
Wang Zhanhui

Post: Professor


Degree: Ph.D

Tel: 8610 6273 4565

Email: wangzhanhui@cau.edu.cn


  • Department: College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Gender: male
  • Nationality:
  • Post: Professor
  • Duties:
  • Graduate School: China Agricultural University
  • Degree: Ph.D
  • Tel: 8610 6273 4565
  • Email: wangzhanhui@cau.edu.cn
  • Office Location: National Center for Veterinary Drug Safety Evaluat
  • Address: Yuanmingyuan West Road No.2, District Haidian
  • PostCode: 100193
  • Fax: 861062731032

Expert category

  • Academic degree supervisor type:
  • Professional Degree Graduate Supervisor Type:
  • Engaged in disciplines1:
  • Engaged in disciplines2:
  • Engaging in a profession1:
  • Engaging in a profession2:
  • Research direction 2:
  • Research direction 1:
  • Name of professional degree field:


Teaching research

Social Position

Member, Chinese Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology Council

Member, Chinese Chemical Society

Member of International Editorial Board of Food Agricultural Immunology (IF:1.548)

Editorial Advisory Board member of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (IF:3.154)

Dynamic activity


Research field

1) Rational design and synthesis Chemical contaminant hapten, investigation the relationship between hapten characterization and generation of antibody in host animal.

2) Production of biotical recognition macromolecule to small molecule, mainly antibody and also recombinantantibody, receptor, aptamer, peptide, etc.;

3) Molecular Interaction of hapten and antibody and in vitro evoluation of antibody performance by both in silicon and experimental techniques, such as directed mutation.

4) Development of novelimmunochemical methods and prodcuts based one new materials such as Fluorescent Polarization Immunoassay (FPIA), Immunochromatographic Assay (ICA).

Open Course


一、主持的课题Primary investigator

1.Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation, Development of the dual fluorescence polarization immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of sulfonamides and their potentiators residues in milk, 2018-20206182019, Primary investigator

北京市自然科学基金,二元荧光偏振免疫分析的构建及其在同步检测牛奶中磺胺类药物和磺胺增效剂的应用, 20万,2018-2020,批准号:6182019,主持

2.Beijing science and technology commission, Antibody production for important acute food poisoning factors. 2017-2019, Primary investigator


3.National Natural Science Foundation-Outstanding Youth Foundation, Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology, 2017-2019; (31622057), Primary investigator


4.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grant “Production, molecular recognition mechnism of protein DHPS and bioassay for sulfonamides ”, 2014-2017; (31372475), Primary investigator


5.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grant “ 藻毒素多目标广谱特异性免疫分析分子识别基础”, 2014-2017(U1301214)Primary investigator


6.Trans-Century Training Programme Foundation for Talents by the Ministry of Education“multi-label fluorescence polarization immunoassay for veterinary drugs residues“ 2013-2015;(NCET-12–0529), Primary investigator


7.Project of Key Laboratory of Detection Technology for Animal-Derived Food Safety, 2015-2016,Z151100001615003, Primary investigator


8.Project of Key Laboratory of Detection Technology for Animal-Derived Food Safety“multiresidue detection of sulfonamides in food of animal origin based on Dihydropteroate Synthase“, 2013-2014; (Z141105004414085) Primary investigator


9.Project of Laboratory For Food Quality and Safety “Techniques and product of veterinary drugs detection”, 2013-2016, Primary investigator


10.Special projects of national science and technology cooperation Belgium-ChinaMycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi in China: analytical tools, dietary exposure and Fusarium diversity“, 2012-2014,2012DFG31840),co-investigator


11.National Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 12th Five-Year Plan PeriodIntegration and application of testing technology in the production process of dairy production


12.Special projects of national science and technology cooperation (China-Russia)““2011DFR30470


13.National High Technology Research and Development Program 863


14. National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) 






18.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grant “Information -rich Immunoassay for Tetracycline Aided by Molecular Modeling”, 2010-2012; (30901086), Primary investigator


19.China Agricultural University grant “Fluorescence polarisation immunoassay for sulphonamides in animal origin food”, 2008-2009(2007024), Primary investigator


20.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grant “Fluorescence polarisation immunoassay for sulphonamides in biological samples”, 2004-2009; (30471305)Coordinator



  1. Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest Control Technology for Veterinary Drug      Residues and Drug Resistance of Animal Source Pathogens” 2012-2016,


  1. 北京国际科技合作基地能力提升项目“有害化合物风险评估北京市国际科技合作基地能力提升”(Z121105002412026),20万元,2012-2013主要参加人(联系人)

  2. Germany-China Joint Project “Antibody      fusion-based protection of plants and plant-derived products against      aflatoxins and aflatoxin-producing fungi”, 2009-2012; (2009DFA32330),      Coordinator


  1. 公益性行业科研专项“双打”专项项目子课题“动物源食品中苯乙醇胺A等非法添加物的快速检测技术研究及应用”(2012104003-5),102万,2012-2014主要参加人(第二)

  2. State Key Program of National Natural Science of China (NSFC) grant      ” Immunoassay for Veterinary Drug Multi-residue based on      Broad-specificity Antibodies ” 2009-2012; (No.30830082), Coordinator


  1. Beijing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Fund      “Immunoassay for Multiresidue of Sulfonamides and Fluoroquinolones”,      2009-2011; (YB20081001902), Coordinator


  1. National      Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period “Research in Safety Evaluation      Technology Bacteria Resistance      Induced by Antibiotic”, 2006-2008; (No. 2006BAK02A03); Coordinator


  1. National      Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period “Isolation and Safety Assessment of New Veterinary Drugs”,      2007-2010; (No. 2006BAD31B09), Coordinator


  1. 教育部创新团队项目,动物源性食品安全检测与控制技术(IRT0866),2009-2011300万元

  2. China-Russian grant “The      investigation of antigen and antibody interaction for veterinary drug      Avermectins and Sulphonamides and development of new immunoassay for      environmental monitoring”, 2004-2005; (RFBR-GFEN 03-03-39004)




The software works Patent


National Natural Science Foundation--Outstanding Youth Foundation, 2016

Second Class Prizes of National award for technological invention, 2015

First Class Prize of China Agricultural Science and Technology Award, 2013

Winner of Education Ministry's New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Plan, 2012

National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award nomination, 2009

Beijing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation 2008


Enrollment in previous years Application intention

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