,2013-2014,第一学期,星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五,东校区
  • 20、流体机械原理,2012-2013,第一学期,星期三,东校区
  • 21、流体机械原理,2012-2013,第一学期,星期一,东校区
  • 22、水轮机课程设计,2012-2013,第一学期,星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五,东校区

  • 1、计算流体力学理论及其应用,2024-2025,第一学期,星期五
  • 2、计算流体力学理论及其应用,2023-2024,第一学期,星期三
  • 3、计算流体力学,2022-2023,第一学期,星期三
  • 4、计算流体力学,2021-2022,第一学期,星期三
  • 5、计算流体力学,2020-2021,第一学期,星期三
  • 6、计算流体力学,2019-2020,第一学期,星期三
  • 7、计算流体力学,2018-2019,第一学期,星期三
  • 8、计算流体力学,2017-2018,第一学期,星期一
  • 9、计算流体力学,2016-2017,第一学期,星期一
  • 10、流体机械及工程研究进展,2015-2016,第一学期,星期四
  • 11、计算流体力学,2015-2016,第一学期,星期一
  • 12、流体机械及工程研究进展,2014-2015,第一学期,星期四
  • 13、计算流体力学,2014-2015,第一学期,星期一
  • 14、流体机械及工程研究进展,2013-2014,第一学期,星期四
  • 15、计算流体力学,2013-2014,第一学期,星期一
  • 16、计算流体力学,2012-2013,第一学期,星期四
  • 17、计算流体力学,2011-2012,第一学期,星期二
  • 18、计算流体力学,2010-2011,第一学期,星期二


  • 1、2024.10.09-2025.12.31,省、自治区、直辖市科技项目,巨型混流式水轮发电机组全负荷稳定运行关键技术研究及应用
  • 2、2024.09.25-2028.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,水泵水轮机动静双盘结构与流体腔的耦合特性分析
  • 3、2020.11.05-2024.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,空化流声学模态对水力机械结构动力特性的影响
  • 4、2017.11.03-2020.12.31,国家重点研发计划,大田作物精准灌溉施肥控制技术与装备
  • 1、2024.03.29-2025.12.31,企业单位委托科技项目,水泵水轮机转轮湿模态异常激振机理与抑制措施研究
  • 2、2023.12.05-2025.12.31,企业单位委托科技项目,水泵水轮机组转轮与固定过流部件流固耦合动力特性分析
  • 3、2023.10.06-2025.12.31,企业单位委托科技项目,水泵水轮机组转轮及顶盖共振风险评估
  • 4、2022.12.22-2023.05.30,企业单位委托科技项目,水泵水轮机导叶窄隙射流特性研究
  • 5、2022.11.15-2023.02.27,企业单位委托科技项目,多级泵复杂流道泥沙两相流特性研究
  • 6、2022.08.31-2023.05.31,企业单位委托科技项目,中低水头段抽水蓄能机组水力性能分析
  • 7、2022.07.01-2023.12.30,企业单位委托科技项目,水泵水轮机顶盖座环螺栓应力特性研究技术服务
  • 8、2022.05.05-2023.04.30,企业单位委托科技项目,水泵水轮机机组水力及关键部件动力特性分析
  • 9、2021.11.20-2022.12.31,无依托项目,三维瞬变流及水锤作用下复杂流道结构流固耦合振动特性
  • 10、2021.06.01-2021.12.30,企业单位委托科技项目,抽水蓄能电站水泵水轮机组转轮避振方法研究
  • 11、2020.11.12-2021.12.30,企业单位委托科技项目,管路水沙两相流动数学模型研究
  • 12、2020.11.12-2021.12.30,企业单位委托科技项目,水泵多相流动数学模型研究
  • 13、2016.05.01-2020.03.31,其他课题,滩头水电站转轮CFD结构优化设计
  • 14、2011.05.12-2011.12.30,崇阳轴流式水轮机转轮优化设计
  • 15、2008.03.04-2009.03.04,TMCG-80M蒸馏水泵的水力稳定性及SNF280R43U12.1J螺杆泵结构动力特性分析
  • 16、2004.09.28-2005.06.28,湖南省欧阳海水电站过渡过程特性分析研究
  • 17、2003.09.01,万家寨水电站4号机大修后稳定性试验研究



  • 1、一种微型水轮机蜗壳和座环的可调模具,2010,201010116954.0


  • 1、2024,2024年电中国电机工程学会力科技进步奖


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专业技术职务: 教授


主要研究方向: 水力机械流动分析、流固耦合分析

学位: 博士



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